38 const css::uno::Reference< css::chart2::data::XDataSource >& xSource,
39 const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue >&
46 const OUString& sKey )
offers tooling to interpret different data sources in a structural and chart-type-dependent way.
virtual InterpretedData reinterpretDataSeries(const InterpretedData &aInterpretedData) override
Re-interprets the data given in aInterpretedData while keeping the number of data series and the cate...
StockDataInterpreter(StockChartTypeTemplate::StockVariant eVariant)
virtual bool isDataCompatible(const InterpretedData &aInterpretedData) override
parses the given data and states, if a reinterpretDataSeries() call can be done without data loss.
virtual ~StockDataInterpreter() override
virtual css::uno::Any getChartTypeSpecificData(const OUString &sKey) override
Get chart information that is specific to a particular chart type, by key.
StockChartTypeTemplate::StockVariant GetStockVariant() const
virtual InterpretedData interpretDataSource(const css::uno::Reference< css::chart2::data::XDataSource > &xSource, const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue > &aArguments, const std::vector< rtl::Reference< ::chart::DataSeries > > &aSeriesToReUse) override
Interprets the given data.
StockChartTypeTemplate::StockVariant m_eStockVariant
Sequence< PropertyValue > aArguments
offers tooling to interpret different data sources in a structural and chart-type-dependent way.