LibreOffice Module sfx2 (master) 1
This is the complete list of members for SfxMedium, including all inherited members.
AddFirstRef() | SvRefBase | |
AddNextRef() | SvRefBase | |
AddToCheckEditableWorkerList() | SfxMedium | |
AddVersion_Impl(css::util::RevisionTag &rVersion) | SfxMedium | |
bNoDelete | SvRefBase | private |
CallApproveHandler(const css::uno::Reference< css::task::XInteractionHandler > &xHandler, const css::uno::Any &rRequest, bool bAllowAbort) | SfxMedium | static |
CancelCheckEditableEntry(bool bRemoveEvent=true) | SfxMedium | |
CanDisposeStorage_Impl(bool bDisposeStorage) | SfxMedium | |
CheckCanGetLockfile() const | SfxMedium | |
CheckFileDate(const css::util::DateTime &aInitDate) | SfxMedium | |
ClearBackup_Impl() | SfxMedium | |
Close(bool bInDestruction=false) | SfxMedium | |
CloseAndRelease() | SfxMedium | |
CloseAndReleaseStreams_Impl() | SfxMedium | |
CloseInStream() | SfxMedium | |
CloseInStream_Impl(bool bInDestruction=false) | SfxMedium | private |
CloseOutStream() | SfxMedium | |
CloseOutStream_Impl() | SfxMedium | private |
CloseStorage() | SfxMedium | |
CloseStreams_Impl(bool bInDestruction=false) | SfxMedium | private |
CloseZipStorage_Impl() | SfxMedium | |
Commit() | SfxMedium | |
CompleteReOpen() | SfxMedium | |
CreateFileStream() | SfxMedium | |
CreatePasswordToModifyHash(std::u16string_view aPasswd, bool bWriter) | SfxMedium | static |
CreateTempCopyWithExt(std::u16string_view aURL) | SfxMedium | static |
CreateTempFile(bool bReplace=true) | SfxMedium | |
CreateTempFileNoCopy() | SfxMedium | |
DECL_DLLPRIVATE_STATIC_LINK(SfxMedium, ShowReloadEditableDialog, void *, void) | SfxMedium | |
DisableFileSync(bool bDisableFileSync) | SfxMedium | |
DisableUnlockWebDAV(bool bDisableUnlockWebDAV=true) | SfxMedium | |
DoBackup_Impl(bool bForceUsingBackupPath) | SfxMedium | |
DocNeedsFileDateCheck() const | SfxMedium | |
DoInternalBackup_Impl(const ::ucbhelper::Content &aOriginalContent) | SfxMedium | |
DoInternalBackup_Impl(const ::ucbhelper::Content &aOriginalContent, std::u16string_view aPrefix, std::u16string_view aExtension, const OUString &aDestDir) | SfxMedium | |
Download(const Link< void *, void > &aLink=Link< void *, void >()) | SfxMedium | |
GetArgs() const | SfxMedium | |
GetBackup_Impl() | SfxMedium | |
GetBaseURL(bool bForSaving=false) | SfxMedium | |
GetCachedSignatureState_Impl() const | SfxMedium | |
GetCheckEditableMutex() const | SfxMedium | |
GetContent() const | SfxMedium | |
GetError() const | SfxMedium | inline |
GetErrorCode() const | SfxMedium | |
GetFilter() const | SfxMedium | |
GetHeaderAttributes_Impl() | SfxMedium | |
GetInitFileDate(bool bIgnoreOldValue) | SfxMedium | |
GetInputStream() | SfxMedium | |
GetInStream() | SfxMedium | |
GetInteractionHandler(bool bGetAlways=false) | SfxMedium | |
GetItemSet() const | SfxMedium | |
GetLastStorageCreationState() const | SfxMedium | |
GetLoadTargetFrame() const | SfxMedium | |
GetLockingStream_Impl() | SfxMedium | |
GetLongName() const | SfxMedium | |
GetMedium_Impl() | SfxMedium | |
GetName() const | SfxMedium | |
GetOpenMode() const | SfxMedium | |
GetOrigURL() const | SfxMedium | |
GetOutputStorage() | SfxMedium | |
GetOutStream() | SfxMedium | |
GetPhysicalName() const | SfxMedium | |
GetRefCount() const | SvRefBase | |
GetStorage(bool bCreateTempFile=true) | SfxMedium | |
GetURLObject() const | SfxMedium | |
GetVersionList(bool _bNoReload=false) | SfxMedium | |
GetVersionList(const css::uno::Reference< css::embed::XStorage > &xStorage) | SfxMedium | static |
GetWarningError() const | SfxMedium | |
GetWorkerReloadEvent() const | SfxMedium | |
GetZipStorageToSign_Impl(bool bReadOnly=true) | SfxMedium | |
HasStorage_Impl() const | SfxMedium | |
Init_Impl() | SfxMedium | |
IsExpired() const | SfxMedium | |
IsInCheckIn() const | SfxMedium | |
IsOpen() const | SfxMedium | |
IsOriginallyLoadedReadOnly() const | SfxMedium | |
IsOriginallyReadOnly() const | SfxMedium | |
IsPreview_Impl() const | SfxMedium | |
IsReadOnly() const | SfxMedium | |
IsRemote() const | SfxMedium | |
IsSkipImages() const | SfxMedium | |
IsStorage() | SfxMedium | |
IsUpdatePickList() const | SfxMedium | |
LockFileResult enum name | SfxMedium | |
LockOrigFileOnDemand(bool bLoading, bool bNoUI, bool bTryIgnoreLockFile=false, LockFileEntry *pLockData=nullptr) | SfxMedium | |
MessageDlg enum name | SfxMedium | private |
nRefCount | SvRefBase | private |
operator=(const SvRefBase &) | SvRefBase | |
pImpl | SfxMedium | private |
ReleaseRef() | SvRefBase | |
RemoveVersion_Impl(const OUString &rVersion) | SfxMedium | |
ReOpen() | SfxMedium | |
ResetError() | SfxMedium | |
RestoreNoDelete() | SvRefBase | |
SaveVersionList_Impl() | SfxMedium | |
SetArgs(const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue > &rArgs) | SfxMedium | |
SetCachedSignatureState_Impl(SignatureState nState) | SfxMedium | |
SetDoneLink(const Link< void *, void > &rLink) | SfxMedium | |
SetEncryptionDataToStorage_Impl() | SfxMedium | private |
SetError(ErrCode nError) | SfxMedium | |
SetExpired_Impl(const DateTime &rDateTime) | SfxMedium | |
SetFilter(const std::shared_ptr< const SfxFilter > &pFilter) | SfxMedium | |
SetHasEmbeddedObjects(bool bHasEmbeddedObjects) | SfxMedium | |
SetInCheckIn(bool bInCheckIn) | SfxMedium | |
SetIsRemote_Impl() | SfxMedium | private |
SetLoadTargetFrame(SfxFrame *pFrame) | SfxMedium | |
SetLongName(const OUString &rName) | SfxMedium | |
SetName(const OUString &rName, bool bSetOrigURL=false) | SfxMedium | |
SetOpenMode(StreamMode nStorOpen, bool bDontClose=false) | SfxMedium | |
SetOriginallyReadOnly(bool val) | SfxMedium | |
SetPhysicalName_Impl(const OUString &rName) | SfxMedium | |
SetStorage_Impl(const css::uno::Reference< css::embed::XStorage > &xNewStorage) | SfxMedium | |
setStreamToLoadFrom(const css::uno::Reference< css::io::XInputStream > &xInputStream, bool bIsReadOnly) | SfxMedium | |
SetUpdatePickList(bool) | SfxMedium | |
SetWarningError(ErrCode nWarningError) | SfxMedium | |
SetWorkerReloadEvent(ImplSVEvent *pEvent) | SfxMedium | |
SetWritableForUserOnly(const OUString &aURL) | SfxMedium | static |
SfxMedium() | SfxMedium | |
SfxMedium(const OUString &rName, StreamMode nOpenMode, std::shared_ptr< const SfxFilter > pFilter=nullptr, const std::shared_ptr< SfxItemSet > &pSet=nullptr) | SfxMedium | |
SfxMedium(const OUString &rName, const OUString &rReferer, StreamMode nOpenMode, std::shared_ptr< const SfxFilter > pFilter=nullptr, const std::shared_ptr< SfxItemSet > &pSet=nullptr) | SfxMedium | |
SfxMedium(const css::uno::Reference< css::embed::XStorage > &xStorage, const OUString &rBaseURL, const std::shared_ptr< SfxItemSet > &pSet=nullptr) | SfxMedium | |
SfxMedium(const css::uno::Reference< css::embed::XStorage > &xStorage, const OUString &rBaseURL, const OUString &rTypeName, const std::shared_ptr< SfxItemSet > &pSet=nullptr) | SfxMedium | |
SfxMedium(const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue > &aArgs) | SfxMedium | |
ShowLockedDocumentDialog(const LockFileEntry &aData, bool bIsLoading, bool bOwnLock, bool bHandleSysLocked) | SfxMedium | private |
ShowLockFileProblemDialog(MessageDlg nWhichDlg) | SfxMedium | private |
ShowLockResult enum name | SfxMedium | private |
SignContents_Impl(weld::Window *pDialogParent, bool bSignScriptingContent, bool bHasValidDocumentSignature, const OUString &aSignatureLineId=OUString(), const css::uno::Reference< css::security::XCertificate > &xCert=css::uno::Reference< css::security::XCertificate >(), const css::uno::Reference< css::graphic::XGraphic > &xValidGraphic=css::uno::Reference< css::graphic::XGraphic >(), const css::uno::Reference< css::graphic::XGraphic > &xInvalidGraphic=css::uno::Reference< css::graphic::XGraphic >(), const OUString &aComment=OUString()) | SfxMedium | |
SignDocumentContentUsingCertificate(const css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XModel > &xModel, bool bHasValidDocumentSignature, const css::uno::Reference< css::security::XCertificate > &xCertificate) | SfxMedium | |
StorageBackup_Impl() | SfxMedium | |
StorageCommit_Impl() | SfxMedium | |
SvRefBase() | SvRefBase | |
SvRefBase(const SvRefBase &) | SvRefBase | |
SwitchDocumentToFile(const OUString &aURL) | SfxMedium | |
SwitchDocumentToTempFile() | SfxMedium | |
TransactedTransferForFS_Impl(const INetURLObject &aSource, const INetURLObject &aDest, const css::uno::Reference< css::ucb::XCommandEnvironment > &xComEnv) | SfxMedium | |
Transfer_Impl() | SfxMedium | |
TransferVersionList_Impl(SfxMedium const &rMedium) | SfxMedium | |
TryDirectTransfer(const OUString &aURL, SfxItemSet const &aTargetSet) | SfxMedium | |
UnlockFile(bool bReleaseLockStream) | SfxMedium | |
UseBackupToRestore_Impl(::ucbhelper::Content &aOriginalContent, const css::uno::Reference< css::ucb::XCommandEnvironment > &xComEnv) | SfxMedium | |
UseInteractionHandler(bool) | SfxMedium | |
WillDisposeStorageOnClose_Impl() | SfxMedium | |
~SfxMedium() override | SfxMedium | virtual |
~SvRefBase() COVERITY_NOEXCEPT_FALSE | SvRefBase | protectedvirtual |