LibreOffice Module sax (master) 1
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Csax::ConverterConverter converts values of various types from their internal representation to the textual form used in xml and back
 Csax_fastparser::FastAttributeList::FastAttributeIterUse for fast iteration and conversion of attributes
 Csax_fastparser::FastSaxSerializerReceives notification of sax document events to write into an XOutputStream
 Csax_fastparser::FastTokenHandlerBaseA native C++ interface to tokenisation
 Csax::DocumentHandlerAdapterDocumentHandlerAdapter provides a base class for simple decorators to XDocumentHandlers
 Csax::ExtendedDocumentHandlerAdapterExtendedDocumentHandlerAdapter provides a base class for simple decorators to XExtendedDocumentHandlers