LibreOffice Module vcl (master) 1
This is the complete list of members for CalendarField, including all inherited members.
AbsoluteScreenToOutputPixel(const Point &rPos) const | vcl::Window | |
acquire() const | VclReferenceBase | inline |
Activate() | vcl::Window | virtual |
add_mnemonic_label(FixedText *pLabel) | vcl::Window | |
add_to_size_group(const std::shared_ptr< VclSizeGroup > &xGroup) | vcl::Window | |
AddChildEventListener(const Link< VclWindowEvent &, void > &rEventListener) | vcl::Window | |
AddEventListener(const Link< VclWindowEvent &, void > &rEventListener) | vcl::Window | |
AlwaysEnableInput(bool bAlways, bool bChild=true) | vcl::Window | |
AppendLayoutData(const Control &rSubControl) const | Control | protected |
ApplyControlBackground(vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, const Color &rDefaultColor) | vcl::Window | |
ApplyControlFont(vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, const vcl::Font &rDefaultFont) | vcl::Window | |
ApplyControlForeground(vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, const Color &rDefaultColor) | vcl::Window | |
ApplySettings(vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext) override | Edit | protectedvirtual |
approximate_char_width() const | vcl::Window | protected |
approximate_digit_width() const | vcl::Window | |
CalcMinimumSize() const override | SpinField | virtual |
CalcMinimumSizeForText(const OUString &rString) const override | SpinField | virtual |
CalcOutputSize(const Size &rWinSz) const | vcl::Window | |
CalcSize(sal_Int32 nChars) const override | SpinField | virtual |
CalcTitleWidth() const | vcl::Window | |
CalcWindowSize(const Size &rOutSz) const | vcl::Window | |
CalcZoom(tools::Long n) const | vcl::Window | |
CalendarField(vcl::Window *pParent, WinBits nWinStyle) | CalendarField | |
CallEventListeners(VclEventId nEvent, void *pData=nullptr) | Control | protected |
CaptureMouse() | vcl::Window | |
CollectChildren(::std::vector< vcl::Window * > &rAllChildren) | vcl::Window | |
Command(const CommandEvent &rCEvt) override | Edit | virtual |
CompatDataChanged(const DataChangedEvent &rDCEvt) | vcl::Window | |
CompatGetFocus() | vcl::Window | |
CompatLoseFocus() | vcl::Window | |
CompatNotify(NotifyEvent &rNEvt) | vcl::Window | |
CompatPreNotify(NotifyEvent &rNEvt) | vcl::Window | |
CompatStateChanged(StateChangedType nStateChange) | vcl::Window | |
Control(const Control &)=delete | Control | private |
Control(WindowType nType) | Control | protected |
Control(vcl::Window *pParent, WinBits nWinStyle=0) | Control | explicit |
Copy() | Edit | virtual |
CreateAccessible() | vcl::Window | virtual |
CreateLayoutData() const | Control | protected |
CreatePopupMenu() | Edit | |
Cut() | Edit | virtual |
DataChanged(const DataChangedEvent &rDCEvt) override | DateField | virtual |
DateField(vcl::Window *pParent, WinBits nWinStyle) | DateField | explicit |
Deactivate() | vcl::Window | virtual |
DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK(ImplSelectHdl, weld::Calendar &, void) | CalendarField | private |
DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK(ImplClickHdl, weld::Button &, void) | CalendarField | private |
DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK(ImplPopupModeEndHdl, FloatingWindow *, void) | CalendarField | private |
Edit::DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK(ImplHandlePaintHdl, Timer *, void) | vcl::Window | |
Edit::DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK(ImplGenerateMouseMoveHdl, void *, void) | vcl::Window | |
Edit::DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK(ImplTrackTimerHdl, Timer *, void) | vcl::Window | |
Edit::DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK(ImplAsyncFocusHdl, void *, void) | vcl::Window | |
Edit::DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK(ImplHandleResizeTimerHdl, Timer *, void) | vcl::Window | |
DecModalCount() | vcl::Window | |
DeleteSelected() | Edit | virtual |
DeleteSurroundingText(const Selection &rSelection) override | Edit | virtual |
Disable(bool bChild=true) | vcl::Window | inline |
dispose() override | CalendarField | virtual |
disposeOnce() | VclReferenceBase | |
Down() override | DateField | virtual |
dragDropEnd(const css::datatransfer::dnd::DragSourceDropEvent &dsde) override | Edit | protectedvirtual |
dragEnter(const css::datatransfer::dnd::DropTargetDragEnterEvent &dtdee) override | Edit | protectedvirtual |
dragExit(const css::datatransfer::dnd::DropTargetEvent &dte) override | Edit | protectedvirtual |
dragGestureRecognized(const css::datatransfer::dnd::DragGestureEvent &dge) override | Edit | protectedvirtual |
dragOver(const css::datatransfer::dnd::DropTargetDragEvent &dtde) override | Edit | protectedvirtual |
Draw(OutputDevice *pDev, const Point &rPos, SystemTextColorFlags nFlags) override | SpinField | virtual |
Control::Draw(::OutputDevice *pDev, const Point &rPos, SystemTextColorFlags nFlags) | vcl::Window | virtual |
DrawControlText(OutputDevice &_rTargetDevice, const tools::Rectangle &_rRect, const OUString &_rStr, DrawTextFlags _nStyle, std::vector< tools::Rectangle > *_pVector, OUString *_pDisplayText, const Size *i_pDeviceSize=nullptr) const | Control | protected |
DrawSelectionBackground(const tools::Rectangle &rRect, sal_uInt16 highlight, bool bChecked, bool bDrawBorder) | vcl::Window | |
drop(const css::datatransfer::dnd::DropTargetDropEvent &dtde) override | Edit | protectedvirtual |
DumpAsPropertyTree(tools::JsonWriter &rJsonWriter) override | Edit | virtual |
Edit(WindowType nType) | Edit | protected |
Edit(vcl::Window *pParent, WinBits nStyle=WB_BORDER) | Edit | |
Enable(bool bEnable=true, bool bChild=true) | vcl::Window | |
EnableAllResize() | vcl::Window | |
EnableAlwaysOnTop(bool bEnable=true) | vcl::Window | |
EnableChildPointerOverwrite(bool bOverwrite) | vcl::Window | |
EnableChildTransparentMode(bool bEnable=true) | vcl::Window | |
EnableClipSiblings(bool bClipSiblings=true) | vcl::Window | |
EnableDocking(bool bEnable=true) | vcl::Window | |
EnableInput(bool bEnable=true, bool bChild=true) | vcl::Window | |
EnableInput(bool bEnable, const vcl::Window *pExcludeWindow) | vcl::Window | |
EnableMapMode(bool bEnable=true) | vcl::Window | |
EnableNativeWidget(bool bEnable=true) | vcl::Window | |
EnableNone() | CalendarField | inline |
EnablePaint(bool bEnable) | vcl::Window | |
EnableRTL(bool bEnable=true) override | Control | virtual |
EnableToday() | CalendarField | inline |
EndAutoScroll() | vcl::Window | |
EndDropDown() | SpinField | protected |
EndExtTextInput() | vcl::Window | |
EndSaveFocus(const VclPtr< vcl::Window > &xFocusWin) | vcl::Window | static |
EndTracking(TrackingEventFlags nFlags=TrackingEventFlags::NONE) | vcl::Window | |
EnterWait() | vcl::Window | |
Erase(vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext) | vcl::Window | |
EventNotify(NotifyEvent &rNEvt) override | DateField | virtual |
ExpandPaintClipRegion(const vcl::Region &rRegion) | vcl::Window | |
FillLayoutData() const override | SpinField | protectedvirtual |
filterText() | Edit | private |
FindLOKWindow(vcl::LOKWindowId nWindowId) | vcl::Window | static |
First() override | DateField | virtual |
FocusWindowBelongsToControl(const vcl::Window *pFocusWin) const override | CalendarField | privatevirtual |
get_border_width() const | vcl::Window | |
get_expand() const | vcl::Window | |
get_fill() const | vcl::Window | |
get_grid_height() const | vcl::Window | |
get_grid_left_attach() const | vcl::Window | |
get_grid_top_attach() const | vcl::Window | |
get_grid_width() const | vcl::Window | |
get_halign() const | vcl::Window | |
get_height_request() const | vcl::Window | |
get_hexpand() const | vcl::Window | |
get_id() const | vcl::Window | |
get_margin_bottom() const | vcl::Window | |
get_margin_end() const | vcl::Window | |
get_margin_start() const | vcl::Window | |
get_margin_top() const | vcl::Window | |
get_non_homogeneous() const | vcl::Window | |
get_pack_type() const | vcl::Window | |
get_padding() const | vcl::Window | |
get_preferred_size() const | vcl::Window | |
get_secondary() const | vcl::Window | |
get_ungrouped_preferred_size() const | vcl::Window | private |
get_valign() const | vcl::Window | |
get_vexpand() const | vcl::Window | |
get_width_request() const | vcl::Window | |
GetAccessible(bool bCreate=true) | vcl::Window | |
GetAccessibleChildWindow(sal_uInt16 n) | vcl::Window | |
GetAccessibleChildWindowCount() | vcl::Window | |
GetAccessibleDescription() const | vcl::Window | |
GetAccessibleName() const | vcl::Window | |
GetAccessibleParentWindow() const | vcl::Window | |
GetAccessibleRelationLabeledBy() const | vcl::Window | |
getAccessibleRelationLabelFor() const | vcl::Window | protectedvirtual |
GetAccessibleRelationLabelFor() const | vcl::Window | |
GetAccessibleRelationMemberOf() const | vcl::Window | |
GetAccessibleRole() const | vcl::Window | |
GetActivateMode() const | vcl::Window | |
GetActivationKey() const | vcl::Window | |
GetAutocompleteHdl() const | Edit | inline |
GetBackground() const | vcl::Window | |
GetBackgroundColor() const | vcl::Window | |
GetBorder(sal_Int32 &rLeftBorder, sal_Int32 &rTopBorder, sal_Int32 &rRightBorder, sal_Int32 &rBottomBorder) const | vcl::Window | |
GetBorderStyle() const | vcl::Window | |
GetCanonicalFont(const StyleSettings &_rStyle) const | Control | protectedvirtual |
GetCanonicalTextColor(const StyleSettings &_rStyle) const | Control | protectedvirtual |
GetCharacterBounds(tools::Long nIndex) const | Control | |
GetChild(sal_uInt16 nChild) const | vcl::Window | |
GetChildCount() const | vcl::Window | |
GetClipboard() | vcl::Window | |
GetComponentInterface(bool bCreate=true) | vcl::Window | virtual |
GetControlBackground() const | vcl::Window | |
GetControlFont() const | vcl::Window | |
GetControlForeground() const | vcl::Window | |
GetControlTextRect(OutputDevice &_rTargetDevice, const tools::Rectangle &rRect, const OUString &_rStr, DrawTextFlags _nStyle, Size *o_pDeviceSize=nullptr) const | Control | protected |
GetCursor() const | vcl::Window | |
GetCursorExtTextInputWidth() const | vcl::Window | |
GetCursorRect() const | vcl::Window | |
getDefaultAccessibleName() const | vcl::Window | protectedvirtual |
getDefaultAccessibleRole() const | vcl::Window | protectedvirtual |
GetDesktopRectPixel() const | vcl::Window | |
GetDialogControlFlags() const | vcl::Window | |
GetDisplayBackground() const | vcl::Window | virtual |
GetDisplayText() const override | Control | virtual |
GetDockingManager() | vcl::Window | static |
GetDPIScaleFactor() const | vcl::Window | |
GetDragGestureRecognizer() | vcl::Window | |
GetDragSource() | vcl::Window | |
GetDrawPixel(::OutputDevice const *pDev, tools::Long nPixels) const | vcl::Window | |
GetDrawPixelFont(::OutputDevice const *pDev) const | vcl::Window | |
GetDropTarget() | vcl::Window | |
GetEchoChar() const | Edit | inline |
GetExtendedStyle() const | vcl::Window | |
GetFirst() const | DateField | inline |
GetFocus() override | Edit | virtual |
GetFocusedWindow() const | vcl::Window | |
GetFont() const | vcl::Window | |
GetFrameWeld() const | vcl::Window | |
GetFrameWindow() const | vcl::Window | |
GetGetFocusFlags() const | vcl::Window | |
GetHelpId() const | vcl::Window | |
GetHelpText() const | vcl::Window | |
GetIndexForPoint(const Point &rPoint) const | Control | |
GetIndicatorState() const | vcl::Window | |
GetInputContext() const | vcl::Window | |
GetInputLanguage() const | vcl::Window | |
GetLast() const | DateField | inline |
GetLastPointerPosPixel() | vcl::Window | |
getLegacyNonLayoutAccessibleRelationLabeledBy() const | vcl::Window | protected |
getLegacyNonLayoutAccessibleRelationLabelFor() const | vcl::Window | protected |
getLegacyNonLayoutAccessibleRelationMemberOf() const | vcl::Window | protected |
GetLineStartEnd(tools::Long nLine) const | Control | |
GetLOKNotifier() const | vcl::Window | |
GetLOKWindowId() const | vcl::Window | |
GetMapMode() const | vcl::Window | |
GetMaxTextLen() const | Edit | inlinevirtual |
GetMaxVisChars() const | Edit | |
GetModifyHdl() const | Edit | inlinevirtual |
GetNativeControlRegion(ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart, const tools::Rectangle &rControlRegion, ControlState nState, const ImplControlValue &aValue, tools::Rectangle &rNativeBoundingRegion, tools::Rectangle &rNativeContentRegion) const | vcl::Window | |
GetOffsetPixelFrom(const vcl::Window &rWindow) const | vcl::Window | |
GetOptimalSize() const override | SpinField | virtual |
GetOutDev() const | vcl::Window | |
GetOutDev() | vcl::Window | |
GetOutOffXPixel() const | vcl::Window | |
GetOutOffYPixel() const | vcl::Window | |
GetOutputRectPixel() const | vcl::Window | |
GetOutputSizePixel() const | vcl::Window | |
GetOverlineColor() const | vcl::Window | |
GetPaintRegion() const | vcl::Window | |
GetParent() const | vcl::Window | |
GetParentClipMode() const | vcl::Window | |
GetParentDialog() const | vcl::Window | |
GetParentWithLOKNotifier() | vcl::Window | |
GetPointer() const | vcl::Window | |
GetPointerPosPixel() | vcl::Window | |
GetPointerState() | vcl::Window | |
GetPointFont(vcl::RenderContext const &rRenderContext) const | vcl::Window | |
GetPosPixel() const | vcl::Window | virtual |
GetPrevStyle() const | vcl::Window | |
GetQuickHelpText() const | vcl::Window | |
getRefCount() const | VclReferenceBase | inline |
GetReferenceDevice() const | Control | |
GetSavedValue() const | Edit | inline |
GetSelected() const | Edit | virtual |
GetSelection() const | Edit | virtual |
GetSettings() const | vcl::Window | |
GetSizePixel() const | vcl::Window | virtual |
GetStyle() const | vcl::Window | |
GetSubEdit() const | Edit | inline |
GetSurroundingText() const override | Edit | virtual |
GetSurroundingTextSelection() const override | Edit | virtual |
GetSystemData() const | vcl::Window | virtual |
GetSystemWindow() const | vcl::Window | |
GetText() const override | Edit | virtual |
GetTextAlign() const | vcl::Window | |
GetTextColor() const | vcl::Window | |
GetTextFillColor() const | vcl::Window | |
GetTextHeight() const | vcl::Window | |
GetTextLineColor() const | vcl::Window | |
GetTextRect(const tools::Rectangle &rRect, const OUString &rStr, DrawTextFlags nStyle=DrawTextFlags::WordBreak, TextRectInfo *pInfo=nullptr, const vcl::ITextLayout *_pTextLayout=nullptr) const | vcl::Window | |
GetTextWidth(const OUString &rStr, sal_Int32 nIndex=0, sal_Int32 nLen=-1, vcl::text::TextLayoutCache const *=nullptr, SalLayoutGlyphs const *const pLayoutCache=nullptr) const | vcl::Window | |
GetType() const | vcl::Window | |
GetUITestFactory() const override | SpinField | virtual |
GetUnzoomedControlPointFont() const | Control | |
GetWidthInChars() const | Edit | inline |
GetWindow(GetWindowType nType) const | vcl::Window | |
GetWindowClipRegionPixel() const | vcl::Window | |
GetWindowExtentsAbsolute() const | vcl::Window | |
GetWindowExtentsRelative(const vcl::Window &rRelativeWindow) const | vcl::Window | |
GetWindowPeer() const | vcl::Window | |
GetZoom() const | vcl::Window | |
GrabFocus() | vcl::Window | |
GrabFocusToDocument() | vcl::Window | |
HandleScrollCommand(const CommandEvent &rCmd, Scrollable *pHScrl, Scrollable *pVScrl) | vcl::Window | |
HasActiveChildFrame() const | vcl::Window | |
HasChildPathFocus(bool bSystemWindow=false) const | vcl::Window | |
HasControlFocus() const | Control | inline |
HasFocus() const | vcl::Window | |
HasLayoutData() const | Control | protected |
HasPaintEvent() const | vcl::Window | |
Hide() | vcl::Window | inline |
HideFocus() | vcl::Window | |
HideTracking() | vcl::Window | |
ImplAdjustNWFSizes() | vcl::Window | protectedvirtual |
ImplAlign() | Edit | private |
ImplAlignAndPaint() | Edit | private |
ImplCalcButtonAreas(const OutputDevice *pDev, const Size &rOutSz, tools::Rectangle &rDDArea, tools::Rectangle &rSpinUpArea, tools::Rectangle &rSpinDownArea) | SpinField | private |
ImplCalcOverlapRegion(const tools::Rectangle &rSourceRect, vcl::Region &rRegion, bool bChildren, bool bSiblings) | vcl::Window | private |
ImplCalcOverlapRegionOverlaps(const vcl::Region &rInterRegion, vcl::Region &rRegion) const | vcl::Window | private |
ImplCalcSymbolRect(tools::Rectangle &rRect) | vcl::Window | static |
ImplCalcToTop(ImplCalcToTopData *pPrevData) | vcl::Window | private |
ImplCallActivateListeners(vcl::Window *) | vcl::Window | private |
ImplCallDeactivateListeners(vcl::Window *) | vcl::Window | private |
ImplCallEventListenersAndHandler(VclEventId nEvent, std::function< void()> const &callHandler) | Control | protected |
ImplCallFocusChangeActivate(vcl::Window *pNewOverlapWindow, vcl::Window *pOldOverlapWindow) | vcl::Window | privatestatic |
ImplCallInitShow() | vcl::Window | private |
ImplCallMouseMove(sal_uInt16 nMouseCode, bool bModChanged=false) | vcl::Window | |
ImplCallMove() | vcl::Window | |
ImplCallOverlapPaint() | vcl::Window | private |
ImplCallPaint(const vcl::Region *pRegion, ImplPaintFlags nPaintFlags) | vcl::Window | private |
ImplCallResize() | vcl::Window | |
ImplClearBackground(vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, const tools::Rectangle &rRectangle, tools::Long nXStart, tools::Long nXEnd) | Edit | private |
ImplClearLayoutData() const | Control | |
ImplClipAllChildren(vcl::Region &rRegion) const | vcl::Window | private |
ImplClipBoundaries(vcl::Region &rRegion, bool bThis, bool bOverlaps) | vcl::Window | private |
ImplClipChildren(vcl::Region &rRegion) const | vcl::Window | private |
ImplClipSiblings(vcl::Region &rRegion) const | vcl::Window | private |
ImplControlFocus(GetFocusFlags nFlags=GetFocusFlags::NONE) | vcl::Window | |
ImplCopy(css::uno::Reference< css::datatransfer::clipboard::XClipboard > const &rxClipboard) | Edit | private |
ImplCopyToSelectionClipboard() | Edit | private |
ImplDateSpinArea(bool bUp) | DateField | protected |
ImplDelete(const Selection &rSelection, sal_uInt8 nDirection, sal_uInt8 nMode) | Edit | private |
ImplDlgCtrl(const KeyEvent &rKEvt, bool bKeyInput) | vcl::Window | private |
ImplDlgCtrlFocusChanged(vcl::Window *pWindow, bool bGetFocus) | vcl::Window | private |
ImplDlgCtrlNextWindow() | vcl::Window | private |
ImplDrawFrame(OutputDevice *pDev, tools::Rectangle &rRect) | Control | |
ImplEnableRTL(bool bEnable) | vcl::Window | private |
ImplExcludeOverlapWindows(vcl::Region &rRegion) const | vcl::Window | private |
ImplExcludeOverlapWindows2(vcl::Region &rRegion) | vcl::Window | private |
ImplExcludeWindowRegion(vcl::Region &rRegion) | vcl::Window | private |
ImplFindDlgCtrlWindow(vcl::Window *pWindow) | vcl::Window | private |
ImplFindPartRect(const Point &rPt) | SpinField | protected |
ImplFindWindow(const Point &rFramePos) | vcl::Window | |
ImplFocusToTop(ToTopFlags nFlags, bool bReallyVisible) | vcl::Window | private |
ImplGenerateMouseMove() | vcl::Window | |
ImplGetBorderWindow() const | vcl::Window | protected |
ImplGetBreakIterator() | Edit | private |
ImplGetCharPos(const Point &rWindowPos) const | Edit | private |
ImplGetClientWindow() const | vcl::Window | |
ImplGetDlgWindow(sal_uInt16 n, GetDlgWindowType nType, sal_uInt16 nStart=0, sal_uInt16 nEnd=0xFFFF, sal_uInt16 *pIndex=nullptr) | vcl::Window | |
ImplGetExtraXOffset() const | Edit | protected |
ImplGetExtraYOffset() const | Edit | protected |
ImplGetFirstOverlapWindow() | vcl::Window | private |
ImplGetFirstOverlapWindow() const | vcl::Window | private |
ImplGetFrame() const | vcl::Window | |
ImplGetFrameData() | vcl::Window | |
ImplGetFrameGraphics() const | vcl::Window | private |
ImplGetFrameWindow() const | vcl::Window | |
ImplGetInputSequenceChecker() | Edit | private |
ImplGetMousePointer() const | vcl::Window | |
ImplGetNativeControlType() const | Edit | protected |
ImplGetOwnerDrawList() | vcl::Window | private |
ImplGetParent() const | vcl::Window | |
ImplGetText() const | Edit | private |
ImplGetTextYPosition() const | Edit | private |
ImplGetTopmostFrameWindow() | vcl::Window | private |
ImplGetUnmirroredOutOffX() const | vcl::Window | private |
ImplGetValidString(const OUString &rString) | Edit | privatestatic |
ImplGetWinChildClipRegion() | vcl::Window | private |
ImplGetWinData() const | vcl::Window | |
ImplGetWindow() const | vcl::Window | |
ImplGetWindowImpl() const | vcl::Window | inline |
ImplGrabFocus(GetFocusFlags nFlags) | vcl::Window | |
ImplGrabFocusToDocument(GetFocusFlags nFlags) | vcl::Window | |
ImplHandleKeyEvent(const KeyEvent &rKEvt) | Edit | private |
ImplHandleScroll(Scrollable *pHScrl, double nX, Scrollable *pVScrl, double nY) | vcl::Window | privatestatic |
ImplHasDlgCtrl() const | vcl::Window | private |
ImplHideAllOverlaps() | vcl::Window | private |
ImplHideDDCursor() | Edit | private |
ImplHitTest(const Point &rFramePos) | vcl::Window | protectedvirtual |
ImplInit(vcl::Window *pParent, WinBits nStyle) | SpinField | protected |
Control::ImplInit(vcl::Window *pParent, WinBits nStyle, SystemParentData *pSystemParentData) | vcl::Window | protected |
ImplInitAppFontData(vcl::Window const *pWindow) | vcl::Window | static |
ImplInitControlData() | Control | private |
ImplInitEditData() | Edit | private |
ImplInitResolutionSettings() | vcl::Window | private |
ImplInitSettings() | Edit | protected |
ImplInitSpinFieldData() | SpinField | private |
ImplInitStyle(WinBits nStyle) | Edit | protectedstatic |
ImplInitWinChildClipRegion() | vcl::Window | private |
ImplInitWinClipRegion() | vcl::Window | private |
ImplInsertText(const OUString &rStr, const Selection *pNewSelection=nullptr, bool bIsUserInput=false) | Edit | private |
ImplInsertWindow(vcl::Window *pParent) | vcl::Window | private |
ImplIntersectAndUnionOverlapWindows(const vcl::Region &rInterRegion, vcl::Region &rRegion) const | vcl::Window | private |
ImplIntersectAndUnionOverlapWindows2(const vcl::Region &rInterRegion, vcl::Region &rRegion) | vcl::Window | private |
ImplIntersectWindowClipRegion(vcl::Region &rRegion) | vcl::Window | private |
ImplIntersectWindowRegion(vcl::Region &rRegion) | vcl::Window | private |
ImplInvalidate(const vcl::Region *pRegion, InvalidateFlags nFlags) | vcl::Window | protectedvirtual |
ImplInvalidateFrameRegion(const vcl::Region *pRegion, InvalidateFlags nFlags) | vcl::Window | |
ImplInvalidateOrRepaint() | Edit | private |
ImplInvalidateOutermostBorder(vcl::Window *pWin) | Edit | protectedstatic |
ImplInvalidateOverlapFrameRegion(const vcl::Region &rRegion) | vcl::Window | |
ImplInvalidateParentFrameRegion(const vcl::Region &rRegion) | vcl::Window | protected |
ImplInvertFocus(const tools::Rectangle &rRect) | vcl::Window | |
ImplIsAccessibleCandidate() const | vcl::Window | private |
ImplIsAccessibleNativeFrame() const | vcl::Window | private |
ImplIsChild(const vcl::Window *pWindow, bool bSystemWindow=false) const | vcl::Window | |
ImplIsFloatingWindow() const | vcl::Window | |
ImplIsInTaskPaneList(bool mbIsInTaskList) | vcl::Window | |
ImplIsOverlapWindow() const | vcl::Window | |
ImplIsPushButton() const | vcl::Window | |
ImplIsRealParentPath(const vcl::Window *pWindow) const | vcl::Window | private |
ImplIsSplitter() const | vcl::Window | |
ImplIsWindowOrChild(const vcl::Window *pWindow, bool bSystemWindow=false) const | vcl::Window | |
ImplLogicToPoint(vcl::RenderContext const &rRenderContext, vcl::Font &rFont) const | vcl::Window | private |
ImplMirrorFramePos(Point &pt) const | vcl::Window | |
ImplMoveAllInvalidateRegions(const tools::Rectangle &rRect, tools::Long nHorzScroll, tools::Long nVertScroll, bool bChildren) | vcl::Window | protected |
ImplMoveInvalidateRegion(const tools::Rectangle &rRect, tools::Long nHorzScroll, tools::Long nVertScroll, bool bChildren) | vcl::Window | protected |
ImplNewInputContext() | vcl::Window | privatestatic |
ImplNotifyIconifiedState(bool bIconified) | vcl::Window | |
ImplNotifyKeyMouseCommandEventListeners(NotifyEvent &rNEvt) | vcl::Window | |
ImplOutputToUnmirroredAbsoluteScreenPixel(const tools::Rectangle &rRect) const | vcl::Window | private |
ImplPaintBorder(vcl::RenderContext const &rRenderContext) | Edit | private |
ImplPaintToDevice(::OutputDevice *pTargetOutDev, const Point &rPos) | vcl::Window | privatevirtual |
ImplPaste(css::uno::Reference< css::datatransfer::clipboard::XClipboard > const &rxClipboard) | Edit | private |
ImplPointToLogic(vcl::RenderContext const &rRenderContext, vcl::Font &rFont) const | vcl::Window | private |
ImplPosSizeWindow(tools::Long nX, tools::Long nY, tools::Long nWidth, tools::Long nHeight, PosSizeFlags nFlags) | vcl::Window | |
ImplRemoveWindow(bool bRemoveFrameData) | vcl::Window | private |
ImplRepaint(vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, const tools::Rectangle &rRectangle) | Edit | private |
ImplResetReallyVisible() | vcl::Window | private |
ImplScroll(const tools::Rectangle &rRect, tools::Long nHorzScroll, tools::Long nVertScroll, ScrollFlags nFlags) | vcl::Window | protected |
ImplSetClipFlag(bool bSysObjOnlySmaller=false) | vcl::Window | |
ImplSetClipFlagChildren(bool bSysObjOnlySmaller) | vcl::Window | protected |
ImplSetClipFlagOverlapWindows(bool bSysObjOnlySmaller=false) | vcl::Window | protected |
ImplSetCursorPos(sal_Int32 nChar, bool bSelect) | Edit | private |
ImplSetFrameParent(const vcl::Window *pParent) | vcl::Window | private |
ImplSetMouseTransparent(bool bTransparent) | vcl::Window | protected |
ImplSetReallyVisible() | vcl::Window | private |
ImplSetSelection(const Selection &rSelection, bool bPaint=true) | Edit | protected |
ImplSetText(const OUString &rStr, const Selection *pNewSelection) | Edit | private |
ImplShowAllOverlaps() | vcl::Window | private |
ImplShowCursor(bool bOnlyIfVisible=true) | Edit | private |
ImplShowDDCursor() | Edit | private |
ImplStartDnd() | vcl::Window | private |
ImplStartToTop(ToTopFlags nFlags) | vcl::Window | private |
ImplStopDnd() | vcl::Window | private |
ImplSysObjClip(const vcl::Region *pOldRegion) | vcl::Window | private |
ImplTestMousePointerSet() | vcl::Window | private |
ImplToBottomChild() | vcl::Window | private |
ImplToTop(ToTopFlags nFlags) | vcl::Window | private |
ImplTruncateToMaxLen(OUString &, sal_Int32 nSelectionLen) const | Edit | private |
ImplUnmirroredAbsoluteScreenToOutputPixel(const tools::Rectangle &rRect) const | vcl::Window | private |
ImplUpdateAll() | vcl::Window | |
ImplUpdateGlobalSettings(AllSettings &rSettings, bool bCallHdl=true) const | vcl::Window | private |
ImplUpdateOverlapWindowPtr(bool bNewFrame) | vcl::Window | private |
ImplUpdatePos() | vcl::Window | private |
ImplUpdateSysObjChildrenClip() | vcl::Window | private |
ImplUpdateSysObjClip() | vcl::Window | private |
ImplUpdateSysObjOverlapsClip() | vcl::Window | private |
ImplUpdateSysObjPos() | vcl::Window | private |
ImplUpdateWindowPtr(vcl::Window *pWindow) | vcl::Window | private |
ImplUpdateWindowPtr() | vcl::Window | private |
ImplUseNativeBorder(vcl::RenderContext const &rRenderContext, WinBits nStyle) const | Edit | |
ImplValidate() | vcl::Window | protected |
ImplValidateFrameRegion(const vcl::Region *rRegion, ValidateFlags nFlags) | vcl::Window | protected |
IncModalCount() | vcl::Window | |
Invalidate(InvalidateFlags nFlags=InvalidateFlags::NONE) | vcl::Window | |
Invalidate(const tools::Rectangle &rRect, InvalidateFlags nFlags=InvalidateFlags::NONE) | vcl::Window | |
Invalidate(const vcl::Region &rRegion, InvalidateFlags nFlags=InvalidateFlags::NONE) | vcl::Window | |
InvalidateSizeCache() | vcl::Window | protected |
InvertTracking(const tools::Rectangle &rRect, ShowTrackFlags nFlags) | vcl::Window | |
IsAccessibilityEventsSuppressed(bool bTraverseParentPath=true) | vcl::Window | |
IsActive() const | vcl::Window | |
IsAlwaysEnableInput() const | vcl::Window | |
IsAlwaysOnTopEnabled() const | vcl::Window | |
IsAncestorOf(const vcl::Window &rWindow) const | vcl::Window | |
IsBackground() const | vcl::Window | |
IsCharInput(const KeyEvent &rKEvt) | Edit | static |
IsChart() const | vcl::Window | inlinevirtual |
IsChild(const vcl::Window *pWindow) const | vcl::Window | |
IsChildTransparentModeEnabled() const | vcl::Window | |
IsCompoundControl() const | vcl::Window | |
IsControlBackground() const | vcl::Window | |
IsControlFont() const | vcl::Window | |
IsControlForeground() const | vcl::Window | |
IsCreatedWithToolkit() const | vcl::Window | |
IsDefaultPos() const | vcl::Window | |
IsDefaultSize() const | vcl::Window | |
IsDialog() const | vcl::Window | |
IsDialogControlStart() const | vcl::Window | |
isDisposed() const | VclReferenceBase | inline |
IsDockingWindow() const | vcl::Window | |
IsEnabled() const | vcl::Window | |
IsInInitShow() const | vcl::Window | |
IsInModalMode() const | vcl::Window | |
IsInPaint() const | vcl::Window | |
IsInputEnabled() const | vcl::Window | |
IsInsertMode() const | Edit | |
IsLOKWindowsEmpty() | vcl::Window | static |
IsLowerEnabled() const | SpinField | inline |
IsMapModeEnabled() const | vcl::Window | |
IsMenuFloatingWindow() const | vcl::Window | |
IsMouseCaptured() const | vcl::Window | |
IsMouseOver() const | vcl::Window | |
IsMouseTransparent() const | vcl::Window | |
IsNativeControlSupported(ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart) const | vcl::Window | |
IsNativeWidgetEnabled() const | vcl::Window | |
IsOverlineColor() const | vcl::Window | |
IsPaintEnabled() const | vcl::Window | |
IsPaintTransparent() const | vcl::Window | |
IsPassword() const | Edit | inline |
IsReadOnly() const | Edit | inlinevirtual |
IsReallyShown() const | vcl::Window | |
IsReallyVisible() const | vcl::Window | |
IsRTLEnabled() const | vcl::Window | |
IsScrollable() const | vcl::Window | |
IsStarMath() const | vcl::Window | inlinevirtual |
IsSystemWindow() const | vcl::Window | |
IsTextFillColor() const | vcl::Window | |
IsTextLineColor() const | vcl::Window | |
IsToolbarFloatingWindow() const | vcl::Window | |
IsTopWindow() const | vcl::Window | |
IsTracking() const | vcl::Window | |
IsUpdateMode() const | vcl::Window | |
IsUpperEnabled() const | SpinField | inline |
IsVisible() const | vcl::Window | |
IsWait() const | vcl::Window | |
IsWindowOrChild(const vcl::Window *pWindow, bool bSystemWindow=false) const | vcl::Window | |
IsZoom() const | vcl::Window | |
KeyInput(const KeyEvent &rKEvt) override | Edit | virtual |
KeyUp(const KeyEvent &rKEvt) | vcl::Window | virtual |
Last() override | DateField | virtual |
LeaveWait() | vcl::Window | |
list_mnemonic_labels() const | vcl::Window | |
LocalStartDrag() | vcl::Window | |
LogicInvalidate(const tools::Rectangle *pRectangle) override | Control | virtual |
LogicToLogic(const Size &rSzSource, const MapMode *pMapModeSource, const MapMode *pMapModeDest) const | vcl::Window | |
LogicToPixel(const Point &rLogicPt) const | vcl::Window | |
LogicToPixel(const Size &rLogicSize) const | vcl::Window | |
LogicToPixel(const tools::Rectangle &rLogicRect) const | vcl::Window | |
LogicToPixel(const vcl::Region &rLogicRegion) const | vcl::Window | |
LogicToPixel(const Point &rLogicPt, const MapMode &rMapMode) const | vcl::Window | |
LogicToPixel(const Size &rLogicSize, const MapMode &rMapMode) const | vcl::Window | |
LogicToPixel(const tools::Rectangle &rLogicRect, const MapMode &rMapMode) const | vcl::Window | |
LoseFocus() override | Edit | virtual |
maActivateHdl | Edit | private |
maAutocompleteHdl | Edit | private |
maDownHdlLink | SpinField | private |
maDropDownRect | SpinField | private |
maFirst | DateField | private |
maLast | DateField | private |
maLoseFocusHdl | Control | private |
maLowerRect | SpinField | private |
maModifyHdl | Edit | private |
maPlaceholderText | Edit | private |
maRepeatTimer | SpinField | private |
maSaveValue | Edit | private |
maSelection | Edit | private |
maText | Edit | private |
maUndoText | Edit | private |
maUpHdlLink | SpinField | private |
maUpperRect | SpinField | private |
mbActivePopup | Edit | private |
mbClickedInSelection | Edit | private |
mbDisposed | VclReferenceBase | private |
mbForceControlBackground | Edit | private |
mbHasControlFocus | Control | private |
mbInDropDown | SpinField | private |
mbInitialDown | SpinField | private |
mbInitialUp | SpinField | private |
mbInsertMode | Edit | private |
mbInternModified | Edit | private |
mbIsSubEdit | Edit | private |
mbLowerEnabled | SpinField | private |
mbLowerIn | SpinField | private |
mbNone | CalendarField | private |
mbPassword | Edit | private |
mbReadOnly | Edit | private |
mbRepeat | SpinField | private |
mbShowAccelerator | Control | private |
mbSpin | SpinField | private |
mbToday | CalendarField | private |
mbUpperEnabled | SpinField | private |
mbUpperIn | SpinField | private |
mcEchoChar | Edit | private |
mnAlign | Edit | private |
mnMaxTextLen | Edit | private |
mnMaxWidthChars | Edit | private |
mnRefCnt | VclReferenceBase | mutableprivate |
mnWidthInChars | Edit | private |
mnXOffset | Edit | private |
Modify() override | DateField | virtual |
MouseButtonDown(const MouseEvent &rMEvt) override | SpinField | virtual |
MouseButtonUp(const MouseEvent &rMEvt) override | SpinField | virtual |
MouseMove(const MouseEvent &rMEvt) override | SpinField | virtual |
Move() | vcl::Window | virtual |
mpDDInfo | Edit | private |
mpEdit | SpinField | private |
mpFilterText | Edit | private |
mpFloatWin | CalendarField | private |
mpIMEInfos | Edit | private |
mpNoneBtn | CalendarField | private |
mpReferenceDevice | Control | protected |
mpSubEdit | Edit | private |
mpTodayBtn | CalendarField | private |
mpUIBuilder | Edit | private |
mpWindowImpl | vcl::Window | private |
mxBreakIterator | Edit | private |
mxDnDListener | Edit | private |
mxISC | Edit | private |
mxLayoutData | Control | mutableprotected |
NormalizedScreenToOutputPixel(const Point &rPos) const | vcl::Window | |
NotifyAllChildren(DataChangedEvent &rDCEvt) | vcl::Window | |
operator=(const Control &)=delete | Control | private |
OutputToAbsoluteScreenPixel(const Point &rPos) const | vcl::Window | |
OutputToNormalizedScreenPixel(const Point &rPos) const | vcl::Window | |
OutputToScreenPixel(const Point &rPos) const | vcl::Window | |
Paint(vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, const tools::Rectangle &rRect) override | SpinField | virtual |
PaintImmediately() | vcl::Window | |
PaintToDevice(::OutputDevice *pDevice, const Point &rPos) | vcl::Window | |
Paste() | Edit | virtual |
PixelInvalidate(const tools::Rectangle *pRectangle) | vcl::Window | virtual |
PixelToLogic(const Point &rDevicePt) const | vcl::Window | |
PixelToLogic(const Size &rDeviceSize) const | vcl::Window | |
PixelToLogic(const tools::Rectangle &rDeviceRect) const | vcl::Window | |
PixelToLogic(const tools::PolyPolygon &rDevicePolyPoly) const | vcl::Window | |
PixelToLogic(const vcl::Region &rDeviceRegion) const | vcl::Window | |
PixelToLogic(const Point &rDevicePt, const MapMode &rMapMode) const | vcl::Window | |
PixelToLogic(const Size &rDeviceSize, const MapMode &rMapMode) const | vcl::Window | |
PixelToLogic(const tools::Rectangle &rDeviceRect, const MapMode &rMapMode) const | vcl::Window | |
PopPaintHelper(PaintHelper const *pHelper) | vcl::Window | protected |
PostExtTextInputEvent(VclEventId nType, const OUString &rText) | vcl::Window | |
PostPaint(vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext) | vcl::Window | virtual |
PostUserEvent(const Link< void *, void > &rLink, void *pCaller=nullptr, bool bReferenceLink=false) | vcl::Window | |
PreNotify(NotifyEvent &rNEvt) override | DateField | virtual |
PrePaint(vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext) | vcl::Window | virtual |
PushPaintHelper(PaintHelper *pHelper, vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext) | vcl::Window | protected |
queue_resize(StateChangedType eReason=StateChangedType::Layout) | vcl::Window | virtual |
RecordLayoutData(vcl::ControlLayoutData *pLayout, const tools::Rectangle &rRect) | vcl::Window | |
release() const | VclReferenceBase | inline |
ReleaseLOKNotifier() | vcl::Window | |
ReleaseMouse() | vcl::Window | |
remove_from_all_size_groups() | vcl::Window | |
remove_mnemonic_label(FixedText *pLabel) | vcl::Window | |
RemoveChildEventListener(const Link< VclWindowEvent &, void > &rEventListener) | vcl::Window | |
RemoveEventListener(const Link< VclWindowEvent &, void > &rEventListener) | vcl::Window | |
RemoveUserEvent(ImplSVEvent *nUserEvent) | vcl::Window | |
reorderWithinParent(sal_uInt16 nNewPosition) | vcl::Window | |
ReplaceSelected(const OUString &rStr) | Edit | virtual |
RequestDoubleBuffering(bool bRequest) | vcl::Window | |
RequestHelp(const HelpEvent &rHEvt) | vcl::Window | virtual |
Resize() override | SpinField | virtual |
SaveFocus() | vcl::Window | static |
SaveValue() | Edit | inline |
ScreenToOutputPixel(const Point &rPos) const | vcl::Window | |
Scroll(tools::Long nHorzScroll, tools::Long nVertScroll, ScrollFlags nFlags=ScrollFlags::NONE) | vcl::Window | virtual |
Scroll(tools::Long nHorzScroll, tools::Long nVertScroll, const tools::Rectangle &rRect, ScrollFlags nFlags=ScrollFlags::NONE) | vcl::Window | |
set_border_width(sal_Int32 nBorderWidth) | vcl::Window | |
set_expand(bool bExpand) | vcl::Window | |
set_fill(bool bFill) | vcl::Window | |
set_font_attribute(const OUString &rKey, std::u16string_view rValue) | vcl::Window | |
set_grid_height(sal_Int32 nRows) | vcl::Window | |
set_grid_left_attach(sal_Int32 nAttach) | vcl::Window | |
set_grid_top_attach(sal_Int32 nAttach) | vcl::Window | |
set_grid_width(sal_Int32 nCols) | vcl::Window | |
set_halign(VclAlign eAlign) | vcl::Window | |
set_height_request(sal_Int32 nHeightRequest) | vcl::Window | |
set_hexpand(bool bExpand) | vcl::Window | |
set_id(const OUString &rID) | vcl::Window | |
set_margin_bottom(sal_Int32 nWidth) | vcl::Window | |
set_margin_end(sal_Int32 nWidth) | vcl::Window | |
set_margin_start(sal_Int32 nWidth) | vcl::Window | |
set_margin_top(sal_Int32 nWidth) | vcl::Window | |
set_non_homogeneous(bool bNonHomogeneous) | vcl::Window | |
set_pack_type(VclPackType ePackType) | vcl::Window | |
set_padding(sal_Int32 nPadding) | vcl::Window | |
set_property(const OUString &rKey, const OUString &rValue) override | Edit | virtual |
set_secondary(bool bSecondary) | vcl::Window | |
set_valign(VclAlign eAlign) | vcl::Window | |
set_vexpand(bool bExpand) | vcl::Window | |
set_width_request(sal_Int32 nWidthRequest) | vcl::Window | |
SetAccessibilityEventsSuppressed(bool bSuppressed) | vcl::Window | |
SetAccessible(const css::uno::Reference< css::accessibility::XAccessible > &) | vcl::Window | |
SetAccessibleDescription(const OUString &rDescr) | vcl::Window | |
SetAccessibleName(const OUString &rName) | vcl::Window | |
SetAccessibleRelationLabeledBy(vcl::Window *pLabeledBy) | vcl::Window | |
SetAccessibleRelationLabelFor(vcl::Window *pLabelFor) | vcl::Window | |
SetAccessibleRole(sal_uInt16 nRole) | vcl::Window | |
SetActivateHdl(const Link< Edit &, bool > &rLink) | Edit | inline |
SetActivateMode(ActivateModeFlags nMode) | vcl::Window | |
SetAutocompleteHdl(const Link< Edit &, void > &rLink) | Edit | inline |
SetBackground() | vcl::Window | |
SetBackground(const Wallpaper &rBackground) | vcl::Window | |
SetBorderStyle(WindowBorderStyle nBorderStyle) | vcl::Window | |
SetClipboard(css::uno::Reference< css::datatransfer::clipboard::XClipboard > const &xClipboard) | vcl::Window | |
SetComponentInterface(css::uno::Reference< css::awt::XVclWindowPeer > const &xIFace) | vcl::Window | |
SetCompositionCharRect(const tools::Rectangle *pRect, tools::Long nCompositionLength, bool bVertical=false) | vcl::Window | |
SetCompoundControl(bool bCompound) | vcl::Window | protected |
SetControlBackground() | vcl::Window | |
SetControlBackground(const Color &rColor) | vcl::Window | |
SetControlFont() | vcl::Window | |
SetControlFont(const vcl::Font &rFont) | vcl::Window | |
SetControlForeground() | vcl::Window | |
SetControlForeground(const Color &rColor) | vcl::Window | |
SetCreatedWithToolkit(bool b) | vcl::Window | |
SetCursor(vcl::Cursor *pCursor) | vcl::Window | |
SetCursorAtLast() | Edit | |
SetCursorRect(const tools::Rectangle *pRect=nullptr, tools::Long nExtTextInputWidth=0) | vcl::Window | |
SetDialogControlFlags(DialogControlFlags nFlags) | vcl::Window | |
SetDialogControlStart(bool bStart) | vcl::Window | |
SetDownHdl(const Link< SpinField &, void > &rLink) | SpinField | inline |
SetDumpAsPropertyTreeHdl(const Link< tools::JsonWriter &, void > &rLink) | vcl::Window | |
SetEchoChar(sal_Unicode c) | Edit | |
SetExtendedStyle(WindowExtendedStyle nExtendedStyle) | vcl::Window | |
SetFakeFocus(bool bFocus) | vcl::Window | |
SetFirst(const Date &rNewFirst) | DateField | inline |
SetFont(const vcl::Font &rNewFont) | vcl::Window | |
SetForceControlBackground(bool b) | Edit | inline |
SetHelpHdl(const Link< vcl::Window &, bool > &rLink) | vcl::Window | |
SetHelpId(const OUString &) | vcl::Window | |
SetHelpText(const OUString &rHelpText) | vcl::Window | |
SetInputContext(const InputContext &rInputContext) | vcl::Window | |
SetInsertMode(bool bInsert) | Edit | |
SetLast(const Date &rNewLast) | DateField | inline |
SetLastMousePos(const Point &rPos) | vcl::Window | |
SetLayoutDataParent(const Control *pParent) const | Control | |
SetLOKNotifier(const vcl::ILibreOfficeKitNotifier *pNotifier, bool bParent=false) | vcl::Window | |
SetLoseFocusHdl(const Link< Control &, void > &rLink) | Control | inline |
SetLowerEnabled(bool bEnabled) | SpinField | |
SetMapMode() | vcl::Window | |
SetMapMode(const MapMode &rNewMapMode) | vcl::Window | |
SetMaxTextLen(sal_Int32 nMaxLen) | Edit | virtual |
setMaxWidthChars(sal_Int32 nWidth) | Edit | |
SetMnemonicActivateHdl(const Link< vcl::Window &, bool > &rLink) | vcl::Window | |
SetModalHierarchyHdl(const Link< bool, void > &rLink) | vcl::Window | |
SetModifyFlag() | Edit | virtual |
SetModifyHdl(const Link< Edit &, void > &rLink) | Edit | inlinevirtual |
SetMouseTransparent(bool bTransparent) | vcl::Window | |
SetOutputSizePixel(const Size &rNewSize) | vcl::Window | virtual |
SetOverlineColor() | vcl::Window | |
SetOverlineColor(const Color &rColor) | vcl::Window | |
SetPaintTransparent(bool bTransparent) | vcl::Window | |
SetParent(vcl::Window *pNewParent) | vcl::Window | |
SetParentClipMode(ParentClipMode nMode=ParentClipMode::NONE) | vcl::Window | |
SetParentUpdateMode(bool bUpdate) | vcl::Window | |
SetPlaceholderText(const OUString &rStr) | Edit | |
SetPointer(PointerStyle) | vcl::Window | virtual |
SetPointerPosPixel(const Point &rPos) | vcl::Window | |
SetPointFont(vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, const vcl::Font &rFont) | vcl::Window | |
SetPosPixel(const Point &rNewPos) | vcl::Window | virtual |
SetPosSizePixel(const Point &rNewPos, const Size &rNewSize) | vcl::Window | virtual |
setPosSizePixel(tools::Long nX, tools::Long nY, tools::Long nWidth, tools::Long nHeight, PosSizeFlags nFlags=PosSizeFlags::All) | vcl::Window | virtual |
SetQuickHelpText(const OUString &rHelpText) | vcl::Window | |
SetReadOnly(bool bReadOnly=true) | Edit | virtual |
SetReferenceDevice(OutputDevice *_referenceDevice) | Control | |
SetSelection(const Selection &rSelection) | Edit | virtual |
SetSettings(const AllSettings &rSettings) | vcl::Window | |
SetSettings(const AllSettings &rSettings, bool bChild) | vcl::Window | |
SetShowAccelerator(bool val) | Control | |
SetSizePixel(const Size &rNewSize) | vcl::Window | virtual |
SetStyle(WinBits nStyle) | vcl::Window | |
SetSubEdit(Edit *pEdit) | Edit | |
SetText(const OUString &rStr) override | Edit | virtual |
SetText(const OUString &rStr, const Selection &rNewSelection) | Edit | virtual |
SetTextAlign(TextAlign eAlign) | vcl::Window | |
SetTextColor(const Color &rColor) | vcl::Window | |
SetTextFillColor() | vcl::Window | |
SetTextFillColor(const Color &rColor) | vcl::Window | |
SetTextFilter(TextFilter *pFilter) | Edit | inline |
SetTextLineColor() | vcl::Window | |
SetTextLineColor(const Color &rColor) | vcl::Window | |
SetType(WindowType nType) | vcl::Window | |
SetUpdateMode(bool bUpdate) | vcl::Window | |
SetUpHdl(const Link< SpinField &, void > &rLink) | SpinField | inline |
SetUpperEnabled(bool bEnabled) | SpinField | |
SetUseFrameData(bool bUseFrameData) | vcl::Window | |
SetWidthInChars(sal_Int32 nWidthInChars) | Edit | |
SetWindowPeer(css::uno::Reference< css::awt::XVclWindowPeer > const &xPeer, VCLXWindow *pVCLXWindow) | vcl::Window | |
SetWindowRegionPixel() | vcl::Window | |
SetWindowRegionPixel(const vcl::Region &rRegion) | vcl::Window | |
SetZoom(const Fraction &rZoom) | vcl::Window | |
SetZoomedPointFont(vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, const vcl::Font &rFont) | vcl::Window | |
SetZOrder(vcl::Window *pRefWindow, ZOrderFlags nFlags) | vcl::Window | |
Show(bool bVisible=true, ShowFlags nFlags=ShowFlags::NONE) | vcl::Window | |
ShowDropDown(bool bShow) override | CalendarField | virtual |
ShowFocus(const tools::Rectangle &rRect) | vcl::Window | virtual |
ShowPointer(bool bVisible) | vcl::Window | |
ShowTracking(const tools::Rectangle &rRect, ShowTrackFlags nFlags=ShowTrackFlags::Small) | vcl::Window | |
ShowTruncationWarning(weld::Widget *pParent) | Edit | static |
SimulateKeyPress(sal_uInt16 nKeyCode) const | vcl::Window | |
SpinField(vcl::Window *pParent, WinBits nWinStyle, WindowType nType=WindowType::SPINFIELD) | SpinField | explicit |
StartAutoScroll(StartAutoScrollFlags nFlags) | vcl::Window | |
StartTracking(StartTrackingFlags nFlags=StartTrackingFlags::NONE) | vcl::Window | |
StateChanged(StateChangedType nStateChange) override | CalendarField | privatevirtual |
SupportsDoubleBuffering() const | vcl::Window | |
ToRelativeLineIndex(tools::Long nIndex) const | Control | |
ToTop(ToTopFlags nFlags=ToTopFlags::NONE) | vcl::Window | |
Tracking(const TrackingEvent &rTEvt) override | Edit | virtual |
Undo() | Edit | |
Up() override | DateField | virtual |
UpdateSettings(const AllSettings &rSettings, bool bChild=false) | vcl::Window | |
Validate() | vcl::Window | |
VclReferenceBase(const VclReferenceBase &)=delete | VclReferenceBase | private |
VclReferenceBase() | VclReferenceBase | protected |
Window(WindowType nType) | vcl::Window | explicitprotected |
Window(vcl::Window *pParent, WinBits nStyle=0) | vcl::Window | explicit |
~CalendarField() override | CalendarField | virtual |
~Control() override | Control | virtual |
~DragAndDropClient() COVERITY_NOEXCEPT_FALSE | vcl::unohelper::DragAndDropClient | virtual |
~Edit() override | Edit | virtual |
~SpinField() override | SpinField | virtual |
~VclReferenceBase() | VclReferenceBase | protectedvirtual |
~Window() override | vcl::Window | virtual |