14#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
virtual void SetValue(tools::Long nNew) override
void statusIndicatorStart(const OUString &sText)
void statusIndicatorFinish()
void setTiledPainting(bool bTiledPainting)
Set if we are doing tiled painting.
void setCompatFlag(Compat flag)
Set compatibility flags.
double getDPIScale()
Get the DPI scale for rendering for HiDPI displays.
void setDialogPainting(bool bDialogPainting)
Set if we are painting the dialog.
bool isDialogPainting()
Check if we are painting the dialog.
COMPHELPER_DLLPUBLIC void setBlockedCommandList(const char *blockedCommandList)
bool isTiledPainting()
Check if we are doing tiled painting.
void setTimezone(bool isSet, const OUString &rTimezone)
Update the current LOK's timezone.
bool isTiledAnnotations()
Check if annotations rendering is turned off.
void statusIndicatorSetValue(int percent)
bool isAllowlistedLanguage(const OUString &lang)
If the language name should be used for this LOK instance.
bool isCompatFlagSet(Compat flag)
Get compatibility flags.
bool isPartInInvalidation()
Check whether clients want a part number in an invalidation payload.
const LanguageTag & getLocale()
Get the current LOK's locale.
bool isRangeHeaders()
Check if range based header data is enabled.
void setRangeHeaders(bool bRangeHeaders)
Set if we want range based header data.
const LanguageTag & getLanguageTag()
Get the current LOK's language.
void setPartInInvalidation(bool bPartInInvalidation)
Set whether clients want a part number in an invalidation payload.
void resetCompatFlag()
Reset compatibility flags.
bool isViewIdForVisCursorInvalidation()
Check whether clients want viewId in visible cursor invalidation payload.
void setLocale(const LanguageTag &rLanguageTag)
Update the current LOK's locale.
void setTiledAnnotations(bool bTiledAnnotations)
Set if we want no annotations rendering.
void setLanguageTag(const LanguageTag &rLanguageTag)
Update the current LOK's language.
void setStatusIndicatorCallback(void(*callback)(void *data, statusIndicatorCallbackType type, int percent, const char *pText), void *data)
void setLocalRendering(bool bLocalRendering)
Shift the coordinates before rendering each bitmap.
void setActive(bool bActive)
void setViewIdForVisCursorInvalidation(bool bViewIdForVisCursorInvalidation)
Set whether clients want viewId in visible cursor invalidation payload.
void setDPIScale(double fDPIScale)
Set the DPI scale for rendering for HiDPI displays.