LibreOffice Module vcl (master) 1
This is the complete list of members for vcl::ITextLayout, including all inherited members.
DecomposeTextRectAction() const =0 | vcl::ITextLayout | pure virtual |
DrawText(const Point &_rStartPoint, const OUString &_rText, sal_Int32 _nStartIndex, sal_Int32 _nLength, std::vector< tools::Rectangle > *_pVector, OUString *_pDisplayText)=0 | vcl::ITextLayout | pure virtual |
GetTextArray(const OUString &_rText, KernArray *_pDXArray, sal_Int32 _nStartIndex, sal_Int32 _nLength, bool bCaret=false) const =0 | vcl::ITextLayout | pure virtual |
GetTextBreak(const OUString &_rText, tools::Long _nMaxTextWidth, sal_Int32 _nStartIndex, sal_Int32 _nLength) const =0 | vcl::ITextLayout | pure virtual |
GetTextWidth(const OUString &_rText, sal_Int32 _nStartIndex, sal_Int32 _nLength) const =0 | vcl::ITextLayout | pure virtual |
~ITextLayout() COVERITY_NOEXCEPT_FALSE | vcl::ITextLayout | inlineprotected |