22#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
23#include <unordered_map>
can be used to map key identifier to the corresponding key codes ...
OUString mapCodeToIdentifier(sal_uInt16 nCode)
return a suitable key identifier for the specified key code.
std::unordered_map< OUString, sal_Int16 > Identifier2CodeHash
hash structure to map identifier to key codes.
static KeyMapping & get()
static KeyIdentifierInfo const KeyIdentifierMap[]
Identifier2CodeHash m_lIdentifierHash
hash to map identifier to key codes.
bool impl_st_interpretIdentifierAsPureKeyCode(std::u16string_view sIdentifier, sal_uInt16 &rCode)
check if the given string describe a numeric value ... and convert it.
std::unordered_map< sal_Int16, OUString > Code2IdentifierHash
hash structure to map key codes to identifier.
sal_uInt16 mapIdentifierToCode(const OUString &sIdentifier)
return a suitable key code for the specified key identifier.
Code2IdentifierHash m_lCodeHash
hash to map key codes to identifier.
is used to map a key code to the right key identifier, which is used to make the xml file "human read...