LibreOffice Module tools (master) 1
Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CB3dTransformationSetTransformation sets for 3D output
 CB3dViewportViewport for B3D
 CDateRepresents a date in the proleptic Gregorian calendar
 Ctools::DurationDuration in days and time
 CFractionTag< N >
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< cpuid::InstructionSetFlags, 0x0ff > [external]
 Co3tl::typed_flags< cpuid::InstructionSetFlags >
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< FontEmphasisMark, 0x300f > [external]
 Co3tl::typed_flags< FontEmphasisMark >
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< FSysStyle, 0x07 > [external]
 Co3tl::typed_flags< FSysStyle >
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< PolyOptimizeFlags, 0x0007 > [external]
 Co3tl::typed_flags< PolyOptimizeFlags >
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< StreamMode, 0x0f7f > [external]
 Co3tl::typed_flags< StreamMode >
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< SvStreamCompressFlags, 0x0011 > [external]
 Co3tl::typed_flags< SvStreamCompressFlags >
 Ctools::ScopedJsonWriterArrayAuto-closes the node
 Ctools::ScopedJsonWriterNodeAuto-closes the node
 Ctools::ScopedJsonWriterStructAuto-closes the node
 CSvCompatWeakBase< T >We only have one place that extends this, in include/sfx2/frame.hxx, class SfxFrame
 CSvCompatWeakRef< T >We only have one weak reference in LO, in include/sfx2/frame.hxx, class SfxFrameWeak
 CSvCompatWeakRef< SfxFrame >
 CSvRefBaseClasses that want to be referenced-counted via SvRef<T>, should extend this base class
 CSvCompatWeakHdl< T >SvCompatWeakHdl acts as an intermediary between SvCompatWeakRef<T> and T
 Ctools::WeakBaseDerive your implementation classes from this class if you want them to support weak references
 Ctools::WeakConnectionPrivate connection helper, do not use directly
 Ctools::WeakReference< reference_type >Template implementation to hold a weak reference to an instance of type reference_type
 Ctools::XmlWalkerXmlWalker main purpose is to make it easier for walking the parsed XML DOM tree
 Ctools::XmlWriterXmlWriter writes a XML to a SvStream