LibreOffice Module chart2 (master) 1
#include <VSeriesPlotter.hxx>
Public Member Functions | |
VSeriesPlotter ()=delete | |
virtual | ~VSeriesPlotter () override |
virtual void | addSeries (std::unique_ptr< VDataSeries > pSeries, sal_Int32 zSlot, sal_Int32 xSlot, sal_Int32 ySlot) |
A new series can be positioned relative to other series in a chart. More... | |
virtual css::drawing::Direction3D | getPreferredDiagramAspectRatio () const |
a value <= 0 for a directions means that this direction can be stretched arbitrary More... | |
void | addSecondaryValueScale (const ExplicitScaleData &rScale, sal_Int32 nAxisIndex) |
this enables you to handle series on the same x axis with different y axis the property AttachedAxisIndex at a dataseries indicates which value scale is to use (0==AttachedAxisIndex or a not set AttachedAxisIndex property indicates that this series should be scaled at the main y-axis; 1==AttachedAxisIndex indicates that the series should be scaled at the first secondary axis if there is any otherwise at the main y axis and so on. More... | |
virtual double | getMinimumX () override |
virtual double | getMaximumX () override |
virtual double | getMinimumYInRange (double fMinimumX, double fMaximumX, sal_Int32 nAxisIndex) override |
virtual double | getMaximumYInRange (double fMinimumX, double fMaximumX, sal_Int32 nAxisIndex) override |
virtual double | getMinimumZ () override |
virtual double | getMaximumZ () override |
virtual bool | isExpandBorderToIncrementRhythm (sal_Int32 nDimensionIndex) override |
virtual bool | isExpandIfValuesCloseToBorder (sal_Int32 nDimensionIndex) override |
virtual bool | isExpandWideValuesToZero (sal_Int32 nDimensionIndex) override |
virtual bool | isExpandNarrowValuesTowardZero (sal_Int32 nDimensionIndex) override |
virtual bool | isSeparateStackingForDifferentSigns (sal_Int32 nDimensionIndex) override |
virtual tools::Long | calculateTimeResolutionOnXAxis () override |
virtual void | setTimeResolutionOnXAxis (tools::Long nTimeResolution, const Date &rNullDate) override |
void | getMinimumAndMaximumX (double &rfMinimum, double &rfMaximum) const |
void | getMinimumAndMaximumYInContinuousXRange (double &rfMinY, double &rfMaxY, double fMinX, double fMaxX, sal_Int32 nAxisIndex) const |
virtual std::vector< ViewLegendEntry > | createLegendEntries (const css::awt::Size &rEntryKeyAspectRatio, css::chart2::LegendPosition eLegendPosition, const css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySet > &xTextProperties, const rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD > &xTarget, const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > &xContext, ChartModel &rModel) override |
virtual LegendSymbolStyle | getLegendSymbolStyle () |
virtual css::awt::Size | getPreferredLegendKeyAspectRatio () override |
virtual css::uno::Any | getExplicitSymbol (const VDataSeries &rSeries, sal_Int32 nPointIndex) |
rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroup > | createLegendSymbolForSeries (const css::awt::Size &rEntryKeyAspectRatio, const VDataSeries &rSeries, const rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD > &xTarget) |
rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroup > | createLegendSymbolForPoint (const css::awt::Size &rEntryKeyAspectRatio, const VDataSeries &rSeries, sal_Int32 nPointIndex, const rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD > &xTarget) |
std::vector< ViewLegendEntry > | createLegendEntriesForSeries (const css::awt::Size &rEntryKeyAspectRatio, const VDataSeries &rSeries, const css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySet > &xTextProperties, const rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD > &xTarget, const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > &xContext) |
std::vector< ViewLegendSymbol > | createSymbols (const css::awt::Size &rEntryKeyAspectRatio, const rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD > &xTarget, const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > &xContext) |
std::vector< ViewLegendSymbol > | createSymbolsForSeries (const css::awt::Size &rEntryKeyAspectRatio, const VDataSeries &rSeries, const rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD > &xTarget, const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > &xContext) |
std::vector< VDataSeries * > | getAllSeries () |
std::vector< VDataSeries const * > | getAllSeries () const |
sal_Int32 | getPointCount () const |
void | setNumberFormatsSupplier (const css::uno::Reference< css::util::XNumberFormatsSupplier > &xNumFmtSupplier) |
void | setColorScheme (const css::uno::Reference< css::chart2::XColorScheme > &xColorScheme) |
void | setExplicitCategoriesProvider (ExplicitCategoriesProvider *pExplicitCategoriesProvider) |
ExplicitCategoriesProvider * | getExplicitCategoriesProvider () |
css::uno::Sequence< OUString > | getSeriesNames () const |
css::uno::Sequence< OUString > | getAllSeriesNames () const |
void | setPageReferenceSize (const css::awt::Size &rPageRefSize) |
void | setCoordinateSystemResolution (const css::uno::Sequence< sal_Int32 > &rCoordinateSystemResolution) |
bool | PointsWereSkipped () const |
void | setPieLabelsAllowToMove (bool bIsPieOrDonut) |
void | setAvailableOuterRect (const basegfx::B2IRectangle &aAvailableOuterRect) |
double | getTransformedDepth () const |
void | releaseShapes () |
virtual void | rearrangeLabelToAvoidOverlapIfRequested (const css::awt::Size &rPageSize) |
bool | WantToPlotInFrontOfAxisLine () |
virtual bool | shouldSnapRectToUsedArea () |
OUString | getLabelTextForValue (VDataSeries const &rDataSeries, sal_Int32 nPointIndex, double fValue, bool bAsPercentage) |
This method returns a text string representation of the passed numeric value by exploiting a NumberFormatterWrapper object. More... | |
![]() | |
PlotterBase (sal_Int32 nDimension) | |
virtual | ~PlotterBase () |
virtual void | initPlotter (const rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD > &xLogicTarget, const rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD > &xFinalTarget, const OUString &rCID) |
virtual void | setScales (std::vector< ExplicitScaleData > &&rScales, bool bSwapXAndYAxis) |
virtual void | setTransformationSceneToScreen (const css::drawing::HomogenMatrix &rMatrix) |
virtual void | createShapes ()=0 |
virtual double | getMinimumX ()=0 |
virtual double | getMaximumX ()=0 |
virtual double | getMinimumYInRange (double fMinimumX, double fMaximumX, sal_Int32 nAxisIndex)=0 |
virtual double | getMaximumYInRange (double fMinimumX, double fMaximumX, sal_Int32 nAxisIndex)=0 |
virtual double | getMinimumZ ()=0 |
virtual double | getMaximumZ ()=0 |
virtual bool | isExpandBorderToIncrementRhythm (sal_Int32 nDimensionIndex)=0 |
virtual bool | isExpandIfValuesCloseToBorder (sal_Int32 nDimensionIndex)=0 |
virtual bool | isExpandWideValuesToZero (sal_Int32 nDimensionIndex)=0 |
virtual bool | isExpandNarrowValuesTowardZero (sal_Int32 nDimensionIndex)=0 |
virtual bool | isSeparateStackingForDifferentSigns (sal_Int32 nDimensionIndex)=0 |
virtual tools::Long | calculateTimeResolutionOnXAxis ()=0 |
virtual void | setTimeResolutionOnXAxis (tools::Long nTimeResolution, const Date &rNullDate)=0 |
virtual css::awt::Size | getPreferredLegendKeyAspectRatio ()=0 |
virtual std::vector< ViewLegendEntry > | createLegendEntries (const css::awt::Size &rEntryKeyAspectRatio, css::chart2::LegendPosition eLegendPosition, const css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySet > &xTextProperties, const rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD > &xTarget, const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > &xContext, ChartModel &rModel)=0 |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static VSeriesPlotter * | createSeriesPlotter (const rtl::Reference< ::chart::ChartType > &xChartTypeModel, sal_Int32 nDimensionCount, bool bExcludingPositioning) |
![]() | |
static bool | isValidPosition (const css::drawing::Position3D &rPos) |
Protected Member Functions | |
VSeriesPlotter (rtl::Reference< ::chart::ChartType > xChartTypeModel, sal_Int32 nDimensionCount, bool bCategoryXAxis=true) | |
rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD > | getSeriesGroupShape (VDataSeries *pDataSeries, const rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD > &xTarget) |
rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD > | getSeriesGroupShapeFrontChild (VDataSeries *pDataSeries, const rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD > &xTarget) |
rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD > | getSeriesGroupShapeBackChild (VDataSeries *pDataSeries, const rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD > &xTarget) |
rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD > | getErrorBarsGroupShape (VDataSeries &rDataSeries, const rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD > &xTarget, bool bYError) |
rtl::Reference< SvxShapeText > | createDataLabel (const rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD > &xTarget, VDataSeries &rDataSeries, sal_Int32 nPointIndex, double fValue, double fSumValue, const css::awt::Point &rScreenPosition2D, LabelAlignment eAlignment, sal_Int32 nOffset=0, sal_Int32 nTextWidth=0) |
This method creates a text shape for a label related to a data point and append it to the root text shape group (xTarget). More... | |
void | createErrorBar (const rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD > &xTarget, const css::drawing::Position3D &rPos, const css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySet > &xErrorBarProperties, const VDataSeries &rVDataSeries, sal_Int32 nIndex, bool bVertical, const double *pfScaledLogicX) |
creates two T-shaped error bars in both directions (up/down or left/right depending on the bVertical parameter) More... | |
void | createErrorRectangle (const css::drawing::Position3D &rUnscaledLogicPosition, VDataSeries &rVDataSeries, sal_Int32 nIndex, const rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD > &rTarget, bool bUseXErrorData, bool bUseYErrorData) |
void | createErrorBar_X (const css::drawing::Position3D &rUnscaledLogicPosition, VDataSeries &rVDataSeries, sal_Int32 nPointIndex, const rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD > &xTarget) |
void | createErrorBar_Y (const css::drawing::Position3D &rUnscaledLogicPosition, VDataSeries &rVDataSeries, sal_Int32 nPointIndex, const rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD > &xTarget, double const *pfScaledLogicX) |
void | createRegressionCurvesShapes (VDataSeries const &rVDataSeries, const rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD > &xTarget, const rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD > &xEquationTarget, bool bMaySkipPointsInRegressionCalculation) |
void | createRegressionCurveEquationShapes (const OUString &rEquationCID, const css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySet > &xEquationProperties, const rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD > &xEquationTarget, const css::uno::Reference< css::chart2::XRegressionCurveCalculator > &xRegressionCurveCalculator, css::awt::Point aDefaultPos) |
virtual PlottingPositionHelper & | getPlottingPositionHelper (sal_Int32 nAxisIndex) const |
VDataSeries * | getFirstSeries () const |
OUString | getCategoryName (sal_Int32 nPointIndex) const |
![]() | |
rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD > | createGroupShape (const rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD > &xTarget, const OUString &rName=OUString()) |
![]() | |
~MinimumAndMaximumSupplier () | |
![]() | |
~LegendEntryProvider () | |
Static Protected Member Functions | |
static rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroup > | getLabelsGroupShape (VDataSeries &rDataSeries, const rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD > &xTarget) |
This method creates a 2D group shape for containing all text shapes needed for this series; the group is added to the text target;. More... | |
static void | addErrorBorder (const css::drawing::Position3D &rPos0, const css::drawing::Position3D &rPos1, const rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD > &rTarget, const css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySet > &rErrorBorderProp) |
Protected Attributes | |
PlottingPositionHelper * | m_pMainPosHelper |
rtl::Reference< ::chart::ChartType > | m_xChartTypeModel |
std::vector< std::vector< VDataSeriesGroup > > | m_aZSlots |
bool | m_bCategoryXAxis |
tools::Long | m_nTimeResolution |
Date | m_aNullDate |
std::unique_ptr< NumberFormatterWrapper > | m_apNumberFormatterWrapper |
css::uno::Reference< css::chart2::XColorScheme > | m_xColorScheme |
ExplicitCategoriesProvider * | m_pExplicitCategoriesProvider |
css::uno::Sequence< sal_Int32 > | m_aCoordinateSystemResolution |
bool | m_bPointsWereSkipped |
bool | m_bPieLabelsAllowToMove |
basegfx::B2IRectangle | m_aAvailableOuterRect |
css::awt::Size | m_aPageReferenceSize |
![]() | |
rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD > | m_xLogicTarget |
rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD > | m_xFinalTarget |
OUString | m_aCID |
const sal_Int32 | m_nDimension |
PlottingPositionHelper * | m_pPosHelper |
Private Types | |
typedef std::map< sal_Int32, ExplicitScaleData > | tSecondaryValueScales |
typedef std::map< sal_Int32, std::unique_ptr< PlottingPositionHelper > > | tSecondaryPosHelperMap |
Private Attributes | |
tSecondaryValueScales | m_aSecondaryValueScales |
tSecondaryPosHelperMap | m_aSecondaryPosHelperMap |
Definition at line 118 of file VSeriesPlotter.hxx.
private |
Definition at line 442 of file VSeriesPlotter.hxx.
private |
Definition at line 439 of file VSeriesPlotter.hxx.
delete |
overridevirtual |
Definition at line 163 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References m_aSecondaryPosHelperMap, m_aSecondaryValueScales, and m_aZSlots.
protected |
staticprotected |
Definition at line 1107 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References chart::ShapeFactory::createLine2D(), chart::PropertyMapper::getPropertyNameMapForLineProperties(), rTarget, and chart::PropertyMapper::setMappedProperties().
Referenced by createErrorRectangle().
void chart::VSeriesPlotter::addSecondaryValueScale | ( | const ExplicitScaleData & | rScale, |
sal_Int32 | nAxisIndex | ||
) |
this enables you to handle series on the same x axis with different y axis the property AttachedAxisIndex at a dataseries indicates which value scale is to use (0==AttachedAxisIndex or a not set AttachedAxisIndex property indicates that this series should be scaled at the main y-axis; 1==AttachedAxisIndex indicates that the series should be scaled at the first secondary axis if there is any otherwise at the main y axis and so on.
The parameter nAxisIndex matches this DataSeries property 'AttachedAxisIndex'. nAxisIndex must be greater than 0. nAxisIndex==1 refers to the first secondary axis. )
css::uno::RuntimeException |
Definition at line 2242 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References m_aSecondaryValueScales.
Referenced by chart::SeriesPlotterContainer::setScalesFromCooSysToPlotter().
virtual |
A new series can be positioned relative to other series in a chart.
This positioning has two dimensions. First a series can be placed next to each other on the category axis. This position is indicated by xSlot. Second a series can be stacked on top of another. This position is indicated by ySlot. The positions are counted from 0 on. xSlot < 0 : append the series to already existing x series xSlot > occupied : append the series to already existing x series
If the xSlot is already occupied the given ySlot decides what should happen: ySlot < -1 : move all existing series in the xSlot to next slot ySlot == -1 : stack on top at given x position ySlot == already occupied : insert at given y and x position ySlot > occupied : stack on top at given x position
Reimplemented in chart::AreaChart, chart::BarChart, chart::CandleStickChart, and chart::PieChart.
Definition at line 181 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References chart::VDataSeriesGroup::addSeries(), chart::ExplicitCategoriesProvider::getOriginalCategories(), chart::VDataSeriesGroup::getSeriesCount(), chart::ExplicitCategoriesProvider::isDateAxis(), m_aZSlots, m_bCategoryXAxis, m_pExplicitCategoriesProvider, and o3tl::make_unsigned().
Referenced by chart::PieChart::addSeries(), and chart::SeriesPlotterContainer::initializeCooSysAndSeriesPlotter().
overridevirtual |
Implements chart::MinimumAndMaximumSupplier.
Definition at line 1628 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References Date::AddDays(), chart::ExplicitCategoriesProvider::getDateCategories(), chart::DateHelper::IsInSameMonth(), chart::DateHelper::IsInSameYear(), m_apNumberFormatterWrapper, and m_pExplicitCategoriesProvider.
protected |
This method creates a text shape for a label related to a data point and append it to the root text shape group (xTarget).
xTarget | the main root text shape group. |
rDataSeries | the data series, the data point belongs to. |
nPointIndex | the index of the data point the label is related to. |
fValue | the value of the data point. |
fSumValue | the sum of all data point values in the data series. |
rScreenPosition2D | the anchor point position for the label. |
eAlignment | the required alignment of the label. |
offset | an optional offset depending on the label alignment. |
nTextWidth | the maximum width of a text label (used for text wrapping). |
Definition at line 388 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References chart::LabelPositionHelper::changeTextAdjustment(), CHART2_SERVICE_NAME_CHARTTYPE_PIE, CHART_UNONAME_CUSTOM_LABEL_FIELDS, comphelper::containerToSequence(), convertPointToMm100(), chart::LabelPositionHelper::correctPositionForRotation(), chart::ShapeFactory::createGroup2D(), createLegendSymbolForPoint(), createLegendSymbolForSeries(), chart::ShapeFactory::createLine2D(), chart::ObjectIdentifier::createPointCID(), chart::ShapeFactory::createText(), basegfx::deg2rad(), getCategoryName(), chart::VDataSeries::getDataPointLabelIfLabel(), getFieldType(), chart::VDataSeries::getLabelCID_Stub(), chart::VDataSeries::getLabelPosition(), getLabelsGroupShape(), getLabelTextForValue(), basegfx::B2DVector::getLength(), basegfx::Range2D< typename TYPE, typename TRAITS >::getMaxX(), basegfx::Range2D< typename TYPE, typename TRAITS >::getMaxY(), basegfx::Range2D< typename TYPE, typename TRAITS >::getMinY(), chart::VDataSeries::getModel(), getPreferredLegendKeyAspectRatio(), chart::VDataSeries::getPropertiesOfPoint(), chart::VDataSeries::getTextLabelMultiPropertyLists(), uno::Any::hasValue(), i, chart::VDataSeries::isLabelCustomPos(), chart::VDataSeries::isVaryColorsByPoint(), chart::LABEL_ALIGN_BOTTOM, chart::LABEL_ALIGN_CENTER, chart::LABEL_ALIGN_LEFT, chart::LABEL_ALIGN_LEFT_BOTTOM, chart::LABEL_ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, chart::LABEL_ALIGN_RIGHT, chart::LABEL_ALIGN_RIGHT_BOTTOM, chart::LABEL_ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, chart::LABEL_ALIGN_TOP, line, m_aPageReferenceSize, m_bPieLabelsAllowToMove, m_xChartTypeModel, chart::BaseGFXHelper::makeRectangle(), chart::ShapeFactory::makeTransformation(), chart::DataSeriesProperties::PROP_DATASERIES_SHOW_CUSTOM_LEADERLINES, TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION, and xTarget.
Referenced by chart::PieChart::createTextLabelShape().
protected |
creates two T-shaped error bars in both directions (up/down or left/right depending on the bVertical parameter)
rPos | logic coordinates |
xErrorBarProperties | the XPropertySet returned by the DataPoint-property "ErrorBarX" or "ErrorBarY". |
nIndex | the index of the data point in rData for which the calculation is done. |
bVertical | for y-error bars this is true, for x-error-bars it is false. |
Definition at line 949 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References aData, chart::AddPointToPoly(), chart::ShapeFactory::createLine2D(), chart::PlottingPositionHelper::doLogicScaling(), chart::VDataSeries::getAllX(), chart::VDataSeries::getAllY(), chart::PropertyMapper::getPropertyNameMapForLineProperties(), chart::VDataSeries::getXMeanValue(), chart::VDataSeries::getYMeanValue(), chart::PlottingPositionHelper::isLogicVisible(), chart::ChartTypeHelper::isSupportingStatisticProperties(), chart::PlotterBase::m_nDimension, chart::PlotterBase::m_pPosHelper, m_xChartTypeModel, nIndex, chart::PropertyMapper::setMappedProperties(), TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION, chart::PlottingPositionHelper::transformLogicToScene(), and xTarget.
Referenced by createErrorBar_X(), and createErrorBar_Y().
protected |
Definition at line 1265 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References createErrorBar(), getErrorBarsGroupShape(), chart::VDataSeries::getXErrorBarProperties(), chart::PlotterBase::m_nDimension, and xTarget.
protected |
Definition at line 1286 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References createErrorBar(), getErrorBarsGroupShape(), chart::VDataSeries::getYErrorBarProperties(), chart::PlotterBase::m_nDimension, and xTarget.
protected |
Definition at line 1120 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References addErrorBorder(), DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION, chart::PlottingPositionHelper::doLogicScaling(), chart::VDataSeries::getAllX(), chart::VDataSeries::getAllY(), getErrorBarsGroupShape(), chart::VDataSeries::getXErrorBarProperties(), chart::VDataSeries::getXMeanValue(), chart::VDataSeries::getYErrorBarProperties(), chart::VDataSeries::getYMeanValue(), chart::ChartTypeHelper::isSupportingStatisticProperties(), chart::PlotterBase::m_nDimension, chart::PlotterBase::m_pPosHelper, m_xChartTypeModel, nIndex, and rTarget.
overridevirtual |
Implements chart::LegendEntryProvider.
Definition at line 2418 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References createLegendEntriesForSeries(), m_aZSlots, chart::DataSeriesProperties::PROP_DATASERIES_SHOW_LEGEND_ENTRY, and xTarget.
std::vector< ViewLegendEntry > chart::VSeriesPlotter::createLegendEntriesForSeries | ( | const css::awt::Size & | rEntryKeyAspectRatio, |
const VDataSeries & | rSeries, | ||
const css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySet > & | xTextProperties, | ||
const rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD > & | xTarget, | ||
const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > & | xContext | ||
) |
Definition at line 2713 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References chart::ObjectIdentifier::addChildParticle(), CHART2_SERVICE_NAME_CHARTTYPE_PIE, chart::ObjectIdentifier::createChildParticleWithIndex(), chart::ObjectIdentifier::createClassifiedIdentifierForParticles(), chart::FormattedStringHelper::createFormattedString(), chart::ShapeFactory::createGroup2D(), createLegendSymbolForPoint(), createLegendSymbolForSeries(), chart::VLegendSymbolFactory::createSymbol(), DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION, chart::VDataSeries::getModel(), chart::VDataSeries::getSeriesParticle(), chart::ExplicitCategoriesProvider::getSimpleCategories(), chart::RegressionCurveHelper::getUINameForRegressionCurve(), i, chart::RegressionCurveHelper::isMeanValueLine(), chart::ChartTypeHelper::isSupportingStatisticProperties(), chart::VDataSeries::isVaryColorsByPoint(), chart::Line, chart::VLegendSymbolFactory::Line, chart::PlotterBase::m_nDimension, m_pExplicitCategoriesProvider, m_xChartTypeModel, nCount, chart::OBJECTTYPE_DATA_AVERAGE_LINE, chart::OBJECTTYPE_DATA_CURVE, chart::OBJECTTYPE_DATA_POINT, chart::OBJECTTYPE_LEGEND_ENTRY, chart::DataSeriesProperties::PROP_DATASERIES_DELETED_LEGEND_ENTRIES, chart::PROP_PIECHARTTYPE_USE_RINGS, chart::replaceParamterInString(), chart::ShapeFactory::setShapeName(), u, chart::ViewLegendEntry::xLabel, chart::ViewLegendEntry::xSymbol, and xTarget.
Referenced by createLegendEntries().
rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroup > chart::VSeriesPlotter::createLegendSymbolForPoint | ( | const css::awt::Size & | rEntryKeyAspectRatio, |
const VDataSeries & | rSeries, | ||
sal_Int32 | nPointIndex, | ||
const rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD > & | xTarget | ||
) |
Definition at line 2659 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References chart::VLegendSymbolFactory::createSymbol(), chart::VLegendSymbolFactory::FilledSeries, getExplicitSymbol(), getLegendSymbolStyle(), chart::VDataSeries::getPropertiesOfPoint(), chart::VDataSeries::getPropertiesOfSeries(), chart::VDataSeries::hasPointOwnColor(), chart::VDataSeries::isAttributedDataPoint(), chart::Line, chart::VLegendSymbolFactory::LineSeries, m_xColorScheme, and xTarget.
Referenced by createDataLabel(), and createLegendEntriesForSeries().
rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroup > chart::VSeriesPlotter::createLegendSymbolForSeries | ( | const css::awt::Size & | rEntryKeyAspectRatio, |
const VDataSeries & | rSeries, | ||
const rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD > & | xTarget | ||
) |
Definition at line 2630 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References chart::VLegendSymbolFactory::createSymbol(), chart::VLegendSymbolFactory::FilledSeries, getExplicitSymbol(), getLegendSymbolStyle(), chart::VDataSeries::getPropertiesOfSeries(), chart::Line, chart::VLegendSymbolFactory::LineSeries, and xTarget.
Referenced by createDataLabel(), createLegendEntriesForSeries(), and createSymbolsForSeries().
protected |
Definition at line 1484 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References aSuperscriptFigures, CHART_UNONAME_NUMFMT, chart::ShapeFactory::createText(), AllSettings::GetLocaleDataWrapper(), LocaleDataWrapper::getNumDecimalSep(), chart::PropertyMapper::getPreparedTextShapePropertyLists(), Application::GetSettings(), chart::RelativePositionHelper::getUpperLeftCornerOfAnchoredObject(), chart::lcl_getOUStringMaxLineLength(), m_aPageReferenceSize, m_apNumberFormatterWrapper, chart::ShapeFactory::makeTransformation(), and chart::ShapeFactory::setShapeName().
Referenced by createRegressionCurvesShapes().
protected |
Definition at line 1308 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References chart::Clipping::clipPolygonAtRectangle(), chart::PlotterBase::createGroupShape(), chart::ShapeFactory::createLine2D(), createRegressionCurveEquationShapes(), chart::PlottingPositionHelper::doLogicScaling(), chart::VDataSeries::getAllX(), chart::VDataSeries::getAllY(), chart::VDataSeries::getDataCurveCID(), chart::VDataSeries::getDataCurveEquationCID(), chart::PlottingPositionHelper::getLogicMaxX(), chart::PlottingPositionHelper::getLogicMinX(), chart::VDataSeries::getMinMaxXValue(), chart::VDataSeries::getModel(), chart::PlottingPositionHelper::getScaledLogicClipDoubleRect(), chart::PlottingPositionHelper::getScales(), chart::VLineProperties::initFromPropertySet(), chart::RegressionCurveHelper::isMeanValueLine(), chart::PlotterBase::m_nDimension, chart::PlotterBase::m_pPosHelper, p, chart::PolyToPointSequence(), chart::ShapeFactory::setShapeName(), chart::PlottingPositionHelper::transformScaledLogicToScene(), and xTarget.
static |
Definition at line 2912 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
Referenced by chart::SeriesPlotterContainer::initializeCooSysAndSeriesPlotter().
std::vector< ViewLegendSymbol > chart::VSeriesPlotter::createSymbols | ( | const css::awt::Size & | rEntryKeyAspectRatio, |
const rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD > & | xTarget, | ||
const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > & | xContext | ||
) |
Definition at line 2504 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References createSymbolsForSeries(), m_aZSlots, and xTarget.
std::vector< ViewLegendSymbol > chart::VSeriesPlotter::createSymbolsForSeries | ( | const css::awt::Size & | rEntryKeyAspectRatio, |
const VDataSeries & | rSeries, | ||
const rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD > & | xTarget, | ||
const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > & | xContext | ||
) |
Definition at line 2878 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References chart::ShapeFactory::createGroup2D(), createLegendSymbolForSeries(), DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION, chart::ViewLegendSymbol::xSymbol, and xTarget.
Referenced by createSymbols().
std::vector< VDataSeries * > chart::VSeriesPlotter::getAllSeries | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2325 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
Referenced by getAllSeriesNames(), and getPreferredLegendKeyAspectRatio().
std::vector< VDataSeries const * > chart::VSeriesPlotter::getAllSeries | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 2310 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
uno::Sequence< OUString > chart::VSeriesPlotter::getAllSeriesNames | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 2367 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References comphelper::containerToSequence(), getAllSeries(), and m_xChartTypeModel.
protected |
Definition at line 2297 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References chart::ExplicitCategoriesProvider::getSimpleCategories(), and m_pExplicitCategoriesProvider.
Referenced by createDataLabel().
protected |
Definition at line 329 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References chart::PlotterBase::createGroupShape(), chart::VDataSeries::getErrorBarsCID(), chart::VDataSeries::m_xErrorXBarsGroupShape, chart::VDataSeries::m_xErrorYBarsGroupShape, and xTarget.
Referenced by createErrorBar_X(), createErrorBar_Y(), and createErrorRectangle().
inline |
Definition at line 248 of file VSeriesPlotter.hxx.
References m_pExplicitCategoriesProvider.
virtual |
Reimplemented in chart::AreaChart, and chart::NetChart.
Definition at line 2625 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
Referenced by createLegendSymbolForPoint(), and createLegendSymbolForSeries().
protected |
Definition at line 2280 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References m_aZSlots.
staticprotected |
This method creates a 2D group shape for containing all text shapes needed for this series; the group is added to the text target;.
Definition at line 317 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References chart::ShapeFactory::createGroup2D(), chart::VDataSeries::getLabelsCID(), and chart::VDataSeries::m_xLabelsGroupShape.
Referenced by createDataLabel().
OUString chart::VSeriesPlotter::getLabelTextForValue | ( | VDataSeries const & | rDataSeries, |
sal_Int32 | nPointIndex, | ||
double | fValue, | ||
bool | bAsPercentage | ||
) |
This method returns a text string representation of the passed numeric value by exploiting a NumberFormatterWrapper object.
Definition at line 345 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References chart::VDataSeries::detectNumberFormatKey(), chart::VDataSeries::getExplicitNumberFormat(), AllSettings::GetLocaleDataWrapper(), LocaleDataWrapper::getNumDecimalSep(), chart::DiagramHelper::getPercentNumberFormat(), Application::GetSettings(), chart::VDataSeries::hasExplicitNumberFormat(), and m_apNumberFormatterWrapper.
Referenced by createDataLabel().
virtual |
Reimplemented in chart::AreaChart, chart::BubbleChart, chart::CandleStickChart, and chart::NetChart.
Definition at line 2574 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References chart::Box.
Referenced by createLegendSymbolForPoint(), createLegendSymbolForSeries(), and getPreferredLegendKeyAspectRatio().
overridevirtual |
Implements chart::MinimumAndMaximumSupplier.
Reimplemented in chart::NetChart, and chart::PieChart.
Definition at line 1679 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References getMinimumAndMaximumX().
overridevirtual |
Implements chart::MinimumAndMaximumSupplier.
Reimplemented in chart::PieChart.
Definition at line 1718 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References getMinimumAndMaximumYInContinuousXRange(), chart::ExplicitCategoriesProvider::isDateAxis(), isSeparateStackingForDifferentSigns(), m_aZSlots, m_bCategoryXAxis, and m_pExplicitCategoriesProvider.
overridevirtual |
Implements chart::MinimumAndMaximumSupplier.
Definition at line 1755 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References getMinimumZ(), m_aZSlots, and chart::PlotterBase::m_nDimension.
void chart::VSeriesPlotter::getMinimumAndMaximumX | ( | double & | rfMinimum, |
double & | rfMaximum | ||
) | const |
Definition at line 1802 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References m_aZSlots.
Referenced by getMaximumX(), and getMinimumX().
void chart::VSeriesPlotter::getMinimumAndMaximumYInContinuousXRange | ( | double & | rfMinY, |
double & | rfMaxY, | ||
double | fMinX, | ||
double | fMaxX, | ||
sal_Int32 | nAxisIndex | ||
) | const |
Definition at line 1825 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References m_aZSlots.
Referenced by getMaximumYInRange(), and getMinimumYInRange().
overridevirtual |
Implements chart::MinimumAndMaximumSupplier.
Reimplemented in chart::PieChart.
Definition at line 1673 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References getMinimumAndMaximumX().
overridevirtual |
Implements chart::MinimumAndMaximumSupplier.
Reimplemented in chart::PieChart.
Definition at line 1686 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References getMinimumAndMaximumYInContinuousXRange(), chart::ExplicitCategoriesProvider::isDateAxis(), isSeparateStackingForDifferentSigns(), m_aZSlots, m_bCategoryXAxis, and m_pExplicitCategoriesProvider.
overridevirtual |
Implements chart::MinimumAndMaximumSupplier.
Definition at line 1750 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
Referenced by getMaximumZ().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in chart::BarChart.
Definition at line 2250 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References chart::PlottingPositionHelper::createSecondaryPosHelper(), m_aNullDate, m_aSecondaryPosHelperMap, m_aSecondaryValueScales, m_nTimeResolution, m_pMainPosHelper, chart::PlotterBase::m_pPosHelper, and chart::PlottingPositionHelper::setTimeResolution().
sal_Int32 chart::VSeriesPlotter::getPointCount | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 1848 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References m_aZSlots.
virtual |
a value <= 0 for a directions means that this direction can be stretched arbitrary
Reimplemented in chart::AreaChart, chart::BarChart, chart::BubbleChart, chart::CandleStickChart, chart::NetChart, and chart::PieChart.
Definition at line 250 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References chart::PlottingPositionHelper::getScaledLogicWidth(), and chart::PlotterBase::m_pPosHelper.
overridevirtual |
Implements chart::LegendEntryProvider.
Definition at line 2579 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References getAllSeries(), getLegendSymbolStyle(), chart::Line, and chart::PlotterBase::m_nDimension.
Referenced by createDataLabel().
protected |
Definition at line 280 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References chart::PlotterBase::createGroupShape(), chart::VDataSeries::getCID(), chart::VDataSeries::m_xGroupShape, and xTarget.
Referenced by chart::PieChart::createShapes(), getSeriesGroupShapeBackChild(), and getSeriesGroupShapeFrontChild().
protected |
Definition at line 304 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References chart::PlotterBase::createGroupShape(), getSeriesGroupShape(), chart::VDataSeries::m_xBackSubGroupShape, and xTarget.
Referenced by getSeriesGroupShapeFrontChild().
protected |
Definition at line 289 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References chart::PlotterBase::createGroupShape(), getSeriesGroupShape(), getSeriesGroupShapeBackChild(), chart::VDataSeries::m_xFrontSubGroupShape, and xTarget.
uno::Sequence< OUString > chart::VSeriesPlotter::getSeriesNames | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 2339 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References comphelper::containerToSequence(), chart::VDataSeries::getModel(), chart::VDataSeriesGroup::m_aSeriesVector, m_aZSlots, and m_xChartTypeModel.
double chart::VSeriesPlotter::getTransformedDepth | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 2233 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References chart::PlottingPositionHelper::doLogicScaling(), FIXED_SIZE_FOR_3D_CHART_VOLUME, chart::PlottingPositionHelper::getLogicMaxZ(), chart::PlottingPositionHelper::getLogicMinZ(), and m_pMainPosHelper.
Referenced by chart::PieChart::createShapes().
overridevirtual |
Implements chart::MinimumAndMaximumSupplier.
Reimplemented in chart::PieChart.
Definition at line 1773 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References m_bCategoryXAxis.
overridevirtual |
Implements chart::MinimumAndMaximumSupplier.
Reimplemented in chart::BubbleChart, chart::NetChart, and chart::PieChart.
Definition at line 1778 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References m_bCategoryXAxis, and chart::PlotterBase::m_nDimension.
overridevirtual |
Implements chart::MinimumAndMaximumSupplier.
Reimplemented in chart::PieChart.
Definition at line 1790 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
overridevirtual |
Implements chart::MinimumAndMaximumSupplier.
Reimplemented in chart::PieChart.
Definition at line 1784 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
overridevirtual |
Implements chart::MinimumAndMaximumSupplier.
Reimplemented in chart::AreaChart, chart::BubbleChart, chart::CandleStickChart, chart::NetChart, and chart::PieChart.
Definition at line 1796 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
Referenced by getMaximumYInRange(), and getMinimumYInRange().
inline |
Definition at line 259 of file VSeriesPlotter.hxx.
References m_bPointsWereSkipped.
Referenced by chart::ChartView::impl_createDiagramAndContent().
virtual |
Reimplemented in chart::PieChart.
Definition at line 2276 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
void chart::VSeriesPlotter::releaseShapes | ( | ) |
Definition at line 265 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References m_aZSlots.
inline |
Definition at line 261 of file VSeriesPlotter.hxx.
References m_aAvailableOuterRect.
Referenced by chart::ChartView::impl_createDiagramAndContent().
void chart::VSeriesPlotter::setColorScheme | ( | const css::uno::Reference< css::chart2::XColorScheme > & | xColorScheme | ) |
Definition at line 1870 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References m_xColorScheme.
Referenced by chart::SeriesPlotterContainer::initializeCooSysAndSeriesPlotter().
void chart::VSeriesPlotter::setCoordinateSystemResolution | ( | const css::uno::Sequence< sal_Int32 > & | rCoordinateSystemResolution | ) |
Definition at line 2403 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References m_aCoordinateSystemResolution.
Referenced by chart::ChartView::impl_createDiagramAndContent().
void chart::VSeriesPlotter::setExplicitCategoriesProvider | ( | ExplicitCategoriesProvider * | pExplicitCategoriesProvider | ) |
Definition at line 1875 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References m_pExplicitCategoriesProvider.
Referenced by chart::SeriesPlotterContainer::initializeCooSysAndSeriesPlotter().
void chart::VSeriesPlotter::setNumberFormatsSupplier | ( | const css::uno::Reference< css::util::XNumberFormatsSupplier > & | xNumFmtSupplier | ) |
Definition at line 1864 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References m_apNumberFormatterWrapper.
Referenced by chart::SeriesPlotterContainer::initializeCooSysAndSeriesPlotter().
void chart::VSeriesPlotter::setPageReferenceSize | ( | const css::awt::Size & | rPageRefSize | ) |
Definition at line 2386 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References m_aPageReferenceSize, and m_aZSlots.
Referenced by chart::ChartView::impl_createDiagramAndContent().
inline |
Definition at line 260 of file VSeriesPlotter.hxx.
References m_bPieLabelsAllowToMove.
Referenced by chart::ChartView::impl_createDiagramAndContent().
overridevirtual |
Implements chart::MinimumAndMaximumSupplier.
Definition at line 1621 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References m_aNullDate, and m_nTimeResolution.
virtual |
Reimplemented in chart::PieChart.
Definition at line 2413 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References chart::PlotterBase::m_nDimension.
bool chart::VSeriesPlotter::WantToPlotInFrontOfAxisLine | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2408 of file VSeriesPlotter.cxx.
References chart::ChartTypeHelper::isSeriesInFrontOfAxisLine(), and m_xChartTypeModel.
Referenced by chart::ChartView::impl_createDiagramAndContent().
protected |
Definition at line 435 of file VSeriesPlotter.hxx.
Referenced by chart::PieChart::createTextLabelShape(), and setAvailableOuterRect().
protected |
Definition at line 432 of file VSeriesPlotter.hxx.
Referenced by setCoordinateSystemResolution().
protected |
Definition at line 423 of file VSeriesPlotter.hxx.
Referenced by getPlottingPositionHelper(), and setTimeResolutionOnXAxis().
protected |
Definition at line 436 of file VSeriesPlotter.hxx.
Referenced by createDataLabel(), createRegressionCurveEquationShapes(), chart::PieChart::createTextLabelShape(), and setPageReferenceSize().
protected |
Definition at line 425 of file VSeriesPlotter.hxx.
Referenced by calculateTimeResolutionOnXAxis(), createRegressionCurveEquationShapes(), getLabelTextForValue(), and setNumberFormatsSupplier().
mutableprivate |
Definition at line 443 of file VSeriesPlotter.hxx.
Referenced by getPlottingPositionHelper(), and ~VSeriesPlotter().
private |
Definition at line 440 of file VSeriesPlotter.hxx.
Referenced by addSecondaryValueScale(), getPlottingPositionHelper(), and ~VSeriesPlotter().
protected |
Definition at line 419 of file VSeriesPlotter.hxx.
Referenced by addSeries(), createLegendEntries(), chart::PieChart::createShapes(), createSymbols(), getAllSeries(), getFirstSeries(), chart::PieChart::getMaximumX(), getMaximumYInRange(), getMaximumZ(), chart::PieChart::getMaxOffset(), getMinimumAndMaximumX(), getMinimumAndMaximumYInContinuousXRange(), getMinimumYInRange(), getPointCount(), getSeriesNames(), releaseShapes(), setPageReferenceSize(), and ~VSeriesPlotter().
protected |
Definition at line 421 of file VSeriesPlotter.hxx.
Referenced by addSeries(), getMaximumYInRange(), getMinimumYInRange(), isExpandBorderToIncrementRhythm(), and isExpandIfValuesCloseToBorder().
protected |
Definition at line 434 of file VSeriesPlotter.hxx.
Referenced by createDataLabel(), chart::PieChart::createTextLabelShape(), and setPieLabelsAllowToMove().
protected |
Definition at line 433 of file VSeriesPlotter.hxx.
Referenced by PointsWereSkipped().
protected |
Definition at line 422 of file VSeriesPlotter.hxx.
Referenced by getPlottingPositionHelper(), and setTimeResolutionOnXAxis().
protected |
Definition at line 429 of file VSeriesPlotter.hxx.
Referenced by addSeries(), calculateTimeResolutionOnXAxis(), createLegendEntriesForSeries(), getCategoryName(), getExplicitCategoriesProvider(), getMaximumYInRange(), getMinimumYInRange(), and setExplicitCategoriesProvider().
protected |
Definition at line 415 of file VSeriesPlotter.hxx.
Referenced by getPlottingPositionHelper(), and getTransformedDepth().
protected |
Definition at line 417 of file VSeriesPlotter.hxx.
Referenced by createDataLabel(), createErrorBar(), createErrorRectangle(), createLegendEntriesForSeries(), chart::PieChart::createShapes(), chart::PieChart::createTextLabelShape(), getAllSeriesNames(), getSeriesNames(), and WantToPlotInFrontOfAxisLine().
protected |
Definition at line 427 of file VSeriesPlotter.hxx.
Referenced by createLegendSymbolForPoint(), chart::PieChart::createShapes(), and setColorScheme().