LibreOffice Module dbaccess (master) 1
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
dbaui Namespace Reference


namespace  DataSourceInfoConverter


class  AddTableDialogContext
class  AdvancedSettingsDialog
 implements the advanced page dlg of the data source properties. More...
class  AsyncDialogExecutor
 helper class for executing (UNO) dialogs modal, but asynchronously More...
class  BasicInteractionHandler
 implements an <type scope="">XInteractionHandler</type> for database related interaction requests. More...
struct  BooleanSettingDesc
class  BrowserViewStatusDisplay
class  CharsetDisplayDerefHelper
class  CharSetListBox
class  CompareFeatureById
class  ComposerDialog
struct  ControllerFeature
class  ControllerFrame
 helper class to encapsulate the frame which a controller is plugged into, doing some common actions on it. More...
struct  ControllerFrame_Data
class  DatabaseObjectView
 encapsulates access to the view of a database object. More...
class  DataSourceMetaData
 encapsulates meta data for a data source More...
class  DbaIndexDialog
class  DbaMouseDownListBoxController
class  DBSubComponentController
struct  DBSubComponentController_Impl
class  DBTableTreeView
struct  DBTreeListUserData
class  DBTreeView
class  DBTreeViewBase
class  DbuTypeCollectionItem
 allows an ODsnTypeCollection to be transported in an SfxItemSet More...
class  DirectSQLDialog
class  DlgFilterCrit
class  DlgOrderCrit
class  DlgQryJoin
class  DlgSize
class  DynamicTableOrQueryNameCheck
 class implementing the IObjectNameCheck interface, and checking a given name for being valid as either a query or a table name. More...
struct  FeatureListener
class  FeatureSet
 can be used to ask for (UI) support for certain advanced features More...
struct  FeatureState
 describes the state of a feature More...
class  FindFeatureListener
class  GeneratedValuesPage
struct  GrantIndexAccess
class  HierarchicalNameCheck
 class implementing the IObjectNameCheck interface, and checking given object names against a hierarchical name container More...
class  IAddTableDialogContext
class  IClipboardTest
class  IContextMenuProvider
class  IControlActionListener
class  IController
class  ICopyTableSourceObject
 interface to an object to copy to another DB, using the OCopyTableWizard More...
class  IDatabaseSettingsDialog
class  IDragTransferableListener
class  IEntryFilter
class  IItemSetHelper
class  ImageProvider
 provides images for database objects such as tables, queries, forms, reports ... More...
class  IndexFieldsControl
class  InterimDBTreeListBox
class  IObjectNameCheck
 interface encapsulating the check for the validity of an object name More...
class  IRelationControlInterface
class  ISaveValueWrapper
 helper class to wrap the savevalue and disable call More...
class  IUpdateHelper
class  LegacyInteractionHandler
 an implementation for the legacy css.sdb.InteractionHandler More...
class  LimitBox
 Input box to add limit to an SQL query (maximum number of result's rows) This box is reachable on the Query Design Toolbar. More...
class  LimitBoxController
class  MySQLNativePage
class  MySQLNativeSettings
class  MySQLNativeSetupPage
class  NamedTableCopySource
class  OAddTableDlg
class  OAdoDetailsPage
class  OAppBorderWindow
class  OAppDetailPageHelper
class  OApplicationController
class  OApplicationDetailView
class  OApplicationIconControl
class  OApplicationIconControlDropTarget
class  OApplicationSwapWindow
class  OApplicationView
class  OAsynchronousLink
 handles asynchronous links which may be called in multi-threaded environments If you use an instance of this class as member of your own class, it will handle several crucial points for you (for instance the case that somebody posts the event while another thread tries to delete this event in the destructor of the class). More...
class  OAuthentificationPageSetup
class  OBeamer
class  ObjectCopySource
class  OCharsetDisplay
class  OChildWindow
class  OCollectionView
class  OColumnControl
class  OColumnControlModel
class  OColumnControlTopLevel
class  OColumnControlWindow
class  OColumnPeer
class  OCommentUndoAction
class  OCommonBehaviourTabPage
 eases the implementation of tab pages handling user/password and/or character set and/or generic options input
The controls to be used have to be defined within the resource, as usual, but this class does all the handling necessary. More...
class  OConnectionHelper
class  OConnectionLine
class  OConnectionLineAccess
 the class OConnectionLineAccess represents the accessible object for the connection between two table windows like they are used in the QueryDesign and the RelationDesign More...
class  OConnectionLineData
 the class OConnectionLineData contains the data of a connection e.g. More...
class  OConnectionTabPage
 implements the connection page of the data source properties dialog. More...
class  OConnectionTabPageSetup
 implements the connection page of the data source properties dialog. More...
class  OConnectionURLEdit
class  OCopyTable
class  OCopyTableWizard
class  ODatabaseAdministrationDialog
class  ODatabaseExport
class  ODatabaseImportExport
class  ODataClipboard
class  ODatasourceConnector
class  ODataSourcePropertyDialog
class  ODatasourceSelectDialog
class  ODataView
class  ODbAdminDialog
 tab dialog for administrating the office wide registered data sources More...
class  ODbaseDetailsPage
class  ODbaseIndexDialog
struct  OdbcTypesImpl
class  ODbDataSourceAdministrationHelper
class  ODBTypeWizDialog
class  ODbTypeWizDialog
 tab dialog for administrating the office wide registered data sources More...
class  ODBTypeWizDialogSetup
class  ODbTypeWizDialogSetup
class  ODirectSQLDialog
class  ODisableWidgetWrapper
class  ODocumentInfoPreview
class  ODriversSettings
 a collection class for all details a driver needs More...
class  OFieldDescControl
class  OFieldDescription
class  OFilePickerInteractionHandler
 an InteractionHandler implementation which extends another handler with some customizability More...
class  OFinalDBPageSetup
class  OGeneralPage
class  OGeneralPageDialog
class  OGeneralPageWizard
class  OGeneralSpecialJDBCConnectionPageSetup
class  OGeneralSpecialJDBCDetailsPage
class  OGenericAdministrationPage
class  OGenericUnoController
class  OHTMLImportExport
class  OHTMLReader
struct  OIndex
class  OIndexCollection
struct  OIndexField
class  OJDBCConnectionPageSetup
class  OJoinController
class  OJoinDesignView
class  OJoinDesignViewAccess
 the class OJoinDesignViewAccess represents the accessible object for join views like the QueryDesign and the RelationDesign More...
struct  OJoinDropData
struct  OJoinExchangeData
class  OJoinExchObj
class  OJoinMoveTabWinUndoAct
class  OJoinSizeTabWinUndoAct
class  OJoinTableView
class  OLDAPConnectionPageSetup
class  OLDAPDetailsPage
class  OLinkedDocumentsAccess
class  OMySQLIntroPageSetup
class  OMySQLODBCDetailsPage
class  OOdbcDetailsPage
class  OOdbcEnumeration
class  OParameterDialog
class  OParameterUpdateHelper
class  OpenDocumentButton
 a button which can be used to open a document More...
class  OpenDocumentListBox
class  OPostgresConnectionPageSetup
class  OPreviewWindow
class  OPrimKeyUndoAct
class  OPropColumnEditCtrl
class  OPropEditCtrl
class  OPropListBoxCtrl
class  OPropNumericEditCtrl
class  OptionalBoolItem
class  OQueryAddTabConnUndoAction
class  OQueryContainerWindow
class  OQueryController
class  OQueryDelTabConnUndoAction
class  OQueryDesignFieldUndoAct
class  OQueryDesignUndoAction
class  OQueryDesignView
class  OQueryTabConnUndoAction
class  OQueryTableConnection
class  OQueryTableConnectionData
class  OQueryTableView
class  OQueryTableWindow
class  OQueryTableWindowData
class  OQueryTabWinDelUndoAct
class  OQueryTabWinShowUndoAct
class  OQueryTabWinUndoAct
class  OQueryTextView
class  OQueryViewSwitch
class  ORelationControl
class  ORelationController
class  ORelationDesignView
class  ORelationDialog
class  ORelationTableConnection
class  ORelationTableConnectionData
class  ORelationTableView
class  ORelationTableWindow
class  ORowSetImportExport
class  ORTFImportExport
class  ORTFReader
class  OSaveAsDlg
class  OSaveValueWidgetWrapper
class  OSaveValueWidgetWrapper< dbaui::OConnectionURLEdit >
class  OSaveValueWidgetWrapper< weld::Toggleable >
class  OSbaWeakSubObject
class  OScrollWindowHelper
class  OSelectionBrowseBox
class  OSingleDocumentController
class  OSpreadSheetConnectionPageSetup
class  OSqlEditUndoAct
class  OSQLErrorBox
class  OSQLMessageBox
class  OSQLMessageDialog
class  OSQLNameChecker
class  OSQLNameEditControl
class  OSQLNameEntry
class  OSQLWarningBox
class  OStringListItem
 <type>SfxPoolItem</type> which transports a sequence of <type scope="rtl">OUString</type>'s More...
class  OTabFieldCellModifiedUndoAct
class  OTabFieldCreateUndoAct
class  OTabFieldDelUndoAct
class  OTabFieldMovedUndoAct
class  OTabFieldSizedUndoAct
class  OTabFieldUndoAct
class  OTableBorderWindow
class  OTableConnection
class  OTableConnectionData
 Contains all connection data which exists between two windows. More...
class  OTableController
class  OTableCopyHelper
class  OTableDesignCellUndoAct
class  OTableDesignHelpBar
class  OTableDesignUndoAct
class  OTableDesignView
class  OTableEditorCtrl
class  OTableEditorDelUndoAct
class  OTableEditorInsNewUndoAct
class  OTableEditorInsUndoAct
class  OTableEditorTypeSelUndoAct
class  OTableEditorUndoAct
class  OTableFieldControl
class  OTableFieldDesc
class  OTableFieldDescWin
class  OTableFieldInfo
class  OTableFilterDialog
class  OTableGrantControl
class  OTableIndex
 represents a single dbf index More...
class  OTableInfo
 holds the INF file of a table More...
class  OTableListBoxControl
class  OTableRow
class  OTableRowExchange
class  OTableRowView
class  OTableSubscriptionDialog
class  OTableSubscriptionPage
class  OTableTreeListBox
class  OTableWindow
class  OTableWindowAccess
 the class OTableWindowAccess represents the accessible object for table windows like they are used in the QueryDesign and the RelationDesign More...
class  OTableWindowData
class  OTableWindowListBox
class  OTableWindowTitle
class  OTasksWindow
class  OTextConnectionHelper
class  OTextConnectionPageSetup
class  OTextDetailsPage
class  OTitleWindow
class  OTypeInfo
class  OUserAdmin
class  OUserAdminDlg
 implements the user admin dialog More...
class  OUserDriverDetailsPage
class  OUserSettingsDialog
class  OWidgetBase
class  OWizardPage
class  OWizColumnSelect
class  OWizHTMLExtend
class  OWizNameMatching
class  OWizNormalExtend
class  OWizRTFExtend
class  OWizTypeSelect
class  OWizTypeSelectControl
class  OWizTypeSelectList
class  QueryDesigner
class  QueryPropertiesDialog
 Dialog to set such properties of a query as distinct values and limit It can be opened from Edit menu in Query Design View. More...
class  RelationDesigner
class  ResultSetBrowser
class  RowsetFilterDialog
class  RowsetOrderDialog
class  SbaExternalSourceBrowser
class  SbaGridControl
class  SbaGridHeader
class  SbaGridListener
class  SbaSbAttrDlg
class  SbaTableQueryBrowser
struct  SbaURLCompare
class  SbaXDataBrowserController
class  SbaXFormAdapter
class  SbaXGridControl
class  SbaXGridPeer
class  SbaXLoadMultiplexer
class  SbaXParameterMultiplexer
class  SbaXPropertiesChangeMultiplexer
class  SbaXPropertyChangeMultiplexer
class  SbaXResetMultiplexer
class  SbaXRowSetApproveMultiplexer
class  SbaXRowSetMultiplexer
class  SbaXSQLErrorMultiplexer
class  SbaXStatusMultiplexer
class  SbaXSubmitMultiplexer
class  SbaXVetoableChangeMultiplexer
class  SelectionNotifier
class  SetItemPropertyStorage
 a PropertyStorage implementation which stores the value in an item set More...
class  SpecialSettingsPage
class  SQLEditView
class  SQLExceptionInteractionHandler
struct  SQLMessageBox_Impl
class  SubComponentManager
struct  SubComponentManager_Data
class  TableDesigner
class  TableObjectListFacade
 unifies the access to a list of table/query objects More...
class  TableWindowListBoxHelper
struct  TAppSupportedSotFunctor
 Functor object for class DataFlavorExVector::value_type returntype is bool. More...
struct  TaskEntry
struct  TaskPaneData
class  TColumnFindFunctor
class  TExportColumnFindFunctor
class  TextConnectionSettingsDialog
class  TMultiListBoxEntryFindFunctor
class  TreeListBox
class  TreeListBoxDropTarget
class  UndoManager
struct  UndoManager_Impl
class  UnoDataBrowserView


typedef ::cppu::ImplHelper5< css::container::XContainerListener, css::beans::XPropertyChangeListener, css::sdb::application::XDatabaseDocumentUI, css::ui::XContextMenuInterception, css::view::XSelectionSupplier > OApplicationController_Base
typedef std::vector< TaskEntryTaskEntryList
typedef ::cppu::WeakImplHelper< css::beans::XPropertyChangeListener > SubComponentManager_Base
typedef ::svt::EditBrowseBox ORelationControl_Base
typedef std::set< PropertyValue, PropertyValueLess > PropertyValueSet
typedef std::deque< OTableIndexTableIndexList
typedef std::deque< OTableInfoTableInfoList
typedef ::cppu::WeakImplHelper< css::task::XInteractionHandler > OFilePickerInteractionHandler_Base
typedef SQLRETURN(SQL_API * TSQLManageDataSource) (SQLHWND hwndParent)
typedef SQLRETURN(SQL_API * TSQLAllocHandle) (SQLSMALLINT HandleType, SQLHANDLE InputHandle, SQLHANDLE *OutputHandlePtr)
typedef SQLRETURN(SQL_API * TSQLSetEnvAttr) (SQLHENV EnvironmentHandle, SQLINTEGER Attribute, SQLPOINTER ValuePtr, SQLINTEGER StringLength)
typedef SQLRETURN(SQL_API * TSQLDataSources) (SQLHENV EnvironmentHandle, SQLUSMALLINT Direction, SQLCHAR *ServerName, SQLSMALLINT BufferLength1, SQLSMALLINT *NameLength1Ptr, SQLCHAR *Description, SQLSMALLINT BufferLength2, SQLSMALLINT *NameLength2Ptr)
typedef ::cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper< OGenericUnoController, css::sdb::XSQLErrorListener, css::form::XDatabaseParameterListener, css::form::XConfirmDeleteListener, css::form::XLoadListener, css::form::XResetListener, css::awt::XFocusListener, css::container::XContainerListener, css::beans::XPropertyChangeListener, css::frame::XModule > SbaXDataBrowserController_Base
typedef ::dbtools::OCharsetMap OCharsetDisplay_Base
typedef ::dbtools::CharsetIteratorDerefHelper CharsetDisplayDerefHelper_Base
typedef ::utl::SharedUNOComponent< css::sdbc::XConnection > SharedConnection
typedef ::rtl::Reference< OConnectionLineDataOConnectionLineDataRef
typedef std::vector< OConnectionLineDataRefOConnectionLineDataVec
typedef ::cppu::WeakImplHelper< css::sdbc::XResultSetMetaDataSupplier, css::sdb::XResultSetAccess, css::sdbc::XResultSetUpdate, css::sdbc::XRowSet, css::sdb::XRowSetApproveBroadcaster, css::sdbcx::XRowLocate, css::sdbc::XRowUpdate, css::sdbc::XRow, css::sdbcx::XColumnsSupplier, css::sdbc::XColumnLocate, css::sdbc::XParameters, css::sdbcx::XDeleteRows > SbaXFormAdapter_BASE1
typedef ::cppu::ImplHelper12< css::sdbc::XWarningsSupplier, css::sdbc::XCloseable, css::form::XLoadable, css::sdb::XSQLErrorBroadcaster, css::form::XDatabaseParameterBroadcaster, css::form::XForm, css::form::XSubmit, css::awt::XTabControllerModel, css::lang::XComponent, css::beans::XFastPropertySet, css::beans::XMultiPropertySet, css::container::XNamed > SbaXFormAdapter_BASE2
typedef ::cppu::ImplHelper10< css::io::XPersistObject, css::beans::XPropertySet, css::util::XCancellable, css::beans::XPropertyState, css::form::XReset, css::container::XNameContainer, css::container::XIndexContainer, css::container::XContainer, css::container::XEnumerationAccess, css::beans::XPropertyChangeListener > SbaXFormAdapter_BASE3
typedef std::vector< OIndexFieldIndexFields
typedef std::vector< OIndexIndexes
typedef OSingleDocumentController OJoinController_BASE
typedef ::cppu::ImplHelper1< css::lang::XUnoTunnel > OJoinExchObj_Base
typedef std::map< sal_Int32, std::shared_ptr< SetItemPropertyStorage > > PropertyValues
typedef ::comphelper::OPropertyContainer OQueryController_PBase
typedef ::comphelper::OPropertyArrayUsageHelper< OQueryControllerOQueryController_PABase
typedef ::cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper< DBSubComponentController, css::document::XUndoManagerSupplier > OSingleDocumentController_Base
typedef std::vector< std::shared_ptr< OTableConnectionData > > TTableConnectionData
typedef OSingleDocumentController OTableController_BASE
typedef ::rtl::Reference< OTableFieldDescOTableFieldDescRef
typedef std::vector< OTableFieldDescRefOTableFields
typedef std::vector< std::shared_ptr< OTableWindowData > > TTableWindowData
typedef std::shared_ptr< OTypeInfoTOTypeInfoSP
typedef std::multimap< sal_Int32, TOTypeInfoSPOTypeInfoMap
typedef ::svt::OGenericUnoDialog ODatabaseAdministrationDialogBase
typedef ::cppu::ImplHelper5< css::frame::XStatusListener, css::view::XSelectionSupplier, css::document::XScriptInvocationContext, css::ui::XContextMenuInterception, css::sdb::XDatabaseRegistrationsListener > SbaTableQueryBrowser_Base
typedef ::svt::OGenericUnoDialog OSQLMessageDialogBase
typedef std::unique_ptr< OWizTypeSelect >(* TypeSelectionPageFactory) (weld::Container *, OCopyTableWizard *, SvStream &)
typedef ::cppu::WeakImplHelper< XTopWindowListener > FrameWindowActivationListener_Base
typedef cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper< ::svt::ToolboxController, css::lang::XServiceInfo > LimitBoxController_Base
 A ToolboxController to paste LimitBox onto the Query Design Toolbar It is communicating with querycontroller and this channel make enable to set\get the value of limitbox when switching between views. More...
typedef ::cppu::WeakAggComponentImplHelper4< css::awt::XControlModel, css::lang::XServiceInfo, css::util::XCloneable, css::io::XPersistObject > OColumnControlModel_BASE
typedef ::comphelper::OPropertyArrayUsageHelper< ComposerDialogComposerDialog_PBASE
typedef ::svt::OGenericUnoDialog CopyTableWizard_DialogBase
typedef ::cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper< CopyTableWizard_DialogBase, XCopyTableWizard > CopyTableWizard_Base
typedef ::cppu::WeakImplHelper< css::lang::XServiceInfo, css::lang::XInitialization, css::task::XInteractionHandler2 > BasicInteractionHandler_Base
typedef ::cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper< ODatabaseAdministrationDialog, css::sdb::XTextConnectionSettings > OTextConnectionSettingsDialog_BASE
typedef ::comphelper::OPropertyArrayUsageHelper< OTextConnectionSettingsDialog > OTextConnectionSettingsDialog_PBASE
typedef ::svt::OGenericUnoDialog ODirectSQLDialog_BASE
typedef ::comphelper::OPropertyArrayUsageHelper< ODirectSQLDialogODirectSQLDialog_PBASE
typedef ::cppu::ImplHelper1< css::document::XUndoManager > UndoManager_Base
typedef ::cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper< OGenericUnoController, css::document::XScriptInvocationContext, css::util::XModifiable > DBSubComponentController_Base
typedef ::std::map< OUString, ControllerFeature, ::std::less< OUString > > SupportedFeatures
typedef ::comphelper::SharedMutexBase OGenericUnoController_MBASE
typedef ::cppu::WeakComponentImplHelper< css::frame::XDispatch, css::frame::XDispatchProviderInterceptor, css::util::XModifyListener, css::frame::XFrameActionListener, css::lang::XInitialization, css::lang::XServiceInfo, css::frame::XDispatchInformationProvider, css::frame::XController2, css::frame::XTitle, css::frame::XTitleChangeBroadcaster, css::awt::XUserInputInterception > OGenericUnoController_Base


enum  ElementType {
  E_TABLE = css::sdb::application::DatabaseObject::TABLE ,
  E_QUERY = css::sdb::application::DatabaseObject::QUERY ,
  E_FORM = css::sdb::application::DatabaseObject::FORM ,
  E_REPORT = css::sdb::application::DatabaseObject::REPORT ,
  E_NONE = 4 ,
enum class  PreviewMode {
  NONE = 0 ,
  Document = 1 ,
  DocumentInfo = 2
enum class  ElementOpenMode {
  Normal ,
  Design ,
enum  AuthenticationMode {
  AuthNone ,
  AuthUserPwd ,
enum  EOrderDir {
enum  EFunctionType {
  FKT_NONE =0x00000000 ,
  FKT_OTHER =0x00000001 ,
  FKT_AGGREGATE =0x00000002 ,
  FKT_CONDITION =0x00000004 ,
  FKT_NUMERIC =0x00000008
enum  EConnectionSide {
  JTCS_FROM =0 ,
enum  ETableFieldType {
enum  EJoinType {
  FULL_JOIN =0 ,
enum  EControlType {
  tpDefault = 0 ,
  tpRequired ,
  tpTextLen ,
  tpNumType ,
  tpLength ,
  tpScale ,
  tpFormat ,
  tpAutoIncrement ,
  tpBoolDefault ,
  tpColumnName ,
  tpType ,
enum  SqlParseError {
  eIllegalJoin ,
  eStatementTooLong ,
  eNoConnection ,
  eNoSelectStatement ,
  eStatementTooComplex ,
  eNoColumnInLike ,
  eColumnNotFound ,
  eNativeMode ,
  eTooManyTables ,
  eTooManyColumns ,
  eIllegalJoinCondition ,
enum class  Cardinality {
  Undefined ,
  OneMany ,
  ManyOne ,
enum  MessageType {
  Info ,
  Error ,
  Warning ,
  Query ,
enum class  MessBoxStyle {
  NONE = 0x0000 ,
  Ok = 0x0001 ,
  OkCancel = 0x0002 ,
  YesNo = 0x0004 ,
  YesNoCancel = 0x0008 ,
  RetryCancel = 0x0010 ,
  DefaultOk = 0x0020 ,
  DefaultCancel = 0x0040 ,
  DefaultRetry = 0x0080 ,
  DefaultYes = 0x0100 ,
  DefaultNo = 0x0200


 IMPL_LINK (OApplicationController, OnSelectContainer, void *, _pType, void)
 IMPL_LINK (OApplicationController, OnCreateWithPilot, void *, _pType, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (OApplicationController, OnClipboardChanged, TransferableDataHelper *, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (OApplicationController, OnAsyncDrop, void *, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (SbaXDataBrowserController, OnAsyncDisplayError, void *, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (SbaXDataBrowserController, OnClipboardChanged, TransferableDataHelper *, void)
 IMPL_LINK (SbaXDataBrowserController, OnInvalidateClipboard, Timer *, _pTimer, void)
 IMPL_LINK (SbaXDataBrowserController, OnSearchContextRequest, FmSearchContext &, rContext, sal_uInt32)
 IMPL_LINK (SbaXDataBrowserController, OnFoundData, FmFoundRecordInformation &, rInfo, void)
 IMPL_LINK (SbaXDataBrowserController, OnCanceledNotFound, FmFoundRecordInformation &, rInfo, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (SbaXDataBrowserController, OnAsyncGetCellFocus, void *, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (SbaTableQueryBrowser, OnCopyEntry, LinkParamNone *, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (SbaTableQueryBrowser, OnAsyncDrop, void *, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (OGenericUnoController, OnAsyncInvalidateAll, void *, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (OGenericUnoController, OnAsyncCloseTask, void *, void)
static void SafeAddPropertyListener (const Reference< XPropertySet > &xSet, const OUString &rPropName, XPropertyChangeListener *pListener)
static void SafeRemovePropertyListener (const Reference< XPropertySet > &xSet, const OUString &rPropName, XPropertyChangeListener *pListener)
static Reference< XPropertySetgetColumnHelper (const weld::TreeView &rTreeView, const weld::TreeIter *pCurrentlyDisplayed, const Reference< XPropertySet > &rxSource)
 IMPL_LINK (SbaTableQueryBrowser, OnExpandEntry, const weld::TreeIter &, rParent, bool)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (SbaTableQueryBrowser, OnSelectionChange, LinkParamNone *, void)
 IMPL_LINK (TreeListBox, KeyInputHdl, const KeyEvent &, rKEvt, bool)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (TreeListBox, SelectHdl, weld::TreeView &, void)
 IMPL_LINK (TreeListBox, DragBeginHdl, bool &, rUnsetDragIcon, bool)
 IMPL_LINK (TreeListBox, QueryTooltipHdl, const weld::TreeIter &, rIter, OUString)
 IMPL_LINK (TreeListBox, CommandHdl, const CommandEvent &, rCEvt, bool)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (TreeListBox, OnTimeOut, Timer *, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (ORelationControl, AsynchActivate, void *, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (ORelationControl, AsynchDeactivate, void *, void)
 IMPL_LINK (OTableListBoxControl, OnTableChanged, weld::ComboBox &, rListBox, void)
static void fillEntryAndDisable (weld::ComboBox &_rListBox, const OUString &_sEntry)
static bool isCharOk (sal_Unicode _cChar, bool _bFirstChar, std::u16string_view _sAllowedChars)
 IMPL_LINK (OSQLNameEditControl, ModifyHdl, weld::Entry &, rEntry, void)
 IMPL_LINK (OSQLNameEntry, ModifyHdl, weld::Entry &, rEntry, void)
 IMPL_LINK (MySQLNativeSettings, RadioToggleHdl, weld::Toggleable &, rRadioButton, void)
 IMPL_LINK (MySQLNativeSettings, EditModifyHdl, weld::Entry &, rEdit, void)
 IMPL_LINK (MySQLNativeSettings, SpinModifyHdl, weld::SpinButton &, rEdit, void)
 IMPL_LINK (OGenericAdministrationPage, OnControlModified, weld::Widget *, pCtrl, void)
 IMPL_LINK (OGenericAdministrationPage, OnControlModifiedButtonClick, weld::Toggleable &, rCtrl, void)
 IMPL_LINK (OGenericAdministrationPage, OnControlEntryModifyHdl, weld::Entry &, rCtrl, void)
 IMPL_LINK (OGenericAdministrationPage, OnControlSpinButtonModifyHdl, weld::SpinButton &, rCtrl, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (OGenericAdministrationPage, OnTestConnectionButtonClickHdl, weld::Button &, void)
 IMPL_LINK (SpecialSettingsPage, OnTriStateToggleHdl, weld::Toggleable &, rToggle, void)
 IMPL_LINK (SpecialSettingsPage, OnToggleHdl, weld::Toggleable &, rBtn, void)
 IMPL_LINK (SpecialSettingsPage, BooleanComparisonSelectHdl, weld::ComboBox &, rControl, void)
 IMPL_LINK (GeneratedValuesPage, OnAutoToggleHdl, weld::Toggleable &, rBtn, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (OCollectionView, Save_Click, weld::Button &, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (OCollectionView, NewFolder_Click, weld::Button &, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (OCollectionView, Up_Click, weld::Button &, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (OCollectionView, Dbl_Click_FileView, weld::TreeView &, bool)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (OConnectionHelper, OnBrowseConnections, weld::Button &, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (OConnectionHelper, OnCreateDatabase, weld::Button &, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (OConnectionHelper, GetFocusHdl, weld::Widget &, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (OConnectionHelper, LoseFocusHdl, weld::Widget &, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (OConnectionTabPage, OnTestJavaClickHdl, weld::Button &, void)
 IMPL_LINK (OConnectionTabPage, OnEditModified, weld::Entry &, rEdit, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (OConnectionTabPageSetup, OnEditModified, weld::Entry &, void)
template<class T >
static bool checkItemType (const SfxPoolItem *pItem)
constexpr OStringLiteral aGroupIdent ("dBase III")
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (ODbaseIndexDialog, OKClickHdl, weld::Button &, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (ODbaseIndexDialog, AddClickHdl, weld::Button &, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (ODbaseIndexDialog, RemoveClickHdl, weld::Button &, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (ODbaseIndexDialog, AddAllClickHdl, weld::Button &, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (ODbaseIndexDialog, RemoveAllClickHdl, weld::Button &, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (ODbaseIndexDialog, OnListEntrySelected, weld::TreeView &, void)
 IMPL_LINK (ODbaseIndexDialog, TableSelectHdl, weld::ComboBox &, rComboBox, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (OTextConnectionPageSetup, ImplGetExtensionHdl, OTextConnectionHelper *, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (OMySQLIntroPageSetup, OnSetupModeSelected, weld::Toggleable &, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (OGeneralSpecialJDBCConnectionPageSetup, OnTestJavaClickHdl, weld::Button &, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (OJDBCConnectionPageSetup, OnTestJavaClickHdl, weld::Button &, void)
 IMPL_LINK (OJDBCConnectionPageSetup, OnEditModified, weld::Entry &, rEdit, void)
 IMPL_LINK (OFinalDBPageSetup, OnOpenSelected, weld::Toggleable &, rBox, void)
 IMPL_LINK (ODbTypeWizDialog, OnTypeSelected, OGeneralPage &, _rTabPage, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (ODbTypeWizDialogSetup, OnTypeSelected, OGeneralPage &, void)
static void lcl_removeUnused (const ::comphelper::NamedValueCollection &_aOld, const ::comphelper::NamedValueCollection &_aNew,::comphelper::NamedValueCollection &_rDSInfo)
 IMPL_LINK (ODbTypeWizDialogSetup, ImplModifiedHdl, OGenericAdministrationPage const *, _pConnectionPageSetup, void)
 IMPL_LINK (ODbTypeWizDialogSetup, ImplClickHdl, OMySQLIntroPageSetup *, _pMySQLIntroPageSetup, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (ODbTypeWizDialogSetup, OnChangeCreationMode, OGeneralPageWizard &, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (ODbTypeWizDialogSetup, OnRecentDocumentSelected, OGeneralPageWizard &, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (ODbTypeWizDialogSetup, OnSingleDocumentChosen, OGeneralPageWizard &, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (OCommonBehaviourTabPage, CharsetSelectHdl, weld::ComboBox &, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (ODbaseDetailsPage, OnButtonClicked, weld::Button &, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (ODbaseDetailsPage, OnButtonToggled, weld::Toggleable &, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (OGeneralSpecialJDBCDetailsPage, OnTestJavaClickHdl, weld::Button &, void)
 IMPL_LINK (OLDAPDetailsPage, OnCheckBoxClick, weld::Toggleable &, rCheckBox, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (DirectSQLDialog, OnStatementModified, LinkParamNone *, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (DirectSQLDialog, OnCloseClick, weld::Button &, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (DirectSQLDialog, OnClose, void *, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (DirectSQLDialog, OnExecute, weld::Button &, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (DirectSQLDialog, OnListEntrySelected, weld::ComboBox &, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (DlgSize, CbClickHdl, weld::Toggleable &, void)
 IMPL_LINK (ODatasourceSelectDialog, ListDblClickHdl, weld::TreeView &, rListBox, bool)
 IMPL_LINK (OGeneralPageWizard, OnEmbeddedDBTypeSelected, weld::ComboBox &, _rBox, void)
 IMPL_LINK (OGeneralPage, OnDatasourceTypeSelected, weld::ComboBox &, _rBox, void)
 IMPL_LINK (OGeneralPageWizard, OnSetupModeSelected, weld::Toggleable &, rButton, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (OGeneralPageWizard, OnDocumentSelected, weld::ComboBox &, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (OGeneralPageWizard, OnOpenDocument, weld::Button &, void)
static bool operator== (const OIndexField &_rLHS, const OIndexField &_rRHS)
static bool operator== (const IndexFields &_rLHS, const IndexFields &_rRHS)
static bool operator!= (const IndexFields &_rLHS, const IndexFields &_rRHS)
 IMPL_LINK (DbaIndexDialog, OnIndexAction, const OUString &, rClicked, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (DbaIndexDialog, OnCloseDialog, weld::Button &, void)
 IMPL_LINK (DbaIndexDialog, OnEditIndexAgain, void *, p, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (DbaIndexDialog, OnEntryEditing, const weld::TreeIter &, bool)
 IMPL_LINK (DbaIndexDialog, OnEntryEdited, const IterString &, rIterString, bool)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (DbaIndexDialog, OnModifiedClick, weld::Toggleable &, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (DbaIndexDialog, OnModified, IndexFieldsControl &, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (DbaIndexDialog, OnIndexSelected, weld::TreeView &, void)
 IMPL_LINK (IndexFieldsControl, OnListEntrySelected, DbaMouseDownListBoxController &, rController, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (OParameterDialog, OnValueLoseFocusHdl, weld::Widget &, void)
 IMPL_LINK (OParameterDialog, OnButtonClicked, weld::Button &, rButton, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (OParameterDialog, OnEntryListBoxSelected, weld::TreeView &, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (OParameterDialog, OnVisitedTimeout, Timer *, void)
 IMPL_LINK (OParameterDialog, OnValueModified, weld::Entry &, rEdit, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (OExceptionChainDialog, OnExceptionSelected, weld::TreeView &, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (OSQLMessageBox, ButtonClickHdl, weld::Button &, void)
 IMPL_LINK (OTableSubscriptionPage, OnTreeEntryChecked, const weld::TreeView::iter_col &, rRowCol, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (OTextConnectionHelper, OnEditModified, weld::Entry &, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (OTextConnectionHelper, OnSetExtensionHdl, weld::Toggleable &, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (TextConnectionSettingsDialog, OnOK, weld::Button &, void)
TOTypeInfoSP getTypeInfoFromType (const OTypeInfoMap &_rTypeInfo, sal_Int32 _nType, const OUString &_sTypeName, const OUString &_sCreateParams, sal_Int32 _nPrecision, sal_Int32 _nScale, bool _bAutoIncrement, bool &_brForceToType)
 return the most suitable typeinfo for a requested type More...
::dbtools::SQLExceptionInfo createConnection (const OUString &_rsDataSourceName, const css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameAccess > &_xDatabaseContext, const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > &_rxContext, css::uno::Reference< css::lang::XEventListener > const &_rEvtLst, css::uno::Reference< css::sdbc::XConnection > &_rOUTConnection)
 creates a new connection and appends the eventlistener More...
::dbtools::SQLExceptionInfo createConnection (const css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySet > &_xDataSource, const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > &_rxContext, css::uno::Reference< css::lang::XEventListener > const &_rEvtLst, css::uno::Reference< css::sdbc::XConnection > &_rOUTConnection)
 creates a new connection and appends the eventlistener More...
void fillTypeInfo (const css::uno::Reference< css::sdbc::XConnection > &_rxConnection, std::u16string_view _rsTypeNames, OTypeInfoMap &_rTypeInfoMap, std::vector< OTypeInfoMap::iterator > &_rTypeInfoIters)
 fills a map and a vector with localized type names More...
void setColumnProperties (const css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySet > &_rxColumn, const OFieldDescription *_pFieldDesc)
OUString createDefaultName (const css::uno::Reference< css::sdbc::XDatabaseMetaData > &_xMetaData, const css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameAccess > &_xTables, const OUString &_sName)
bool checkDataSourceAvailable (const OUString &_sDataSourceName, const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > &_rxContext)
 checks if the given name exists in the database context More...
sal_Int32 mapTextAlign (const SvxCellHorJustify &_eAlignment)
 maps SvxCellHorJustify to css::awt::TextAlign More...
css::uno::Reference< css::sdbc::XDataSource > getDataSourceByName (const OUString &_rDataSourceName, weld::Window *_pErrorMessageParent, const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > &_rxContext, ::dbtools::SQLExceptionInfo *_pErrorInfo)
 retrieves a data source given by name or URL, and displays an error if this fails More...
css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface > getDataSourceOrModel (const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface > &_xObject)
 returns either the model when data source is given as parameter, or returns a data source when a model is given. More...
SvxCellHorJustify mapTextJustify (sal_Int32 _nAlignment)
 maps css::awt::TextAlign to SvxCellHorJustify More...
void callColumnFormatDialog (const css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySet > &_xAffectedCol, const css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySet > &_xField, SvNumberFormatter *_pFormatter, weld::Widget *_pParent)
 call the format dialog and set the selected format at the column More...
bool callColumnFormatDialog (weld::Widget *_pParent, SvNumberFormatter *_pFormatter, sal_Int32 _nDataType, sal_Int32 &_nFormatKey, SvxCellHorJustify &_eJustify, bool _bHasFormat)
 second variant of the function before More...
bool appendToFilter (const css::uno::Reference< css::sdbc::XConnection > &xConnection, const OUString &rName, const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > &rxContext, weld::Window *pParent)
 append a name to tablefilter of a datasource More...
void notifySystemWindow (vcl::Window const *_pWindow, vcl::Window *_pToRegister, const ::comphelper::mem_fun1_t< TaskPaneList, vcl::Window * > &_rMemFunc)
 notifySystemWindow adds or remove the given window _pToRegister at the Systemwindow found when search _pWindow. More...
void adjustBrowseBoxColumnWidth (::svt::EditBrowseBox *_pBox, sal_uInt16 _nColId)
bool isSQL92CheckEnabled (const css::uno::Reference< css::sdbc::XConnection > &_xConnection)
 check if SQL92 name checking is enabled More...
bool isAppendTableAliasEnabled (const css::uno::Reference< css::sdbc::XConnection > &_xConnection)
 check if the alias name of the table should be added at select statements More...
bool generateAsBeforeTableAlias (const css::uno::Reference< css::sdbc::XConnection > &_rxConnection)
 determines whether when generating SQL statements, AS should be placed before a table alias More...
void fillAutoIncrementValue (const css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySet > &_xDatasource, bool &_rAutoIncrementValueEnabled, OUString &_rsAutoIncrementValue)
 fills the bool and string value with information out of the datasource info property More...
void fillAutoIncrementValue (const css::uno::Reference< css::sdbc::XConnection > &_xConnection, bool &_rAutoIncrementValueEnabled, OUString &_rsAutoIncrementValue)
 fills the bool and string value with information out of the datasource info property More...
void setEvalDateFormatForFormatter (css::uno::Reference< css::util::XNumberFormatter > const &_rxFormatter)
 set the evaluation flag at the number formatter More...
TOTypeInfoSP queryPrimaryKeyType (const OTypeInfoMap &_rTypeInfo)
 query for a type info which can be used to create a primary key column More...
TOTypeInfoSP queryTypeInfoByType (sal_Int32 _nDataType, const OTypeInfoMap &_rTypeInfo)
 query for a specific type. More...
sal_Int32 askForUserAction (weld::Window *pParent, TranslateId pTitle, TranslateId pText, bool bAll, std::u16string_view rName)
 returns the configuration node name of user defined drivers. More...
css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySetcreateView (const OUString &_sName, const css::uno::Reference< css::sdbc::XConnection > &_xConnection, const css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySet > &_xSourceObject)
 creates a new view from a query or table More...
css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySetcreateView (const OUString &_rName, const css::uno::Reference< css::sdbc::XConnection > &_xConnection, const OUString &_rCommand)
 creates a view with the given command More...
OUString getStrippedDatabaseName (const css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySet > &_xDataSource, OUString &_rsDatabaseName)
 returns the stripped database name. More...
std::shared_ptr< const SfxFiltergetStandardDatabaseFilter ()
 returns the standard database filter More...
bool insertHierarchyElement (weld::Window *pParent, const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > &_rxContext, const css::uno::Reference< css::container::XHierarchicalNameContainer > &_xNames, const OUString &_sParentFolder, bool _bForm, bool _bCollection=true, const css::uno::Reference< css::ucb::XContent > &_xContent=nullptr, bool _bMove=false)
 opens a save dialog to store a form or report folder in the current hierarchy. More...
css::uno::Reference< css::util::XNumberFormatter > getNumberFormatter (const css::uno::Reference< css::sdbc::XConnection > &_rxConnection, const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > &_rxContext)
 creates a number formatter More...
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (DialogExecutor_Impl, onExecute, void *, void)
bool operator== (const OCharsetDisplay::ExtendedCharsetIterator &lhs, const OCharsetDisplay::ExtendedCharsetIterator &rhs)
static void lcl_setFrame_nothrow (ControllerFrame_Data &_rData, const Reference< XFrame > &_rxFrame)
static bool lcl_isActive_nothrow (const Reference< XFrame > &_rxFrame)
static void lcl_updateActiveComponents_nothrow (const ControllerFrame_Data &_rData)
 updates various global and local states with a new active component More...
static void lcl_notifyFocusChange_nothrow (ControllerFrame_Data &_rData, bool _bActive)
 broadcasts the OnFocus resp. More...
static void lcl_updateActive_nothrow (ControllerFrame_Data &_rData, bool _bActive)
static const FeatureSetlcl_getFeatureSet (const OUString &_rURL)
static AuthenticationMode getAuthenticationMode (const OUString &_sURL)
SQLExceptionInfo createConnection (const OUString &_rsDataSourceName, const Reference< css::container::XNameAccess > &_xDatabaseContext, const Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > &_rxContext, Reference< css::lang::XEventListener > const &_rEvtLst, Reference< css::sdbc::XConnection > &_rOUTConnection)
SQLExceptionInfo createConnection (const Reference< css::beans::XPropertySet > &_xDataSource, const Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > &_rxContext, Reference< css::lang::XEventListener > const &_rEvtLst, Reference< css::sdbc::XConnection > &_rOUTConnection)
Reference< XDataSource > getDataSourceByName (const OUString &_rDataSourceName, weld::Window *_pErrorMessageParent, const Reference< XComponentContext > &_rxContext, ::dbtools::SQLExceptionInfo *_pErrorInfo)
Reference< XInterfacegetDataSourceOrModel (const Reference< XInterface > &_xObject)
void fillTypeInfo (const Reference< css::sdbc::XConnection > &_rxConnection, std::u16string_view _rsTypeNames, OTypeInfoMap &_rTypeInfoMap, std::vector< OTypeInfoMap::iterator > &_rTypeInfoIters)
void setColumnProperties (const Reference< XPropertySet > &_rxColumn, const OFieldDescription *_pFieldDesc)
OUString createDefaultName (const Reference< XDatabaseMetaData > &_xMetaData, const Reference< XNameAccess > &_xTables, const OUString &_sName)
bool checkDataSourceAvailable (const OUString &_sDataSourceName, const Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > &_xContext)
void callColumnFormatDialog (const Reference< XPropertySet > &xAffectedCol, const Reference< XPropertySet > &xField, SvNumberFormatter *_pFormatter, weld::Widget *_pParent)
bool appendToFilter (const Reference< XConnection > &_xConnection, const OUString &_sName, const Reference< XComponentContext > &_rxContext, weld::Window *pParent)
bool isSQL92CheckEnabled (const Reference< XConnection > &_xConnection)
bool isAppendTableAliasEnabled (const Reference< XConnection > &_xConnection)
bool generateAsBeforeTableAlias (const Reference< XConnection > &_xConnection)
void fillAutoIncrementValue (const Reference< XPropertySet > &_xDatasource, bool &_rAutoIncrementValueEnabled, OUString &_rsAutoIncrementValue)
void fillAutoIncrementValue (const Reference< XConnection > &_xConnection, bool &_rAutoIncrementValueEnabled, OUString &_rsAutoIncrementValue)
OUString getStrippedDatabaseName (const Reference< XPropertySet > &_xDataSource, OUString &_rsDatabaseName)
void setEvalDateFormatForFormatter (Reference< css::util::XNumberFormatter > const &_rxFormatter)
Reference< XPropertySetcreateView (const OUString &_rName, const Reference< XConnection > &_rxConnection, const OUString &_rCommand)
Reference< XPropertySetcreateView (const OUString &_rName, const Reference< XConnection > &_rxConnection, const Reference< XPropertySet > &_rxSourceObject)
bool insertHierarchyElement (weld::Window *pParent, const Reference< XComponentContext > &_rxContext, const Reference< XHierarchicalNameContainer > &_xNames, const OUString &_sParentFolder, bool _bForm, bool _bCollection, const Reference< XContent > &_xContent, bool _bMove)
Reference< XNumberFormatter > getNumberFormatter (const Reference< XConnection > &_rxConnection, const Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > &_rxContext)
bool operator== (const OConnectionLineData &lhs, const OConnectionLineData &rhs)
 IMPL_LINK (LimitBox, KeyInputHdl, const KeyEvent &, rKEvt, bool)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (LimitBox, FocusOutHdl, weld::Widget &, void)
 IMPL_LINK (LimitBox, ChangeHdl, weld::ComboBox &, rComboBox, void)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (LimitBox, ActivateHdl, weld::ComboBox &, bool)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (OQueryContainerWindow, SplitHdl, Splitter *, void)
static std::vector< CommentStrip > getComment (const OUString &rQuery)
 Obtain all comments in a query. More...
static OUString concatComment (const OUString &rQuery, const std::vector< CommentStrip > &rComments)
 Concat/insert comments that were previously obtained with getComment(). More...
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG (OQueryController, OnExecuteAddTable, void *, void)
bool operator== (const ORelationTableConnectionData &lhs, const ORelationTableConnectionData &rhs)
SvStreamWriteOTableRow (SvStream &_rStr, const OTableRow &_rRow)
SvStreamReadOTableRow (SvStream &_rStr, OTableRow &_rRow)
template<typename T >
bool SAL_CALL operator>>= (const css::uno::Any &_any, std::optional< T > &_value)


constexpr sal_uInt32 FORMAT_OBJECT_ID_RTF = 1
constexpr sal_uInt32 FORMAT_OBJECT_ID_HTML = 2
constexpr sal_Int32 g_nHistoryLimit = 20
const sal_Int16 nIndentMax = 23
const sal_uInt16 TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0
const sal_uInt16 TYPE_TEXT = 1
const sal_uInt16 TYPE_NUMERIC = 2
const sal_uInt16 TYPE_DATETIME = 3
const sal_uInt16 TYPE_DATE = 4
const sal_uInt16 TYPE_TIME = 5
const sal_uInt16 TYPE_BOOL = 6
const sal_uInt16 TYPE_CURRENCY = 7
const sal_uInt16 TYPE_MEMO = 8
const sal_uInt16 TYPE_COUNTER = 9
const sal_uInt16 TYPE_IMAGE = 10
const sal_uInt16 TYPE_CHAR = 11
const sal_uInt16 TYPE_DECIMAL = 12
const sal_uInt16 TYPE_BINARY = 13
const sal_uInt16 TYPE_VARBINARY = 14
const sal_uInt16 TYPE_BIGINT = 15
const sal_uInt16 TYPE_DOUBLE = 16
const sal_uInt16 TYPE_FLOAT = 17
const sal_uInt16 TYPE_REAL = 18
const sal_uInt16 TYPE_INTEGER = 19
const sal_uInt16 TYPE_SMALLINT = 20
const sal_uInt16 TYPE_TINYINT = 21
const sal_uInt16 TYPE_SQLNULL = 22
const sal_uInt16 TYPE_OBJECT = 23
const sal_uInt16 TYPE_DISTINCT = 24
const sal_uInt16 TYPE_STRUCT = 25
const sal_uInt16 TYPE_ARRAY = 26
const sal_uInt16 TYPE_BLOB = 27
const sal_uInt16 TYPE_CLOB = 28
const sal_uInt16 TYPE_REF = 29
const sal_uInt16 TYPE_OTHER = 30
const sal_uInt16 TYPE_BIT = 31
constexpr sal_uInt32 FORMAT_OBJECT_ID_SBA_TABED = 1
constexpr OUStringLiteral PROPERTY_QUERYCOMPOSER = u"QueryComposer"
constexpr OUStringLiteral PROPERTY_ROWSET = u"RowSet"

Typedef Documentation

◆ BasicInteractionHandler_Base

typedef ::cppu::WeakImplHelper< css::lang::XServiceInfo , css::lang::XInitialization , css::task::XInteractionHandler2 > dbaui::BasicInteractionHandler_Base

Definition at line 46 of file dbinteraction.hxx.

◆ CharsetDisplayDerefHelper_Base

Definition at line 61 of file charsets.hxx.

◆ ComposerDialog_PBASE

Definition at line 36 of file composerdialogs.hxx.

◆ CopyTableWizard_Base

typedef ::cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper< CopyTableWizard_DialogBase , XCopyTableWizard > dbaui::CopyTableWizard_Base

Definition at line 140 of file copytablewizard.cxx.

◆ CopyTableWizard_DialogBase

Definition at line 137 of file copytablewizard.cxx.

◆ DBSubComponentController_Base

typedef ::cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper< OGenericUnoController , css::document::XScriptInvocationContext , css::util::XModifiable > dbaui::DBSubComponentController_Base

Definition at line 62 of file dbsubcomponentcontroller.hxx.

◆ FrameWindowActivationListener_Base

typedef ::cppu::WeakImplHelper< XTopWindowListener > dbaui::FrameWindowActivationListener_Base

Definition at line 65 of file controllerframe.cxx.

◆ Indexes

typedef std::vector<OIndex> dbaui::Indexes

Definition at line 77 of file indexes.hxx.

◆ IndexFields

typedef std::vector<OIndexField> dbaui::IndexFields

Definition at line 39 of file indexes.hxx.

◆ LimitBoxController_Base

typedef cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper< ::svt::ToolboxController, css::lang::XServiceInfo> dbaui::LimitBoxController_Base

A ToolboxController to paste LimitBox onto the Query Design Toolbar It is communicating with querycontroller and this channel make enable to set\get the value of limitbox when switching between views.

Definition at line 27 of file limitboxcontroller.hxx.

◆ OApplicationController_Base

typedef ::cppu::ImplHelper5< css::container::XContainerListener , css::beans::XPropertyChangeListener , css::sdb::application::XDatabaseDocumentUI , css::ui::XContextMenuInterception , css::view::XSelectionSupplier > dbaui::OApplicationController_Base

Definition at line 82 of file AppController.hxx.

◆ OCharsetDisplay_Base

Definition at line 29 of file charsets.hxx.

◆ OColumnControlModel_BASE

typedef ::cppu::WeakAggComponentImplHelper4< css::awt::XControlModel , css::lang::XServiceInfo , css::util::XCloneable , css::io::XPersistObject > dbaui::OColumnControlModel_BASE

Definition at line 41 of file ColumnModel.hxx.

◆ OConnectionLineDataRef

Definition at line 76 of file ConnectionLineData.hxx.

◆ OConnectionLineDataVec

Definition at line 77 of file ConnectionLineData.hxx.

◆ ODatabaseAdministrationDialogBase

Definition at line 34 of file unoadmin.hxx.

◆ ODirectSQLDialog_BASE

Definition at line 32 of file unoDirectSql.hxx.

◆ ODirectSQLDialog_PBASE

Definition at line 33 of file unoDirectSql.hxx.

◆ OFilePickerInteractionHandler_Base

typedef ::cppu::WeakImplHelper< css::task::XInteractionHandler > dbaui::OFilePickerInteractionHandler_Base

Definition at line 30 of file finteraction.hxx.

◆ OGenericUnoController_Base

typedef ::cppu::WeakComponentImplHelper< css::frame::XDispatch , css::frame::XDispatchProviderInterceptor , css::util::XModifyListener , css::frame::XFrameActionListener , css::lang::XInitialization , css::lang::XServiceInfo , css::frame::XDispatchInformationProvider , css::frame::XController2 , css::frame::XTitle , css::frame::XTitleChangeBroadcaster , css::awt::XUserInputInterception > dbaui::OGenericUnoController_Base

Definition at line 199 of file genericcontroller.hxx.

◆ OGenericUnoController_MBASE

Definition at line 186 of file genericcontroller.hxx.

◆ OJoinController_BASE

Definition at line 38 of file JoinController.hxx.

◆ OJoinExchObj_Base

typedef ::cppu::ImplHelper1< css::lang::XUnoTunnel > dbaui::OJoinExchObj_Base

Definition at line 31 of file JoinExchange.hxx.

◆ OQueryController_PABase

Definition at line 47 of file querycontroller.hxx.

◆ OQueryController_PBase

Definition at line 46 of file querycontroller.hxx.

◆ ORelationControl_Base

Definition at line 54 of file RelationControl.cxx.

◆ OSingleDocumentController_Base

typedef ::cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper< DBSubComponentController , css::document::XUndoManagerSupplier > dbaui::OSingleDocumentController_Base

Definition at line 38 of file singledoccontroller.hxx.

◆ OSQLMessageDialogBase

Definition at line 28 of file unosqlmessage.hxx.

◆ OTableController_BASE

Definition at line 31 of file TableController.hxx.

◆ OTableFieldDescRef

Definition at line 146 of file TableFieldDescription.hxx.

◆ OTableFields

Definition at line 147 of file TableFieldDescription.hxx.

◆ OTextConnectionSettingsDialog_BASE

typedef ::cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper< ODatabaseAdministrationDialog , css::sdb::XTextConnectionSettings > dbaui::OTextConnectionSettingsDialog_BASE

Definition at line 58 of file textconnectionsettings_uno.cxx.

◆ OTextConnectionSettingsDialog_PBASE

Definition at line 59 of file textconnectionsettings_uno.cxx.

◆ OTypeInfoMap

typedef std::multimap<sal_Int32,TOTypeInfoSP> dbaui::OTypeInfoMap

Definition at line 100 of file TypeInfo.hxx.

◆ PropertyValues

typedef std::map< sal_Int32, std::shared_ptr< SetItemPropertyStorage > > dbaui::PropertyValues

Definition at line 50 of file propertystorage.hxx.

◆ PropertyValueSet

typedef std::set<PropertyValue, PropertyValueLess> dbaui::PropertyValueSet

Definition at line 582 of file DbAdminImpl.cxx.

◆ SbaTableQueryBrowser_Base

typedef ::cppu::ImplHelper5< css::frame::XStatusListener , css::view::XSelectionSupplier , css::document::XScriptInvocationContext , css::ui::XContextMenuInterception , css::sdb::XDatabaseRegistrationsListener > dbaui::SbaTableQueryBrowser_Base

Definition at line 59 of file unodatbr.hxx.

◆ SbaXDataBrowserController_Base

typedef ::cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper< OGenericUnoController , css::sdb::XSQLErrorListener , css::form::XDatabaseParameterListener , css::form::XConfirmDeleteListener , css::form::XLoadListener , css::form::XResetListener , css::awt::XFocusListener , css::container::XContainerListener , css::beans::XPropertyChangeListener , css::frame::XModule > dbaui::SbaXDataBrowserController_Base

Definition at line 66 of file brwctrlr.hxx.

◆ SbaXFormAdapter_BASE1

typedef ::cppu::WeakImplHelper< css::sdbc::XResultSetMetaDataSupplier , css::sdb::XResultSetAccess , css::sdbc::XResultSetUpdate , css::sdbc::XRowSet , css::sdb::XRowSetApproveBroadcaster , css::sdbcx::XRowLocate , css::sdbc::XRowUpdate , css::sdbc::XRow , css::sdbcx::XColumnsSupplier , css::sdbc::XColumnLocate , css::sdbc::XParameters , css::sdbcx::XDeleteRows > dbaui::SbaXFormAdapter_BASE1

Definition at line 79 of file formadapter.hxx.

◆ SbaXFormAdapter_BASE2

typedef ::cppu::ImplHelper12< css::sdbc::XWarningsSupplier , css::sdbc::XCloseable , css::form::XLoadable , css::sdb::XSQLErrorBroadcaster , css::form::XDatabaseParameterBroadcaster , css::form::XForm , css::form::XSubmit , css::awt::XTabControllerModel , css::lang::XComponent , css::beans::XFastPropertySet , css::beans::XMultiPropertySet , css::container::XNamed > dbaui::SbaXFormAdapter_BASE2

Definition at line 95 of file formadapter.hxx.

◆ SbaXFormAdapter_BASE3

typedef ::cppu::ImplHelper10< css::io::XPersistObject , css::beans::XPropertySet , css::util::XCancellable , css::beans::XPropertyState , css::form::XReset , css::container::XNameContainer , css::container::XIndexContainer , css::container::XContainer , css::container::XEnumerationAccess , css::beans::XPropertyChangeListener > dbaui::SbaXFormAdapter_BASE3

Definition at line 114 of file formadapter.hxx.

◆ SharedConnection

typedef::utl::SharedUNOComponent< XConnection > dbaui::SharedConnection

Definition at line 35 of file commontypes.hxx.

◆ SubComponentManager_Base

typedef ::cppu::WeakImplHelper< css::beans::XPropertyChangeListener > dbaui::SubComponentManager_Base

Definition at line 40 of file subcomponentmanager.hxx.

◆ SupportedFeatures

Definition at line 145 of file genericcontroller.hxx.

◆ TableIndexList

typedef std::deque< OTableIndex > dbaui::TableIndexList

Definition at line 43 of file dbfindex.hxx.

◆ TableInfoList

typedef std::deque< OTableInfo > dbaui::TableInfoList

Definition at line 62 of file dbfindex.hxx.

◆ TaskEntryList

typedef std::vector< TaskEntry > dbaui::TaskEntryList

Definition at line 52 of file AppDetailView.hxx.

◆ TOTypeInfoSP

typedef std::shared_ptr<OTypeInfo> dbaui::TOTypeInfoSP

Definition at line 99 of file TypeInfo.hxx.

◆ TSQLAllocHandle

typedef SQLRETURN(SQL_API * dbaui::TSQLAllocHandle) (SQLSMALLINT HandleType, SQLHANDLE InputHandle, SQLHANDLE *OutputHandlePtr)

Definition at line 58 of file odbcconfig.cxx.

◆ TSQLDataSources

typedef SQLRETURN(SQL_API * dbaui::TSQLDataSources) (SQLHENV EnvironmentHandle, SQLUSMALLINT Direction, SQLCHAR *ServerName, SQLSMALLINT BufferLength1, SQLSMALLINT *NameLength1Ptr, SQLCHAR *Description, SQLSMALLINT BufferLength2, SQLSMALLINT *NameLength2Ptr)

Definition at line 61 of file odbcconfig.cxx.

◆ TSQLFreeHandle

typedef SQLRETURN(SQL_API * dbaui::TSQLFreeHandle) (SQLSMALLINT HandleType, SQLHANDLE Handle)

Definition at line 59 of file odbcconfig.cxx.

◆ TSQLManageDataSource

typedef SQLRETURN(SQL_API * dbaui::TSQLManageDataSource) (SQLHWND hwndParent)

Definition at line 57 of file odbcconfig.cxx.

◆ TSQLSetEnvAttr

typedef SQLRETURN(SQL_API * dbaui::TSQLSetEnvAttr) (SQLHENV EnvironmentHandle, SQLINTEGER Attribute, SQLPOINTER ValuePtr, SQLINTEGER StringLength)

Definition at line 60 of file odbcconfig.cxx.

◆ TTableConnectionData

typedef std::vector< std::shared_ptr<OTableConnectionData> > dbaui::TTableConnectionData

Definition at line 97 of file TableConnectionData.hxx.

◆ TTableWindowData

typedef std::vector< std::shared_ptr<OTableWindowData> > dbaui::TTableWindowData

Definition at line 92 of file TableWindowData.hxx.

◆ TypeSelectionPageFactory

typedef std::unique_ptr< OWizTypeSelect >(* dbaui::TypeSelectionPageFactory) (weld::Container *, OCopyTableWizard *, SvStream &)

Definition at line 135 of file WTypeSelect.hxx.

◆ UndoManager_Base

typedef ::cppu::ImplHelper1< css::document::XUndoManager > dbaui::UndoManager_Base

Definition at line 57 of file dbaundomanager.hxx.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ AuthenticationMode


Definition at line 36 of file dsmeta.hxx.

◆ Cardinality

enum class dbaui::Cardinality

Definition at line 27 of file RTableConnectionData.hxx.

◆ EConnectionSide


Definition at line 41 of file QEnumTypes.hxx.

◆ EControlType


Definition at line 62 of file QEnumTypes.hxx.

◆ EFunctionType


Definition at line 30 of file QEnumTypes.hxx.

◆ EJoinType


Definition at line 53 of file QEnumTypes.hxx.

◆ ElementOpenMode

enum class dbaui::ElementOpenMode

Definition at line 44 of file AppElementType.hxx.

◆ ElementType


Definition at line 26 of file AppElementType.hxx.

◆ EOrderDir


Definition at line 23 of file QEnumTypes.hxx.

◆ ETableFieldType


Definition at line 47 of file QEnumTypes.hxx.



Definition at line 29 of file ConnectionHelper.hxx.

◆ MessageType


Definition at line 39 of file sqlmessage.hxx.

◆ MessBoxStyle

enum class dbaui::MessBoxStyle

Definition at line 48 of file sqlmessage.hxx.

◆ PreviewMode

enum class dbaui::PreviewMode

Definition at line 37 of file AppElementType.hxx.

◆ SqlParseError


Definition at line 36 of file QueryDesignView.hxx.

Function Documentation

◆ adjustBrowseBoxColumnWidth()

void dbaui::adjustBrowseBoxColumnWidth ( ::svt::EditBrowseBox _pBox,
sal_uInt16  _nColId 

◆ aGroupIdent()

constexpr OStringLiteral dbaui::aGroupIdent ( "dBase III"  )

◆ appendToFilter() [1/2]

bool dbaui::appendToFilter ( const css::uno::Reference< css::sdbc::XConnection > &  xConnection,
const OUString &  rName,
const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > &  rxContext,
weld::Window pParent 

append a name to tablefilter of a datasource

xConnectionthe connection is need to get the datasource
rNamethe name which should be appended
rxContextneeded to check if datasource is available
pParentneeded when an error must be shown
false when datsource is not available otherwise true

Referenced by dbaui::OCopyTableWizard::createTable(), dbaui::OQueryController::doSaveAsDoc(), and dbaui::OTableController::doSaveDoc().

◆ appendToFilter() [2/2]

bool dbaui::appendToFilter ( const Reference< XConnection > &  _xConnection,
const OUString &  _sName,
const Reference< XComponentContext > &  _rxContext,
weld::Window pParent 

◆ askForUserAction()

sal_Int32 dbaui::askForUserAction ( weld::Window pParent,
TranslateId  pTitle,
TranslateId  pText,
bool  bAll,
std::u16string_view  rName 

returns the configuration node name of user defined drivers.

the configuration node name of user defined drivers. returns the result of the user action when view the query dialog.
pParentThe parent of the dialog
pTitleA string resource id for the text which will be displayed as title.
pTextA string resource id for the text which will be displayed above the buttons. When the string contains a #1. This will be replaced by the name.
bAllWhen set to <TRUE>, the all button will be appended.
rNameThe name of the object to ask for.

Definition at line 1149 of file UITools.cxx.

References dbaui::OSQLMessageBox::add_button(), DBA_RES, DefaultYes, HID_CONFIRM_DROP_BUTTON_ALL, Query, RET_ALL, weld::DialogController::run(), and YesNo.

Referenced by dbaui::OApplicationController::deleteTables().

◆ callColumnFormatDialog() [1/3]

void dbaui::callColumnFormatDialog ( const css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySet > &  _xAffectedCol,
const css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySet > &  _xField,
SvNumberFormatter _pFormatter,
weld::Widget _pParent 

call the format dialog and set the selected format at the column

_xAffectedColFont to be converted
_xFieldFont to be converted

Referenced by callColumnFormatDialog(), IMPL_LINK_NOARG(), and dbaui::SbaGridControl::SetColAttrs().

◆ callColumnFormatDialog() [2/3]

void dbaui::callColumnFormatDialog ( const Reference< XPropertySet > &  xAffectedCol,
const Reference< XPropertySet > &  xField,
SvNumberFormatter _pFormatter,
weld::Widget _pParent 

◆ callColumnFormatDialog() [3/3]

bool dbaui::callColumnFormatDialog ( weld::Widget _pParent,
SvNumberFormatter _pFormatter,
sal_Int32  _nDataType,
sal_Int32 &  _nFormatKey,
SvxCellHorJustify _eJustify,
bool  _bHasFormat 

◆ checkDataSourceAvailable() [1/2]

bool dbaui::checkDataSourceAvailable ( const OUString &  _sDataSourceName,
const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > &  _rxContext 

checks if the given name exists in the database context

Referenced by dbaui::ORelationController::Execute().

◆ checkDataSourceAvailable() [2/2]

bool dbaui::checkDataSourceAvailable ( const OUString &  _sDataSourceName,
const Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > &  _xContext 

Definition at line 672 of file UITools.cxx.

References _xContext, and Exception.

Referenced by appendToFilter().

◆ checkItemType()

template<class T >
static bool dbaui::checkItemType ( const SfxPoolItem pItem)

Definition at line 898 of file DbAdminImpl.cxx.

◆ concatComment()

static OUString dbaui::concatComment ( const OUString &  rQuery,
const std::vector< CommentStrip > &  rComments 

Concat/insert comments that were previously obtained with getComment().

NOTE: The current parser implementation does not preserve newlines, so all comments are always appended to the entire query, also inline comments that would need positioning anyway that can't be obtained after recomposition. This is ugly but at least allows commented queries while preserving the comments somehow.

Definition at line 1473 of file querycontroller.cxx.

References aBuf, i, maComment, and mbLastOnLine.

Referenced by dbaui::OQueryController::translateStatement().

◆ createConnection() [1/4]

::dbtools::SQLExceptionInfo dbaui::createConnection ( const css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySet > &  _xDataSource,
const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > &  _rxContext,
css::uno::Reference< css::lang::XEventListener > const &  _rEvtLst,
css::uno::Reference< css::sdbc::XConnection > &  _rOUTConnection 

creates a new connection and appends the eventlistener

_xDataSourcethe datasource
_rxContextthe UNO component context
_rEvtLstthe eventlistener which will be added to the new created connection
_rOUTConnectionthis parameter will be filled with the new created connection
SQLExceptionInfo contains a SQLException, SQLContext or a SQLWarning when they araised else .isValid() will return false

◆ createConnection() [2/4]

::dbtools::SQLExceptionInfo dbaui::createConnection ( const OUString &  _rsDataSourceName,
const css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameAccess > &  _xDatabaseContext,
const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > &  _rxContext,
css::uno::Reference< css::lang::XEventListener > const &  _rEvtLst,
css::uno::Reference< css::sdbc::XConnection > &  _rOUTConnection 

creates a new connection and appends the eventlistener

_rsDataSourceNamename of the datasource
_xDatabaseContextthe database context
_rxContextthe UNO component context
_rEvtLstthe eventlistener which will be added to the new created connection
_rOUTConnectionthis parameter will be filled with the new created connection
SQLExceptionInfo contains a SQLException, SQLContext or a SQLWarning when they araised else .isValid() will return false

Referenced by createConnection(), dbaui::OTableSubscriptionPage::implInitControls(), and dbaui::ODatabaseImportExport::initialize().

◆ createConnection() [3/4]

SQLExceptionInfo dbaui::createConnection ( const OUString &  _rsDataSourceName,
const Reference< css::container::XNameAccess > &  _xDatabaseContext,
const Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > &  _rxContext,
Reference< css::lang::XEventListener > const &  _rEvtLst,
Reference< css::sdbc::XConnection > &  _rOUTConnection 

Definition at line 115 of file UITools.cxx.

References createConnection(), and Exception.

◆ createConnection() [4/4]

SQLExceptionInfo dbaui::createConnection ( const Reference< css::beans::XPropertySet > &  _xDataSource,
const Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > &  _rxContext,
Reference< css::lang::XEventListener > const &  _rEvtLst,
Reference< css::sdbc::XConnection > &  _rOUTConnection 

◆ createDefaultName() [1/2]

OUString dbaui::createDefaultName ( const css::uno::Reference< css::sdbc::XDatabaseMetaData > &  _xMetaData,
const css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameAccess > &  _xTables,
const OUString &  _sName 

◆ createDefaultName() [2/2]

OUString dbaui::createDefaultName ( const Reference< XDatabaseMetaData > &  _xMetaData,
const Reference< XNameAccess > &  _xTables,
const OUString &  _sName 

Definition at line 629 of file UITools.cxx.

References sCatalog, and sSchema.

◆ createView() [1/4]

css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySet > dbaui::createView ( const OUString &  _rName,
const css::uno::Reference< css::sdbc::XConnection > &  _xConnection,
const OUString &  _rCommand 

creates a view with the given command

◆ createView() [2/4]

Reference< XPropertySet > dbaui::createView ( const OUString &  _rName,
const Reference< XConnection > &  _rxConnection,
const OUString &  _rCommand 

◆ createView() [3/4]

Reference< XPropertySet > dbaui::createView ( const OUString &  _rName,
const Reference< XConnection > &  _rxConnection,
const Reference< XPropertySet > &  _rxSourceObject 

◆ createView() [4/4]

css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySet > dbaui::createView ( const OUString &  _sName,
const css::uno::Reference< css::sdbc::XConnection > &  _xConnection,
const css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySet > &  _xSourceObject 

creates a new view from a query or table

_sNameThe name of the view to be created.
_xConnectionThe source connection.
_xSourceObjectThe object for which a view should be created.
The created view.

Referenced by dbaui::OApplicationController::convertToView(), dbaui::OCopyTableWizard::createView(), and createView().

◆ fillAutoIncrementValue() [1/4]

void dbaui::fillAutoIncrementValue ( const css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySet > &  _xDatasource,
bool &  _rAutoIncrementValueEnabled,
OUString &  _rsAutoIncrementValue 

fills the bool and string value with information out of the datasource info property

_xDatasourceAsked for the properties.
_rAutoIncrementValueEnabled<OUT> Set to sal_True when the property was set in the datasource.
_rsAutoIncrementValue<OUT> Set to the value when the property was set in the datasource.

Referenced by fillAutoIncrementValue(), dbaui::OTableController::impl_initialize(), dbaui::OWizTypeSelect::OWizTypeSelect(), and dbaui::OColumnControlWindow::setConnection().

◆ fillAutoIncrementValue() [2/4]

void dbaui::fillAutoIncrementValue ( const css::uno::Reference< css::sdbc::XConnection > &  _xConnection,
bool &  _rAutoIncrementValueEnabled,
OUString &  _rsAutoIncrementValue 

fills the bool and string value with information out of the datasource info property

_xConnectionUsed to get the datasource as parent from the connection.
_rAutoIncrementValueEnabled<OUT> Set to sal_True when the property was set in the datasource.
_rsAutoIncrementValue<OUT> Set to the value when the property was set in the datasource.

◆ fillAutoIncrementValue() [3/4]

void dbaui::fillAutoIncrementValue ( const Reference< XConnection > &  _xConnection,
bool &  _rAutoIncrementValueEnabled,
OUString &  _rsAutoIncrementValue 

Definition at line 999 of file UITools.cxx.

References fillAutoIncrementValue().

◆ fillAutoIncrementValue() [4/4]

void dbaui::fillAutoIncrementValue ( const Reference< XPropertySet > &  _xDatasource,
bool &  _rAutoIncrementValueEnabled,
OUString &  _rsAutoIncrementValue 

Definition at line 973 of file UITools.cxx.


◆ fillEntryAndDisable()

static void dbaui::fillEntryAndDisable ( weld::ComboBox _rListBox,
const OUString &  _sEntry 

◆ fillTypeInfo() [1/2]

void dbaui::fillTypeInfo ( const css::uno::Reference< css::sdbc::XConnection > &  _rxConnection,
std::u16string_view  _rsTypeNames,
OTypeInfoMap _rTypeInfoMap,
std::vector< OTypeInfoMap::iterator > &  _rTypeInfoIters 

fills a map and a vector with localized type names

_rxConnectionthe connection to access the metadata
_rsTypeNamesa list of localized type names separated with ';'
_rTypeInfoMapthe filled map with the type names
_rTypeInfoItersthe vector filled with map iterators

Referenced by dbaui::OTableController::impl_initialize(), and dbaui::OColumnControlWindow::setConnection().

◆ fillTypeInfo() [2/2]

void dbaui::fillTypeInfo ( const Reference< css::sdbc::XConnection > &  _rxConnection,
std::u16string_view  _rsTypeNames,
OTypeInfoMap _rTypeInfoMap,
std::vector< OTypeInfoMap::iterator > &  _rTypeInfoIters 

◆ generateAsBeforeTableAlias() [1/2]

bool dbaui::generateAsBeforeTableAlias ( const css::uno::Reference< css::sdbc::XConnection > &  _rxConnection)

determines whether when generating SQL statements, AS should be placed before a table alias

◆ generateAsBeforeTableAlias() [2/2]

bool dbaui::generateAsBeforeTableAlias ( const Reference< XConnection > &  _xConnection)

Definition at line 968 of file UITools.cxx.


◆ getAuthenticationMode()

static AuthenticationMode dbaui::getAuthenticationMode ( const OUString &  _sURL)

◆ getColumnHelper()

static Reference< XPropertySet > dbaui::getColumnHelper ( const weld::TreeView rTreeView,
const weld::TreeIter pCurrentlyDisplayed,
const Reference< XPropertySet > &  rxSource 

◆ getComment()

static std::vector< CommentStrip > dbaui::getComment ( const OUString &  rQuery)

Obtain all comments in a query.

See also delComment() implementation for OSQLParser::parseTree().

Definition at line 1396 of file querycontroller.cxx.

References aBuf, and i.

Referenced by dbaui::OQueryController::translateStatement().

◆ getDataSourceByName() [1/2]

css::uno::Reference< css::sdbc::XDataSource > dbaui::getDataSourceByName ( const OUString &  _rDataSourceName,
weld::Window _pErrorMessageParent,
const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > &  _rxContext,
::dbtools::SQLExceptionInfo _pErrorInfo 

retrieves a data source given by name or URL, and displays an error if this fails

Any <type scope="css::sdbc">SQLException</type>s which occur will be displayed. Additionally, and Exceptions which indicate a data source name pointing to a non-existent database URL will also be denoted. Yet more additionally, and other exceptions will be forwarded to a <type scope="css::sdb">InteractionHandler</type>.

_rDataSourceNamethe URL of the database document, or the name of a registered data source
_pErrorMessageParentthe window to use as parent for error messages
_rxContexta service factory to use for components to be created
_pErrorInfotakes the error info in case of failure. If <NULL>, the error is displayed to the user.

Referenced by dbaui::ODatasourceConnector::connect(), dbaui::SbaTableQueryBrowser::implAdministrate(), and dbaui::OApplicationController::paste().

◆ getDataSourceByName() [2/2]

Reference< XDataSource > dbaui::getDataSourceByName ( const OUString &  _rDataSourceName,
weld::Window _pErrorMessageParent,
const Reference< XComponentContext > &  _rxContext,
::dbtools::SQLExceptionInfo _pErrorInfo 

◆ getDataSourceOrModel() [1/2]

css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface > dbaui::getDataSourceOrModel ( const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface > &  _xObject)

◆ getDataSourceOrModel() [2/2]

Reference< XInterface > dbaui::getDataSourceOrModel ( const Reference< XInterface > &  _xObject)

Definition at line 246 of file UITools.cxx.

◆ getNumberFormatter() [1/2]

css::uno::Reference< css::util::XNumberFormatter > dbaui::getNumberFormatter ( const css::uno::Reference< css::sdbc::XConnection > &  _rxConnection,
const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > &  _rxContext 

creates a number formatter

_rxConnectionThe connection is needed to create the formatter
_rxContextThe multi service factory

Referenced by dbaui::OApplicationController::copySQLObject(), dbaui::OTableCopyHelper::copyTagTable(), dbaui::OQueryDesignView::getPredicateTreeFromEntry(), dbaui::OSelectionBrowseBox::SaveModified(), and dbaui::OTableEditorCtrl::SwitchType().

◆ getNumberFormatter() [2/2]

Reference< XNumberFormatter > dbaui::getNumberFormatter ( const Reference< XConnection > &  _rxConnection,
const Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > &  _rxContext 

Definition at line 1345 of file UITools.cxx.

References DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION, and Exception.

◆ getStandardDatabaseFilter()

std::shared_ptr< const SfxFilter > dbaui::getStandardDatabaseFilter ( )

◆ getStrippedDatabaseName() [1/2]

OUString dbaui::getStrippedDatabaseName ( const css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySet > &  _xDataSource,
OUString &  _rsDatabaseName 

returns the stripped database name.

_xDataSourceThe data source
_rsDatabaseNameWill be filled with the original data source if it is empty.
The stripped database name either the registered name or if it is a file url the last segment.

Referenced by dbaui::ODbDataSourceAdministrationHelper::getCurrentSettings(), dbaui::ORelationController::getPrivateTitle(), and dbaui::OApplicationController::getStrippedDatabaseName().

◆ getStrippedDatabaseName() [2/2]

OUString dbaui::getStrippedDatabaseName ( const Reference< XPropertySet > &  _xDataSource,
OUString &  _rsDatabaseName 

◆ getTypeInfoFromType()

TOTypeInfoSP dbaui::getTypeInfoFromType ( const OTypeInfoMap _rTypeInfo,
sal_Int32  _nType,
const OUString &  _sTypeName,
const OUString &  _sCreateParams,
sal_Int32  _nPrecision,
sal_Int32  _nScale,
bool  _bAutoIncrement,
bool &  _brForceToType 

return the most suitable typeinfo for a requested type

_rTypeInfocontains a map of type to typeinfo
_nTypethe requested type
_sTypeNamethe typename
_sCreateParamsthe create params
_nPrecisionthe precision
_nScalethe scale
_bAutoIncrementif it is an auto increment
_brForceToTypetrue when type was found which has some differences

Definition at line 263 of file UITools.cxx.

References getTypeInfoFromType(), and SAL_WARN.

Referenced by dbaui::OCopyTableWizard::convertType(), getTypeInfoFromType(), dbaui::OTableController::loadData(), dbaui::OCopyTableWizard::loadData(), queryTypeInfoByType(), and dbaui::OColumnPeer::setColumn().

◆ IMPL_LINK() [1/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( DbaIndexDialog  ,
OnEditIndexAgain  ,
void *  ,
p  ,

Definition at line 475 of file indexdialog.cxx.

References p.

◆ IMPL_LINK() [2/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( DbaIndexDialog  ,
OnEntryEdited  ,
const IterString &  ,
rIterString  ,

◆ IMPL_LINK() [3/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( DbaIndexDialog  ,
OnIndexAction  ,
const OUString &  ,
rClicked  ,

Definition at line 412 of file indexdialog.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK() [4/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( GeneratedValuesPage  ,
OnAutoToggleHdl  ,
weld::Toggleable ,
rBtn  ,

Definition at line 298 of file advancedsettings.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK() [5/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( IndexFieldsControl  ,
OnListEntrySelected  ,
DbaMouseDownListBoxController ,
rController  ,

◆ IMPL_LINK() [6/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( LimitBox  ,
ChangeHdl  ,
weld::ComboBox ,
rComboBox  ,

Definition at line 162 of file limitboxcontroller.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK() [7/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( LimitBox  ,
KeyInputHdl  ,
const KeyEvent ,
rKEvt  ,

Definition at line 136 of file limitboxcontroller.cxx.

References KEY_ESCAPE, KEY_RETURN, and m_xWidget.

◆ IMPL_LINK() [8/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( MySQLNativeSettings  ,
EditModifyHdl  ,
weld::Entry ,
rEdit  ,

Definition at line 84 of file admincontrols.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK() [9/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( MySQLNativeSettings  ,
RadioToggleHdl  ,
weld::Toggleable ,
rRadioButton  ,

Definition at line 69 of file admincontrols.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK() [10/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( MySQLNativeSettings  ,
SpinModifyHdl  ,
weld::SpinButton ,
rEdit  ,

Definition at line 89 of file admincontrols.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK() [11/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( OApplicationController  ,
OnCreateWithPilot  ,
void *  ,
_pType  ,

Definition at line 1857 of file AppController.cxx.

References eType.

◆ IMPL_LINK() [12/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( OApplicationController  ,
OnSelectContainer  ,
void *  ,
_pType  ,

Definition at line 1850 of file AppController.cxx.

References eType.

◆ IMPL_LINK() [13/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( OConnectionTabPage  ,
OnEditModified  ,
weld::Entry ,
rEdit  ,

Definition at line 273 of file ConnectionPage.cxx.

References o3tl::trim().

◆ IMPL_LINK() [14/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( ODatasourceSelectDialog  ,
ListDblClickHdl  ,
weld::TreeView ,
rListBox  ,

Definition at line 52 of file dsselect.cxx.

References m_xDialog, and RET_OK.

◆ IMPL_LINK() [15/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( ODbaseIndexDialog  ,
TableSelectHdl  ,
weld::ComboBox ,
rComboBox  ,

Definition at line 202 of file dbfindex.cxx.

References index.

◆ IMPL_LINK() [16/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( ODbTypeWizDialog  ,
OnTypeSelected  ,
OGeneralPage ,
_rTabPage  ,

Definition at line 94 of file dbwiz.cxx.

References m_eType.

◆ IMPL_LINK() [17/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( ODbTypeWizDialogSetup  ,
ImplClickHdl  ,
OMySQLIntroPageSetup ,
_pMySQLIntroPageSetup  ,

◆ IMPL_LINK() [18/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( ODbTypeWizDialogSetup  ,
ImplModifiedHdl  ,
OGenericAdministrationPage const *  ,
_pConnectionPageSetup  ,

◆ IMPL_LINK() [19/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( OFinalDBPageSetup  ,
OnOpenSelected  ,
weld::Toggleable ,
rBox  ,

Definition at line 904 of file DBSetupConnectionPages.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK() [20/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( OGeneralPage  ,
OnDatasourceTypeSelected  ,
weld::ComboBox ,
_rBox  ,

Definition at line 385 of file generalpage.cxx.

References o3tl::make_unsigned(), and SAL_WARN.

◆ IMPL_LINK() [21/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( OGeneralPageWizard  ,
OnEmbeddedDBTypeSelected  ,
weld::ComboBox ,
_rBox  ,

Definition at line 367 of file generalpage.cxx.

References o3tl::make_unsigned(), and SAL_WARN.

◆ IMPL_LINK() [22/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( OGeneralPageWizard  ,
OnSetupModeSelected  ,
weld::Toggleable ,
rButton  ,

Definition at line 653 of file generalpage.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK() [23/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( OGenericAdministrationPage  ,
OnControlEntryModifyHdl  ,
weld::Entry ,
rCtrl  ,

Definition at line 111 of file adminpages.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK() [24/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( OGenericAdministrationPage  ,
OnControlModified  ,
weld::Widget ,
pCtrl  ,

Definition at line 101 of file adminpages.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK() [25/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( OGenericAdministrationPage  ,
OnControlModifiedButtonClick  ,
weld::Toggleable ,
rCtrl  ,

Definition at line 106 of file adminpages.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK() [26/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( OGenericAdministrationPage  ,
OnControlSpinButtonModifyHdl  ,
weld::SpinButton ,
rCtrl  ,

Definition at line 116 of file adminpages.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK() [27/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( OJDBCConnectionPageSetup  ,
OnEditModified  ,
weld::Entry ,
rEdit  ,

Definition at line 726 of file DBSetupConnectionPages.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK() [28/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( OLDAPDetailsPage  ,
OnCheckBoxClick  ,
weld::Toggleable ,
rCheckBox  ,

Definition at line 615 of file detailpages.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK() [29/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( OParameterDialog  ,
OnButtonClicked  ,
weld::Button ,
rButton  ,

Definition at line 194 of file paramdialog.cxx.

References DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION, Exception, i, m_xDialog, nCount, pValues, RET_CANCEL, RET_OK, and Visited.

◆ IMPL_LINK() [30/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( OParameterDialog  ,
OnValueModified  ,
weld::Entry ,
rEdit  ,

Definition at line 324 of file paramdialog.cxx.

References Dirty, o3tl::make_unsigned(), and weld::Normal.

◆ IMPL_LINK() [31/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( OSQLNameEditControl  ,
ModifyHdl  ,
weld::Entry ,
rEntry  ,

Definition at line 73 of file SqlNameEdit.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK() [32/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( OSQLNameEntry  ,
ModifyHdl  ,
weld::Entry ,
rEntry  ,

Definition at line 79 of file SqlNameEdit.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK() [33/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( OTableListBoxControl  ,
OnTableChanged  ,
weld::ComboBox ,
rListBox  ,

◆ IMPL_LINK() [34/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( OTableSubscriptionPage  ,
OnTreeEntryChecked  ,
const weld::TreeView::iter_col ,
rRowCol  ,

Definition at line 329 of file tablespage.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK() [35/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( SbaTableQueryBrowser  ,
OnExpandEntry  ,
const weld::TreeIter ,
rParent  ,

◆ IMPL_LINK() [36/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( SbaXDataBrowserController  ,
OnCanceledNotFound  ,
FmFoundRecordInformation ,
rInfo  ,

Definition at line 2382 of file brwctrlr.cxx.

References Any, DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION, and Exception.

◆ IMPL_LINK() [37/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( SbaXDataBrowserController  ,
OnFoundData  ,
FmFoundRecordInformation ,
rInfo  ,

Definition at line 2347 of file brwctrlr.cxx.

References Any, and IsSearchableControl().

◆ IMPL_LINK() [38/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( SbaXDataBrowserController  ,
OnInvalidateClipboard  ,
Timer ,
_pTimer  ,

Definition at line 2264 of file brwctrlr.cxx.


◆ IMPL_LINK() [39/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( SbaXDataBrowserController  ,
OnSearchContextRequest  ,
FmSearchContext ,
rContext  ,

◆ IMPL_LINK() [40/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( SpecialSettingsPage  ,
BooleanComparisonSelectHdl  ,
weld::ComboBox ,
rControl  ,

Definition at line 146 of file advancedsettings.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK() [41/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( SpecialSettingsPage  ,
OnToggleHdl  ,
weld::Toggleable ,
rBtn  ,

Definition at line 136 of file advancedsettings.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK() [42/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( SpecialSettingsPage  ,
OnTriStateToggleHdl  ,
weld::Toggleable ,
rToggle  ,

Definition at line 117 of file advancedsettings.cxx.


◆ IMPL_LINK() [43/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( TreeListBox  ,
CommandHdl  ,
const CommandEvent ,
rCEvt  ,

◆ IMPL_LINK() [44/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( TreeListBox  ,
DragBeginHdl  ,
bool &  ,
rUnsetDragIcon  ,

Definition at line 216 of file dbtreelistbox.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK() [45/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( TreeListBox  ,
KeyInputHdl  ,
const KeyEvent ,
rKEvt  ,

Definition at line 137 of file dbtreelistbox.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK() [46/46]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK ( TreeListBox  ,
QueryTooltipHdl  ,
const weld::TreeIter ,
rIter  ,

Definition at line 293 of file dbtreelistbox.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [1/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( DbaIndexDialog  ,
OnCloseDialog  ,
weld::Button ,

Definition at line 426 of file indexdialog.cxx.

References Application::CreateBuilder(), m_xDialog, RET_NO, RET_OK, and RET_YES.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [2/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( DbaIndexDialog  ,
OnEntryEditing  ,
const weld::TreeIter ,

Definition at line 484 of file indexdialog.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [3/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( DbaIndexDialog  ,
OnIndexSelected  ,
weld::TreeView ,

Definition at line 699 of file indexdialog.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [4/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( DbaIndexDialog  ,
OnModified  ,
IndexFieldsControl ,

Definition at line 623 of file indexdialog.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [5/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( DbaIndexDialog  ,
OnModifiedClick  ,
weld::Toggleable ,

Definition at line 618 of file indexdialog.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [6/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( DialogExecutor_Impl  ,
onExecute  ,
void *  ,

Definition at line 64 of file asyncmodaldialog.cxx.

References DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION, Exception, and m_xDialog.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [7/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( DirectSQLDialog  ,
OnClose  ,
void *  ,

Definition at line 420 of file directsql.cxx.

References m_xDialog, Application::RemoveUserEvent(), and RET_OK.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [8/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( DirectSQLDialog  ,
OnCloseClick  ,
weld::Button ,

Definition at line 415 of file directsql.cxx.

References m_xDialog, and RET_OK.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [9/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( DirectSQLDialog  ,
OnExecute  ,
weld::Button ,

Definition at line 429 of file directsql.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [10/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( DirectSQLDialog  ,
OnListEntrySelected  ,
weld::ComboBox ,

Definition at line 434 of file directsql.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [11/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( DirectSQLDialog  ,
OnStatementModified  ,
LinkParamNone ,

Definition at line 410 of file directsql.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [12/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( DlgSize  ,
CbClickHdl  ,
weld::Toggleable ,

Definition at line 66 of file dlgsize.cxx.

References SetValue().

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [13/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( LimitBox  ,
ActivateHdl  ,
weld::ComboBox ,

Definition at line 168 of file limitboxcontroller.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [14/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( LimitBox  ,
FocusOutHdl  ,
weld::Widget ,

Definition at line 155 of file limitboxcontroller.cxx.

References m_xWidget.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [15/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( OApplicationController  ,
OnAsyncDrop  ,
void *  ,

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [16/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( OApplicationController  ,
OnClipboardChanged  ,
TransferableDataHelper ,

Definition at line 2200 of file AppController.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [17/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( OCollectionView  ,
Dbl_Click_FileView  ,
weld::TreeView ,

Definition at line 219 of file CollectionView.cxx.

References DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION, Exception, and m_xContent.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [18/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( OCollectionView  ,
NewFolder_Click  ,
weld::Button ,

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [19/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( OCollectionView  ,
Save_Click  ,
weld::Button ,

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [20/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( OCollectionView  ,
Up_Click  ,
weld::Button ,

Definition at line 195 of file CollectionView.cxx.

References DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION, Exception, and m_xContent.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [21/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( OCommonBehaviourTabPage  ,
CharsetSelectHdl  ,
weld::ComboBox ,

Definition at line 81 of file detailpages.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [22/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( OConnectionHelper  ,
GetFocusHdl  ,
weld::Widget ,

Definition at line 553 of file ConnectionHelper.cxx.

References m_eType.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [23/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( OConnectionHelper  ,
LoseFocusHdl  ,
weld::Widget ,

Definition at line 563 of file ConnectionHelper.cxx.

References m_eType.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [24/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( OConnectionHelper  ,
OnBrowseConnections  ,
weld::Button ,

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [25/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( OConnectionHelper  ,
OnCreateDatabase  ,
weld::Button ,

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [26/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( OConnectionTabPage  ,
OnTestJavaClickHdl  ,
weld::Button ,

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [27/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( OConnectionTabPageSetup  ,
OnEditModified  ,
weld::Entry ,

Definition at line 145 of file ConnectionPageSetup.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [28/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( ODbaseDetailsPage  ,
OnButtonClicked  ,
weld::Button ,

Definition at line 212 of file detailpages.cxx.

References GetFrameWeld(), and weld::DialogController::run().

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [29/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( ODbaseDetailsPage  ,
OnButtonToggled  ,
weld::Toggleable ,

Definition at line 218 of file detailpages.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [30/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( ODbaseIndexDialog  ,
AddAllClickHdl  ,
weld::Button ,

Definition at line 175 of file dbfindex.cxx.

References nPos.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [31/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( ODbaseIndexDialog  ,
AddClickHdl  ,
weld::Button ,

Definition at line 155 of file dbfindex.cxx.

References aIndex.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [32/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( ODbaseIndexDialog  ,
OKClickHdl  ,
weld::Button ,

Definition at line 145 of file dbfindex.cxx.

References m_xDialog, and RET_OK.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [33/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( ODbaseIndexDialog  ,
OnListEntrySelected  ,
weld::TreeView ,

Definition at line 197 of file dbfindex.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [34/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( ODbaseIndexDialog  ,
RemoveAllClickHdl  ,
weld::Button ,

Definition at line 186 of file dbfindex.cxx.

References nPos.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [35/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( ODbaseIndexDialog  ,
RemoveClickHdl  ,
weld::Button ,

Definition at line 165 of file dbfindex.cxx.

References aIndex.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [36/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( ODbTypeWizDialogSetup  ,
OnChangeCreationMode  ,
OGeneralPageWizard ,

Definition at line 595 of file dbwizsetup.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [37/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( ODbTypeWizDialogSetup  ,
OnRecentDocumentSelected  ,
OGeneralPageWizard ,

Definition at line 600 of file dbwizsetup.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [38/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( ODbTypeWizDialogSetup  ,
OnSingleDocumentChosen  ,
OGeneralPageWizard ,

Definition at line 605 of file dbwizsetup.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [39/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( ODbTypeWizDialogSetup  ,
OnTypeSelected  ,
OGeneralPage ,

Definition at line 257 of file dbwizsetup.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [40/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( OExceptionChainDialog  ,
OnExceptionSelected  ,
weld::TreeView ,

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [41/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( OGeneralPageWizard  ,
OnDocumentSelected  ,
weld::ComboBox ,

Definition at line 660 of file generalpage.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [42/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( OGeneralPageWizard  ,
OnOpenDocument  ,
weld::Button ,

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [43/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( OGeneralSpecialJDBCConnectionPageSetup  ,
OnTestJavaClickHdl  ,
weld::Button ,

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [44/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( OGeneralSpecialJDBCDetailsPage  ,
OnTestJavaClickHdl  ,
weld::Button ,

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [45/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( OGenericAdministrationPage  ,
OnTestConnectionButtonClickHdl  ,
weld::Button ,

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [46/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( OGenericUnoController  ,
OnAsyncCloseTask  ,
void *  ,

Definition at line 920 of file genericcontroller.cxx.

References DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION, and Exception.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [47/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( OGenericUnoController  ,
OnAsyncInvalidateAll  ,
void *  ,

Definition at line 164 of file genericcontroller.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [48/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( OJDBCConnectionPageSetup  ,
OnTestJavaClickHdl  ,
weld::Button ,

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [49/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( OMySQLIntroPageSetup  ,
OnSetupModeSelected  ,
weld::Toggleable ,

Definition at line 229 of file DBSetupConnectionPages.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [50/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( OParameterDialog  ,
OnEntryListBoxSelected  ,
weld::TreeView ,

Definition at line 256 of file paramdialog.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [51/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( OParameterDialog  ,
OnValueLoseFocusHdl  ,
weld::Widget ,

Definition at line 136 of file paramdialog.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [52/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( OParameterDialog  ,
OnVisitedTimeout  ,
Timer ,

Definition at line 298 of file paramdialog.cxx.

References m_xDialog, o3tl::make_unsigned(), and Visited.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [53/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( OQueryContainerWindow  ,
SplitHdl  ,
Splitter ,

Definition at line 135 of file querycontainerwindow.cxx.

References Resize.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [54/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( OQueryController  ,
OnExecuteAddTable  ,
void *  ,

Definition at line 1751 of file querycontroller.cxx.

References Execute(), and ID_BROWSER_ADDTABLE.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [55/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( ORelationControl  ,
AsynchActivate  ,
void *  ,

Definition at line 195 of file RelationControl.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [56/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( ORelationControl  ,
AsynchDeactivate  ,
void *  ,

Definition at line 200 of file RelationControl.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [57/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( OSQLMessageBox  ,
ButtonClickHdl  ,
weld::Button ,

Definition at line 583 of file sqlmessage.cxx.

References m_pImpl, and m_xDialog.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [58/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( OTextConnectionHelper  ,
OnEditModified  ,
weld::Entry ,

Definition at line 125 of file TextConnectionHelper.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [59/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( OTextConnectionHelper  ,
OnSetExtensionHdl  ,
weld::Toggleable ,

Definition at line 130 of file TextConnectionHelper.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [60/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( OTextConnectionPageSetup  ,
ImplGetExtensionHdl  ,
OTextConnectionHelper ,

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [61/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( SbaTableQueryBrowser  ,
OnAsyncDrop  ,
void *  ,

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [62/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( SbaTableQueryBrowser  ,
OnCopyEntry  ,
LinkParamNone ,

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [63/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( SbaTableQueryBrowser  ,
OnSelectionChange  ,
LinkParamNone ,

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [64/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( SbaXDataBrowserController  ,
OnAsyncDisplayError  ,
void *  ,

Definition at line 1222 of file brwctrlr.cxx.

References weld::DialogController::run().

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [65/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( SbaXDataBrowserController  ,
OnAsyncGetCellFocus  ,
void *  ,

Definition at line 2412 of file brwctrlr.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [66/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( SbaXDataBrowserController  ,
OnClipboardChanged  ,
TransferableDataHelper ,

Definition at line 2258 of file brwctrlr.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [67/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( TextConnectionSettingsDialog  ,
OnOK  ,
weld::Button ,

Definition at line 58 of file textconnectionsettings.cxx.

References m_xDialog, and RET_OK.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [68/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( TreeListBox  ,
OnTimeOut  ,
Timer ,

Definition at line 478 of file dbtreelistbox.cxx.

◆ IMPL_LINK_NOARG() [69/69]

dbaui::IMPL_LINK_NOARG ( TreeListBox  ,
SelectHdl  ,
weld::TreeView ,

Definition at line 178 of file dbtreelistbox.cxx.

◆ insertHierarchyElement() [1/2]

bool dbaui::insertHierarchyElement ( weld::Window pParent,
const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > &  _rxContext,
const css::uno::Reference< css::container::XHierarchicalNameContainer > &  _xNames,
const OUString &  _sParentFolder,
bool  _bForm,
bool  _bCollection = true,
const css::uno::Reference< css::ucb::XContent > &  _xContent = nullptr,
bool  _bMove = false 

opens a save dialog to store a form or report folder in the current hierarchy.

_pParentThe parent of the dialog.
_rxContexta multi service factory which can be used to instantiate usual global services
_xNamesWhere to insert the new object.
_sParentFolderThe name of the parent folder.
_bForm<TRUE> if a form should be inserted
_bCollectionA folder should be inserted
_xContentThe content which should be copied.
_bMoveif <TRUE> the name of the content must be inserted without any change, otherwise not.
<TRUE> if the insert operation was successful, otherwise <FALSE>.

Referenced by IMPL_LINK_NOARG(), and dbaui::OApplicationController::insertHierarchyElement().

◆ insertHierarchyElement() [2/2]

bool dbaui::insertHierarchyElement ( weld::Window pParent,
const Reference< XComponentContext > &  _rxContext,
const Reference< XHierarchicalNameContainer > &  _xNames,
const OUString &  _sParentFolder,
bool  _bForm,
bool  _bCollection,
const Reference< XContent > &  _xContent,
bool  _bMove 

◆ isAppendTableAliasEnabled() [1/2]

bool dbaui::isAppendTableAliasEnabled ( const css::uno::Reference< css::sdbc::XConnection > &  _xConnection)

check if the alias name of the table should be added at select statements

_xConnectionUsed to get the datasource as parent from the connection.
<TRUE> if so otherwise <FALSE>

◆ isAppendTableAliasEnabled() [2/2]

bool dbaui::isAppendTableAliasEnabled ( const Reference< XConnection > &  _xConnection)

Definition at line 963 of file UITools.cxx.


◆ isCharOk()

static bool dbaui::isCharOk ( sal_Unicode  _cChar,
bool  _bFirstChar,
std::u16string_view  _sAllowedChars 

Definition at line 24 of file SqlNameEdit.cxx.

Referenced by dbaui::OSQLNameChecker::checkString().

◆ isSQL92CheckEnabled() [1/2]

bool dbaui::isSQL92CheckEnabled ( const css::uno::Reference< css::sdbc::XConnection > &  _xConnection)

check if SQL92 name checking is enabled

_xConnectionUsed to get the datasource as parent from the connection.
<TRUE> if so otherwise <FALSE>

Referenced by dbaui::OFieldDescControl::ActivateAggregate(), dbaui::OCopyTableWizard::convertColumnName(), dbaui::ODatabaseExport::CreateDefaultColumn(), and dbaui::OTableEditorCtrl::InitCellController().

◆ isSQL92CheckEnabled() [2/2]

bool dbaui::isSQL92CheckEnabled ( const Reference< XConnection > &  _xConnection)

Definition at line 958 of file UITools.cxx.


◆ lcl_getFeatureSet()

static const FeatureSet & dbaui::lcl_getFeatureSet ( const OUString &  _rURL)

◆ lcl_isActive_nothrow()

static bool dbaui::lcl_isActive_nothrow ( const Reference< XFrame > &  _rxFrame)

Definition at line 150 of file controllerframe.cxx.

References DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION, and Exception.

Referenced by dbaui::ControllerFrame::attachFrame().

◆ lcl_notifyFocusChange_nothrow()

static void dbaui::lcl_notifyFocusChange_nothrow ( ControllerFrame_Data _rData,
bool  _bActive 

◆ lcl_removeUnused()

static void dbaui::lcl_removeUnused ( const ::comphelper::NamedValueCollection _aOld,
const ::comphelper::NamedValueCollection _aNew,
::comphelper::NamedValueCollection _rDSInfo 

◆ lcl_setFrame_nothrow()

static void dbaui::lcl_setFrame_nothrow ( ControllerFrame_Data _rData,
const Reference< XFrame > &  _rxFrame 

◆ lcl_updateActive_nothrow()

static void dbaui::lcl_updateActive_nothrow ( ControllerFrame_Data _rData,
bool  _bActive 

◆ lcl_updateActiveComponents_nothrow()

static void dbaui::lcl_updateActiveComponents_nothrow ( const ControllerFrame_Data _rData)

updates various global and local states with a new active component

In particular, the following are updated the global working document (aka Basic's ThisComponent in the application Basic), with our controller's model, or the controller itself if there is no such model.

Definition at line 176 of file controllerframe.cxx.

References DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION, Exception, dbaui::IController::getXController(), dbaui::ControllerFrame_Data::m_bActive, dbaui::ControllerFrame_Data::m_bIsTopLevelDocumentWindow, dbaui::ControllerFrame_Data::m_rController, SfxObjectShell::SetCurrentComponent(), and xModel.

Referenced by dbaui::ControllerFrame::attachFrame(), and lcl_updateActive_nothrow().

◆ mapTextAlign()

sal_Int32 dbaui::mapTextAlign ( const SvxCellHorJustify _eAlignment)

maps SvxCellHorJustify to css::awt::TextAlign

the corresponding css::awt::TextAlign

Definition at line 689 of file UITools.cxx.

References SAL_WARN.

Referenced by dbaui::OTableController::alterColumns(), callColumnFormatDialog(), dbaui::OFieldDescription::copyColumnSettingsTo(), and dbaui::OFieldDescription::SetHorJustify().

◆ mapTextJustify()

SvxCellHorJustify dbaui::mapTextJustify ( sal_Int32  _nAlignment)

maps css::awt::TextAlign to SvxCellHorJustify

the corresponding SvxCellHorJustify

Definition at line 704 of file UITools.cxx.

References SAL_WARN.

Referenced by callColumnFormatDialog(), dbaui::OFieldDescription::GetHorJustify(), and dbaui::OTableController::loadData().

◆ notifySystemWindow()

void dbaui::notifySystemWindow ( vcl::Window const *  _pWindow,
vcl::Window _pToRegister,
const ::comphelper::mem_fun1_t< TaskPaneList, vcl::Window * > &  _rMemFunc 

notifySystemWindow adds or remove the given window _pToRegister at the Systemwindow found when search _pWindow.

_pWindowThe window which is used to search for the SystemWindow.
_pToRegisterThe window which should be added or removed on the TaskPaneList.
_rMemFuncThe member function which should be called at the SystemWindow when found. Possible values are: ::comphelper::mem_fun(&TaskPaneList::AddWindow) ::comphelper::mem_fun(&TaskPaneList::RemoveWindow)

Definition at line 918 of file UITools.cxx.

References vcl::Window::GetSystemWindow(), and SystemWindow::GetTaskPaneList().

Referenced by dbaui::OQueryDesignView::Construct(), dbaui::OQueryContainerWindow::dispose(), dbaui::OQueryDesignView::dispose(), dbaui::OQueryContainerWindow::disposingPreview(), and dbaui::OQueryContainerWindow::showPreview().

◆ operator!=()

static bool dbaui::operator!= ( const IndexFields _rLHS,
const IndexFields _rRHS 

Definition at line 58 of file indexdialog.cxx.

◆ operator==() [1/5]

static bool dbaui::operator== ( const IndexFields _rLHS,
const IndexFields _rRHS 

Definition at line 53 of file indexdialog.cxx.

◆ operator==() [2/5]

bool dbaui::operator== ( const OCharsetDisplay::ExtendedCharsetIterator lhs,
const OCharsetDisplay::ExtendedCharsetIterator rhs 

Definition at line 124 of file charsets.cxx.

◆ operator==() [3/5]

bool dbaui::operator== ( const OConnectionLineData lhs,
const OConnectionLineData rhs 

Definition at line 69 of file ConnectionLineData.cxx.

◆ operator==() [4/5]

static bool dbaui::operator== ( const OIndexField _rLHS,
const OIndexField _rRHS 

◆ operator==() [5/5]

bool dbaui::operator== ( const ORelationTableConnectionData lhs,
const ORelationTableConnectionData rhs 

Definition at line 199 of file RTableConnectionData.cxx.

◆ operator>>=()

template<typename T >
bool SAL_CALL dbaui::operator>>= ( const css::uno::Any &  _any,
std::optional< T > &  _value 

Definition at line 100 of file genericcontroller.hxx.

◆ queryPrimaryKeyType()

TOTypeInfoSP dbaui::queryPrimaryKeyType ( const OTypeInfoMap _rTypeInfo)

query for a type info which can be used to create a primary key column

_rTypeInfoThe map which contains all available types.
The type info which can be used to create a primary key column.

Definition at line 1049 of file UITools.cxx.

References queryTypeInfoByType().

Referenced by dbaui::OTableController::checkColumns(), and dbaui::OCopyTableWizard::CheckColumns().

◆ queryTypeInfoByType()

TOTypeInfoSP dbaui::queryTypeInfoByType ( sal_Int32  _nDataType,
const OTypeInfoMap _rTypeInfo 

query for a specific type.

_nDataTypeThe type we are searching.
_rTypeInfoThe map which contains all available types.
The type or <NULL> if we can't find it.

Definition at line 1077 of file UITools.cxx.

References getTypeInfoFromType(), and queryTypeInfoByType().

Referenced by dbaui::OTableController::getTypeInfoByType(), queryPrimaryKeyType(), and queryTypeInfoByType().

◆ ReadOTableRow()

SvStream & dbaui::ReadOTableRow ( SvStream _rStr,
OTableRow _rRow 

Definition at line 128 of file TableRow.cxx.

Referenced by dbaui::OTableEditorCtrl::InsertRows().

◆ SafeAddPropertyListener()

static void dbaui::SafeAddPropertyListener ( const Reference< XPropertySet > &  xSet,
const OUString &  rPropName,
XPropertyChangeListener *  pListener 

Definition at line 139 of file unodatbr.cxx.

Referenced by dbaui::SbaTableQueryBrowser::AddColumnListener().

◆ SafeRemovePropertyListener()

static void dbaui::SafeRemovePropertyListener ( const Reference< XPropertySet > &  xSet,
const OUString &  rPropName,
XPropertyChangeListener *  pListener 

Definition at line 146 of file unodatbr.cxx.

Referenced by dbaui::SbaTableQueryBrowser::RemoveColumnListener().

◆ setColumnProperties() [1/2]

void dbaui::setColumnProperties ( const css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySet > &  _rxColumn,
const OFieldDescription _pFieldDesc 

◆ setColumnProperties() [2/2]

void dbaui::setColumnProperties ( const Reference< XPropertySet > &  _rxColumn,
const OFieldDescription _pFieldDesc 

◆ setEvalDateFormatForFormatter() [1/2]

void dbaui::setEvalDateFormatForFormatter ( css::uno::Reference< css::util::XNumberFormatter > const &  _rxFormatter)

set the evaluation flag at the number formatter


Referenced by dbaui::OFieldDescControl::Init().

◆ setEvalDateFormatForFormatter() [2/2]

void dbaui::setEvalDateFormatForFormatter ( Reference< css::util::XNumberFormatter > const &  _rxFormatter)

◆ WriteOTableRow()

SvStream & dbaui::WriteOTableRow ( SvStream _rStr,
const OTableRow _rRow 

Definition at line 90 of file TableRow.cxx.

Referenced by dbaui::OTableRowExchange::WriteObject().

Variable Documentation


constexpr auto dbaui::BROWSER_STANDARD_FLAGS
Initial value:
= BrowserMode::COLUMNSELECTION | BrowserMode::HLINES | BrowserMode::VLINES |
BrowserMode::HIDECURSOR | BrowserMode::HIDESELECT | BrowserMode::AUTO_HSCROLL | BrowserMode::AUTO_VSCROLL

Definition at line 33 of file indexfieldscontrol.cxx.


constexpr sal_uInt32 dbaui::FORMAT_OBJECT_ID_HTML = 2


constexpr sal_uInt32 dbaui::FORMAT_OBJECT_ID_RTF = 1


constexpr sal_uInt32 dbaui::FORMAT_OBJECT_ID_SBA_TABED = 1

◆ g_nHistoryLimit

constexpr sal_Int32 dbaui::g_nHistoryLimit = 20

Definition at line 42 of file directsql.cxx.

Referenced by dbaui::DirectSQLDialog::implEnsureHistoryLimit().

◆ nIndentMax

const sal_Int16 dbaui::nIndentMax = 23

Definition at line 137 of file TokenWriter.hxx.

Referenced by dbaui::OHTMLImportExport::IncIndent().


constexpr OUStringLiteral dbaui::PROPERTY_QUERYCOMPOSER = u"QueryComposer"

Definition at line 52 of file composerdialogs.cxx.

Referenced by dbaui::ComposerDialog::ComposerDialog().


constexpr OUStringLiteral dbaui::PROPERTY_ROWSET = u"RowSet"

Definition at line 53 of file composerdialogs.cxx.

Referenced by dbaui::ComposerDialog::ComposerDialog().


const sal_uInt16 dbaui::TYPE_ARRAY = 26

Definition at line 56 of file TypeInfo.hxx.

Referenced by fillTypeInfo().


const sal_uInt16 dbaui::TYPE_BIGINT = 15

Definition at line 45 of file TypeInfo.hxx.

Referenced by fillTypeInfo().


const sal_uInt16 dbaui::TYPE_BINARY = 13

Definition at line 43 of file TypeInfo.hxx.

Referenced by fillTypeInfo().


const sal_uInt16 dbaui::TYPE_BIT = 31

Definition at line 61 of file TypeInfo.hxx.

Referenced by fillTypeInfo().


const sal_uInt16 dbaui::TYPE_BLOB = 27

Definition at line 57 of file TypeInfo.hxx.

Referenced by fillTypeInfo().


const sal_uInt16 dbaui::TYPE_BOOL = 6

Definition at line 36 of file TypeInfo.hxx.

Referenced by fillTypeInfo().


const sal_uInt16 dbaui::TYPE_CHAR = 11

Definition at line 41 of file TypeInfo.hxx.

Referenced by fillTypeInfo().


const sal_uInt16 dbaui::TYPE_CLOB = 28

Definition at line 58 of file TypeInfo.hxx.

Referenced by fillTypeInfo().


const sal_uInt16 dbaui::TYPE_COUNTER = 9

Definition at line 39 of file TypeInfo.hxx.


const sal_uInt16 dbaui::TYPE_CURRENCY = 7

Definition at line 37 of file TypeInfo.hxx.


const sal_uInt16 dbaui::TYPE_DATE = 4

Definition at line 34 of file TypeInfo.hxx.

Referenced by fillTypeInfo().


const sal_uInt16 dbaui::TYPE_DATETIME = 3

Definition at line 33 of file TypeInfo.hxx.

Referenced by fillTypeInfo().


const sal_uInt16 dbaui::TYPE_DECIMAL = 12

Definition at line 42 of file TypeInfo.hxx.

Referenced by fillTypeInfo().


const sal_uInt16 dbaui::TYPE_DISTINCT = 24

Definition at line 54 of file TypeInfo.hxx.

Referenced by fillTypeInfo().


const sal_uInt16 dbaui::TYPE_DOUBLE = 16

Definition at line 46 of file TypeInfo.hxx.

Referenced by fillTypeInfo().


const sal_uInt16 dbaui::TYPE_FLOAT = 17

Definition at line 47 of file TypeInfo.hxx.

Referenced by fillTypeInfo().


const sal_uInt16 dbaui::TYPE_IMAGE = 10

Definition at line 40 of file TypeInfo.hxx.

Referenced by fillTypeInfo().


const sal_uInt16 dbaui::TYPE_INTEGER = 19

Definition at line 49 of file TypeInfo.hxx.

Referenced by fillTypeInfo().


const sal_uInt16 dbaui::TYPE_MEMO = 8

Definition at line 38 of file TypeInfo.hxx.

Referenced by fillTypeInfo().


const sal_uInt16 dbaui::TYPE_NUMERIC = 2

Definition at line 32 of file TypeInfo.hxx.

Referenced by fillTypeInfo().


const sal_uInt16 dbaui::TYPE_OBJECT = 23

Definition at line 53 of file TypeInfo.hxx.

Referenced by fillTypeInfo().


const sal_uInt16 dbaui::TYPE_OTHER = 30


const sal_uInt16 dbaui::TYPE_REAL = 18

Definition at line 48 of file TypeInfo.hxx.

Referenced by fillTypeInfo().


const sal_uInt16 dbaui::TYPE_REF = 29

Definition at line 59 of file TypeInfo.hxx.

Referenced by fillTypeInfo().


const sal_uInt16 dbaui::TYPE_SMALLINT = 20

Definition at line 50 of file TypeInfo.hxx.

Referenced by fillTypeInfo().


const sal_uInt16 dbaui::TYPE_SQLNULL = 22

Definition at line 52 of file TypeInfo.hxx.

Referenced by fillTypeInfo().


const sal_uInt16 dbaui::TYPE_STRUCT = 25

Definition at line 55 of file TypeInfo.hxx.

Referenced by fillTypeInfo().


const sal_uInt16 dbaui::TYPE_TEXT = 1

Definition at line 31 of file TypeInfo.hxx.

Referenced by fillTypeInfo().


const sal_uInt16 dbaui::TYPE_TIME = 5

Definition at line 35 of file TypeInfo.hxx.

Referenced by fillTypeInfo().


const sal_uInt16 dbaui::TYPE_TINYINT = 21

Definition at line 51 of file TypeInfo.hxx.

Referenced by fillTypeInfo().


const sal_uInt16 dbaui::TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0

Definition at line 30 of file TypeInfo.hxx.


const sal_uInt16 dbaui::TYPE_VARBINARY = 14

Definition at line 44 of file TypeInfo.hxx.

Referenced by fillTypeInfo().