LibreOffice Module tools (master) 1
This is the complete list of members for tools::Time, including all inherited members.
EMPTY enum value | tools::Time | |
GetClock(double fTimeInDays, sal_uInt16 &nHour, sal_uInt16 &nMinute, sal_uInt16 &nSecond, double &fFractionOfSecond, int nFractionDecimals) | tools::Time | static |
GetHour() const | tools::Time | inline |
GetMin() const | tools::Time | inline |
GetMonotonicTicks() | tools::Time | static |
GetMSFromTime() const | tools::Time | |
GetNanoSec() const | tools::Time | inline |
GetNSFromTime() const | tools::Time | |
GetSec() const | tools::Time | inline |
GetSystemTicks() | tools::Time | static |
GetTime() const | tools::Time | inline |
GetTimeInDays() const | tools::Time | |
GetUNOTime() const | tools::Time | inline |
GetUTCOffset() | tools::Time | static |
hourPerDay | tools::Time | static |
init(sal_uInt32 nHour, sal_uInt32 nMin, sal_uInt32 nSec, sal_uInt64 nNanoSec) | tools::Time | private |
IsEqualIgnoreNanoSec(const tools::Time &rTime) const | tools::Time | |
MakeTimeFromMS(sal_Int32 nMS) | tools::Time | |
MakeTimeFromNS(sal_Int64 nNS) | tools::Time | |
minutePerDay | tools::Time | static |
minutePerHour | tools::Time | static |
nanoPerCenti | tools::Time | static |
nanoPerMicro | tools::Time | static |
nanoPerMilli | tools::Time | static |
nanoSecPerDay | tools::Time | static |
nanoSecPerHour | tools::Time | static |
nanoSecPerMinute | tools::Time | static |
nanoSecPerSec | tools::Time | static |
nTime | tools::Time | private |
operator!=(const tools::Time &rTime) const | tools::Time | inline |
operator+ | tools::Time | friend |
operator+=(const tools::Time &rTime) | tools::Time | |
operator-() const | tools::Time | inline |
operator- | tools::Time | friend |
operator-=(const tools::Time &rTime) | tools::Time | |
operator<(const tools::Time &rTime) const | tools::Time | inline |
operator<=(const tools::Time &rTime) const | tools::Time | inline |
operator=(const tools::Time &rTime) | tools::Time | |
operator==(const tools::Time &rTime) const | tools::Time | inline |
operator>(const tools::Time &rTime) const | tools::Time | inline |
operator>=(const tools::Time &rTime) const | tools::Time | inline |
secondPerDay | tools::Time | static |
secondPerHour | tools::Time | static |
secondPerMinute | tools::Time | static |
SetHour(sal_uInt16 nNewHour) | tools::Time | |
SetMin(sal_uInt16 nNewMin) | tools::Time | |
SetNanoSec(sal_uInt32 nNewNanoSec) | tools::Time | |
SetSec(sal_uInt16 nNewSec) | tools::Time | |
SetTime(sal_Int64 nNewTime) | tools::Time | inline |
SYSTEM enum value | tools::Time | |
Time(TimeInitEmpty) | tools::Time | inlineexplicit |
Time(TimeInitSystem) | tools::Time | explicit |
Time(sal_Int64 _nTime) | tools::Time | inlineexplicit |
Time(const tools::Time &rTime) | tools::Time | |
Time(const css::util::Time &rTime) | tools::Time | |
Time(const css::util::DateTime &rDateTime) | tools::Time | explicit |
Time(sal_uInt32 nHour, sal_uInt32 nMin, sal_uInt32 nSec=0, sal_uInt64 nNanoSec=0) | tools::Time | |
TimeInitEmpty enum name | tools::Time | |
TimeInitSystem enum name | tools::Time |