LibreOffice Module sd (master) 1
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sd::FrameView Class Referencefinal

View for MDIFrame. More...

#include <FrameView.hxx>

Inheritance diagram for sd::FrameView:
Collaboration diagram for sd::FrameView:

Public Member Functions

 FrameView (SdDrawDocument *pDrawDoc, FrameView *pFrameView=nullptr)
 FrameView (const FrameView &rFrameView)
virtual ~FrameView () override
void Connect ()
void Disconnect ()
void Update (SdOptions const *pOptions)
 Update with data from the specified SdOptions. More...
void SetStandardHelpLines (const SdrHelpLineList &rHelpLines)
const SdrHelpLineListGetStandardHelpLines () const
void SetNotesHelpLines (const SdrHelpLineList &rHelpLines)
const SdrHelpLineListGetNotesHelpLines () const
void SetHandoutHelpLines (const SdrHelpLineList &rHelpLines)
const SdrHelpLineListGetHandoutHelpLines () const
void SetVisibleLayers (const SdrLayerIDSet &rVisibleLayers)
const SdrLayerIDSetGetVisibleLayers () const
void SetLockedLayers (const SdrLayerIDSet &rLockedLayers)
const SdrLayerIDSetGetLockedLayers () const
void SetPrintableLayers (const SdrLayerIDSet &rPrintableLayers)
const SdrLayerIDSetGetPrintableLayers () const
void SetRuler (const bool bRulerOn)
bool HasRuler () const
void SetNoColors (const bool bNoCol)
bool IsNoColors () const
void SetNoAttribs (const bool bNoAttr)
bool IsNoAttribs () const
void SetVisArea (const ::tools::Rectangle &rVisArea)
const ::tools::RectangleGetVisArea () const
void SetPageKind (PageKind eKind)
PageKind GetPageKind () const
void SetPageKindOnLoad (PageKind eKind)
 is used in FrameView::ReadUserDataSequence() only to store the page kind that was selected while last saving this document More...
PageKind GetPageKindOnLoad () const
 can be used to get the page kind that was selected on last save of this document More...
void SetSelectedPage (sal_uInt16 nPage)
sal_uInt16 GetSelectedPage () const
void SetSelectedPageOnLoad (sal_uInt16 nPage)
 is used in FrameView::ReadUserDataSequence() only to store the page that was selected while last saving this document More...
sal_uInt16 GetSelectedPageOnLoad () const
 can be used to get the page that was selected on last save of this document More...
void SetViewShEditMode (EditMode eMode)
 Set EditMode (Page or MasterPage) of working mode. More...
EditMode GetViewShEditMode () const
 Return EditMode (Page or MasterPage) of working mode. More...
void SetViewShEditModeOnLoad (const EditMode eMode)
 Remember the edit mode of the main view shell at the time when the document is loaded. More...
EditMode GetViewShEditModeOnLoad () const
 Return the value of the edit mode as it was when the document was loaded. More...
void SetLayerMode (bool bMode)
bool IsLayerMode () const
void SetQuickEdit (bool bQEdit)
bool IsQuickEdit () const
void SetDoubleClickTextEdit (bool bOn)
bool IsDoubleClickTextEdit () const
void SetClickChangeRotation (bool bOn)
bool IsClickChangeRotation () const
void SetPreviousViewShellType (ViewShell::ShellType eType)
 Remember the type of the view shell that was (or soon will be) previously associated with this frame view. More...
ViewShell::ShellType GetPreviousViewShellType () const
 Return the type of the view shell previously associated with this frame view. More...
void SetViewShellTypeOnLoad (ViewShell::ShellType eType)
 Remember the type of the view shell at the time when the document is loaded or, rather, when the ViewShellBase is constructed. More...
ViewShell::ShellType GetViewShellTypeOnLoad () const
void SetPresentationViewShellId (sal_uInt16 nId)
sal_uInt16 GetPresentationViewShellId () const
void SetSlidesPerRow (sal_uInt16 nSlides)
sal_uInt16 GetSlidesPerRow () const
void SetDrawMode (DrawModeFlags nNewDrawMode)
DrawModeFlags GetDrawMode () const
void SetIsNavigatorShowingAllShapes (const bool bIsNavigatorShowingAllShapes)
bool IsNavigatorShowingAllShapes () const
void WriteUserDataSequence (css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue > &)
void ReadUserDataSequence (const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue > &)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SdrView
 SdrView (SdrModel &rSdrModel, OutputDevice *pOut=nullptr)
virtual ~SdrView () override
virtual bool IsSdrView () const final
void EnableExtendedMouseEventDispatcher (bool bOn)
bool IsExtendedMouseEventDispatcherEnabled () const
void EnableExtendedKeyInputDispatcher (bool bOn)
bool IsExtendedKeyInputDispatcherEnabled () const
void SetMasterPagePaintCaching (bool bOn)
bool IsMasterPagePaintCaching () const
bool KeyInput (const KeyEvent &rKEvt, vcl::Window *pWin) override
virtual bool MouseButtonDown (const MouseEvent &rMEvt, OutputDevice *pWin) override
virtual bool MouseButtonUp (const MouseEvent &rMEvt, OutputDevice *pWin) override
virtual bool MouseMove (const MouseEvent &rMEvt, OutputDevice *pWin) override
virtual bool Command (const CommandEvent &rCEvt, vcl::Window *pWin) override
virtual void ConfigurationChanged (utl::ConfigurationBroadcaster *, ConfigurationHints) override
bool SetAttributes (const SfxItemSet &rSet, bool bReplaceAll=false)
void GetAttributes (SfxItemSet &rTargetSet, bool bOnlyHardAttr=false) const
PointerStyle GetPreferredPointer (const Point &rMousePos, const OutputDevice *pOut, sal_uInt16 nModifier=0, bool bLeftDown=false) const
SdrHitKind PickAnything (const MouseEvent &rMEvt, SdrMouseEventKind nMouseDownOrMoveOrUp, SdrViewEvent &rVEvt) const
SdrHitKind PickAnything (const Point &rLogicPos, SdrViewEvent &rVEvt) const
bool DoMouseEvent (const SdrViewEvent &rVEvt)
virtual SdrViewContext GetContext () const
void MarkAll ()
void UnmarkAll ()
const tools::RectangleGetMarkedRect () const
virtual void DeleteMarked ()
bool BegMark (const Point &rPnt, bool bAddMark, bool bUnmark)
OUString GetStatusText ()
virtual void onAccessibilityOptionsChanged ()
virtual sdr::contact::ObjectContactcreateViewSpecificObjectContact (SdrPageWindow &rPageWindow, const char *pDebugName) const
bool MoveShapeHandle (const sal_uInt32 handleNum, const Point &aEndPoint, const sal_Int32 aObjectOrdNum=-1)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SdrCreateView
virtual bool IsAction () const override
virtual void MovAction (const Point &rPnt) override
virtual void EndAction () override
virtual void BckAction () override
virtual void BrkAction () override
virtual void TakeActionRect (tools::Rectangle &rRect) const override
virtual bool MouseMove (const MouseEvent &rMEvt, OutputDevice *pWin) override
void SetMeasureLayer (const OUString &rName)
void SetEditMode (SdrViewEditMode eMode)
void SetEditMode (bool bOn=true)
void SetCreateMode (bool bOn=true)
void SetGluePointEditMode (bool bOn=true)
bool IsTextTool () const
bool IsEdgeTool () const
bool IsMeasureTool () const
void SetCurrentObj (SdrObjKind nIdent, SdrInventor nInvent=SdrInventor::Default)
void TakeCurrentObj (SdrObjKind &nIdent, SdrInventor &nInvent) const
SdrInventor GetCurrentObjInventor () const
SdrObjKind GetCurrentObjIdentifier () const
bool BegCreateObj (const Point &rPnt, OutputDevice *pOut=nullptr, short nMinMov=-3)
bool BegCreatePreparedObject (const Point &rPnt, sal_Int16 nMinMov, SdrObject *pPreparedFactoryObject)
void MovCreateObj (const Point &rPnt)
bool EndCreateObj (SdrCreateCmd eCmd)
void BckCreateObj ()
void BrkCreateObj ()
bool IsCreateObj () const
SdrObjectGetCreateObj () const
bool BegCreateCaptionObj (const Point &rPnt, const Size &rObjSiz, OutputDevice *pOut=nullptr, short nMinMov=-3)
bool IsCreate1stPointAsCenter () const
void SetCreate1stPointAsCenter (bool bOn)
sal_uInt16 GetAutoCloseDistPix () const
sal_uInt16 GetFreeHandMinDistPix () const
bool IsUseIncompatiblePathCreateInterface () const
void SetUseIncompatiblePathCreateInterface (bool bOn)
void SetConnectMarker (const SdrObjConnection &rCon)
void HideConnectMarker ()
void GetAttributes (SfxItemSet &rTargetSet, bool bOnlyHardAttr) const
bool SetAttributes (const SfxItemSet &rSet, bool bReplaceAll)
SfxStyleSheetGetStyleSheet () const
void SetStyleSheet (SfxStyleSheet *pStyleSheet, bool bDontRemoveHardAttr)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SdrDragView
virtual bool IsAction () const override
virtual void MovAction (const Point &rPnt) override
virtual void EndAction () override
virtual void BckAction () override
virtual void BrkAction () override
virtual void TakeActionRect (tools::Rectangle &rRect) const override
bool TakeDragObjAnchorPos (Point &rPos, bool bTopRight) const
virtual bool BegDragObj (const Point &rPnt, OutputDevice *pOut, SdrHdl *pHdl, short nMinMov=-3, SdrDragMethod *pForcedMeth=nullptr)
void MovDragObj (const Point &rPnt)
bool EndDragObj (bool bCopy=false)
void BrkDragObj ()
bool IsDragObj () const
SdrHdlGetDragHdl () const
SdrDragMethodGetDragMethod () const
bool IsDraggingPoints () const
bool IsDraggingGluePoints () const
void SetDragWithCopy (bool bOn)
bool IsDragWithCopy () const
void SetDragThresholdPixels (sal_Int32 nDragThresholdPixels)
sal_Int32 GetDragThresholdPixels () const
void SetInsertGluePoint (bool bOn)
bool IsInsertGluePoint () const
bool IsInsObjPointPossible () const
bool BegInsObjPoint (const Point &rPnt, bool bNewObj)
void MovInsObjPoint (const Point &rPnt)
bool EndInsObjPoint (SdrCreateCmd eCmd)
bool IsInsObjPoint () const
void SetInsObjPointMode (bool bOn)
bool IsInsObjPointMode () const
bool IsInsGluePointPossible () const
bool BegInsGluePoint (const Point &rPnt)
bool IsInsGluePoint () const
void SetInsGluePointMode (bool bOn)
bool IsInsGluePointMode () const
void SetDragStripes (bool bOn)
bool IsDragStripes () const
void SetNoDragXorPolys (bool bOn)
bool IsNoDragXorPolys () const
void SetSolidDragging (bool bOn)
bool IsSolidDragging () const
void SetMarkedHitMovesAlways (bool bOn)
bool IsMarkedHitMovesAlways () const
bool IsOrthoDesired () const
bool IsResizeAtCenter () const
void SetResizeAtCenter (bool bOn)
bool IsCrookAtCenter () const
void SetCrookAtCenter (bool bOn)
void SetWorkArea (const tools::Rectangle &rRect)
const tools::RectangleGetWorkArea () const
virtual bool TakeDragLimit (SdrDragMode eMode, tools::Rectangle &rRect) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from SdrExchangeView
::std::vector< SdrObject * > GetMarkedObjects () const
virtual void DrawMarkedObj (OutputDevice &rOut) const
GDIMetaFile GetMarkedObjMetaFile (bool bNoVDevIfOneMtfMarked=false) const
BitmapEx GetMarkedObjBitmapEx (bool bNoVDevIfOneBmpMarked=false, const sal_uInt32 nMaximumQuadraticPixels=500000, const std::optional< Size > &rTargetDPI=std::nullopt) const
virtual std::unique_ptr< SdrModelCreateMarkedObjModel () const
Graphic GetAllMarkedGraphic () const
virtual bool Paste (const SdrModel &rMod, const Point &rPos, SdrObjList *pLst, SdrInsertFlags nOptions)
bool Paste (const OUString &rStr, const Point &rPos, SdrObjList *pLst, SdrInsertFlags nOptions)
bool Paste (SvStream &rInput, EETextFormat eFormat, const Point &rPos, SdrObjList *pLst, SdrInsertFlags nOptions)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SdrObjEditView
void TextEditDrawing (SdrPaintWindow &rPaintWindow)
virtual bool IsAction () const override
virtual void MovAction (const Point &rPnt) override
virtual void EndAction () override
virtual void BrkAction () override
virtual void BckAction () override
virtual void TakeActionRect (tools::Rectangle &rRect) const override
SdrPageViewShowSdrPage (SdrPage *pPage) override
void HideSdrPage () override
virtual void Notify (SfxBroadcaster &rBC, const SfxHint &rHint) override
virtual void ModelHasChanged () override
const std::unique_ptr< SdrUndoManager > & getViewLocalUndoManager () const
void SetQuickTextEditMode (bool bOn)
bool IsQuickTextEditMode () const
virtual bool SdrBeginTextEdit (SdrObject *pObj, SdrPageView *pPV=nullptr, vcl::Window *pWin=nullptr, bool bIsNewObj=false, SdrOutliner *pGivenOutliner=nullptr, OutlinerView *pGivenOutlinerView=nullptr, bool bDontDeleteOutliner=false, bool bOnlyOneView=false, bool bGrabFocus=true)
virtual SdrEndTextEditKind SdrEndTextEdit (bool bDontDeleteReally=false)
virtual bool IsTextEdit () const final override
bool IsTextEditHit (const Point &rHit) const
bool IsTextEditFrameHit (const Point &rHit) const
bool IsTextEditInSelectionMode () const
SdrTextObjGetTextEditObject () const
SdrPageViewGetTextEditPageView () const
void SetTextEditWin (vcl::Window *pWin)
const SdrOutlinerGetTextEditOutliner () const
SdrOutlinerGetTextEditOutliner ()
const OutlinerViewGetTextEditOutlinerView () const
OutlinerViewGetTextEditOutlinerView ()
virtual bool KeyInput (const KeyEvent &rKEvt, vcl::Window *pWin) override
virtual bool MouseButtonDown (const MouseEvent &rMEvt, OutputDevice *pWin) override
virtual bool MouseButtonUp (const MouseEvent &rMEvt, OutputDevice *pWin) override
virtual bool MouseMove (const MouseEvent &rMEvt, OutputDevice *pWin) override
virtual bool Command (const CommandEvent &rCEvt, vcl::Window *pWin) override
virtual SvtScriptType GetScriptType () const
void GetAttributes (SfxItemSet &rTargetSet, bool bOnlyHardAttr) const
bool SetAttributes (const SfxItemSet &rSet, bool bReplaceAll)
SfxStyleSheetGetStyleSheet () const
void SetStyleSheet (SfxStyleSheet *pStyleSheet, bool bDontRemoveHardAttr)
virtual void AddDeviceToPaintView (OutputDevice &rNewDev, vcl::Window *pWindow) override
virtual void DeleteDeviceFromPaintView (OutputDevice &rOldWin) override
sal_uInt16 GetSelectionLevel () const
void BegMacroObj (const Point &rPnt, short nTol, SdrObject *pObj, SdrPageView *pPV, vcl::Window *pWin)
void BegMacroObj (const Point &rPnt, SdrObject *pObj, SdrPageView *pPV, vcl::Window *pWin)
void MovMacroObj (const Point &rPnt)
void BrkMacroObj ()
bool EndMacroObj ()
bool IsMacroObj () const
void getTextSelection (css::uno::Any &rSelection)
virtual void MarkListHasChanged () override
const rtl::Reference< sdr::SelectionController > & getSelectionController () const
void TakeFormatPaintBrush (std::shared_ptr< SfxItemSet > &rFormatSet)
void ApplyFormatPaintBrush (SfxItemSet &rFormatSet, bool bNoCharacterFormats, bool bNoParagraphFormats)
void DisposeUndoManager ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from SdrGlueEditView
TriState IsMarkedGluePointsEscDir (SdrEscapeDirection nThisEsc) const
void SetMarkedGluePointsEscDir (SdrEscapeDirection nThisEsc, bool bOn)
TriState IsMarkedGluePointsPercent () const
void SetMarkedGluePointsPercent (bool bOn)
SdrAlign GetMarkedGluePointsAlign (bool bVert) const
void SetMarkedGluePointsAlign (bool bVert, SdrAlign nAlign)
void DeleteMarkedGluePoints ()
void MoveMarkedGluePoints (const Size &rSiz, bool bCopy)
void ResizeMarkedGluePoints (const Point &rRef, const Fraction &xFact, const Fraction &yFact, bool bCopy)
void RotateMarkedGluePoints (const Point &rRef, Degree100 nAngle, bool bCopy)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SdrPolyEditView
bool IsSetMarkedPointsSmoothPossible () const override
SdrPathSmoothKind GetMarkedPointsSmooth () const override
void SetMarkedPointsSmooth (SdrPathSmoothKind eKind) override
bool IsSetMarkedSegmentsKindPossible () const override
SdrPathSegmentKind GetMarkedSegmentsKind () const override
void SetMarkedSegmentsKind (SdrPathSegmentKind eKind) override
void DeleteMarkedPoints () override
bool IsDeleteMarkedPointsPossible () const override
void MoveMarkedPoints (const Size &rSiz)
void ResizeMarkedPoints (const Point &rRef, const Fraction &xFact, const Fraction &yFact)
void RotateMarkedPoints (const Point &rRef, Degree100 nAngle)
void RipUpAtMarkedPoints () override
bool IsRipUpAtMarkedPointsPossible () const override
bool IsOpenCloseMarkedObjectsPossible () const override
SdrObjClosedKind GetMarkedObjectsClosedState () const override
void CheckPolyPossibilitiesHelper (SdrMark *pM, bool &b1stSmooth, bool &b1stSegm, bool &bCurve, bool &bSmoothFuz, bool &bSegmFuz, basegfx::B2VectorContinuity &eSmooth)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SdrEditView
void BegUndo ()
void BegUndo (const OUString &rComment)
void BegUndo (const OUString &rComment, const OUString &rObjDescr, SdrRepeatFunc eFunc=SdrRepeatFunc::NONE)
void EndUndo ()
void AddUndo (std::unique_ptr< SdrUndoAction > pUndo)
void SetUndoComment (const OUString &rComment, const OUString &rObjDescr)
bool IsUndoEnabled () const
void EndTextEditAllViews () const
void EndTextEditCurrentView (bool bDontDeleteReally=false)
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< SdrUndoAction > > CreateConnectorUndo (const SdrObject &rO)
void AddUndoActions (std::vector< std::unique_ptr< SdrUndoAction > >)
void InsertNewLayer (const OUString &rName, sal_uInt16 nPos)
void DeleteLayer (const OUString &rName)
void ForceMarkedObjToAnotherPage ()
void ForceMarkedToAnotherPage ()
void DeleteMarkedObj ()
void SetMarkedObjRect (const tools::Rectangle &rRect)
void MoveMarkedObj (const Size &rSiz, bool bCopy=false)
void ResizeMarkedObj (const Point &rRef, const Fraction &xFact, const Fraction &yFact, bool bCopy=false)
void ResizeMultMarkedObj (const Point &rRef, const Fraction &xFact, const Fraction &yFact, const bool bWdh, const bool bHgt)
Degree100 GetMarkedObjRotate () const
void RotateMarkedObj (const Point &rRef, Degree100 nAngle, bool bCopy=false)
void MirrorMarkedObj (const Point &rRef1, const Point &rRef2, bool bCopy=false)
void MirrorMarkedObjHorizontal ()
void MirrorMarkedObjVertical ()
Degree100 GetMarkedObjShear () const
void ShearMarkedObj (const Point &rRef, Degree100 nAngle, bool bVShear=false, bool bCopy=false)
void CrookMarkedObj (const Point &rRef, const Point &rRad, SdrCrookMode eMode, bool bVertical, bool bNoContortion, bool bCopy=false)
void DistortMarkedObj (const tools::Rectangle &rRef, const XPolygon &rDistortedRect, bool bNoContortion, bool bCopy=false)
void CopyMarkedObj ()
void SetAllMarkedRect (const tools::Rectangle &rRect)
void MoveAllMarked (const Size &rSiz, bool bCopy=false)
void ResizeAllMarked (const Point &rRef, const Fraction &xFact, const Fraction &yFact)
void RotateAllMarked (const Point &rRef, Degree100 nAngle)
void MirrorAllMarkedHorizontal ()
void MirrorAllMarkedVertical ()
void CopyMarked ()
bool IsMoveAllowed () const
bool IsResizeAllowed (bool bProp=false) const
bool IsRotateAllowed (bool b90Deg=false) const
bool IsMirrorAllowed (bool b45Deg=false, bool b90Deg=false) const
bool IsTransparenceAllowed () const
bool IsGradientAllowed () const
bool IsShearAllowed () const
bool IsEdgeRadiusAllowed () const
bool IsCrookAllowed (bool bNoContortion=false) const
bool IsCropAllowed () const
bool IsDistortAllowed (bool bNoContortion=false) const
void CombineMarkedTextObjects ()
void CombineMarkedObjects (bool bNoPolyPoly=true)
void MergeMarkedObjects (SdrMergeMode eMode)
void DistributeMarkedObjects (sal_uInt16 SlotID)
void EqualizeMarkedObjects (bool bWidth)
void DismantleMarkedObjects (bool bMakeLines=false)
bool IsCombinePossible (bool bNoPolyPoly=false) const
bool IsDismantlePossible (bool bMakeLines=false) const
bool InsertObjectAtView (SdrObject *pObj, SdrPageView &rPV, SdrInsertFlags nOptions=SdrInsertFlags::NONE)
void ReplaceObjectAtView (SdrObject *pOldObj, SdrPageView &rPV, SdrObject *pNewObj, bool bMark=true)
void SetNotPersistAttrToMarked (const SfxItemSet &rAttr)
void MergeNotPersistAttrFromMarked (SfxItemSet &rAttr) const
void MergeAttrFromMarked (SfxItemSet &rAttr, bool bOnlyHardAttr) const
SfxItemSet GetAttrFromMarked (bool bOnlyHardAttr) const
void SetAttrToMarked (const SfxItemSet &rAttr, bool bReplaceAll)
SfxItemSet GetGeoAttrFromMarked () const
void SetGeoAttrToMarked (const SfxItemSet &rAttr, bool addPageMargin=false)
SfxStyleSheetGetStyleSheetFromMarked () const
void SetStyleSheetToMarked (SfxStyleSheet *pStyleSheet, bool bDontRemoveHardAttr)
void GetAttributes (SfxItemSet &rTargetSet, bool bOnlyHardAttr) const
void SetAttributes (const SfxItemSet &rSet, bool bReplaceAll)
SfxStyleSheetGetStyleSheet () const
void SetStyleSheet (SfxStyleSheet *pStyleSheet, bool bDontRemoveHardAttr)
void GroupMarked ()
void UnGroupMarked ()
bool IsGroupPossible () const
bool IsUnGroupPossible () const
bool IsGroupEnterPossible () const
bool IsConvertToPathObjPossible () const
bool IsConvertToPolyObjPossible () const
bool IsConvertToContourPossible () const
void ConvertMarkedToPathObj (bool bLineToArea)
void ConvertMarkedToPolyObj ()
void AlignMarkedObjects (SdrHorAlign eHor, SdrVertAlign eVert)
bool IsAlignPossible () const
void MovMarkedToTop ()
void MovMarkedToBtm ()
void PutMarkedToTop ()
void PutMarkedToBtm ()
void PutMarkedInFrontOfObj (const SdrObject *pRefObj)
void PutMarkedBehindObj (const SdrObject *pRefObj)
void ReverseOrderOfMarked ()
bool IsToTopPossible () const
bool IsToBtmPossible () const
bool IsReverseOrderPossible () const
virtual SdrObjectGetMaxToTopObj (SdrObject *pObj) const
virtual SdrObjectGetMaxToBtmObj (SdrObject *pObj) const
virtual void ObjOrderChanged (SdrObject *pObj, size_t nOldPos, size_t nNewPos)
void DoImportMarkedMtf (SvdProgressInfo *pProgrInfo=nullptr)
bool IsImportMtfPossible () const
virtual void MarkListHasChanged () override
virtual void ModelHasChanged () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from SdrMarkView
virtual bool IsAction () const override
virtual void MovAction (const Point &rPnt) override
virtual void EndAction () override
virtual void BckAction () override
virtual void BrkAction () override
virtual void TakeActionRect (tools::Rectangle &rRect) const override
virtual void ClearPageView () override
virtual void HideSdrPage () override
bool IsObjMarkable (SdrObject const *pObj, SdrPageView const *pPV) const
bool IsMarking () const
void BegMarkObj (const Point &rPnt, bool bUnmark=false)
void MovMarkObj (const Point &rPnt)
bool EndMarkObj ()
void BrkMarkObj ()
bool IsMarkObj () const
void SetDragMode (SdrDragMode eMode)
SdrDragMode GetDragMode () const
void SetFrameHandles (bool bOn)
bool IsFrameHandles () const
bool HasMultipleMarkableObjects () const
void SetEditMode (SdrViewEditMode eMode)
SdrViewEditMode GetEditMode () const
void SetEditMode (bool bOn)
bool IsEditMode () const
void SetCreateMode (bool bOn)
bool IsCreateMode () const
void SetGluePointEditMode (bool bOn)
bool IsGluePointEditMode () const
void SetDesignMode (bool bOn=true)
bool IsDesignMode () const
void SetFrameDragSingles (bool bOn=true)
bool IsFrameDragSingles () const
bool HasMarkableObj () const
void SetNegativeX (bool bOn)
bool IsNegativeX () const
const SdrMarkListGetMarkedObjectList () const
size_t TryToFindMarkedObject (const SdrObject *pObj) const
SdrPageViewGetSdrPageViewOfMarkedByIndex (size_t nNum) const
SdrMarkGetSdrMarkByIndex (size_t nNum) const
SdrObjectGetMarkedObjectByIndex (size_t nNum) const
size_t GetMarkedObjectCount () const
void SortMarkedObjects () const
bool AreObjectsMarked () const
OUString const & GetDescriptionOfMarkedObjects () const
OUString const & GetDescriptionOfMarkedPoints () const
OUString const & GetDescriptionOfMarkedGluePoints () const
const SdrMarkListGetEdgesOfMarkedNodes () const
const SdrMarkListGetMarkedEdgesOfMarkedNodes () const
const std::vector< SdrObject * > & GetTransitiveHullOfMarkedObjects () const
void hideMarkHandles ()
void showMarkHandles ()
bool areMarkHandlesHidden () const
bool IsMarkedHit (const Point &rPnt, short nTol=-2) const
bool IsMarkedObjHit (const Point &rPnt, short nTol=-2) const
SdrHdlPickHandle (const Point &rPnt) const
SdrObjectPickObj (const Point &rPnt, short nTol, SdrPageView *&rpPV, SdrSearchOptions nOptions, SdrObject **ppRootObj, bool *pbHitPassDirect=nullptr) const
SdrObjectPickObj (const Point &rPnt, short nTol, SdrPageView *&rpPV, SdrSearchOptions nOptions=SdrSearchOptions::NONE) const
bool MarkObj (const Point &rPnt, short nTol=-2, bool bToggle=false, bool bDeep=false)
bool PickMarkedObj (const Point &rPnt, SdrObject *&rpObj, SdrPageView *&rpPV, SdrSearchOptions nOptions) const
bool MarkNextObj (bool bPrev=false)
bool MarkNextObj (const Point &rPnt, short nTol, bool bPrev)
void MarkObj (const tools::Rectangle &rRect, bool bUnmark)
void MarkObj (SdrObject *pObj, SdrPageView *pPV, bool bUnmark=false, bool bDoNoSetMarkHdl=false, std::vector< basegfx::B2DRectangle > &&rSubSelections=std::vector< basegfx::B2DRectangle >())
void MarkAllObj (SdrPageView *pPV=nullptr)
void UnmarkAllObj (SdrPageView const *pPV=nullptr)
bool IsObjMarked (SdrObject const *pObj) const
void UnMarkAll (SdrPageView const *pPV=nullptr)
sal_uInt16 GetMarkHdlSizePixel () const
void SetMarkHdlSizePixel (sal_uInt16 nSiz)
virtual bool HasMarkablePoints () const
virtual sal_Int32 GetMarkablePointCount () const
virtual bool HasMarkedPoints () const
bool IsPointMarkable (const SdrHdl &rHdl) const
virtual bool MarkPoint (SdrHdl &rHdl, bool bUnmark=false)
bool MarkPointHelper (SdrHdl *pHdl, SdrMark *pMark, bool bUnmark)
bool UnmarkPoint (SdrHdl &rHdl)
bool IsPointMarked (const SdrHdl &rHdl) const
bool MarkAllPoints ()
bool UnmarkAllPoints ()
void MarkNextPoint ()
size_t GetHdlNum (SdrHdl const *pHdl) const
SdrHdlGetHdl (size_t nHdlNum) const
const SdrHdlListGetHdlList () const
bool BegMarkPoints (const Point &rPnt, bool bUnmark=false)
void MovMarkPoints (const Point &rPnt)
bool EndMarkPoints ()
void BrkMarkPoints ()
bool IsMarkPoints () const
void SetPlusHandlesAlwaysVisible (bool bOn)
bool IsPlusHandlesAlwaysVisible () const
bool HasMarkableGluePoints () const
bool HasMarkedGluePoints () const
bool PickGluePoint (const Point &rPnt, SdrObject *&rpObj, sal_uInt16 &rnId, SdrPageView *&rpPV) const
bool MarkGluePoint (const SdrObject *pObj, sal_uInt16 nId, bool bUnmark)
void UnmarkGluePoint (const SdrObject *pObj, sal_uInt16 nId)
bool IsGluePointMarked (const SdrObject *pObj, sal_uInt16 nId) const
SdrHdlGetGluePointHdl (const SdrObject *pObj, sal_uInt16 nId) const
bool MarkAllGluePoints ()
bool UnmarkAllGluePoints ()
void MarkNextGluePoint ()
bool BegMarkGluePoints (const Point &rPnt, bool bUnmark=false)
void MovMarkGluePoints (const Point &rPnt)
void EndMarkGluePoints ()
void BrkMarkGluePoints ()
bool IsMarkGluePoints () const
void AdjustMarkHdl (SfxViewShell *pOtherShell=nullptr)
const tools::RectangleGetMarkedObjRect () const
tools::Rectangle GetMarkedObjBoundRect () const
const tools::RectangleGetMarkedPointsRect () const
const tools::RectangleGetMarkedGluePointsRect () const
const tools::RectangleGetAllMarkedRect () const
tools::Rectangle GetAllMarkedBoundRect () const
virtual void MarkListHasChanged ()
void EnterMarkedGroup ()
const PointGetRef1 () const
void SetRef1 (const Point &rPt)
const PointGetRef2 () const
void SetRef2 (const Point &rPt)
virtual SfxViewShellGetSfxViewShell () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from SdrSnapView
virtual bool IsAction () const override
virtual void MovAction (const Point &rPnt) override
virtual void EndAction () override
virtual void BckAction () override
virtual void BrkAction () override
virtual void TakeActionRect (tools::Rectangle &rRect) const override
void SetSnapGridWidth (const Fraction &rX, const Fraction &rY)
const FractionGetSnapGridWidthX () const
const FractionGetSnapGridWidthY () const
void SetSnapMagnetic (const Size &rSiz)
void SetSnapMagneticPixel (sal_uInt16 nPix)
sal_uInt16 GetSnapMagneticPixel () const
void RecalcLogicSnapMagnetic (const OutputDevice &rOut)
void SetActualWin (const OutputDevice *pWin)
SdrSnap SnapPos (Point &rPnt, const SdrPageView *pPV) const
Point GetSnapPos (const Point &rPnt, const SdrPageView *pPV) const
void CheckSnap (const Point &rPt, tools::Long &nBestXSnap, tools::Long &nBestYSnap, bool &bXSnapped, bool &bYSnapped) const
bool IsSnapEnabled () const
bool IsGridSnap () const
bool IsBordSnap () const
bool IsHlplSnap () const
bool IsOFrmSnap () const
bool IsOPntSnap () const
bool IsOConSnap () const
void SetSnapEnabled (bool bOn)
void SetGridSnap (bool bOn)
void SetBordSnap (bool bOn)
void SetHlplSnap (bool bOn)
void SetOFrmSnap (bool bOn)
void SetOPntSnap (bool bOn)
void SetOConSnap (bool bOn)
void SetMoveSnapOnlyTopLeft (bool bOn)
bool IsMoveSnapOnlyTopLeft () const
void BegSetPageOrg (const Point &rPnt)
void MovSetPageOrg (const Point &rPnt)
void EndSetPageOrg ()
void BrkSetPageOrg ()
bool IsSetPageOrg () const
bool PickHelpLine (const Point &rPnt, short nTol, const OutputDevice &rOut, sal_uInt16 &rnHelpLineNum, SdrPageView *&rpPV) const
bool BegDragHelpLine (sal_uInt16 nHelpLineNum, SdrPageView *pPV)
void BegDragHelpLine (const Point &rPnt, SdrHelpLineKind eNewKind)
PointerStyle GetDraggedHelpLinePointer () const
void MovDragHelpLine (const Point &rPnt)
bool EndDragHelpLine ()
void BrkDragHelpLine ()
bool IsDragHelpLine () const
void SetAngleSnapEnabled (bool bOn)
bool IsAngleSnapEnabled () const
void SetSnapAngle (Degree100 nAngle)
Degree100 GetSnapAngle () const
void SetOrtho (bool bOn)
bool IsOrtho () const
void SetBigOrtho (bool bOn)
bool IsBigOrtho () const
void SetMoveOnlyDragging (bool bOn)
bool IsMoveOnlyDragging () const
void SetSlantButShear (bool bOn)
bool IsSlantButShear () const
void SetCrookNoContortion (bool bOn)
bool IsCrookNoContortion () const
void SetCrookMode (SdrCrookMode eMode)
SdrCrookMode GetCrookMode () const
void SetEliminatePolyPoints (bool bOn)
bool IsEliminatePolyPoints () const
void SetEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle (Degree100 nAngle)
Degree100 GetEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from SdrPaintView
bool IsBufferedOutputAllowed () const
void SetBufferedOutputAllowed (bool bNew)
bool IsBufferedOverlayAllowed () const
void SetBufferedOverlayAllowed (bool bNew)
bool IsPageDecorationAllowed () const
void SetPageDecorationAllowed (bool bNew)
bool IsMasterPageVisualizationAllowed () const
void SetMasterPageVisualizationAllowed (bool bNew)
virtual rtl::Reference< sdr::overlay::OverlayManagerCreateOverlayManager (OutputDevice &rDevice) const
sal_uInt32 PaintWindowCount () const
SdrPaintWindowFindPaintWindow (const OutputDevice &rOut) const
SdrPaintWindowGetPaintWindow (sal_uInt32 nIndex) const
OutputDeviceGetFirstOutputDevice () const
bool ImpIsGlueVisible () const
SdrModelgetSdrModelFromSdrView () const
SdrModelGetModel () const
virtual void ClearPageView ()
virtual bool IsAction () const
virtual void MovAction (const Point &rPnt)
virtual void EndAction ()
virtual void BckAction ()
virtual void BrkAction ()
virtual void TakeActionRect (tools::Rectangle &rRect) const
virtual bool IsTextEdit () const
void SetActualWin (const OutputDevice *pWin)
void SetMinMoveDistancePixel (sal_uInt16 nVal)
void SetHitTolerancePixel (sal_uInt16 nVal)
sal_uInt16 GetHitTolerancePixel () const
sal_uInt16 getHitTolLog () const
const SdrDragStatGetDragStat () const
virtual SdrPageViewShowSdrPage (SdrPage *pPage)
virtual void HideSdrPage ()
SdrPageViewGetSdrPageView () const
virtual void AddDeviceToPaintView (OutputDevice &rNewDev, vcl::Window *pWindow)
virtual void DeleteDeviceFromPaintView (OutputDevice &rOldDev)
void SetLayerVisible (const OUString &rName, bool bShow)
bool IsLayerVisible (const OUString &rName) const
void SetLayerLocked (const OUString &rName, bool bLock=true)
bool IsLayerLocked (const OUString &rName) const
void SetLayerPrintable (const OUString &rName, bool bPrn)
bool IsLayerPrintable (const OUString &rName) const
void PrePaint ()
virtual void CompleteRedraw (OutputDevice *pOut, const vcl::Region &rReg, sdr::contact::ViewObjectContactRedirector *pRedirector=nullptr)
virtual SdrPaintWindowBeginCompleteRedraw (OutputDevice *pOut)
void DoCompleteRedraw (SdrPaintWindow &rPaintWindow, const vcl::Region &rReg, sdr::contact::ViewObjectContactRedirector *pRedirector=nullptr)
virtual void EndCompleteRedraw (SdrPaintWindow &rPaintWindow, bool bPaintFormLayer)
SdrPaintWindowBeginDrawLayers (OutputDevice *pOut, const vcl::Region &rReg, bool bDisableIntersect=false)
void UpdateDrawLayersRegion (const OutputDevice *pOut, const vcl::Region &rReg)
void EndDrawLayers (SdrPaintWindow &rPaintWindow, bool bPaintFormLayer)
bool IsPageVisible () const
bool IsPageShadowVisible () const
bool IsPageBorderVisible () const
bool IsBordVisible () const
bool IsGridVisible () const
bool IsGridFront () const
bool IsHlplVisible () const
bool IsHlplFront () const
const ColorGetGridColor () const
void SetPageVisible (bool bOn=true)
void SetPageShadowVisible (bool bOn)
void SetPageBorderVisible (bool bOn=true)
void SetBordVisible (bool bOn=true)
void SetGridVisible (bool bOn)
void SetGridFront (bool bOn)
void SetHlplVisible (bool bOn=true)
void SetHlplFront (bool bOn)
void SetGlueVisible (bool bOn=true)
bool IsPreviewRenderer () const
void SetPreviewRenderer (bool bOn)
bool getHideOle () const
bool getHideChart () const
bool getHideDraw () const
bool getHideFormControl () const
void setHideOle (bool bNew)
void setHideChart (bool bNew)
void setHideDraw (bool bNew)
void setHideFormControl (bool bNew)
void SetGridCoarse (const Size &rSiz)
void SetGridFine (const Size &rSiz)
const SizeGetGridCoarse () const
const SizeGetGridFine () const
void InvalidateAllWin ()
void InvalidateAllWin (const tools::Rectangle &rRect)
virtual void InvalidateOneWin (OutputDevice &rWin)
virtual void InvalidateOneWin (OutputDevice &rWin, const tools::Rectangle &rRect)
void SetActiveLayer (const OUString &rName)
const OUString & GetActiveLayer () const
void LeaveOneGroup ()
void LeaveAllGroup ()
bool IsGroupEntered () const
void SetDefaultAttr (const SfxItemSet &rAttr, bool bReplaceAll)
const SfxItemSetGetDefaultAttr () const
void SetDefaultStyleSheet (SfxStyleSheet *pStyleSheet, bool bDontRemoveHardAttr)
void SetNotPersistDefaultAttr (const SfxItemSet &rAttr)
void MergeNotPersistDefaultAttr (SfxItemSet &rAttr) const
bool IsSwapAsynchron () const
void SetSwapAsynchron (bool bJa=true)
virtual bool KeyInput (const KeyEvent &rKEvt, vcl::Window *pWin)
virtual bool MouseButtonDown (const MouseEvent &, OutputDevice *)
virtual bool MouseButtonUp (const MouseEvent &, OutputDevice *)
virtual bool MouseMove (const MouseEvent &, OutputDevice *)
virtual bool RequestHelp (const HelpEvent &)
virtual bool Command (const CommandEvent &, vcl::Window *)
void GetAttributes (SfxItemSet &rTargetSet, bool bOnlyHardAttr) const
void SetAttributes (const SfxItemSet &rSet, bool bReplaceAll)
SfxStyleSheetGetStyleSheet () const
void SetStyleSheet (SfxStyleSheet *pStyleSheet, bool bDontRemoveHardAttr)
virtual void MakeVisible (const tools::Rectangle &rRect, vcl::Window &rWin)
virtual void DoConnect (SdrOle2Obj *pOleObj)
bool IsAnimationEnabled () const
void SetAnimationEnabled (bool bEnable=true)
void SetAnimationPause (bool bSet)
void SetAnimationMode (const SdrAnimationMode eMode)
void VisAreaChanged (const OutputDevice *pOut)
void VisAreaChanged ()
bool IsPrintPreview () const
void SetPrintPreview (bool bOn=true)
const svtools::ColorConfiggetColorConfig () const
void onChangeColorConfig ()
void SetApplicationBackgroundColor (Color aBackgroundColor)
void SetApplicationDocumentColor (Color aDocumentColor)
void SetAnimationTimer (sal_uInt32 nTime)
void SetPaintTextEdit (bool bPaint)

Private Attributes

sal_uInt16 mnRefCount
bool mbRuler
SdrLayerIDSet maVisibleLayers
SdrLayerIDSet maLockedLayers
SdrLayerIDSet maPrintableLayers
SdrHelpLineList maStandardHelpLines
SdrHelpLineList maNotesHelpLines
SdrHelpLineList maHandoutHelpLines
bool mbNoColors
 structuring mode More...
bool mbNoAttribs
 structuring mode More...
::tools::Rectangle maVisArea
 visible area More...
PageKind mePageKind
 kind of page (standard, notes, handout) More...
sal_uInt16 mnSelectedPage
PageKind mePageKindOnLoad
sal_uInt16 mnSelectedPageOnLoad
EditMode mePageEditMode
 edit mode in drawing mode (Page/MasterPage) More...
EditMode meEditModeOnLoad
bool mbLayerMode
 layer on/off More...
bool mbQuickEdit
 QuickEdit on/off. More...
bool mbDoubleClickTextEdit
 text mode after double click More...
bool mbClickChangeRotation
 single click switches between selection/rotation mode More...
sal_uInt16 mnPresViewShellId
 ViewShell from which the presentation was started. More...
sal_uInt16 mnSlidesPerRow
 slides per row on the slide-desk More...
DrawModeFlags mnDrawMode
 draw mode for the normal window More...
bool mbIsNavigatorShowingAllShapes
 Remember whether the navigator shows all shapes (<TRUE>) or only the names ones (<FALSE>). More...
ViewShell::ShellType mePreviousViewShellType
 The type of the previous view shell. More...
ViewShell::ShellType meViewShellTypeOnLoad

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SdrCreateView
static void SetupObjLayer (const SdrPageView *pPageView, const OUString &aActiveLayer, SdrObject *pObj)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SdrDragView
static size_t GetDragXorPolyLimit ()
static size_t GetDragXorPointLimit ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SdrExchangeView
static Graphic GetObjGraphic (const SdrObject &rSdrObject, bool bSVG=false)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SdrObjEditView
static bool SupportsFormatPaintbrush (SdrInventor nObjectInventor, SdrObjKind nObjectIdentifier)
static void ApplyFormatPaintBrushToText (SfxItemSet const &rFormatSet, SdrTextObj &rTextObj, SdrText *pText, bool bNoCharacterFormats, bool bNoParagraphFormats)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SdrCreateView
void ImpClearConnectMarker ()
bool ImpBegCreateObj (SdrInventor nInvent, SdrObjKind nIdent, const Point &rPnt, OutputDevice *pOut, sal_Int16 nMinMov, const tools::Rectangle &rLogRect, SdrObject *pPreparedFactoryObject)
void ShowCreateObj ()
void HideCreateObj ()
bool CheckEdgeMode ()
 SdrCreateView (SdrModel &rSdrModel, OutputDevice *pOut)
virtual ~SdrCreateView () override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SdrDragView
virtual void SetMarkHandles (SfxViewShell *pOtherShell) override
void ShowDragObj ()
void HideDragObj ()
bool ImpBegInsObjPoint (bool bIdxZwang, const Point &rPnt, bool bNewObj, OutputDevice *pOut)
 SdrDragView (SdrModel &rSdrModel, OutputDevice *pOut)
virtual ~SdrDragView () override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SdrExchangeView
void ImpGetPasteObjList (Point &rPos, SdrObjList *&rpLst)
void ImpPasteObject (SdrObject *pObj, SdrObjList &rLst, const Point &rCenter, const Size &rSiz, const MapMode &rMap, SdrInsertFlags nOptions)
bool ImpGetPasteLayer (const SdrObjList *pObjList, SdrLayerID &rLayer) const
bool ImpLimitToWorkArea (Point &rPt) const
 SdrExchangeView (SdrModel &rSdrModel, OutputDevice *pOut)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SdrObjEditView
virtual std::unique_ptr< SdrUndoManagercreateLocalTextUndoManager ()
void ImpMoveCursorAfterChainingEvent (TextChainCursorManager *pCursorManager)
std::unique_ptr< TextChainCursorManagerImpHandleMotionThroughBoxesKeyInput (const KeyEvent &rKEvt, bool *bOutHandled)
OutlinerViewImpFindOutlinerView (vcl::Window const *pWin) const
OutlinerViewImpMakeOutlinerView (vcl::Window *pWin, OutlinerView *pGivenView, SfxViewShell *pViewShell=nullptr) const
void ImpPaintOutlinerView (OutlinerView &rOutlView, const tools::Rectangle &rRect, OutputDevice &rTargetDevice) const
void ImpInvalidateOutlinerView (OutlinerView const &rOutlView) const
void ImpChainingEventHdl ()
 DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK (ImpAfterCutOrPasteChainingEventHdl, LinkParamNone *, void)
bool ImpIsTextEditAllSelected () const
void ImpMakeTextCursorAreaVisible ()
 DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK (ImpOutlinerStatusEventHdl, EditStatus &, void)
 DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK (ImpOutlinerCalcFieldValueHdl, EditFieldInfo *, void)
 DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK (EndTextEditHdl, SdrUndoManager *, void)
void ImpMacroUp (const Point &rUpPos)
void ImpMacroDown (const Point &rDownPos)
 DECL_LINK (BeginPasteOrDropHdl, PasteOrDropInfos *, void)
 DECL_LINK (EndPasteOrDropHdl, PasteOrDropInfos *, void)
 SdrObjEditView (SdrModel &rSdrModel, OutputDevice *pOut)
virtual ~SdrObjEditView () override
virtual void OnBeginPasteOrDrop (PasteOrDropInfos *pInfo)
virtual void OnEndPasteOrDrop (PasteOrDropInfos *pInfo)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SdrGlueEditView
 SdrGlueEditView (SdrModel &rSdrModel, OutputDevice *pOut)
virtual ~SdrGlueEditView () override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SdrPolyEditView
 SdrPolyEditView (SdrModel &rSdrModel, OutputDevice *pOut)
virtual ~SdrPolyEditView () override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SdrEditView
void ImpBroadcastEdgesOfMarkedNodes ()
void ImpConvertTo (bool bPath, bool bLineToArea)
rtl::Reference< SdrObjectImpConvertOneObj (SdrObject *pObj, bool bPath, bool bLineToArea)
void ImpCheckToTopBtmPossible ()
void ImpCopyAttributes (const SdrObject *pSource, SdrObject *pDest) const
void ImpDismantleOneObject (const SdrObject *pObj, SdrObjList &rOL, size_t &rPos, SdrPageView *pPV, bool bMakeLines)
bool ImpDelLayerCheck (SdrObjList const *pOL, SdrLayerID nDelID) const
void ImpDelLayerDelObjs (SdrObjList *pOL, SdrLayerID nDelID)
std::vector< rtl::Reference< SdrObject > > DeleteMarkedList (SdrMarkList const &rMark)
virtual void CheckPossibilities ()
void ForcePossibilities () const
 SdrEditView (SdrModel &rSdrModel, OutputDevice *pOut)
virtual ~SdrEditView () override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SdrMarkView
bool getPossibleGridOffsetForSdrObject (basegfx::B2DVector &rOffset, const SdrObject *pObj, const SdrPageView *pPV) const
bool getPossibleGridOffsetForPosition (basegfx::B2DVector &rOffset, const basegfx::B2DPoint &rPoint, const SdrPageView *pPV) const
virtual void Notify (SfxBroadcaster &rBC, const SfxHint &rHint) override
virtual void ModelHasChanged () override
virtual void SetMarkHandles (SfxViewShell *pOtherShell)
void modelHasChangedLOKit ()
void SetMarkRects ()
void CheckMarked ()
void AddDragModeHdl (SdrDragMode eMode)
virtual bool MouseMove (const MouseEvent &rMEvt, OutputDevice *pWin) override
virtual bool RequestHelp (const HelpEvent &rHEvt) override
virtual void AddCustomHdl ()
void ForceRefToMarked ()
void ForceUndirtyMrkPnt () const
virtual SdrObjectCheckSingleSdrObjectHit (const Point &rPnt, sal_uInt16 nTol, SdrObject *pObj, SdrPageView *pPV, SdrSearchOptions nOptions, const SdrLayerIDSet *pMVisLay) const
SdrObjectCheckSingleSdrObjectHit (const Point &rPnt, sal_uInt16 nTol, SdrObjList const *pOL, SdrPageView *pPV, SdrSearchOptions nOptions, const SdrLayerIDSet *pMVisLay, SdrObject *&rpRootObj) const
SdrObjectCheckSingleSdrObjectHit (const Point &rPnt, sal_uInt16 nTol, SdrObjList const *pOL, SdrPageView *pPV, SdrSearchOptions nOptions, const SdrLayerIDSet *pMVisLay, SdrObject *&rpRootObj, const SdrMarkList *pMarkList) const
bool ImpIsFrameHandles () const
OUString ImpGetDescriptionString (TranslateId pStrCacheID, ImpGetDescriptionOptions nOpt=ImpGetDescriptionOptions::NONE) const
bool ImpMarkPoint (SdrHdl *pHdl, SdrMark *pMark, bool bUnmark)
virtual bool MarkPoints (const tools::Rectangle *pRect, bool bUnmark)
bool MarkGluePoints (const tools::Rectangle *pRect, bool bUnmark)
void SetMoveOutside (bool bOn)
bool MarkableObjectsExceed (int n) const
 SdrMarkView (SdrModel &rSdrModel, OutputDevice *pOut)
virtual ~SdrMarkView () override
SdrMarkListGetMarkedObjectListWriteAccess ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SdrSnapView
 SdrSnapView (SdrModel &rSdrModel, OutputDevice *pOut)
virtual ~SdrSnapView () override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SdrPaintView
void DeletePaintWindow (const SdrPaintWindow &rOld)
void ConfigurationChanged (::utl::ConfigurationBroadcaster *, ConfigurationHints) override
sal_uInt16 ImpGetMinMovLogic (short nMinMov, const OutputDevice *pOut) const
sal_uInt16 ImpGetHitTolLogic (short nHitTol, const OutputDevice *pOut) const
void FlushComeBackTimer () const
void TheresNewMapMode ()
void ImpSetGlueVisible2 (bool bOn)
void ImpSetGlueVisible3 (bool bOn)
void ImpSetGlueVisible4 (bool bOn)
virtual void Notify (SfxBroadcaster &rBC, const SfxHint &rHint) override
void GlueInvalidate () const
virtual void ModelHasChanged ()
 SdrPaintView (SdrModel &rSdrModel, OutputDevice *pOut)
virtual ~SdrPaintView () override
void ImpFormLayerDrawing (SdrPaintWindow &rPaintWindow)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from SdrEditView
static bool ImpCanConvertForCombine1 (const SdrObject *pObj)
static bool ImpCanConvertForCombine (const SdrObject *pObj)
static basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon ImpGetPolyPolygon1 (const SdrObject *pObj)
static basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon ImpGetPolyPolygon (const SdrObject *pObj)
static basegfx::B2DPolygon ImpCombineToSinglePolygon (const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon &rPolyPolygon)
static bool ImpCanDismantle (const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon &rPpolyPpolygon, bool bMakeLines)
static bool ImpCanDismantle (const SdrObject *pObj, bool bMakeLines)
static void ImpCrookObj (SdrObject *pO, const Point &rRef, const Point &rRad, SdrCrookMode eMode, bool bVertical, bool bNoContortion, bool bRotate, const tools::Rectangle &rMarkRect)
static void ImpDistortObj (SdrObject *pO, const tools::Rectangle &rRef, const XPolygon &rDistortedRect, bool bNoContortion)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from SdrPaintView
static void InitOverlayManager (rtl::Reference< sdr::overlay::OverlayManager > xOverlayManager)
static vcl::Region OptimizeDrawLayersRegion (const OutputDevice *pOut, const vcl::Region &rReg, bool bDisableIntersect)
- Protected Attributes inherited from SdrCreateView
rtl::Reference< SdrObjectmpCurrentCreate
std::unique_ptr< ImplConnectMarkerOverlaympCoMaOverlay
std::unique_ptr< ImpSdrCreateViewExtraDatampCreateViewExtraData
PointerStyle maCurrentCreatePointer
sal_Int32 mnAutoCloseDistPix
sal_Int32 mnFreeHandMinDistPix
SdrInventor mnCurrentInvent
SdrObjKind mnCurrentIdent
bool mb1stPointAsCenter
bool mbUseIncompatiblePathCreateInterface
- Protected Attributes inherited from SdrDragView
std::unique_ptr< SdrDragMethodmpCurrentSdrDragMethod
tools::Rectangle maDragLimit
OUString maInsPointUndoStr
SdrHdlKind meDragHdl
sal_Int32 mnDragThresholdPixels
bool mbFramDrag
bool mbMarkedHitMovesAlways
bool mbDragLimit
bool mbDragHdl
bool mbDragStripes
bool mbSolidDragging
bool mbResizeAtCenter
bool mbCrookAtCenter
bool mbDragWithCopy
bool mbInsGluePoint
bool mbInsObjPointMode
bool mbInsGluePointMode
bool mbNoDragXorPolys
- Protected Attributes inherited from SdrObjEditView
unotools::WeakReference< SdrTextObjmxWeakTextEditObj
std::unique_ptr< SdrOutlinermpTextEditOutliner
VclPtr< vcl::WindowmpTextEditWin
VclPtr< vcl::WindowpMacroWin
tools::Rectangle aTextEditArea
tools::Rectangle aMinTextEditArea
Link< EditFieldInfo *, void > aOldCalcFieldValueLink
Point aMacroDownPos
sal_uInt16 nMacroTol
bool mbTextEditDontDelete
bool mbTextEditOnlyOneView
bool mbTextEditNewObj
bool mbQuickTextEditMode
bool mbMacroDown
rtl::Reference< sdr::SelectionControllermxSelectionController
rtl::Reference< sdr::SelectionControllermxLastSelectionController
- Protected Attributes inherited from SdrEditView
bool m_bPossibilitiesDirty
bool m_bReadOnly
bool m_bGroupPossible
bool m_bUnGroupPossible
bool m_bGrpEnterPossible
bool m_bToTopPossible
bool m_bToBtmPossible
bool m_bReverseOrderPossible
bool m_bImportMtfPossible
bool m_bCombinePossible
bool m_bDismantlePossible
bool m_bCombineNoPolyPolyPossible
bool m_bDismantleMakeLinesPossible
bool m_bOrthoDesiredOnMarked
bool m_bOneOrMoreMovable
bool m_bMoreThanOneNoMovRot
bool m_bContortionPossible
bool m_bMoveAllowed
bool m_bResizeFreeAllowed
bool m_bResizePropAllowed
bool m_bRotateFreeAllowed
bool m_bRotate90Allowed
bool m_bMirrorFreeAllowed
bool m_bMirror45Allowed
bool m_bMirror90Allowed
bool m_bShearAllowed
bool m_bEdgeRadiusAllowed
bool m_bTransparenceAllowed
bool m_bCropAllowed
bool m_bGradientAllowed
bool m_bCanConvToPath
bool m_bCanConvToPoly
bool m_bCanConvToContour
bool m_bMoveProtect
bool m_bResizeProtect
- Protected Attributes inherited from SdrMarkView
Point maRef1
Point maRef2
SdrHdlList maHdlList
sdr::ViewSelection maSdrViewSelection
std::vector< basegfx::B2DRectanglemaSubSelectionList
tools::Rectangle maMarkedObjRect
tools::Rectangle maMarkedPointsRect
tools::Rectangle maMarkedGluePointsRect
SdrDragMode meDragMode
SdrViewEditMode meEditMode
SdrViewEditMode meEditMode0
bool mbDesignMode
bool mbForceFrameHandles
bool mbPlusHdlAlways
bool mbInsPolyPoint
bool mbMarkedObjRectDirty
bool mbMrkPntDirty
bool mbMarkedPointsRectsDirty
bool mbMarkHandlesHidden
bool mbNegativeX
- Protected Attributes inherited from SdrSnapView
class ImplPageOriginOverlaympPageOriginOverlay
class ImplHelpLineOverlaympHelpLineOverlay
Size aMagnSiz
Fraction aSnapWdtX
Fraction aSnapWdtY
sal_uInt16 nMagnSizPix
Degree100 nSnapAngle
Degree100 nEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle
SdrCrookMode eCrookMode
bool bSnapEnab
bool bGridSnap
bool bBordSnap
bool bHlplSnap
bool bOFrmSnap
bool bOPntSnap
bool bOConSnap
bool bMoveSnapOnlyTopLeft
bool bOrtho
bool bBigOrtho
bool bAngleSnapEnab
bool bMoveOnlyDragging
bool bSlantButShear
bool bCrookNoContortion
bool bEliminatePolyPoints
- Protected Attributes inherited from SdrPaintView
VclPtr< OutputDevicempActualOutDev
VclPtr< OutputDevicempDragWin
OUString maActualLayer
OUString maMeasureLayer
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< SdrPaintWindow > > maPaintWindows
Size maGridBig
Size maGridFin
SdrDragStat maDragStat
tools::Rectangle maMaxWorkArea
SfxItemSet maDefaultAttr
Idle maComeBackIdle
SdrAnimationMode meAnimationMode
sal_uInt16 mnHitTolPix
sal_uInt16 mnMinMovPix
sal_uInt16 mnHitTolLog
sal_uInt16 mnMinMovLog
bool mbPageVisible
bool mbPageShadowVisible
bool mbPageBorderVisible
bool mbBordVisible
bool mbGridVisible
bool mbGridFront
bool mbHlplVisible
bool mbHlplFront
bool mbGlueVisible
bool mbGlueVisible2
bool mbGlueVisible3
bool mbGlueVisible4
bool mbSomeObjChgdFlag
bool mbSwapAsynchron
bool mbPrintPreview
bool mbAnimationPause
bool mbBufferedOutputAllowed
bool mbBufferedOverlayAllowed
bool mbPageDecorationAllowed
bool mbMasterPageVisualizationAllowed
bool mbPreviewRenderer
bool mbHideOle
bool mbHideChart
bool mbHideDraw
bool mbHideFormControl
bool mbPaintTextEdit
svtools::ColorConfig maColorConfig
Color maGridColor
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from SdrMarkView
static constexpr sal_uInt16 mnFrameHandlesLimit

Detailed Description

View for MDIFrame.

Definition at line 34 of file FrameView.hxx.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ FrameView() [1/2]

sd::FrameView::FrameView ( SdDrawDocument pDrawDoc,
FrameView pFrameView = nullptr 

Definition at line 51 of file frmview.cxx.

References SdrView::EnableExtendedKeyInputDispatcher(), SdrView::EnableExtendedMouseEventDispatcher(), SdrPaintView::GetActiveLayer(), sd::DrawDocShell::GetDoc(), SdDrawDocument::GetDocSh(), SdDrawDocument::GetDocumentType(), GetDrawMode(), SdrSnapView::GetEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle(), SfxViewFrame::GetFirst(), SdDrawDocument::GetFrameView(), SdrPaintView::GetGridCoarse(), SdrPaintView::GetGridFine(), GetHandoutHelpLines(), StyleSettings::GetHighContrastMode(), GetLockedLayers(), SdrLayerAdmin::getLockedLayersODF(), SfxViewFrame::GetNext(), GetNotesHelpLines(), FmFormModel::GetObjectShell(), FmFormModel::GetOpenInDesignMode(), GetPageKind(), GetPageKindOnLoad(), GetPreviousViewShellType(), GetPrintableLayers(), SdrLayerAdmin::getPrintableLayersODF(), GetSelectedPage(), GetSelectedPageOnLoad(), Application::GetSettings(), GetSlidesPerRow(), SdrSnapView::GetSnapAngle(), SdrSnapView::GetSnapGridWidthX(), SdrSnapView::GetSnapGridWidthY(), SdrSnapView::GetSnapMagneticPixel(), GetStandardHelpLines(), AllSettings::GetStyleSettings(), sd::framework::FrameworkHelper::GetViewId(), GetViewShEditMode(), GetViewShEditModeOnLoad(), SfxShell::GetViewShell(), GetViewShellTypeOnLoad(), GetVisArea(), GetVisibleLayers(), SdrLayerAdmin::getVisibleLayersODF(), HasRuler(), sd::framework::FrameworkHelper::Instance(), SdrSnapView::IsAngleSnapEnabled(), SdrSnapView::IsBigOrtho(), SdrSnapView::IsBordSnap(), IsClickChangeRotation(), SdrSnapView::IsCrookNoContortion(), SdrMarkView::IsDesignMode(), IsDoubleClickTextEdit(), SdrDragView::IsDragStripes(), SdrDragView::IsDragWithCopy(), SdrSnapView::IsEliminatePolyPoints(), SdrMarkView::IsFrameDragSingles(), SdrPaintView::IsGridFront(), SdrSnapView::IsGridSnap(), SdrPaintView::IsGridVisible(), SdrSnapView::IsHlplSnap(), SdrPaintView::IsHlplVisible(), IsLayerMode(), SdrDragView::IsMarkedHitMovesAlways(), SdrView::IsMasterPagePaintCaching(), SdrSnapView::IsMoveOnlyDragging(), IsNavigatorShowingAllShapes(), IsNoAttribs(), IsNoColors(), SdrDragView::IsNoDragXorPolys(), SdrSnapView::IsOConSnap(), SdrSnapView::IsOFrmSnap(), SdrSnapView::IsOPntSnap(), SdrSnapView::IsOrtho(), SdrMarkView::IsPlusHandlesAlwaysVisible(), IsQuickEdit(), SfxObjectShell::IsReadOnly(), SdrSnapView::IsSlantButShear(), SdrDragView::IsSolidDragging(), maHandoutHelpLines, maLockedLayers, maNotesHelpLines, maPrintableLayers, maStandardHelpLines, maVisArea, maVisibleLayers, mbClickChangeRotation, mbDoubleClickTextEdit, mbIsNavigatorShowingAllShapes, mbLayerMode, mbNoAttribs, mbNoColors, mbQuickEdit, mePageEditMode, mePageKind, mePageKindOnLoad, mnDrawMode, mnPresViewShellId, mnSelectedPage, mnSelectedPageOnLoad, mnSlidesPerRow, sd::framework::FrameworkHelper::msCenterPaneURL, FmFormModel::OpenInDesignModeIsDefaulted(), sd::OUTPUT_DRAWMODE_COLOR, sd::OUTPUT_DRAWMODE_CONTRAST, Page, SD_MOD, SdrPaintView::SetActiveLayer(), SdrSnapView::SetAngleSnapEnabled(), SdrSnapView::SetBigOrtho(), SdrSnapView::SetBordSnap(), SdrSnapView::SetCrookNoContortion(), SdrMarkView::SetDesignMode(), SdrDragView::SetDragStripes(), SdrDragView::SetDragWithCopy(), SdrSnapView::SetEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle(), SdrSnapView::SetEliminatePolyPoints(), SdrMarkView::SetFrameDragSingles(), SdrPaintView::SetGridCoarse(), SdrPaintView::SetGridFine(), SdrPaintView::SetGridFront(), SdrSnapView::SetGridSnap(), SdrPaintView::SetGridVisible(), SdrPaintView::SetHlplFront(), SdrSnapView::SetHlplSnap(), SdrPaintView::SetHlplVisible(), SdrDragView::SetMarkedHitMovesAlways(), SdrView::SetMasterPagePaintCaching(), SdrSnapView::SetMoveOnlyDragging(), SdrDragView::SetNoDragXorPolys(), SdrSnapView::SetOConSnap(), SdrSnapView::SetOFrmSnap(), SdrSnapView::SetOPntSnap(), SdrSnapView::SetOrtho(), SdrMarkView::SetPlusHandlesAlwaysVisible(), SetPreviousViewShellType(), SetRuler(), SdrSnapView::SetSlantButShear(), SetSlidesPerRow(), SdrSnapView::SetSnapAngle(), SdrSnapView::SetSnapGridWidth(), SdrSnapView::SetSnapMagneticPixel(), SdrDragView::SetSolidDragging(), SetViewShEditModeOnLoad(), SetViewShellTypeOnLoad(), sd::ViewShell::ST_IMPRESS, sd::ViewShell::ST_NONE, sd::ViewShell::ST_OUTLINE, sd::ViewShell::ST_SLIDE_SORTER, Standard, sUNO_LayerName_layout, and Update().

◆ FrameView() [2/2]

sd::FrameView::FrameView ( const FrameView rFrameView)

References Connect, Disconnect, and Update.

◆ ~FrameView()

sd::FrameView::~FrameView ( )

Definition at line 252 of file frmview.cxx.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Connect()

void sd::FrameView::Connect ( )

◆ Disconnect()

void sd::FrameView::Disconnect ( )

◆ GetDrawMode()

DrawModeFlags sd::FrameView::GetDrawMode ( ) const

◆ GetHandoutHelpLines()

const SdrHelpLineList & sd::FrameView::GetHandoutHelpLines ( ) const

◆ GetLockedLayers()

const SdrLayerIDSet & sd::FrameView::GetLockedLayers ( ) const

◆ GetNotesHelpLines()

const SdrHelpLineList & sd::FrameView::GetNotesHelpLines ( ) const

◆ GetPageKind()

PageKind sd::FrameView::GetPageKind ( ) const

◆ GetPageKindOnLoad()

PageKind sd::FrameView::GetPageKindOnLoad ( ) const

can be used to get the page kind that was selected on last save of this document

Definition at line 93 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by FrameView(), and sd::ViewShellBase::Implementation::ProcessRestoreEditingViewSlot().

◆ GetPresentationViewShellId()

sal_uInt16 sd::FrameView::GetPresentationViewShellId ( ) const

Definition at line 154 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by sd::SlideShow::end().

◆ GetPreviousViewShellType()

ViewShell::ShellType sd::FrameView::GetPreviousViewShellType ( ) const

Return the type of the view shell previously associated with this frame view.

Definition at line 143 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by sd::SlideShow::end(), and FrameView().

◆ GetPrintableLayers()

const SdrLayerIDSet & sd::FrameView::GetPrintableLayers ( ) const

◆ GetSelectedPage()

sal_uInt16 sd::FrameView::GetSelectedPage ( ) const

◆ GetSelectedPageOnLoad()

sal_uInt16 sd::FrameView::GetSelectedPageOnLoad ( ) const

can be used to get the page that was selected on last save of this document

Definition at line 103 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by FrameView().

◆ GetSlidesPerRow()

sal_uInt16 sd::FrameView::GetSlidesPerRow ( ) const

◆ GetStandardHelpLines()

const SdrHelpLineList & sd::FrameView::GetStandardHelpLines ( ) const

◆ GetViewShEditMode()

EditMode sd::FrameView::GetViewShEditMode ( ) const

Return EditMode (Page or MasterPage) of working mode.

Definition at line 334 of file frmview.cxx.

References mePageEditMode.

Referenced by sd::DrawViewShell::Construct(), FrameView(), sd::sidebar::SlideBackground::Initialize(), sd::DrawViewShell::ReadFrameViewData(), and WriteUserDataSequence().

◆ GetViewShEditModeOnLoad()

EditMode sd::FrameView::GetViewShEditModeOnLoad ( ) const

Return the value of the edit mode as it was when the document was loaded.

Definition at line 116 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by FrameView(), and sd::ViewShellBase::Implementation::ProcessRestoreEditingViewSlot().

◆ GetViewShellTypeOnLoad()

ViewShell::ShellType sd::FrameView::GetViewShellTypeOnLoad ( ) const

◆ GetVisArea()

const ::tools::Rectangle & sd::FrameView::GetVisArea ( ) const

◆ GetVisibleLayers()

const SdrLayerIDSet & sd::FrameView::GetVisibleLayers ( ) const

◆ HasRuler()

bool sd::FrameView::HasRuler ( ) const

◆ IsClickChangeRotation()

bool sd::FrameView::IsClickChangeRotation ( ) const

◆ IsDoubleClickTextEdit()

bool sd::FrameView::IsDoubleClickTextEdit ( ) const

◆ IsLayerMode()

bool sd::FrameView::IsLayerMode ( ) const

◆ IsNavigatorShowingAllShapes()

bool sd::FrameView::IsNavigatorShowingAllShapes ( ) const

Definition at line 163 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by FrameView(), and SdNavigatorWin::InitTreeLB().

◆ IsNoAttribs()

bool sd::FrameView::IsNoAttribs ( ) const

◆ IsNoColors()

bool sd::FrameView::IsNoColors ( ) const

◆ IsQuickEdit()

bool sd::FrameView::IsQuickEdit ( ) const

◆ ReadUserDataSequence()

void sd::FrameView::ReadUserDataSequence ( const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue > &  rSequence)

Definition at line 535 of file frmview.cxx.

References tools::Rectangle::AdjustBottom(), tools::Rectangle::AdjustRight(), sd::createHelpLinesFromString(), Fraction::GetDenominator(), SdDrawDocument::GetDocSh(), SdDrawDocument::GetDocumentType(), SdrPaintView::GetGridCoarse(), SdrPaintView::GetGridFine(), SdrPaintView::GetModel(), Fraction::GetNumerator(), SdrSnapView::GetSnapGridWidthX(), SdrSnapView::GetSnapGridWidthY(), GetVisArea(), Height, Impress, tools::Rectangle::Left(), nLength, Page, SdrLayerIDSet::PutValue(), SdrPaintView::SetActiveLayer(), SdrSnapView::SetAngleSnapEnabled(), SdrSnapView::SetBordSnap(), tools::Rectangle::SetBottom(), SetClickChangeRotation(), SetDoubleClickTextEdit(), SdrSnapView::SetEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle(), SdrSnapView::SetEliminatePolyPoints(), SdrMarkView::SetFrameDragSingles(), SdrPaintView::SetGridCoarse(), SdrPaintView::SetGridFine(), SdrPaintView::SetGridFront(), SdrSnapView::SetGridSnap(), SdrPaintView::SetGridVisible(), SetHandoutHelpLines(), SdrSnapView::SetHlplSnap(), SetLayerMode(), tools::Rectangle::SetLeft(), SetLockedLayers(), SetNoAttribs(), SetNoColors(), SetNotesHelpLines(), SdrSnapView::SetOFrmSnap(), SdrSnapView::SetOPntSnap(), SetPageKind(), SetPageKindOnLoad(), SdrMarkView::SetPlusHandlesAlwaysVisible(), SetPrintableLayers(), tools::Rectangle::SetRight(), SetRuler(), SetSelectedPage(), SetSelectedPageOnLoad(), SetSlidesPerRow(), SdrSnapView::SetSnapAngle(), SdrSnapView::SetSnapGridWidth(), SetStandardHelpLines(), tools::Rectangle::SetTop(), SetViewShEditMode(), SetViewShEditModeOnLoad(), SetVisArea(), SetVisibleLayers(), sUNO_View_ActiveLayer, sUNO_View_EditMode, sUNO_View_EditModeStandard, sUNO_View_EliminatePolyPointLimitAngle, sUNO_View_GridCoarseHeight, sUNO_View_GridCoarseWidth, sUNO_View_GridFineHeight, sUNO_View_GridFineWidth, sUNO_View_GridIsFront, sUNO_View_GridIsVisible, sUNO_View_GridSnapWidthXDenominator, sUNO_View_GridSnapWidthXNumerator, sUNO_View_GridSnapWidthYDenominator, sUNO_View_GridSnapWidthYNumerator, sUNO_View_IsAngleSnapEnabled, sUNO_View_IsClickChangeRotation, sUNO_View_IsDoubleClickTextEdit, sUNO_View_IsEliminatePolyPoints, sUNO_View_IsFrameDragSingles, sUNO_View_IsLayerMode, sUNO_View_IsPlusHandlesAlwaysVisible, sUNO_View_IsSnapToGrid, sUNO_View_IsSnapToObjectFrame, sUNO_View_IsSnapToObjectPoints, sUNO_View_IsSnapToPageMargins, sUNO_View_IsSnapToSnapLines, sUNO_View_LockedLayers, sUNO_View_NoAttribs, sUNO_View_NoColors, sUNO_View_PageKind, sUNO_View_PrintableLayers, sUNO_View_RulerIsVisible, sUNO_View_SelectedPage, sUNO_View_SlidesPerRow, sUNO_View_SnapAngle, sUNO_View_SnapLinesDrawing, sUNO_View_SnapLinesHandout, sUNO_View_SnapLinesNotes, sUNO_View_ViewId, sUNO_View_VisibleAreaHeight, sUNO_View_VisibleAreaLeft, sUNO_View_VisibleAreaTop, sUNO_View_VisibleAreaWidth, sUNO_View_VisibleLayers, tools::Rectangle::Top(), and Width.

Referenced by sd::ViewShell::ReadUserDataSequence().

◆ SetClickChangeRotation()

void sd::FrameView::SetClickChangeRotation ( bool  bOn)

Definition at line 129 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by ReadUserDataSequence(), and Update().

◆ SetDoubleClickTextEdit()

void sd::FrameView::SetDoubleClickTextEdit ( bool  bOn)

Definition at line 126 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by ReadUserDataSequence(), and Update().

◆ SetDrawMode()

void sd::FrameView::SetDrawMode ( DrawModeFlags  nNewDrawMode)

◆ SetHandoutHelpLines()

void sd::FrameView::SetHandoutHelpLines ( const SdrHelpLineList rHelpLines)

◆ SetIsNavigatorShowingAllShapes()

void sd::FrameView::SetIsNavigatorShowingAllShapes ( const bool  bIsNavigatorShowingAllShapes)

Definition at line 912 of file frmview.cxx.

References mbIsNavigatorShowingAllShapes.

Referenced by IMPL_LINK().

◆ SetLayerMode()

void sd::FrameView::SetLayerMode ( bool  bMode)

Definition at line 118 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by ReadUserDataSequence(), and sd::DrawViewShell::WriteFrameViewData().

◆ SetLockedLayers()

void sd::FrameView::SetLockedLayers ( const SdrLayerIDSet rLockedLayers)

◆ SetNoAttribs()

void sd::FrameView::SetNoAttribs ( const bool  bNoAttr)

Definition at line 77 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by ReadUserDataSequence(), and sd::OutlineViewShell::WriteFrameViewData().

◆ SetNoColors()

void sd::FrameView::SetNoColors ( const bool  bNoCol)

Definition at line 73 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by ReadUserDataSequence(), and sd::OutlineViewShell::WriteFrameViewData().

◆ SetNotesHelpLines()

void sd::FrameView::SetNotesHelpLines ( const SdrHelpLineList rHelpLines)

◆ SetPageKind()

void sd::FrameView::SetPageKind ( PageKind  eKind)

◆ SetPageKindOnLoad()

void sd::FrameView::SetPageKindOnLoad ( PageKind  eKind)

is used in FrameView::ReadUserDataSequence() only to store the page kind that was selected while last saving this document

Definition at line 90 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by ReadUserDataSequence().

◆ SetPresentationViewShellId()

void sd::FrameView::SetPresentationViewShellId ( sal_uInt16  nId)

Definition at line 152 of file FrameView.hxx.

References nId.

Referenced by sd::SlideShow::end(), and sd::SlideShow::StartInPlacePresentation().

◆ SetPreviousViewShellType()

void sd::FrameView::SetPreviousViewShellType ( ViewShell::ShellType  eType)

Remember the type of the view shell that was (or soon will be) previously associated with this frame view.

eTypeThe type of the previous view shell or ViewShell::ST_NONE to indicate that there is no previous view shell.

Definition at line 897 of file frmview.cxx.

References eType, and mePreviousViewShellType.

Referenced by sd::SlideShow::end(), FrameView(), and sd::SlideShow::StartInPlacePresentation().

◆ SetPrintableLayers()

void sd::FrameView::SetPrintableLayers ( const SdrLayerIDSet rPrintableLayers)

◆ SetQuickEdit()

void sd::FrameView::SetQuickEdit ( bool  bQEdit)

◆ SetRuler()

void sd::FrameView::SetRuler ( const bool  bRulerOn)

◆ SetSelectedPage()

void sd::FrameView::SetSelectedPage ( sal_uInt16  nPage)

◆ SetSelectedPageOnLoad()

void sd::FrameView::SetSelectedPageOnLoad ( sal_uInt16  nPage)

is used in FrameView::ReadUserDataSequence() only to store the page that was selected while last saving this document

Definition at line 100 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by ReadUserDataSequence().

◆ SetSlidesPerRow()

void sd::FrameView::SetSlidesPerRow ( sal_uInt16  nSlides)

◆ SetStandardHelpLines()

void sd::FrameView::SetStandardHelpLines ( const SdrHelpLineList rHelpLines)

◆ SetViewShEditMode()

void sd::FrameView::SetViewShEditMode ( EditMode  eMode)

Set EditMode (Page or MasterPage) of working mode.

Definition at line 326 of file frmview.cxx.

References eMode, and mePageEditMode.

Referenced by ImplSdPPTImport::Import(), sd::ViewShellBase::Implementation::ProcessRestoreEditingViewSlot(), ReadUserDataSequence(), and sd::DrawViewShell::WriteFrameViewData().

◆ SetViewShEditModeOnLoad()

void sd::FrameView::SetViewShEditModeOnLoad ( const EditMode  eMode)

Remember the edit mode of the main view shell at the time when the document is loaded.

Definition at line 339 of file frmview.cxx.

References eMode, and meEditModeOnLoad.

Referenced by FrameView(), and ReadUserDataSequence().

◆ SetViewShellTypeOnLoad()

void sd::FrameView::SetViewShellTypeOnLoad ( ViewShell::ShellType  eType)

Remember the type of the view shell at the time when the document is loaded or, rather, when the ViewShellBase is constructed.

Definition at line 902 of file frmview.cxx.

References eType, and meViewShellTypeOnLoad.

Referenced by FrameView(), and sd::ViewShellBase::LateInit().

◆ SetVisArea()

void sd::FrameView::SetVisArea ( const ::tools::Rectangle rVisArea)

Definition at line 81 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by ReadUserDataSequence(), and sd::DrawViewShell::WriteFrameViewData().

◆ SetVisibleLayers()

void sd::FrameView::SetVisibleLayers ( const SdrLayerIDSet rVisibleLayers)

◆ Update()

void sd::FrameView::Update ( SdOptions const *  pOptions)

Update with data from the specified SdOptions.

Definition at line 277 of file frmview.cxx.

References SdOptionsSnap::GetAngle(), SdOptionsMisc::GetDragThresholdPixels(), SdOptionsSnap::GetEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle(), SdOptionsGrid::GetFieldDivisionX(), SdOptionsGrid::GetFieldDivisionY(), SdOptionsGrid::GetFieldDrawX(), SdOptionsGrid::GetFieldDrawY(), SdrPaintView::GetModel(), SdOptionsSnap::GetSnapArea(), SdOptionsSnap::IsBigOrtho(), SdOptionsMisc::IsClickChangeRotation(), SdOptionsMisc::IsCrookNoContortion(), SdOptionsMisc::IsDoubleClickTextEdit(), SdOptionsLayout::IsDragStripes(), SdOptionsMisc::IsDragWithCopy(), SdOptionsGrid::IsGridVisible(), SdOptionsLayout::IsHandlesBezier(), SdOptionsLayout::IsHelplines(), SdOptionsMisc::IsMarkedHitMovesAlways(), SdOptionsMisc::IsMasterPagePaintCaching(), SdOptionsMisc::IsMoveOnlyDragging(), SdOptionsLayout::IsMoveOutline(), SdOptionsSnap::IsOrtho(), SdOptionsMisc::IsPickThrough(), SdOptionsMisc::IsQuickEdit(), SdOptionsSnap::IsRotate(), SdOptionsLayout::IsRulerVisible(), SdOptionsSnap::IsSnapBorder(), SdOptionsSnap::IsSnapFrame(), SdOptionsSnap::IsSnapHelplines(), SdOptionsSnap::IsSnapPoints(), SdOptionsMisc::IsSolidDragging(), SdOptionsGrid::IsUseGridSnap(), mbRuler, SdrSnapView::SetAngleSnapEnabled(), SdrSnapView::SetBigOrtho(), SdrSnapView::SetBordSnap(), SetClickChangeRotation(), SdrSnapView::SetCrookNoContortion(), SetDoubleClickTextEdit(), SdrDragView::SetDragStripes(), SdrDragView::SetDragThresholdPixels(), SdrDragView::SetDragWithCopy(), SdrSnapView::SetEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle(), SdrPaintView::SetGridCoarse(), SdrPaintView::SetGridFine(), SdrSnapView::SetGridSnap(), SdrPaintView::SetGridVisible(), SdrSnapView::SetHlplSnap(), SdrPaintView::SetHlplVisible(), SdrDragView::SetMarkedHitMovesAlways(), SdrView::SetMasterPagePaintCaching(), SdrSnapView::SetMoveOnlyDragging(), SdrDragView::SetNoDragXorPolys(), SdrSnapView::SetOFrmSnap(), SdrSnapView::SetOPntSnap(), SdrSnapView::SetOrtho(), SdrModel::SetPickThroughTransparentTextFrames(), SdrMarkView::SetPlusHandlesAlwaysVisible(), SetQuickEdit(), SdrSnapView::SetSlantButShear(), SdrSnapView::SetSnapAngle(), SdrSnapView::SetSnapGridWidth(), SdrSnapView::SetSnapMagneticPixel(), and SdrDragView::SetSolidDragging().

Referenced by SdModule::ApplyItemSet(), sd::DrawViewShell::ExecOptionsBar(), and FrameView().

◆ WriteUserDataSequence()

void sd::FrameView::WriteUserDataSequence ( css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue > &  rValues)

Definition at line 378 of file frmview.cxx.

References Any, sd::createHelpLinesString(), SdrSnapView::GetEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle(), SdrPaintView::GetGridCoarse(), SdrPaintView::GetGridFine(), GetHandoutHelpLines(), SdrModel::GetLayerAdmin(), GetLockedLayers(), GetNotesHelpLines(), GetPageKind(), GetPrintableLayers(), SdrPaintView::getSdrModelFromSdrView(), GetSelectedPage(), GetSlidesPerRow(), SdrSnapView::GetSnapAngle(), SdrSnapView::GetSnapGridWidthX(), SdrSnapView::GetSnapGridWidthY(), GetStandardHelpLines(), GetViewShEditMode(), GetVisArea(), GetVisibleLayers(), HasRuler(), Height, SdrSnapView::IsAngleSnapEnabled(), SdrSnapView::IsBordSnap(), IsClickChangeRotation(), IsDoubleClickTextEdit(), SdrSnapView::IsEliminatePolyPoints(), SdrMarkView::IsFrameDragSingles(), SdrPaintView::IsGridFront(), SdrSnapView::IsGridSnap(), SdrPaintView::IsGridVisible(), SdrSnapView::IsHlplSnap(), IsLayerMode(), IsNoAttribs(), IsNoColors(), SdrSnapView::IsOFrmSnap(), SdrSnapView::IsOPntSnap(), SdrMarkView::IsPlusHandlesAlwaysVisible(), SdrLayerAdmin::QueryValue(), sUNO_View_EditMode, sUNO_View_EliminatePolyPointLimitAngle, sUNO_View_GridCoarseHeight, sUNO_View_GridCoarseWidth, sUNO_View_GridFineHeight, sUNO_View_GridFineWidth, sUNO_View_GridIsFront, sUNO_View_GridIsVisible, sUNO_View_GridSnapWidthXDenominator, sUNO_View_GridSnapWidthXNumerator, sUNO_View_GridSnapWidthYDenominator, sUNO_View_GridSnapWidthYNumerator, sUNO_View_IsAngleSnapEnabled, sUNO_View_IsClickChangeRotation, sUNO_View_IsDoubleClickTextEdit, sUNO_View_IsEliminatePolyPoints, sUNO_View_IsFrameDragSingles, sUNO_View_IsLayerMode, sUNO_View_IsPlusHandlesAlwaysVisible, sUNO_View_IsSnapToGrid, sUNO_View_IsSnapToObjectFrame, sUNO_View_IsSnapToObjectPoints, sUNO_View_IsSnapToPageMargins, sUNO_View_IsSnapToSnapLines, sUNO_View_LockedLayers, sUNO_View_NoAttribs, sUNO_View_NoColors, sUNO_View_PageKind, sUNO_View_PrintableLayers, sUNO_View_RulerIsVisible, sUNO_View_SelectedPage, sUNO_View_SlidesPerRow, sUNO_View_SnapAngle, sUNO_View_SnapLinesDrawing, sUNO_View_SnapLinesHandout, sUNO_View_SnapLinesNotes, sUNO_View_VisibleAreaHeight, sUNO_View_VisibleAreaLeft, sUNO_View_VisibleAreaTop, sUNO_View_VisibleAreaWidth, sUNO_View_VisibleLayers, and Width.

Referenced by SdXImpressDocument::getViewData(), and sd::ViewShell::WriteUserDataSequence().

Member Data Documentation

◆ maHandoutHelpLines

SdrHelpLineList sd::FrameView::maHandoutHelpLines

Definition at line 176 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by FrameView().

◆ maLockedLayers

SdrLayerIDSet sd::FrameView::maLockedLayers

Definition at line 172 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by FrameView().

◆ maNotesHelpLines

SdrHelpLineList sd::FrameView::maNotesHelpLines

Definition at line 175 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by FrameView().

◆ maPrintableLayers

SdrLayerIDSet sd::FrameView::maPrintableLayers

Definition at line 173 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by FrameView().

◆ maStandardHelpLines

SdrHelpLineList sd::FrameView::maStandardHelpLines

Definition at line 174 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by FrameView().

◆ maVisArea

::tools::Rectangle sd::FrameView::maVisArea

visible area

Definition at line 179 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by FrameView().

◆ maVisibleLayers

SdrLayerIDSet sd::FrameView::maVisibleLayers

Definition at line 171 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by FrameView().

◆ mbClickChangeRotation

bool sd::FrameView::mbClickChangeRotation

single click switches between selection/rotation mode

Definition at line 192 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by FrameView().

◆ mbDoubleClickTextEdit

bool sd::FrameView::mbDoubleClickTextEdit

text mode after double click

Definition at line 191 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by FrameView().

◆ mbIsNavigatorShowingAllShapes

bool sd::FrameView::mbIsNavigatorShowingAllShapes

Remember whether the navigator shows all shapes (<TRUE>) or only the names ones (<FALSE>).

Not persistent.

Definition at line 199 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by FrameView(), and SetIsNavigatorShowingAllShapes().

◆ mbLayerMode

bool sd::FrameView::mbLayerMode

layer on/off

Definition at line 189 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by FrameView().

◆ mbNoAttribs

bool sd::FrameView::mbNoAttribs

structuring mode

Definition at line 178 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by FrameView().

◆ mbNoColors

bool sd::FrameView::mbNoColors

structuring mode

Definition at line 177 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by FrameView().

◆ mbQuickEdit

bool sd::FrameView::mbQuickEdit

QuickEdit on/off.

Definition at line 190 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by FrameView().

◆ mbRuler

bool sd::FrameView::mbRuler

Definition at line 170 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by Update().

◆ meEditModeOnLoad

EditMode sd::FrameView::meEditModeOnLoad

Definition at line 188 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by SetViewShEditModeOnLoad().

◆ mePageEditMode

EditMode sd::FrameView::mePageEditMode

edit mode in drawing mode (Page/MasterPage)

Definition at line 184 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by FrameView(), GetViewShEditMode(), and SetViewShEditMode().

◆ mePageKind

PageKind sd::FrameView::mePageKind

kind of page (standard, notes, handout)

Definition at line 180 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by FrameView().

◆ mePageKindOnLoad

PageKind sd::FrameView::mePageKindOnLoad

Definition at line 182 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by FrameView().

◆ mePreviousViewShellType

ViewShell::ShellType sd::FrameView::mePreviousViewShellType

The type of the previous view shell.

The (default) value ViewShell::ST_NONE indicates that there was no previous view shell. Note that this value is used only temporarily and is not saved or restored.

Definition at line 206 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by SetPreviousViewShellType().

◆ meViewShellTypeOnLoad

ViewShell::ShellType sd::FrameView::meViewShellTypeOnLoad

Definition at line 208 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by SetViewShellTypeOnLoad().

◆ mnDrawMode

DrawModeFlags sd::FrameView::mnDrawMode

draw mode for the normal window

Definition at line 195 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by FrameView().

◆ mnPresViewShellId

sal_uInt16 sd::FrameView::mnPresViewShellId

ViewShell from which the presentation was started.

Definition at line 193 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by FrameView().

◆ mnRefCount

sal_uInt16 sd::FrameView::mnRefCount

Definition at line 169 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by Connect(), and Disconnect().

◆ mnSelectedPage

sal_uInt16 sd::FrameView::mnSelectedPage

Definition at line 181 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by FrameView(), and SetSelectedPage().

◆ mnSelectedPageOnLoad

sal_uInt16 sd::FrameView::mnSelectedPageOnLoad

Definition at line 183 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by FrameView().

◆ mnSlidesPerRow

sal_uInt16 sd::FrameView::mnSlidesPerRow

slides per row on the slide-desk

Definition at line 194 of file FrameView.hxx.

Referenced by FrameView().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: