LibreOffice Module i18npool (master) 1
Classes | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
i18npool Namespace Reference

Constant values shared between i18npool and, for example, the number formatter. More...


class  BreakIterator_CJK
class  BreakIterator_ja
class  BreakIterator_ko
class  BreakIterator_th
class  BreakIterator_Unicode
class  BreakIterator_zh
class  BreakIterator_zh_TW
class  BreakIteratorImpl
class  Calendar_buddhist
class  Calendar_dangi
class  Calendar_gengou
class  Calendar_gregorian
class  Calendar_hanja
class  Calendar_hanja_yoil
class  Calendar_hijri
class  Calendar_jewish
class  Calendar_ROC
class  CalendarImpl
class  cclass_Unicode
class  ChapterCollator
class  CharacterClassificationImpl
class  Collator_Unicode
class  CollatorImpl
class  DefaultNumberingProvider
struct  Era
class  halfwidthToFullwidth
struct  Hangul_Index
class  ignoreDiacritics_CTL
class  Index
class  IndexEntrySupplier
class  IndexEntrySupplier_asian
class  IndexEntrySupplier_Common
class  IndexEntrySupplier_ja_phonetic
class  IndexEntrySupplier_Unicode
struct  IndexKey
class  IndexTable
class  InputSequenceChecker_hi
class  InputSequenceChecker_th
class  InputSequenceCheckerImpl
class  LocaleDataImpl
struct  LocaleDataLookupTableItem
class  NativeNumberSupplierService
class  OrdinalSuffixService
struct  Supported_NumberingType
class  TextConversion_ko
class  TextConversion_zh
class  TextConversionImpl
class  TextConversionService
class  TextToPronounce_zh
class  Transliteration_body
class  Transliteration_caseignore
class  Transliteration_casemapping
class  transliteration_commonclass
class  transliteration_Ignore
class  Transliteration_l2u
class  transliteration_Numeric
class  transliteration_OneToOne
class  Transliteration_sentencecase
class  Transliteration_titlecase
class  Transliteration_togglecase
class  Transliteration_u2l
class  TransliterationImpl
struct  WordBreakCache
class  xdictionary
struct  xdictionarydata


typedef sal_Unicode(* TransFunc) (const sal_Unicode)


static sal_uInt16 getCombState (const sal_Unicode *text, sal_Int32 pos)
static sal_Int32 getACell (const sal_Unicode *text, sal_Int32 pos, sal_Int32 len)
static sal_Int32 skipSpace (std::u16string_view Text, sal_Int32 nPos, sal_Int32 len, sal_Int16 rWordType, bool bDirection)
static bool isCJK (const Locale &rLocale)
static sal_Int32 iterateCodePoints (const OUString &Text, sal_Int32 &nStartPos, sal_Int32 inc, sal_uInt32 &ch)
 Increments/decrements position first, then obtains character. More...
static void thisModule ()
static sal_Int16 JapaneseCharType (sal_Unicode c)
static sal_Int16 cast32To16 (sal_Int32 a)
static sal_Int32 cast16To32 (sal_Int16 i)
static UCalendarDateFields fieldNameConverter (sal_Int16 fieldIndex)
static sal_Int16 NatNumForCalendar (const css::lang::Locale &aLocale, sal_Int32 nCalendarDisplayCode, sal_Int16 nNativeNumberMode, sal_Int32 value)
static sal_Int32 DisplayCode2FieldIndex (sal_Int32 nCalendarDisplayCode)
static bool HebrewLeapYear (sal_Int32 year)
static sal_Int32 LastMonthOfHebrewYear (sal_Int32 year)
static sal_Int32 HebrewCalendarElapsedDays (sal_Int32 year)
static sal_Int32 DaysInHebrewYear (sal_Int32 year)
static bool LongHeshvan (sal_Int32 year)
static bool ShortKislev (sal_Int32 year)
static sal_Int32 LastDayOfHebrewMonth (sal_Int32 month, sal_Int32 year)
static int LastDayOfGregorianMonth (int month, int year)
static void thisModule ()
static OUString toRoman (sal_Int32 n)
static void lcl_formatChars (const sal_Unicode table[], int tableSize, int n, OUString &s)
static void lcl_formatChars1 (const sal_Unicode table[], int tableSize, int n, OUString &s)
static void lcl_formatChars2 (const sal_Unicode table_capital[], const sal_Unicode table_small[], int tableSize, int n, OUString &s)
static void lcl_formatChars3 (const sal_Unicode table_capital[], const sal_Unicode table_small[], int tableSize, int n, OUString &s)
static void lcl_formatPersianWord (sal_Int32 nNumber, OUString &rsResult)
 Returns number's representation in persian words up to 999999999999 respectively limited by sal_Int32 >=0. More...
static void lcl_formatKoreanLegalWord (sal_Int32 nNumber, OUString &rsResult)
static OUString gr_smallNum (const sal_Unicode table[], int n)
static void lcl_formatCharsGR (const sal_Unicode table[], int n, OUString &s)
static bool should_ignore (std::u16string_view s)
static OUString lcl_formatArabicZero (sal_Int32 nNumber, sal_Int32 nLimit)
 Turn nNumber into a string and pad the result to nLimit by inserting zero characters at the start. More...
static Any getPropertyByName (const Sequence< beans::PropertyValue > &aProperties, const char *name)
static void thisModule ()
static constexpr sal_uInt16 getCharType (sal_Unicode x)
static bool check (sal_Unicode ch1, sal_Unicode ch2, sal_Int16 inputCheckMode)
static void thisModule ()
static OUString getHebrewNativeNumberString (const OUString &aNumberString, bool useGeresh)
static OUString getCyrillicNativeNumberString (const OUString &aNumberString)
static OUString AsciiToNativeChar (const OUString &inStr, sal_Int32 nCount, Sequence< sal_Int32 > *pOffset, sal_Int16 number)
static bool AsciiToNative_numberMaker (const sal_Unicode *str, sal_Int32 begin, sal_Int32 len, sal_Unicode *dst, sal_Int32 &count, sal_Int16 multiChar_index, Sequence< sal_Int32 > *pOffset, sal_Int32 startPos, const Number *number, const sal_Unicode *numberChar)
static OUString AsciiToNative (const OUString &inStr, sal_Int32 nCount, Sequence< sal_Int32 > *pOffset, const Number *number)
static bool natNumIn (sal_Int16 num, const sal_Int16 natnum[], sal_Int16 len)
static void makeHebrewNumber (sal_Int64 value, OUStringBuffer &output, bool isLast, bool useGeresh)
static void makeCyrillicNumber (sal_Int64 value, OUStringBuffer &output, bool addTitlo)
static void thisModule ()
static void * nullFunc ()
static sal_Int16 checkScriptType (sal_Unicode c)
static Sequence< OUString > & operator+= (Sequence< OUString > &rSeq1, const Sequence< OUString > &rSeq2)
static sal_Unicode getOneCharConversion (sal_Unicode ch, const sal_Unicode *Data, const sal_uInt16 *Index)
static sal_Unicode toKatakana (const sal_Unicode c)
static sal_Unicode ignoreKashida_CTL_translator (const sal_Unicode c)
static sal_Unicode ignoreMiddleDot_ja_JP_translator (const sal_Unicode c)
static sal_Unicode ignoreMinusSign_ja_JP_translator (const sal_Unicode c)
static sal_Unicode ignoreTraditionalKana_ja_JP_translator (const sal_Unicode c)
static sal_Unicode ignoreZiZu_ja_JP_translator (const sal_Unicode c)
static sal_Unicode toHiragana (const sal_Unicode c)
static void thisModule ()
static MappingType lcl_getMappingTypeForToggleCase (MappingType nMappingType, sal_Unicode cChar)
static OUString transliterate_titlecase_Impl (std::u16string_view inStr, sal_Int32 startPos, sal_Int32 nCount, const Locale &rLocale, Sequence< sal_Int32 > *pOffset)
static TransliterationModules operator& (TransliterationModules lhs, TransliterationModules rhs)
static TransliterationModules operator| (TransliterationModules lhs, TransliterationModules rhs)
 INDEXENTRYSUPPLIER_JA_PHONETIC (ja_phonetic_alphanumeric_first_by_syllable, " (alphanumeric first) (grouped by syllable)") INDEXENTRYSUPPLIER_JA_PHONETIC(ja_phonetic_alphanumeric_first_by_consonant
 descriptions formed by concatenating strings here must match names in .component file More...
alphanumeric first (grouped by consonant)" ) INDEXENTRYSUPPLIER_JA_PHONETIC( ja_phonetic_alphanumeric_last_by_syllable
alphanumeric alphanumeric last (grouped by syllable)" ) INDEXENTRYSUPPLIER_JA_PHONETIC( ja_phonetic_alphanumeric_last_by_consonant


const sal_Int16 thaiCompRel [MAX_CT][MAX_CT]
const sal_uInt32 is_ST_COM = (1<<CT_CTRL)|(1<<CT_NON)|(1<<CT_CONS)|(1<<CT_TONE)
static thread_local BreakIterator_Unicode::BIMap theBIMap
const Era gengou_eraArray []
const Era ROC_eraArray []
const Era dangi_eraArray []
 The start year of the Korean traditional calendar (Dan-gi) is the inaugural year of Dan-gun (BC 2333). More...
const Era buddhist_eraArray []
constexpr double SynPeriod = 29.53058868
constexpr double jd1900 = 2415020.75933
constexpr sal_Int32 SynRef = 1252
constexpr sal_Int32 GregRef = 1422
const int HebrewEpoch = -1373429
constexpr OUStringLiteral cChapCollator = u""
constexpr OUStringLiteral implementationName = u""
const sal_Unicode table_Alphabet_ar []
const sal_Unicode table_Alphabet_ar_abjad []
const sal_Unicode table_Alphabet_th []
const sal_Unicode table_Alphabet_he []
const sal_Unicode table_Alphabet_ne []
const sal_Unicode table_Alphabet_km []
const sal_Unicode table_Alphabet_lo []
const sal_Unicode table_Alphabet_dz []
const sal_Unicode table_Alphabet_my []
const sal_Unicode table_CyrillicUpperLetter_bg []
const sal_Unicode table_CyrillicLowerLetter_bg []
const sal_Unicode table_CyrillicUpperLetter_ru []
const sal_Unicode table_CyrillicLowerLetter_ru []
const sal_Unicode table_CyrillicUpperLetter_sr []
const sal_Unicode table_CyrillicLowerLetter_sr []
const sal_Unicode table_CyrillicUpperLetter_uk []
const sal_Unicode table_CyrillicLowerLetter_uk []
const sal_Unicode table_GreekUpperLetter []
const sal_Unicode table_GreekLowerLetter []
const sal_Unicode table_Alphabet_fa []
const sal_Unicode upperLetter []
const sal_Unicode lowerLetter []
const sal_Unicode table_Chicago []
const sal_Unicode table_PersianWord_decade1 [][7]
const sal_Unicode table_PersianWord_decade2 [][6]
const sal_Unicode table_PersianWord_decade3 [][7]
const sal_Unicode table_PersianWord_decadeX [][8]
const sal_Unicode table_KoreanLegalWord_decade1 [][3]
const sal_Unicode table_KoreanLegalWord_decade2 [][3]
const Supported_NumberingType aSupportedTypes []
const sal_Int32 nSupported_NumberingTypes = SAL_N_ELEMENTS(aSupportedTypes)
constexpr OUStringLiteral first = u"phonetic (alphanumeric first)"
constexpr OUStringLiteral last = u"phonetic (alphanumeric last)"
ScriptTypeList const typeList []
const sal_uInt16 devaCT [128]
const sal_uInt16 dev_cell_check [14][14]
bool const DEV_Composible [2][2]
char const TAC_celltype_inputcheck [17][17]
bool const TAC_Composible [3][5]
const sal_Int16 NumberChar_HalfWidth = 0
const sal_Int16 NumberChar_FullWidth = 1
const sal_Int16 NumberChar_Lower_zh = 2
const sal_Int16 NumberChar_Upper_zh = 3
const sal_Int16 NumberChar_Upper_zh_TW = 4
const sal_Int16 NumberChar_Modern_ja = 5
const sal_Int16 NumberChar_Traditional_ja = 6
const sal_Int16 NumberChar_Lower_ko = 7
const sal_Int16 NumberChar_Upper_ko = 8
const sal_Int16 NumberChar_Hangul_ko = 9
const sal_Int16 NumberChar_Indic_ar = 10
const sal_Int16 NumberChar_EastIndic_ar = 11
const sal_Int16 NumberChar_hi = 12
const sal_Int16 NumberChar_th = 13
const sal_Int16 NumberChar_or = 14
const sal_Int16 NumberChar_mr = 15
const sal_Int16 NumberChar_bn = 16
const sal_Int16 NumberChar_pa = 17
const sal_Int16 NumberChar_gu = 18
const sal_Int16 NumberChar_ta = 19
const sal_Int16 NumberChar_te = 20
const sal_Int16 NumberChar_kn = 21
const sal_Int16 NumberChar_ml = 22
const sal_Int16 NumberChar_lo = 23
const sal_Int16 NumberChar_bo = 24
const sal_Int16 NumberChar_my = 25
const sal_Int16 NumberChar_km = 26
const sal_Int16 NumberChar_mn = 27
const sal_Int16 NumberChar_he = 28
const sal_Int16 NumberChar_ne = 29
const sal_Int16 NumberChar_dz = 30
const sal_Int16 NumberChar_cu = 31
const sal_Int16 NumberChar_Count = 32
const sal_Unicode NumberChar [][10]
static sal_Unicode DecimalChar []
const sal_Unicode MinusChar []
static sal_uInt16 SeparatorChar []
const sal_Int16 Multiplier_Lower_zh = 0
const sal_Int16 Multiplier_Upper_zh = 1
const sal_Int16 Multiplier_Lower_zh_TW = 2
const sal_Int16 Multiplier_Upper_zh_TW = 3
const sal_Int16 Multiplier_Lower_ko = 4
const sal_Int16 Multiplier_Upper_ko = 5
const sal_Int16 Multiplier_Hangul_ko = 6
const sal_Int16 Multiplier_Modern_ja = 7
const sal_Int16 Multiplier_Traditional_ja = 8
const sal_Int16 Multiplier_Count = 9
const sal_Int16 ExponentCount_6_CJK = 6
const sal_Int16 MultiplierExponent_6_CJK [ExponentCount_6_CJK]
const sal_Unicode MultiplierChar_6_CJK [][ExponentCount_6_CJK]
const sal_Int16 ExponentCount_2_CJK = 2
const sal_Int16 MultiplierExponent_2_CJK [ExponentCount_2_CJK]
const sal_Unicode MultiplierChar_2_CJK [][ExponentCount_2_CJK]
const sal_Int16 ExponentCount_7_CJK = 7
const sal_Int16 MultiplierExponent_7_CJK [ExponentCount_7_CJK]
const sal_Unicode MultiplierChar_7_CJK [][ExponentCount_7_CJK]
HebrewNumberChar const HebrewNumberCharArray []
const sal_Unicode thousand [] = {0x05d0, 0x05dc, 0x05e3, 0x0}
const sal_Unicode thousands [] = {0x05d0, 0x05dc, 0x05e4, 0x05d9, 0x0}
const sal_Unicode thousands_last [] = {0x05d0, 0x05dc, 0x05e4, 0x05d9, 0x05dd, 0x0}
const sal_Unicode geresh = 0x05f3
const sal_Unicode gershayim = 0x05f4
const sal_Unicode cyrillicThousandsMark = 0x0482
const sal_Unicode cyrillicTitlo = 0x0483
const sal_Unicode cyrillicTen = 0x0456
CyrillicNumberChar const CyrillicNumberCharArray []
constexpr OUStringLiteral cOrdinalSuffix = u""
const transliteration_Ignore::Mapping BaFa []
const transliteration_Ignore::Mapping HyuByu []
i18nutil::OneToOneMappingTable_t const IandE []
i18nutil::OneToOneMappingTable_t const ignoreIterationMark_ja_JP_mappingTable []
const sal_Unicode table_normalwidth []
const sal_Unicode table_halfwidth []
i18nutil::OneToOneMappingTable_t const ignoreSeparatorTable []
const transliteration_Ignore::Mapping SeZe []
i18nutil::OneToOneMappingTable_t const ignoreSpace_ja_JP_mappingTable []
const transliteration_Ignore::Mapping TiJi []
i18nutil::OneToOneMappingTable_t const traditionalKanji2updateKanji []
i18nutil::OneToOneMappingTable_t const large2small []
i18nutil::OneToOneMappingTable_t const small2large []
TMList const TMlist []
const sal_Unicode table_AIUFullWidth_ja_JP []
const sal_Unicode table_AIUHalfWidth_ja_JP []
const sal_Unicode table_IROHAFullWidth_ja_JP []
const sal_Unicode table_IROHAHalfWidth_ja_JP []
const sal_Unicode table_CircledNumber []
const sal_Unicode table_HangulJamo_ko []
const sal_Unicode table_HangulSyllable_ko []
const sal_Unicode table_HangulCircledJamo_ko []
const sal_Unicode table_HangulCircledSyllable_ko []
const sal_Unicode table_TianGan_zh []
const sal_Unicode table_DiZi_zh []
const sal_uInt8 kDisplayEraForcedLongYear = 0x01
const sal_Int16 FIELD_INDEX_COUNT = css::i18n::CalendarFieldIndex::FIELD_COUNT2
const sal_uInt16 thaiCT [128]
constexpr sal_Int16 nStopPredefinedFormatIndex = 51
 The number of predefined format code indices that must be defined by locale data, except BOOLEAN and TEXT, exclusive. More...
constexpr sal_Int16 nFirstFreeFormatIndex = 66
 The number of reserved (with defined meaning) built-in format code indices, additional locale data format codes can be defined starting at this index value. More...

Detailed Description

Constant values shared between i18npool and, for example, the number formatter.

Typedef Documentation

◆ TransFunc

typedef sal_Unicode(* i18npool::TransFunc) (const sal_Unicode)

Definition at line 27 of file transliteration_OneToOne.hxx.

Function Documentation

◆ AsciiToNative()

static OUString i18npool::AsciiToNative ( const OUString &  inStr,
sal_Int32  nCount,
Sequence< sal_Int32 > *  pOffset,
const Number *  number 

◆ AsciiToNative_numberMaker()

static bool i18npool::AsciiToNative_numberMaker ( const sal_Unicode str,
sal_Int32  begin,
sal_Int32  len,
sal_Unicode dst,
sal_Int32 &  count,
sal_Int16  multiChar_index,
Sequence< sal_Int32 > *  pOffset,
sal_Int32  startPos,
const Number *  number,
const sal_Unicode numberChar 

◆ AsciiToNativeChar()

static OUString i18npool::AsciiToNativeChar ( const OUString &  inStr,
sal_Int32  nCount,
Sequence< sal_Int32 > *  pOffset,
sal_Int16  number 

◆ cast16To32()

static sal_Int32 i18npool::cast16To32 ( sal_Int16  i)

◆ cast32To16()

static sal_Int16 i18npool::cast32To16 ( sal_Int32  a)

◆ check()

static bool i18npool::check ( sal_Unicode  ch1,
sal_Unicode  ch2,
sal_Int16  inputCheckMode 

◆ checkScriptType()

static sal_Int16 i18npool::checkScriptType ( sal_Unicode  c)

◆ DaysInHebrewYear()

static sal_Int32 i18npool::DaysInHebrewYear ( sal_Int32  year)

Definition at line 101 of file calendar_jewish.cxx.

References HebrewCalendarElapsedDays(), and year.

Referenced by LongHeshvan(), and ShortKislev().

◆ DisplayCode2FieldIndex()

static sal_Int32 i18npool::DisplayCode2FieldIndex ( sal_Int32  nCalendarDisplayCode)

◆ fieldNameConverter()

static UCalendarDateFields i18npool::fieldNameConverter ( sal_Int16  fieldIndex)

◆ first()

alphanumeric i18npool::first ( grouped by  consonant)

◆ getACell()

static sal_Int32 i18npool::getACell ( const sal_Unicode text,
sal_Int32  pos,
sal_Int32  len 

Definition at line 183 of file breakiterator_th.cxx.

References getCombState(), pos, ST_COM, and text().

Referenced by i18npool::BreakIterator_th::makeIndex().

◆ getCharType()

static constexpr sal_uInt16 i18npool::getCharType ( sal_Unicode  x)

◆ getCombState()

static sal_uInt16 i18npool::getCombState ( const sal_Unicode text,
sal_Int32  pos 

Definition at line 167 of file breakiterator_th.cxx.

References CT_AD1, getCharType(), is_ST_COM, pos, SARA_AM, ST_COM, text(), and thaiCompRel.

Referenced by getACell().

◆ getCyrillicNativeNumberString()

OUString i18npool::getCyrillicNativeNumberString ( const OUString &  aNumberString)

◆ getHebrewNativeNumberString()

OUString i18npool::getHebrewNativeNumberString ( const OUString &  aNumberString,
bool  useGeresh 

Definition at line 1088 of file nativenumbersupplier.cxx.

References ch, count, i, isMinus, isNumber, isSeparator, makeHebrewNumber(), NUMBER_ZERO, and value.

◆ getOneCharConversion()

static sal_Unicode i18npool::getOneCharConversion ( sal_Unicode  ch,
const sal_Unicode Data,
const sal_uInt16 *  Index 

◆ getPropertyByName()

static Any i18npool::getPropertyByName ( const Sequence< beans::PropertyValue > &  aProperties,
const char *  name 

◆ gr_smallNum()

static OUString i18npool::gr_smallNum ( const sal_Unicode  table[],
int  n 

Definition at line 541 of file defaultnumberingprovider.cxx.

References i, LEFT_KERAIA, n, SIGMA_OFFSET, STIGMA, table, TAU_OFFSET, and v.

Referenced by lcl_formatCharsGR().

◆ HebrewCalendarElapsedDays()

static sal_Int32 i18npool::HebrewCalendarElapsedDays ( sal_Int32  year)

Definition at line 66 of file calendar_jewish.cxx.

References HebrewLeapYear(), and year.

Referenced by DaysInHebrewYear().

◆ HebrewLeapYear()

static bool i18npool::HebrewLeapYear ( sal_Int32  year)

Definition at line 55 of file calendar_jewish.cxx.

References year.

Referenced by HebrewCalendarElapsedDays(), LastDayOfHebrewMonth(), and LastMonthOfHebrewYear().

◆ ignoreKashida_CTL_translator()

static sal_Unicode i18npool::ignoreKashida_CTL_translator ( const sal_Unicode  c)

Definition at line 14 of file ignoreKashida_CTL.cxx.

◆ ignoreMiddleDot_ja_JP_translator()

static sal_Unicode i18npool::ignoreMiddleDot_ja_JP_translator ( const sal_Unicode  c)

Definition at line 24 of file ignoreMiddleDot_ja_JP.cxx.

◆ ignoreMinusSign_ja_JP_translator()

static sal_Unicode i18npool::ignoreMinusSign_ja_JP_translator ( const sal_Unicode  c)

Definition at line 24 of file ignoreMinusSign_ja_JP.cxx.

◆ ignoreTraditionalKana_ja_JP_translator()

static sal_Unicode i18npool::ignoreTraditionalKana_ja_JP_translator ( const sal_Unicode  c)

Definition at line 24 of file ignoreTraditionalKana_ja_JP.cxx.

◆ ignoreZiZu_ja_JP_translator()

static sal_Unicode i18npool::ignoreZiZu_ja_JP_translator ( const sal_Unicode  c)

Definition at line 24 of file ignoreZiZu_ja_JP.cxx.


i18npool::INDEXENTRYSUPPLIER_JA_PHONETIC ( ja_phonetic_alphanumeric_first_by_syllable  ,
" (alphanumeric first) (grouped by syllable)"   

descriptions formed by concatenating strings here must match names in .component file

◆ isCJK()

static bool i18npool::isCJK ( const Locale &  rLocale)

Definition at line 165 of file breakiteratorImpl.cxx.

Referenced by i18npool::BreakIteratorImpl::previousWord().

◆ iterateCodePoints()

static sal_Int32 i18npool::iterateCodePoints ( const OUString &  Text,
sal_Int32 &  nStartPos,
sal_Int32  inc,
sal_uInt32 &  ch 

Increments/decrements position first, then obtains character.

current position, may be -1 or text length if string was consumed.

Definition at line 295 of file breakiteratorImpl.cxx.

References ch, iterateCodePoints(), and Text.

◆ JapaneseCharType()

static sal_Int16 i18npool::JapaneseCharType ( sal_Unicode  c)

Definition at line 338 of file xdictionary.cxx.


Referenced by i18npool::xdictionary::getCache().

◆ last()

alphanumeric alphanumeric i18npool::last ( grouped by  syllable)

◆ LastDayOfGregorianMonth()

static int i18npool::LastDayOfGregorianMonth ( int  month,
int  year 

Definition at line 195 of file calendar_jewish.cxx.

References month, and year.

◆ LastDayOfHebrewMonth()

static sal_Int32 i18npool::LastDayOfHebrewMonth ( sal_Int32  month,
sal_Int32  year 

Definition at line 117 of file calendar_jewish.cxx.

References HebrewLeapYear(), LongHeshvan(), month, ShortKislev(), and year.

◆ LastMonthOfHebrewYear()

static sal_Int32 i18npool::LastMonthOfHebrewYear ( sal_Int32  year)

Definition at line 60 of file calendar_jewish.cxx.

References HebrewLeapYear(), and year.

◆ lcl_formatArabicZero()

static OUString i18npool::lcl_formatArabicZero ( sal_Int32  nNumber,
sal_Int32  nLimit 

Turn nNumber into a string and pad the result to nLimit by inserting zero characters at the start.

Definition at line 610 of file defaultnumberingprovider.cxx.

References aBuffer, and i.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ lcl_formatChars()

static void i18npool::lcl_formatChars ( const sal_Unicode  table[],
int  tableSize,
int  n,
OUString &  s 

◆ lcl_formatChars1()

static void i18npool::lcl_formatChars1 ( const sal_Unicode  table[],
int  tableSize,
int  n,
OUString &  s 

Definition at line 412 of file defaultnumberingprovider.cxx.

References i, n, and table.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ lcl_formatChars2()

static void i18npool::lcl_formatChars2 ( const sal_Unicode  table_capital[],
const sal_Unicode  table_small[],
int  tableSize,
int  n,
OUString &  s 

◆ lcl_formatChars3()

static void i18npool::lcl_formatChars3 ( const sal_Unicode  table_capital[],
const sal_Unicode  table_small[],
int  tableSize,
int  n,
OUString &  s 

Definition at line 439 of file defaultnumberingprovider.cxx.

References i, and n.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ lcl_formatCharsGR()

static void i18npool::lcl_formatCharsGR ( const sal_Unicode  table[],
int  n,
OUString &  s 

◆ lcl_formatKoreanLegalWord()

static void i18npool::lcl_formatKoreanLegalWord ( sal_Int32  nNumber,
OUString &  rsResult 

◆ lcl_formatPersianWord()

static void i18npool::lcl_formatPersianWord ( sal_Int32  nNumber,
OUString &  rsResult 

Returns number's representation in persian words up to 999999999999 respectively limited by sal_Int32 >=0.

The caller assures that nNumber is not negative.


Definition at line 460 of file defaultnumberingprovider.cxx.

References SAL_N_ELEMENTS, table_PersianWord_decade1, table_PersianWord_decade2, table_PersianWord_decade3, table_PersianWord_decadeX, and u.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ lcl_getMappingTypeForToggleCase()

static MappingType i18npool::lcl_getMappingTypeForToggleCase ( MappingType  nMappingType,
sal_Unicode  cChar 

◆ LongHeshvan()

static bool i18npool::LongHeshvan ( sal_Int32  year)

Definition at line 107 of file calendar_jewish.cxx.

References DaysInHebrewYear(), and year.

Referenced by LastDayOfHebrewMonth().

◆ makeCyrillicNumber()

static void i18npool::makeCyrillicNumber ( sal_Int64  value,
OUStringBuffer &  output,
bool  addTitlo 

◆ makeHebrewNumber()

static void i18npool::makeHebrewNumber ( sal_Int64  value,
OUStringBuffer &  output,
bool  isLast,
bool  useGeresh 

◆ NatNumForCalendar()

static sal_Int16 i18npool::NatNumForCalendar ( const css::lang::Locale &  aLocale,
sal_Int32  nCalendarDisplayCode,
sal_Int16  nNativeNumberMode,
sal_Int32  value 

Definition at line 686 of file calendar_gregorian.cxx.

References value.

Referenced by i18npool::Calendar_gregorian::getDisplayStringImpl().

◆ natNumIn()

static bool i18npool::natNumIn ( sal_Int16  num,
const sal_Int16  natnum[],
sal_Int16  len 

◆ nullFunc()

static void * i18npool::nullFunc ( )

◆ operator&()

static TransliterationModules i18npool::operator& ( TransliterationModules  lhs,
TransliterationModules  rhs 

Definition at line 201 of file transliterationImpl.cxx.

◆ operator+=()

static Sequence< OUString > & i18npool::operator+= ( Sequence< OUString > &  rSeq1,
const Sequence< OUString > &  rSeq2 

Definition at line 188 of file textconversion_ko.cxx.

References comphelper::combineSequences().

◆ operator|()

static TransliterationModules i18npool::operator| ( TransliterationModules  lhs,
TransliterationModules  rhs 

Definition at line 204 of file transliterationImpl.cxx.

◆ ShortKislev()

static bool i18npool::ShortKislev ( sal_Int32  year)

Definition at line 112 of file calendar_jewish.cxx.

References DaysInHebrewYear(), and year.

Referenced by LastDayOfHebrewMonth().

◆ should_ignore()

static bool i18npool::should_ignore ( std::u16string_view  s)

Definition at line 600 of file defaultnumberingprovider.cxx.

References u.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ skipSpace()

static sal_Int32 i18npool::skipSpace ( std::u16string_view  Text,
sal_Int32  nPos,
sal_Int32  len,
sal_Int16  rWordType,
bool  bDirection 

◆ thisModule() [1/6]

static void i18npool::thisModule ( )

◆ thisModule() [2/6]

static void i18npool::thisModule ( )

Definition at line 136 of file collator_unicode.cxx.

References thisModule().

◆ thisModule() [3/6]

static void i18npool::thisModule ( )

Definition at line 35 of file indexentrysupplier_asian.cxx.

References thisModule().

◆ thisModule() [4/6]

static void i18npool::thisModule ( )

Definition at line 468 of file localedata.cxx.

References thisModule().

◆ thisModule() [5/6]

static void i18npool::thisModule ( )

Definition at line 29 of file textconversion.cxx.

References thisModule().

◆ thisModule() [6/6]

static void i18npool::thisModule ( )

Definition at line 161 of file textToPronounce_zh.cxx.

References thisModule().

◆ toHiragana()

static sal_Unicode i18npool::toHiragana ( const sal_Unicode  c)

Definition at line 26 of file katakanaToHiragana.cxx.

◆ toKatakana()

static sal_Unicode i18npool::toKatakana ( const sal_Unicode  c)

Definition at line 29 of file hiraganaToKatakana.cxx.

◆ toRoman()

static OUString i18npool::toRoman ( sal_Int32  n)

Definition at line 354 of file defaultnumberingprovider.cxx.

References n.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ transliterate_titlecase_Impl()

static OUString i18npool::transliterate_titlecase_Impl ( std::u16string_view  inStr,
sal_Int32  startPos,
sal_Int32  nCount,
const Locale &  rLocale,
Sequence< sal_Int32 > *  pOffset 

Variable Documentation

◆ aSupportedTypes

const Supported_NumberingType i18npool::aSupportedTypes[]

◆ BaFa

const transliteration_Ignore::Mapping i18npool::BaFa[]
Initial value:
= {
{ 0x30F4, 0x30A1, 0x30D0, true },
{ 0x3094, 0x3041, 0x3070, true },
{ 0x30D5, 0x30A1, 0x30CF, true },
{ 0x3075, 0x3041, 0x306F, true },
{ 0, 0, 0, true }

Definition at line 26 of file ignoreBaFa_ja_JP.cxx.

◆ buddhist_eraArray

const Era i18npool::buddhist_eraArray[]
Initial value:
= {
{-542, 1, 1, 0},
{0, 0, 0, 0}

Definition at line 275 of file calendar_gregorian.cxx.

◆ cChapCollator

constexpr OUStringLiteral i18npool::cChapCollator = u""

◆ cOrdinalSuffix

constexpr OUStringLiteral i18npool::cOrdinalSuffix = u""

◆ CyrillicNumberCharArray

CyrillicNumberChar const i18npool::CyrillicNumberCharArray[]
Initial value:
= {
{ 0x0446, 900 },
{ 0x047f, 800 },
{ 0x0471, 700 },
{ 0x0445, 600 },
{ 0x0444, 500 },
{ 0x0443, 400 },
{ 0x0442, 300 },
{ 0x0441, 200 },
{ 0x0440, 100 },
{ 0x0447, 90 },
{ 0x043f, 80 },
{ 0x047b, 70 },
{ 0x046f, 60 },
{ 0x043d, 50 },
{ 0x043c, 40 },
{ 0x043b, 30 },
{ 0x043a, 20 },
{ 0x0456, 10 },
{ 0x0473, 9 },
{ 0x0438, 8 },
{ 0x0437, 7 },
{ 0x0455, 6 },
{ 0x0454, 5 },
{ 0x0434, 4 },
{ 0x0433, 3 },
{ 0x0432, 2 },
{ 0x0430, 1 }

Definition at line 1137 of file nativenumbersupplier.cxx.

Referenced by makeCyrillicNumber().

◆ cyrillicTen

const sal_Unicode i18npool::cyrillicTen = 0x0456

Definition at line 1126 of file nativenumbersupplier.cxx.

Referenced by makeCyrillicNumber().

◆ cyrillicThousandsMark

const sal_Unicode i18npool::cyrillicThousandsMark = 0x0482

Definition at line 1124 of file nativenumbersupplier.cxx.

Referenced by makeCyrillicNumber().

◆ cyrillicTitlo

const sal_Unicode i18npool::cyrillicTitlo = 0x0483

Definition at line 1125 of file nativenumbersupplier.cxx.

Referenced by makeCyrillicNumber().

◆ dangi_eraArray

const Era i18npool::dangi_eraArray[]
Initial value:
= {
{-2332, 1, 1, 0},
{0, 0, 0, 0}

The start year of the Korean traditional calendar (Dan-gi) is the inaugural year of Dan-gun (BC 2333).

Definition at line 266 of file calendar_gregorian.cxx.

◆ DecimalChar

sal_Unicode i18npool::DecimalChar[]

Definition at line 97 of file numberchar.h.

Referenced by AsciiToNative(), and AsciiToNativeChar().

◆ dev_cell_check

const sal_uInt16 i18npool::dev_cell_check[14][14]
Initial value:
= {
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }

Definition at line 81 of file inputsequencechecker_hi.cxx.

Referenced by i18npool::InputSequenceChecker_hi::checkInputSequence().

◆ DEV_Composible

bool const i18npool::DEV_Composible[2][2]
Initial value:
= {
{true, true },
{false, true}

Definition at line 99 of file inputsequencechecker_hi.cxx.

Referenced by i18npool::InputSequenceChecker_hi::checkInputSequence().

◆ devaCT

const sal_uInt16 i18npool::devaCT[128]
Initial value:
= {
ND_, UP_, UP_, NP_, ND_, IV_, IV_, IV_,
IV_, IV_, IV_, IV_, IV_, IV_, IV_, IV_,
IV_, IV_, IV_, IV_, IV_, CK_, CK_, CK_,
CN_, CN_, CN_, CN_, CK_, CN_, CN_, CN_,
CN_, CK_, CK_, CN_, CN_, CN_, CN_, CN_,
CN_, CN_, CN_, CK_, CN_, CN_, CN_, CN_,
RC_, CN_, CN_, CN_, CN_, CN_, CN_, CN_,
CN_, CN_, ND_, ND_, NK_, VD_, NM_, IM_,
RM_, NM_, NM_, NM_, NM_, RM_, RM_, RM_,
RM_, RM_, RM_, RM_, RM_, HL_, ND_, ND_,
ND_, VD_, VD_, VD_, VD_, ND_, ND_, ND_,
CN_, CN_, CN_, CN_, CN_, CN_, CN_, CN_,
IV_, IV_, NM_, NM_, ND_, ND_, HD_, HD_,
HD_, HD_, HD_, HD_, HD_, HD_, HD_, HD_,
ND_, ND_, ND_, ND_, ND_, ND_, ND_, ND_,
ND_, ND_, ND_, ND_, ND_, ND_, ND_, ND_,
#define NM_
#define UP_
#define VD_
#define CN_
#define CK_
#define IV_
#define RM_
#define ND_
#define NK_
#define HD_
#define RC_
#define IM_
#define HL_
#define NP_

Definition at line 57 of file inputsequencechecker_hi.cxx.

Referenced by getCharType().

◆ ExponentCount_2_CJK

const sal_Int16 i18npool::ExponentCount_2_CJK = 2

Definition at line 238 of file numberchar.h.

◆ ExponentCount_6_CJK

const sal_Int16 i18npool::ExponentCount_6_CJK = 6

Definition at line 221 of file numberchar.h.

◆ ExponentCount_7_CJK

const sal_Int16 i18npool::ExponentCount_7_CJK = 7

Definition at line 256 of file numberchar.h.


const sal_Int16 i18npool::FIELD_INDEX_COUNT = css::i18n::CalendarFieldIndex::FIELD_COUNT2

◆ first

constexpr OUStringLiteral i18npool::first = u"phonetic (alphanumeric first)"

◆ gengou_eraArray

const Era i18npool::gengou_eraArray[]
Initial value:
= {
{1868, 1, 1, 0},
{1912, 7, 30, 0},
{1926, 12, 25, 0},
{1989, 1, 8, 0},
{2019, 5, 1, 0},
{0, 0, 0, 0}

Definition at line 240 of file calendar_gregorian.cxx.

Referenced by i18npool::Calendar_gregorian::getDisplayStringImpl().

◆ geresh

const sal_Unicode i18npool::geresh = 0x05f3

Definition at line 1052 of file nativenumbersupplier.cxx.

Referenced by makeHebrewNumber().

◆ gershayim

const sal_Unicode i18npool::gershayim = 0x05f4

Definition at line 1053 of file nativenumbersupplier.cxx.

Referenced by makeHebrewNumber().

◆ GregRef

constexpr sal_Int32 i18npool::GregRef = 1422

◆ HebrewEpoch

const int i18npool::HebrewEpoch = -1373429

Definition at line 52 of file calendar_jewish.cxx.

◆ HebrewNumberCharArray

HebrewNumberChar const i18npool::HebrewNumberCharArray[]
Initial value:
= {
{ 0x05ea, 400 },
{ 0x05ea, 400 },
{ 0x05e9, 300 },
{ 0x05e8, 200 },
{ 0x05e7, 100 },
{ 0x05e6, 90 },
{ 0x05e4, 80 },
{ 0x05e2, 70 },
{ 0x05e1, 60 },
{ 0x05e0, 50 },
{ 0x05de, 40 },
{ 0x05dc, 30 },
{ 0x05db, 20 },
{ 0x05d9, 10 },
{ 0x05d8, 9 },
{ 0x05d7, 8 },
{ 0x05d6, 7 },
{ 0x05d5, 6 },
{ 0x05d4, 5 },
{ 0x05d3, 4 },
{ 0x05d2, 3 },
{ 0x05d1, 2 },
{ 0x05d0, 1 }

Definition at line 1023 of file nativenumbersupplier.cxx.

Referenced by makeHebrewNumber().

◆ HyuByu

const transliteration_Ignore::Mapping i18npool::HyuByu[]
Initial value:
= {
{ 0x30D5, 0x30E5, 0x30D2, false },
{ 0x3075, 0x3085, 0x3072, false },
{ 0x30F4, 0x30E5, 0x30D3, false },
{ 0x3094, 0x3085, 0x3073, false },
{ 0, 0, 0, false }

Definition at line 27 of file ignoreHyuByu_ja_JP.cxx.

◆ IandE

i18nutil::OneToOneMappingTable_t const i18npool::IandE[]

Definition at line 31 of file ignoreIandEfollowedByYa_ja_JP.cxx.

◆ ignoreIterationMark_ja_JP_mappingTable

i18nutil::OneToOneMappingTable_t const i18npool::ignoreIterationMark_ja_JP_mappingTable[]

Definition at line 32 of file ignoreIterationMark_ja_JP.cxx.

◆ ignoreSeparatorTable

i18nutil::OneToOneMappingTable_t const i18npool::ignoreSeparatorTable[]

Definition at line 25 of file ignoreSeparator_ja_JP.cxx.

◆ ignoreSpace_ja_JP_mappingTable

i18nutil::OneToOneMappingTable_t const i18npool::ignoreSpace_ja_JP_mappingTable[]
Initial value:
= {
{ 0x0020, 0xffff },
{ 0x00A0, 0xffff },
{ 0x2002, 0xffff },
{ 0x2003, 0xffff },
{ 0x2004, 0xffff },
{ 0x2005, 0xffff },
{ 0x2006, 0xffff },
{ 0x2007, 0xffff },
{ 0x2008, 0xffff },
{ 0x2009, 0xffff },
{ 0x200A, 0xffff },
{ 0x200B, 0xffff },
{ 0x202F, 0xffff },
{ 0x3000, 0xffff },
{ 0x303F, 0xffff }

Definition at line 25 of file ignoreSpace_ja_JP.cxx.

◆ implementationName

constexpr OUStringLiteral i18npool::implementationName = u""

◆ is_ST_COM

const sal_uInt32 i18npool::is_ST_COM = (1<<CT_CTRL)|(1<<CT_NON)|(1<<CT_CONS)|(1<<CT_TONE)

Definition at line 165 of file breakiterator_th.cxx.

Referenced by getCombState().

◆ jd1900

constexpr double i18npool::jd1900 = 2415020.75933

◆ kDisplayEraForcedLongYear

const sal_uInt8 i18npool::kDisplayEraForcedLongYear = 0x01

◆ large2small

i18nutil::OneToOneMappingTable_t const i18npool::large2small[]

Definition at line 35 of file largeToSmall_ja_JP.cxx.

◆ last

constexpr OUStringLiteral i18npool::last = u"phonetic (alphanumeric last)"

Definition at line 80 of file indexentrysupplier_ja_phonetic.cxx.

◆ lowerLetter

const sal_Unicode i18npool::lowerLetter[]
Initial value:
= {
0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x64, 0x65, 0x66, 0x67, 0x68, 0x69,
0x6A, 0x6B, 0x6C, 0x6D, 0x6E, 0x6F, 0x70, 0x71, 0x72,
0x73, 0x74, 0x75, 0x76, 0x77, 0x78, 0x79, 0x7A

Definition at line 246 of file defaultnumberingprovider.cxx.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ MinusChar

const sal_Unicode i18npool::MinusChar[]

Definition at line 132 of file numberchar.h.

Referenced by AsciiToNative(), and AsciiToNativeChar().

◆ Multiplier_Count

const sal_Int16 i18npool::Multiplier_Count = 9

Definition at line 219 of file numberchar.h.

◆ Multiplier_Hangul_ko

const sal_Int16 i18npool::Multiplier_Hangul_ko = 6

Definition at line 216 of file numberchar.h.

◆ Multiplier_Lower_ko

const sal_Int16 i18npool::Multiplier_Lower_ko = 4

Definition at line 214 of file numberchar.h.

◆ Multiplier_Lower_zh

const sal_Int16 i18npool::Multiplier_Lower_zh = 0

Definition at line 210 of file numberchar.h.

◆ Multiplier_Lower_zh_TW

const sal_Int16 i18npool::Multiplier_Lower_zh_TW = 2

Definition at line 212 of file numberchar.h.

◆ Multiplier_Modern_ja

const sal_Int16 i18npool::Multiplier_Modern_ja = 7

Definition at line 217 of file numberchar.h.

◆ Multiplier_Traditional_ja

const sal_Int16 i18npool::Multiplier_Traditional_ja = 8

Definition at line 218 of file numberchar.h.

◆ Multiplier_Upper_ko

const sal_Int16 i18npool::Multiplier_Upper_ko = 5

Definition at line 215 of file numberchar.h.

◆ Multiplier_Upper_zh

const sal_Int16 i18npool::Multiplier_Upper_zh = 1

Definition at line 211 of file numberchar.h.

◆ Multiplier_Upper_zh_TW

const sal_Int16 i18npool::Multiplier_Upper_zh_TW = 3

Definition at line 213 of file numberchar.h.

◆ MultiplierChar_2_CJK

const sal_Unicode i18npool::MultiplierChar_2_CJK[][ExponentCount_2_CJK]
Initial value:
= {
{0x4EBF, 0x4E07},
{0x4EBF, 0x4E07},
{0x5104, 0x842C},
{0x5104, 0x842C},
{0x5104, 0x4E07},
{0x5104, 0x842C},
{0xC5B5, 0xB9CC},
{0x5104, 0x4E07},
{0x5104, 0x842C}

Definition at line 244 of file numberchar.h.

◆ MultiplierChar_6_CJK

const sal_Unicode i18npool::MultiplierChar_6_CJK[][ExponentCount_6_CJK]
Initial value:
= {
{0x5146, 0x4EBF, 0x4E07, 0x5343, 0x767E, 0x5341},
{0x5146, 0x4EBF, 0x4E07, 0x4EDF, 0x4F70, 0x62FE},
{0x5146, 0x5104, 0x842C, 0x5343, 0x767E, 0x5341},
{0x5146, 0x5104, 0x842C, 0x4EDF, 0x4F70, 0x62FE},
{0x5146, 0x5104, 0x4E07, 0x5343, 0x767E, 0x5341},
{0x5146, 0x5104, 0x842C, 0x9621, 0x4F70, 0x62FE},
{0xC870, 0xC5B5, 0xB9CC, 0xCC9C, 0xBC31, 0xC2ED},
{0x5146, 0x5104, 0x4E07, 0x5343, 0x767E, 0x5341},
{0x5146, 0x5104, 0x842C, 0x9621, 0x767E, 0x62FE}

Definition at line 226 of file numberchar.h.

◆ MultiplierChar_7_CJK

const sal_Unicode i18npool::MultiplierChar_7_CJK[][ExponentCount_7_CJK]
Initial value:
= {
{0x4EAC, 0x5146, 0x4EBF, 0x4E07, 0x5343, 0x767E, 0x5341},
{0x4EAC, 0x5146, 0x4EBF, 0x4E07, 0x4EDF, 0x4F70, 0x62FE},
{0x4EAC, 0x5146, 0x5104, 0x842C, 0x5343, 0x767E, 0x5341},
{0x4EAC, 0x5146, 0x5104, 0x842C, 0x4EDF, 0x4F70, 0x62FE},
{0x4EAC, 0x5146, 0x5104, 0x4E07, 0x5343, 0x767E, 0x5341},
{0x4EAC, 0x5146, 0x5104, 0x842C, 0x9621, 0x4F70, 0x62FE},
{0x4EAC, 0xC870, 0xC5B5, 0xB9CC, 0xCC9C, 0xBC31, 0xC2ED},
{0x4EAC, 0x5146, 0x5104, 0x4E07, 0x5343, 0x767E, 0x5341},
{0x4EAC, 0x5146, 0x5104, 0x842C, 0x9621, 0x767E, 0x62FE}

Definition at line 261 of file numberchar.h.

◆ MultiplierExponent_2_CJK

const sal_Int16 i18npool::MultiplierExponent_2_CJK[ExponentCount_2_CJK]
Initial value:
= {
8, 4,

Definition at line 240 of file numberchar.h.

◆ MultiplierExponent_6_CJK

const sal_Int16 i18npool::MultiplierExponent_6_CJK[ExponentCount_6_CJK]
Initial value:
= {
12, 8, 4, 3, 2, 1

Definition at line 223 of file numberchar.h.

◆ MultiplierExponent_7_CJK

const sal_Int16 i18npool::MultiplierExponent_7_CJK[ExponentCount_7_CJK]
Initial value:
= {
16, 12, 8, 4, 3, 2, 1

Definition at line 258 of file numberchar.h.

◆ nFirstFreeFormatIndex

constexpr sal_Int16 i18npool::nFirstFreeFormatIndex = 66

The number of reserved (with defined meaning) built-in format code indices, additional locale data format codes can be defined starting at this index value.

This later in the build is static asserted to be greater or equal to NfIndexTableOffset::NF_INDEX_TABLE_ENTRIES

Definition at line 26 of file reservedconstants.hxx.

Referenced by LCFormatNode::generateCode().

◆ nStopPredefinedFormatIndex

constexpr sal_Int16 i18npool::nStopPredefinedFormatIndex = 51

The number of predefined format code indices that must be defined by locale data, except BOOLEAN and TEXT, exclusive.

This later in the build is static asserted to be equal to NfIndexTableOffset::NF_INDEX_TABLE_RESERVED_START.

Definition at line 19 of file reservedconstants.hxx.

Referenced by LCFormatNode::generateCode().

◆ nSupported_NumberingTypes

const sal_Int32 i18npool::nSupported_NumberingTypes = SAL_N_ELEMENTS(aSupportedTypes)

◆ NumberChar

const sal_Unicode i18npool::NumberChar[][10]

◆ NumberChar_bn

const sal_Int16 i18npool::NumberChar_bn = 16

Definition at line 43 of file numberchar.h.

◆ NumberChar_bo

const sal_Int16 i18npool::NumberChar_bo = 24

Definition at line 51 of file numberchar.h.

◆ NumberChar_Count

const sal_Int16 i18npool::NumberChar_Count = 32

◆ NumberChar_cu

const sal_Int16 i18npool::NumberChar_cu = 31

Definition at line 58 of file numberchar.h.

◆ NumberChar_dz

const sal_Int16 i18npool::NumberChar_dz = 30

Definition at line 57 of file numberchar.h.

◆ NumberChar_EastIndic_ar

const sal_Int16 i18npool::NumberChar_EastIndic_ar = 11

Definition at line 38 of file numberchar.h.

◆ NumberChar_FullWidth

const sal_Int16 i18npool::NumberChar_FullWidth = 1

◆ NumberChar_gu

const sal_Int16 i18npool::NumberChar_gu = 18

Definition at line 45 of file numberchar.h.

◆ NumberChar_HalfWidth

const sal_Int16 i18npool::NumberChar_HalfWidth = 0

◆ NumberChar_Hangul_ko

const sal_Int16 i18npool::NumberChar_Hangul_ko = 9

◆ NumberChar_he

const sal_Int16 i18npool::NumberChar_he = 28

◆ NumberChar_hi

const sal_Int16 i18npool::NumberChar_hi = 12

Definition at line 39 of file numberchar.h.

◆ NumberChar_Indic_ar

const sal_Int16 i18npool::NumberChar_Indic_ar = 10

Definition at line 37 of file numberchar.h.

◆ NumberChar_km

const sal_Int16 i18npool::NumberChar_km = 26

Definition at line 53 of file numberchar.h.

◆ NumberChar_kn

const sal_Int16 i18npool::NumberChar_kn = 21

Definition at line 48 of file numberchar.h.

◆ NumberChar_lo

const sal_Int16 i18npool::NumberChar_lo = 23

Definition at line 50 of file numberchar.h.

◆ NumberChar_Lower_ko

const sal_Int16 i18npool::NumberChar_Lower_ko = 7

Definition at line 34 of file numberchar.h.

◆ NumberChar_Lower_zh

const sal_Int16 i18npool::NumberChar_Lower_zh = 2

Definition at line 29 of file numberchar.h.

◆ NumberChar_ml

const sal_Int16 i18npool::NumberChar_ml = 22

Definition at line 49 of file numberchar.h.

◆ NumberChar_mn

const sal_Int16 i18npool::NumberChar_mn = 27

Definition at line 54 of file numberchar.h.

◆ NumberChar_Modern_ja

const sal_Int16 i18npool::NumberChar_Modern_ja = 5

Definition at line 32 of file numberchar.h.

◆ NumberChar_mr

const sal_Int16 i18npool::NumberChar_mr = 15

Definition at line 42 of file numberchar.h.

◆ NumberChar_my

const sal_Int16 i18npool::NumberChar_my = 25

Definition at line 52 of file numberchar.h.

◆ NumberChar_ne

const sal_Int16 i18npool::NumberChar_ne = 29

Definition at line 56 of file numberchar.h.

◆ NumberChar_or

const sal_Int16 i18npool::NumberChar_or = 14

Definition at line 41 of file numberchar.h.

◆ NumberChar_pa

const sal_Int16 i18npool::NumberChar_pa = 17

Definition at line 44 of file numberchar.h.

◆ NumberChar_ta

const sal_Int16 i18npool::NumberChar_ta = 19

Definition at line 46 of file numberchar.h.

◆ NumberChar_te

const sal_Int16 i18npool::NumberChar_te = 20

Definition at line 47 of file numberchar.h.

◆ NumberChar_th

const sal_Int16 i18npool::NumberChar_th = 13

Definition at line 40 of file numberchar.h.

◆ NumberChar_Traditional_ja

const sal_Int16 i18npool::NumberChar_Traditional_ja = 6

Definition at line 33 of file numberchar.h.

◆ NumberChar_Upper_ko

const sal_Int16 i18npool::NumberChar_Upper_ko = 8

Definition at line 35 of file numberchar.h.

◆ NumberChar_Upper_zh

const sal_Int16 i18npool::NumberChar_Upper_zh = 3

Definition at line 30 of file numberchar.h.

◆ NumberChar_Upper_zh_TW

const sal_Int16 i18npool::NumberChar_Upper_zh_TW = 4

Definition at line 31 of file numberchar.h.

◆ ROC_eraArray

const Era i18npool::ROC_eraArray[]
Initial value:
= {
{1912, 1, 1, kDisplayEraForcedLongYear},
{0, 0, 0, 0}
const sal_uInt8 kDisplayEraForcedLongYear

Definition at line 253 of file calendar_gregorian.cxx.

◆ SeparatorChar

sal_uInt16 i18npool::SeparatorChar[]

Definition at line 167 of file numberchar.h.

Referenced by AsciiToNative(), and AsciiToNativeChar().

◆ SeZe

const transliteration_Ignore::Mapping i18npool::SeZe[]
Initial value:
= {
{ 0x30B7, 0x30A7, 0x30BB, true },
{ 0x3057, 0x3047, 0x305B, true },
{ 0x30B8, 0x30A7, 0x30BC, true },
{ 0x3058, 0x3047, 0x305C, true },
{ 0, 0, 0, true }

Definition at line 27 of file ignoreSeZe_ja_JP.cxx.

◆ small2large

i18nutil::OneToOneMappingTable_t const i18npool::small2large[]

Definition at line 35 of file smallToLarge_ja_JP.cxx.

◆ SynPeriod

constexpr double i18npool::SynPeriod = 29.53058868

◆ SynRef

constexpr sal_Int32 i18npool::SynRef = 1252

◆ table_AIUFullWidth_ja_JP

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_AIUFullWidth_ja_JP[]

Definition at line 26 of file bullet.h.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ table_AIUHalfWidth_ja_JP

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_AIUHalfWidth_ja_JP[]

Definition at line 75 of file bullet.h.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ table_Alphabet_ar

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_Alphabet_ar[]
Initial value:
= {
0x0623, 0x0628, 0x062A, 0x062B, 0x062C, 0x062D, 0x062E,
0x062F, 0x0630, 0x0631, 0x0632, 0x0633, 0x0634, 0x0635,
0x0636, 0x0637, 0x0638, 0x0639, 0x063A, 0x0641, 0x0642,
0x0643, 0x0644, 0x0645, 0x0646, 0x0647, 0x0648, 0x0649

Definition at line 88 of file defaultnumberingprovider.cxx.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ table_Alphabet_ar_abjad

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_Alphabet_ar_abjad[]
Initial value:
= {
0x0627, 0x0628, 0x062c, 0x062f, 0x0647, 0x0648, 0x0632, 0x062d,
0x0637, 0x064a, 0x0643, 0x0644, 0x0645, 0x0646, 0x0633, 0x0639,
0x0641, 0x0635, 0x0642, 0x0631, 0x0634, 0x062a, 0x062b, 0x062e,
0x0630, 0x0636, 0x0638, 0x063a

Definition at line 95 of file defaultnumberingprovider.cxx.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ table_Alphabet_dz

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_Alphabet_dz[]
Initial value:
= {
0x0F40, 0x0F41, 0x0F42, 0x0F44, 0x0F45, 0x0F46, 0x0F47, 0x0F49,
0x0F4F, 0x0F50, 0x0F51, 0x0F53, 0x0F54, 0x0F55, 0x0F56, 0x0F58,
0x0F59, 0x0F5A, 0x0F5B, 0x0F5D, 0x0F5E, 0x0F5F, 0x0F60, 0x0F61,
0x0F62, 0x0F63, 0x0F64, 0x0F66, 0x0F67, 0x0F68

Definition at line 140 of file defaultnumberingprovider.cxx.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ table_Alphabet_fa

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_Alphabet_fa[]
Initial value:
= {
0x0622, 0x0628, 0x067E, 0x062A, 0x062B, 0x062C, 0x0686, 0x062D,
0x062E, 0x062F, 0x0630, 0x0631, 0x0632, 0x0698, 0x0633, 0x0634,
0x0635, 0x0636, 0x0637, 0x0638, 0x0639, 0x0640, 0x0641, 0x0642,
0x06A9, 0x06AF, 0x0644, 0x0645, 0x0646, 0x0648, 0x0647, 0x06CC

Definition at line 233 of file defaultnumberingprovider.cxx.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ table_Alphabet_he

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_Alphabet_he[]
Initial value:
= {
0x05D0, 0x05D1, 0x05D2, 0x05D3, 0x05D4, 0x05D5, 0x05D6, 0x05D7,
0x05D8, 0x05D9, 0x05DB, 0x05DC, 0x05DE, 0x05E0, 0x05E1, 0x05E2,
0x05E4, 0x05E6, 0x05E7, 0x05E8, 0x05E9, 0x05EA

Definition at line 111 of file defaultnumberingprovider.cxx.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ table_Alphabet_km

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_Alphabet_km[]
Initial value:
= {
0x1780, 0x1781, 0x1782, 0x1783, 0x1784, 0x1785, 0x1786, 0x1787,
0x1788, 0x1789, 0x178A, 0x178B, 0x178C, 0x178D, 0x178E, 0x178F,
0x1790, 0x1791, 0x1792, 0x1793, 0x1794, 0x1795, 0x1796, 0x1797,
0x1798, 0x1799, 0x179A, 0x179B, 0x179C, 0x179F,
0x17A0, 0x17A1, 0x17A2

Definition at line 125 of file defaultnumberingprovider.cxx.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ table_Alphabet_lo

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_Alphabet_lo[]
Initial value:
= {
0x0E81, 0x0E82, 0x0E84, 0x0E87, 0x0E88, 0x0E8A, 0x0E8D, 0x0E94,
0x0E95, 0x0E96, 0x0E97, 0x0E99, 0x0E9A, 0x0E9B, 0x0E9C,
0x0E9D, 0x0E9E, 0x0E9F, 0x0EA1, 0x0EA2, 0x0EA3, 0x0EA5, 0x0EA7,
0x0EAA, 0x0EAB, 0x0EAD, 0x0EAE, 0x0EAF, 0x0EAE, 0x0EDC, 0x0EDD

Definition at line 133 of file defaultnumberingprovider.cxx.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ table_Alphabet_my

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_Alphabet_my[]
Initial value:
= {
0x1000, 0x1001, 0x1002, 0x1003, 0x1004, 0x1005, 0x1006, 0x1007,
0x1008,0x100A, 0x100B, 0x100C, 0x100D, 0x100E, 0x100F,
0x1010, 0x1011, 0x1012, 0x1013, 0x1014, 0x1015, 0x1016, 0x1017,
0x1018, 0x1019, 0x101A, 0x101B, 0x101C, 0x101D, 0x101E, 0x101F,
0x1020, 0x1021

Definition at line 147 of file defaultnumberingprovider.cxx.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ table_Alphabet_ne

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_Alphabet_ne[]
Initial value:
= {
0x0915, 0x0916, 0x0917, 0x0918, 0x0919, 0x091A, 0x091B, 0x091C,
0x091D, 0x091E, 0x091F, 0x0920, 0x0921, 0x0922, 0x0923, 0x0924,
0x0925, 0x0926, 0x0927, 0x0928, 0x092A, 0x092B, 0x092C, 0x092D,
0x092E, 0x092F, 0x0930, 0x0932, 0x0935, 0x0936, 0x0937, 0x0938,

Definition at line 117 of file defaultnumberingprovider.cxx.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ table_Alphabet_th

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_Alphabet_th[]
Initial value:
= {
0x0E01, 0x0E02, 0x0E04, 0x0E07,
0x0E08, 0x0E09, 0x0E0A, 0x0E0B, 0x0E0C, 0x0E0D, 0x0E0E, 0x0E0F,
0x0E10, 0x0E11, 0x0E12, 0x0E13, 0x0E14, 0x0E15, 0x0E16, 0x0E17,
0x0E18, 0x0E19, 0x0E1A, 0x0E1B, 0x0E1C, 0x0E1D, 0x0E1E, 0x0E1F,
0x0E20, 0x0E21, 0x0E22, 0x0E23, 0x0E24, 0x0E25, 0x0E26, 0x0E27,
0x0E28, 0x0E29, 0x0E2A, 0x0E2B, 0x0E2C, 0x0E2D, 0x0E2E

Definition at line 102 of file defaultnumberingprovider.cxx.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ table_Chicago

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_Chicago[]
Initial value:
= {
0x002a, 0x2020, 0x2021, 0x00a7

Definition at line 252 of file defaultnumberingprovider.cxx.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ table_CircledNumber

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_CircledNumber[]

Definition at line 226 of file bullet.h.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ table_CyrillicLowerLetter_bg

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_CyrillicLowerLetter_bg[]
Initial value:
= {
0x0430, 0x0431, 0x0432, 0x0433, 0x0434, 0x0435, 0x0436, 0x0437, 0x0438,
0x043A, 0x043B, 0x043C, 0x043D, 0x043E, 0x043F, 0x0440, 0x0441, 0x0442,
0x0443, 0x0444, 0x0445, 0x0446, 0x0447, 0x0448, 0x0449, 0x044A, 0x044E,

Definition at line 164 of file defaultnumberingprovider.cxx.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ table_CyrillicLowerLetter_ru

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_CyrillicLowerLetter_ru[]
Initial value:
= {
0x0430, 0x0431, 0x0432, 0x0433, 0x0434, 0x0435, 0x0436, 0x0437,
0x0438, 0x043A, 0x043B, 0x043C, 0x043D, 0x043E, 0x043F, 0x0440,
0x0441, 0x0442, 0x0443, 0x0444, 0x0445, 0x0446, 0x0447, 0x0448,
0x0449, 0x044B, 0x044D, 0x044E, 0x044F

Definition at line 180 of file defaultnumberingprovider.cxx.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ table_CyrillicLowerLetter_sr

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_CyrillicLowerLetter_sr[]
Initial value:
= {
0x0430, 0x0431, 0x0432, 0x0433, 0x0434, 0x0452, 0x0435, 0x0436,
0x0437, 0x0438, 0x0458, 0x043A, 0x043B, 0x0459, 0x043C, 0x043D,
0x045A, 0x043E, 0x043F, 0x0440, 0x0441, 0x0442, 0x045B, 0x0443,
0x0444, 0x0445, 0x0446, 0x0447, 0x045F, 0x0448

Definition at line 196 of file defaultnumberingprovider.cxx.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ table_CyrillicLowerLetter_uk

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_CyrillicLowerLetter_uk[]
Initial value:
= {
0x0430, 0x0431, 0x0432, 0x0433, 0x0491, 0x0434, 0x0435, 0x0454,
0x0436, 0x0437, 0x0438, 0x0456, 0x0457, 0x0439, 0x043A, 0x043B,
0x043C, 0x043D, 0x043E, 0x043F, 0x0440, 0x0441, 0x0442, 0x0443,
0x0444, 0x0445, 0x0446, 0x0447, 0x0448, 0x0449, 0x044C, 0x044E,

Definition at line 213 of file defaultnumberingprovider.cxx.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ table_CyrillicUpperLetter_bg

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_CyrillicUpperLetter_bg[]
Initial value:
= {
0x0410, 0x0411, 0x0412, 0x0413, 0x0414, 0x0415, 0x0416, 0x0417, 0x0418,
0x041A, 0x041B, 0x041C, 0x041D, 0x041E, 0x041F, 0x0420, 0x0421, 0x0422,
0x0423, 0x0424, 0x0425, 0x0426, 0x0427, 0x0428, 0x0429, 0x042A, 0x042E,

Definition at line 156 of file defaultnumberingprovider.cxx.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ table_CyrillicUpperLetter_ru

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_CyrillicUpperLetter_ru[]
Initial value:
= {
0x0410, 0x0411, 0x0412, 0x0413, 0x0414, 0x0415, 0x0416, 0x0417,
0x0418, 0x041A, 0x041B, 0x041C, 0x041D, 0x041E, 0x041F, 0x0420,
0x0421, 0x0422, 0x0423, 0x0424, 0x0425, 0x0426, 0x0427, 0x0428,
0x0429, 0x042B, 0x042D, 0x042E, 0x042F

Definition at line 172 of file defaultnumberingprovider.cxx.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ table_CyrillicUpperLetter_sr

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_CyrillicUpperLetter_sr[]
Initial value:
= {
0x0410, 0x0411, 0x0412, 0x0413, 0x0414, 0x0402, 0x0415, 0x0416,
0x0417, 0x0418, 0x0408, 0x041A, 0x041B, 0x0409, 0x041C, 0x041D,
0x040A, 0x041E, 0x041F, 0x0420, 0x0421, 0x0422, 0x040B, 0x0423,
0x0424, 0x0425, 0x0426, 0x0427, 0x040F, 0x0428

Definition at line 188 of file defaultnumberingprovider.cxx.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ table_CyrillicUpperLetter_uk

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_CyrillicUpperLetter_uk[]
Initial value:
= {
0x0410, 0x0411, 0x0412, 0x0413, 0x0490, 0x0414, 0x0415, 0x0404,
0x0416, 0x0417, 0x0418, 0x0406, 0x0407, 0x0419, 0x041A, 0x041B,
0x041C, 0x041D, 0x041E, 0x041F, 0x0420, 0x0421, 0x0422, 0x0423,
0x0424, 0x0425, 0x0426, 0x0427, 0x0428, 0x0429, 0x042C, 0x042E,

Definition at line 204 of file defaultnumberingprovider.cxx.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ table_DiZi_zh

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_DiZi_zh[]
Initial value:
= {

Definition at line 353 of file bullet.h.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ table_GreekLowerLetter

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_GreekLowerLetter[]
Initial value:
= {
0x03B1, 0x03B2, 0x03B3, 0x03B4, 0x03B5, 0x03DB, 0x03B6, 0x03B7, 0x03B8,
0x03B9, 0x03BA, 0x03BB, 0x03BC, 0x03BD, 0x03BE, 0x03BF, 0x03C0, 0x03DF,
0x03C1, 0x03C3, 0x03C4, 0x03C5, 0x03C6, 0x03C7, 0x03C8, 0x03C9, 0x03E1

Definition at line 227 of file defaultnumberingprovider.cxx.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ table_GreekUpperLetter

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_GreekUpperLetter[]
Initial value:
= {
0x0391, 0x0392, 0x0393, 0x0394, 0x0395, 0x03DB, 0x0396, 0x0397, 0x0398,
0x0399, 0x039A, 0x039B, 0x039C, 0x039D, 0x039E, 0x039F, 0x03A0, 0x03DF,
0x03A1, 0x03A3, 0x03A4, 0x03A5, 0x03A6, 0x03A7, 0x03A8, 0x03A9, 0x03E0

Definition at line 221 of file defaultnumberingprovider.cxx.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ table_halfwidth

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_halfwidth[]

Definition at line 224 of file ignoreProlongedSoundMark_ja_JP.cxx.

◆ table_HangulCircledJamo_ko

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_HangulCircledJamo_ko[]
Initial value:
= {

Definition at line 314 of file bullet.h.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ table_HangulCircledSyllable_ko

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_HangulCircledSyllable_ko[]
Initial value:
= {

Definition at line 332 of file bullet.h.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ table_HangulJamo_ko

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_HangulJamo_ko[]
Initial value:
= {

Definition at line 279 of file bullet.h.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ table_HangulSyllable_ko

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_HangulSyllable_ko[]
Initial value:
= {

Definition at line 296 of file bullet.h.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ table_IROHAFullWidth_ja_JP

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_IROHAFullWidth_ja_JP[]

Definition at line 124 of file bullet.h.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ table_IROHAHalfWidth_ja_JP

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_IROHAHalfWidth_ja_JP[]

Definition at line 175 of file bullet.h.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ table_KoreanLegalWord_decade1

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_KoreanLegalWord_decade1[][3]
Initial value:
= {
{0xd558, 0xb098, 0},
{0xb458, 0},
{0xc14b, 0},
{0xb137, 0},
{0xb2e4, 0xc12f, 0},
{0xc5ec, 0xc12f, 0},
{0xc77c, 0xacf1, 0},
{0xc5ec, 0xb35f, 0},
{0xc544, 0xd649, 0}

Definition at line 309 of file defaultnumberingprovider.cxx.

Referenced by lcl_formatKoreanLegalWord().

◆ table_KoreanLegalWord_decade2

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_KoreanLegalWord_decade2[][3]
Initial value:
= {
{0xc5f4, 0},
{0xc2a4, 0xbb3c, 0},
{0xc11c, 0xb978, 0},
{0xb9c8, 0xd754, 0},
{0xc270, 0},
{0xc608, 0xc21c, 0},
{0xc77c, 0xd754, 0},
{0xc5ec, 0xb4e0, 0},
{0xc544, 0xd754, 0}

Definition at line 321 of file defaultnumberingprovider.cxx.

Referenced by lcl_formatKoreanLegalWord().

◆ table_normalwidth

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_normalwidth[]

Definition at line 29 of file ignoreProlongedSoundMark_ja_JP.cxx.

◆ table_PersianWord_decade1

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_PersianWord_decade1[][7]
Initial value:
{0x06cc, 0x06a9, 0},
{0x062f, 0x0648, 0},
{0x0633, 0x0647, 0},
{0x0686, 0x0647, 0x0627, 0x0631, 0},
{0x067e, 0x0646, 0x062c, 0},
{0x0634, 0x0634, 0},
{0x0647, 0x0641, 0x062a, 0},
{0x0647, 0x0634, 0x062a, 0},
{0x0646, 0x0647, 0},
{0x062f, 0x0647, 0},
{0x06cc, 0x0627, 0x0632, 0x062f, 0x0647, 0},
{0x062f, 0x0648, 0x0627, 0x0632, 0x062f, 0x0647, 0},
{0x0633, 0x06cc, 0x0632, 0x062f, 0x0647, 0},
{0x0686, 0x0647, 0x0627, 0x0631, 0x062f, 0x0647, 0},
{0x067e, 0x0627, 0x0646, 0x0632, 0x062f, 0x0647, 0},
{0x0634, 0x0627, 0x0646, 0x0632, 0x062f, 0x0647, 0},
{0x0647, 0x0641, 0x062f, 0x0647, 0},
{0x0647, 0x062c, 0x062f, 0x0647, 0},
{0x0646, 0x0648, 0x0632, 0x062f, 0x0647, 0}

Definition at line 257 of file defaultnumberingprovider.cxx.

Referenced by lcl_formatPersianWord().

◆ table_PersianWord_decade2

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_PersianWord_decade2[][6]
Initial value:
{0x0628, 0x06cc, 0x0633, 0x062a, 0},
{0x0633, 0x06cc, 0},
{0x0686, 0x0647, 0x0644, 0},
{0x067e, 0x0646, 0x062c, 0x0627, 0x0647, 0},
{0x0634, 0x0635, 0x062a, 0},
{0x0647, 0x0641, 0x062a, 0x0627, 0x062f, 0},
{0x0647, 0x0634, 0x062a, 0x0627, 0x062f, 0},
{0x0646, 0x0648, 0x062f, 0}

Definition at line 280 of file defaultnumberingprovider.cxx.

Referenced by lcl_formatPersianWord().

◆ table_PersianWord_decade3

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_PersianWord_decade3[][7]
Initial value:
{0x0635, 0x062f, 0},
{0x062f, 0x0648, 0x06cc, 0x0633, 0x062a, 0},
{0x0633, 0x06cc, 0x0635, 0x062f, 0},
{0x0686, 0x0647, 0x0627, 0x0631, 0x0635, 0x062f, 0},
{0x067e, 0x0627, 0x0646, 0x0635, 0x062f, 0},
{0x0634, 0x0635, 0x062f, 0},
{0x0647, 0x0641, 0x062a, 0x0635, 0x062f, 0},
{0x0647, 0x0634, 0x062a, 0x0635, 0x062f, 0},
{0x0646, 0x0647, 0x0635, 0x062f, 0}

Definition at line 291 of file defaultnumberingprovider.cxx.

Referenced by lcl_formatPersianWord().

◆ table_PersianWord_decadeX

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_PersianWord_decadeX[][8]
Initial value:
{0x0647, 0x0632, 0x0627, 0x0631, 0},
{0x0645, 0x06cc, 0x0644, 0x06cc, 0x0648, 0x0646, 0},
{0x0645, 0x06cc, 0x0644, 0x06cc, 0x0627, 0x0631, 0x062f, 0}

Definition at line 303 of file defaultnumberingprovider.cxx.

Referenced by lcl_formatPersianWord().

◆ table_TianGan_zh

const sal_Unicode i18npool::table_TianGan_zh[]
Initial value:
= {

Definition at line 349 of file bullet.h.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().

◆ TAC_celltype_inputcheck

char const i18npool::TAC_celltype_inputcheck[17][17]
Initial value:
= {
{ 'X', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R' },
{ 'X', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'S', 'S', 'A', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R' },
{ 'X', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'S', 'A', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C' },
{ 'X', 'S', 'A', 'S', 'S', 'S', 'S', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R' },
{ 'X', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'S', 'A', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R' },
{ 'X', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'S', 'A', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R' },
{ 'X', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'S', 'A', 'S', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R' },
{ 'X', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'S', 'A', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'C', 'C', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R' },
{ 'X', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'S', 'S', 'A', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'C', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R' },
{ 'X', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'S', 'S', 'A', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R' },
{ 'X', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R' },
{ 'X', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'S', 'S', 'A', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R' },
{ 'X', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'S', 'S', 'A', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R' },
{ 'X', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'S', 'S', 'A', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R' },
{ 'X', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'S', 'S', 'A', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'C', 'C', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R' },
{ 'X', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'S', 'S', 'A', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'C', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R' },
{ 'X', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'S', 'S', 'A', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'C', 'R', 'C', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R' }

Definition at line 37 of file inputsequencechecker_th.cxx.

Referenced by check().

◆ TAC_Composible

bool const i18npool::TAC_Composible[3][5]
Initial value:
= {
{true, true, true, true, true},
{true, true, true, false, true},
{true, true, false, false, true}

Definition at line 58 of file inputsequencechecker_th.cxx.

Referenced by check().

◆ thaiCompRel

const sal_Int16 i18npool::thaiCompRel[MAX_CT][MAX_CT]
Initial value:
= {
#define ST_COM
#define ST_NDP
#define ST_NXT

Definition at line 139 of file breakiterator_th.cxx.

Referenced by getCombState().

◆ thaiCT

const sal_uInt16 i18npool::thaiCT[128]
Initial value:
= {
#define CT_NON
Definition: wtt.h:30
#define CT_FV1
Definition: wtt.h:33
#define CT_FV3
Definition: wtt.h:35
#define CT_AV1
Definition: wtt.h:43
#define CT_AD2
Definition: wtt.h:41
#define CT_AD3
Definition: wtt.h:42
#define CT_BV1
Definition: wtt.h:36
#define CT_CONS
Definition: wtt.h:31
#define CT_BV2
Definition: wtt.h:37
#define CT_AV2
Definition: wtt.h:44
#define CT_AD1
Definition: wtt.h:40
#define CT_AV3
Definition: wtt.h:45
#define CT_FV2
Definition: wtt.h:34
#define CT_CTRL
Definition: wtt.h:29
#define CT_TONE
Definition: wtt.h:39
#define CT_BD
Definition: wtt.h:38
#define CT_LV
Definition: wtt.h:32

Definition at line 49 of file wtt.h.

◆ theBIMap

thread_local BreakIterator_Unicode::BIMap i18npool::theBIMap

◆ thousand

const sal_Unicode i18npool::thousand[] = {0x05d0, 0x05dc, 0x05e3, 0x0}

Definition at line 1049 of file nativenumbersupplier.cxx.

Referenced by makeHebrewNumber().

◆ thousands

const sal_Unicode i18npool::thousands[] = {0x05d0, 0x05dc, 0x05e4, 0x05d9, 0x0}

Definition at line 1050 of file nativenumbersupplier.cxx.

Referenced by makeHebrewNumber().

◆ thousands_last

const sal_Unicode i18npool::thousands_last[] = {0x05d0, 0x05dc, 0x05e4, 0x05d9, 0x05dd, 0x0}

Definition at line 1051 of file nativenumbersupplier.cxx.

Referenced by makeHebrewNumber().

◆ TiJi

const transliteration_Ignore::Mapping i18npool::TiJi[]
Initial value:
= {
{ 0x30C4, 0x30A3, 0x30C1, true },
{ 0x30C6, 0x30A3, 0x30C1, true },
{ 0x3064, 0x3043, 0x3061, true },
{ 0x3066, 0x3043, 0x3061, true },
{ 0x30C7, 0x30A3, 0x30B8, true },
{ 0x3067, 0x3043, 0x3058, true },
{ 0, 0, 0, true }

Definition at line 27 of file ignoreTiJi_ja_JP.cxx.

◆ TMlist

TMList const i18npool::TMlist[]

◆ traditionalKanji2updateKanji

i18nutil::OneToOneMappingTable_t const i18npool::traditionalKanji2updateKanji[]

Definition at line 26 of file ignoreTraditionalKanji_ja_JP.cxx.

◆ typeList

ScriptTypeList const i18npool::typeList[]
Initial value:
= {
{ UnicodeScript_kDevanagari, UnicodeScript_kDevanagari, sal_Int16(UnicodeScript_kDevanagari) },
{ UnicodeScript_kThai, UnicodeScript_kThai, sal_Int16(UnicodeScript_kThai) },
{ UnicodeScript_kScriptCount, UnicodeScript_kScriptCount, sal_Int16(UnicodeScript_kScriptCount) }

Definition at line 75 of file inputsequencechecker.cxx.

Referenced by i18npool::InputSequenceCheckerImpl::getLanguageByScripType().

◆ upperLetter

const sal_Unicode i18npool::upperLetter[]
Initial value:
= {
0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, 0x49,
0x4A, 0x4B, 0x4C, 0x4D, 0x4E, 0x4F, 0x50, 0x51, 0x52,
0x53, 0x54, 0x55, 0x56, 0x57, 0x58, 0x59, 0x5A

Definition at line 240 of file defaultnumberingprovider.cxx.

Referenced by i18npool::DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString().