42 rText = OUString::number(
nFrom) +
":" + OUString::number(
49 assert(SfxPoolItem::operator==(rItem));
Base class for providers of defaults of SfxPoolItems.
virtual bool operator==(const SfxPoolItem &) const override
SfxRangeItem(sal_uInt16 nWID, sal_uInt16 nFrom, sal_uInt16 nTo)
virtual SfxRangeItem * Clone(SfxItemPool *pPool=nullptr) const override
virtual bool GetPresentation(SfxItemPresentation ePres, MapUnit eCoreMetric, MapUnit ePresMetric, OUString &rText, const IntlWrapper &) const override
This virtual method allows to get a textual representation of the value for the SfxPoolItem subclasse...