This is the complete list of members for SfxInterface, including all inherited members.
bSuperClass | SfxInterface | private |
ContainsSlot_Impl(const SfxSlot *pSlot) const | SfxInterface | inline |
Count() const | SfxInterface | inline |
GetChildWindowCount() const | SfxInterface | |
GetChildWindowFeature(sal_uInt16 nNo) const | SfxInterface | |
GetChildWindowId(sal_uInt16 nNo) const | SfxInterface | |
GetClassName() const | SfxInterface | inline |
GetGenoType() const | SfxInterface | inline |
GetObjectBarCount() const | SfxInterface | |
GetObjectBarFeature(sal_uInt16 nNo) const | SfxInterface | |
GetObjectBarFlags(sal_uInt16 nNo) const | SfxInterface | |
GetObjectBarId(sal_uInt16 nNo) const | SfxInterface | |
GetObjectBarPos(sal_uInt16 nNo) const | SfxInterface | |
GetPopupMenuName() const | SfxInterface | |
GetRealSlot(const SfxSlot *) const | SfxInterface | |
GetSlot(sal_uInt16 nSlotId) const | SfxInterface | |
GetSlot(const OUString &rCommand) const | SfxInterface | |
GetStatusBarId() const | SfxInterface | |
IsObjectBarVisible(sal_uInt16 nNo) const | SfxInterface | |
nClassId | SfxInterface | private |
nCount | SfxInterface | private |
pGenoType | SfxInterface | private |
pImplData | SfxInterface | private |
pName | SfxInterface | private |
pSlots | SfxInterface | private |
Register(const SfxModule *) | SfxInterface | |
RegisterChildWindow(sal_uInt16, bool bContext=false) | SfxInterface | |
RegisterChildWindow(sal_uInt16, bool bContext, SfxShellFeature nFeature) | SfxInterface | |
RegisterObjectBar(sal_uInt16, SfxVisibilityFlags nFlags, ToolbarId eId) | SfxInterface | |
RegisterObjectBar(sal_uInt16, SfxVisibilityFlags nFlags, ToolbarId eId, SfxShellFeature nFeature) | SfxInterface | |
RegisterPopupMenu(const OUString &) | SfxInterface | |
RegisterStatusBar(StatusBarId eId) | SfxInterface | |
SetSlotMap(SfxSlot &rMessages, sal_uInt16 nMsgCount) | SfxInterface | |
SfxInterface(const char *pClass, bool bSuperClass, SfxInterfaceId nClassId, const SfxInterface *pGeno, SfxSlot &rMessages, sal_uInt16 nMsgCount) | SfxInterface | |
SfxSlotPool | SfxInterface | friend |
UseAsSuperClass() const | SfxInterface | inline |
~SfxInterface() | SfxInterface | |