LibreOffice Module onlineupdate (master) 1
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NmozillaCompares two VersionParts
 CAddLvalueReferenceAddLvalueReference adds an lvalue & reference to T if one isn't already present
 CAddRvalueReferenceAddRvalueReference adds an rvalue && reference to T if one isn't already present
 CConditionalConditional selects a class between two, depending on a given boolean value
 CConditional< false, A, B >
 CEnableIfEnableIf is a struct containing a typedef of T if and only if B is true
 CEnableIf< true, T >
 CIntegralConstantHelper class used as a base for various type traits, exposed publicly because <type_traits> exposes it as well
 CIsArithmeticIsArithmetic determines whether a type is arithmetic
 CIsArrayIsArray determines whether a type is an array type, of known or unknown length
 CIsClassIsClass determines whether a type is a class type (but not a union)
 CIsConstIsConst determines whether a type is const or not
 CIsConst< const T >
 CIsConvertibleIsConvertible determines whether a value of type From will implicitly convert to a value of type To
 CIsConvertible< A, void >
 CIsConvertible< void, B >
 CIsConvertible< void, void >
 CIsEmptyIsEmpty determines whether a type is a class (but not a union) that is empty
 CIsEnumIsEnum determines whether a type is an enum type
 CIsFloatingPointIsFloatingPoint determines whether a type is a floating point type (float, double, long double)
 CIsIntegralIsIntegral determines whether a type is an integral type
 CIsLvalueReferenceIsLvalueReference determines whether a type is an lvalue reference
 CIsLvalueReference< T & >
 CIsPodTraits class for identifying POD types
 CIsPod< bool >
 CIsPod< char >
 CIsPod< double >
 CIsPod< float >
 CIsPod< int >
 CIsPod< long >
 CIsPod< long long >
 CIsPod< short >
 CIsPod< signed char >
 CIsPod< T * >
 CIsPod< unsigned char >
 CIsPod< unsigned int >
 CIsPod< unsigned long >
 CIsPod< unsigned long long >
 CIsPod< unsigned short >
 CIsPod< wchar_t >
 CIsPointerIsPointer determines whether a type is a possibly-CV-qualified pointer type (but not a pointer-to-member type)
 CIsReferenceIsReference determines whether a type is an lvalue or rvalue reference
 CIsRvalueReferenceIsRvalueReference determines whether a type is an rvalue reference
 CIsRvalueReference< T && >
 CIsSameIsSame tests whether two types are the same type
 CIsSame< T, T >
 CIsSignedIsSigned determines whether a type is a signed arithmetic type
 CIsUnsignedIsUnsigned determines whether a type is an unsigned arithmetic type
 CIsVoidIsVoid determines whether a type is void
 CIsVolatileIsVolatile determines whether a type is volatile or not
 CIsVolatile< volatile T >
 CMakeSignedMakeSigned produces the corresponding signed integer type for a given integral type T, with the const/volatile qualifiers of T
 CMakeUnsignedMakeUnsigned produces the corresponding unsigned integer type for a given integral type T, with the const/volatile qualifiers of T
 CRemoveConstRemoveConst removes top-level const qualifications on a type
 CRemoveConst< const T >
 CRemoveCVRemoveCV removes top-level const and volatile qualifications on a type
 CRemoveExtentRemoveExtent produces either the type of the elements of the array T, or T itself
 CRemoveExtent< T[]>
 CRemoveExtent< T[N]>
 CRemovePointerProduces the pointed-to type if a pointer is provided, else returns the input type
 CRemoveReferenceConverts reference types to the underlying types
 CRemoveReference< T & >
 CRemoveReference< T && >
 CRemoveVolatileRemoveVolatile removes top-level volatile qualifications on a type
 CRemoveVolatile< volatile T >
 CMarItem_The MAR item data structure