LibreOffice Module framework (master) 1
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Cframework::AcceleratorCacheImplements a cache for any accelerator configuration
 Cframework::ActionLockGuardImplements a guard, which can use the interface <type scope="css::document">XActionLockable</type>
 Ccppu::BaseMutex [external]
 Cframework::ConfigAccessImplements a simple configuration access @descr Sometimes it's better to have direct config access instead of using specialized config items of the svtools project
 Cutl::ConfigurationBroadcaster [external]
 Cframework::DocumentUndoGuardHelper class guarding the Undo manager of a document
 Cframework::IMutexInterface to support different mutex implementations in a generic way
 Cframework::IndicatorInfo@descr This struct hold some information about all currently running progress processes
 Cframework::InterceptionHelper::InterceptorInfoBind an interceptor component to its URL pattern registration
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< DocState, 0x2FF > [external]
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< FrameAnalyzerFlags, 32768+15 > [external]
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< Job, 0xFFF > [external]
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< LoadEnvFeatures, 0x3 > [external]
 Cframework::JobConstDefines all constant values used within a job environment
 Cframework::JobDataHolds all necessary information about a job and handle it's configuration (if any exist!) @descr It can be used from different use cases as a container (or proxy) for all config data of a registered job
 Cframework::JobResultRepresent a result of a finished job execution @descr Such result instance transport all necessary data from the code place where the job was finished to the outside code, where e.g
 Cframework::JobURLCan be used to parse, validate and work with job URL's @descr Job URLs are specified by the following syntax:{[event=<name>]|[alias=<name>]|[service=<name>]} This class can analyze this structure and separate it into his different parts
 Cframework::KeyEventHashCodeOwn hash functions used for stl-structures ... e.g
 Cframework::KeyMapping::KeyIdentifierInfoUsed to map a key code to the right key identifier, which is used to make the xml file "human readable"
 Cframework::KeyMappingCan be used to map key identifier to the corresponding key codes ..
 Cframework::LoadEnvImplements general mechanism for loading documents
 Cframework::LoadEnvExceptionSpecify an exception, which can be used inside the load environment only
 Ccppu::OBroadcastHelperVar< class container, class keyType > [external]
 Ccomphelper::OPropertyContainerHelper [external]
 Ccppu::OPropertySetHelper [external]
 Ccppu::OWeakObject [external]
 Cframework::PresetHandlerTODO document me
 Cframework::PropHelperSome helper methods to implement property sets
 Cframework::ProtocolHandlerProgrammer can register his own services to handle different protocols
 CSfxUndoListener [external]
 Cframework::ShareableMutexThis acts like a rtl::Reference<osl::Mutex>
 Csalhelper::SimpleReferenceObject [external]
 Csvt::StatusbarController [external]
 Cframework::StorageHolderTODO document me
 Cframework::TargetHelperCan be used to detect, if a target name (used e.g
 Cframework::JobData::TJob2DocEventBindingSome jobs can be registered to "logical events", which are generated on demand if another document event occurs
 Csvt::ToolboxController [external]
 Cframework::UndoManagerHelperHelper class for implementing an XUndoManager
 Ccomphelper::UnoImplBase [external]
 CVclReferenceBase [external]
 Cframework::WindowCommandDispatchInternal helper to bind e.g
 CXDesktopTry to shutdown these desktop environment
 CXDispatchProviderSearch a dispatcher for given URL @descr If no interceptor is set on owner, we search for right frame and dispatch URL to it