LibreOffice Module formula (master) 1
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Cweld::DialogController [external]
 Cweld::GenericDialogController [external]
 Cformula::FormulaGrammarGrammars digested by ScCompiler
 Cformula::DoubleVectorRefTokenThis token represents a range reference in a vectorized formula calculation context
 Cformula::FormulaStringOpTokenIdentical to FormulaStringToken, but with explicit OpCode instead of implicit ocPush, and an optional sal_uInt8 for ocBad tokens
 Cformula::SingleVectorRefTokenThis token represents a single cell reference in a vectorized formula calculation context
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< ScRecalcMode, 0x7f > [external]
 Co3tl::typed_flags< ScRecalcMode >
 Cformula::FormulaCompiler::OpCodeMapMappings from strings to OpCodes and vice versa
 Cformula::FormulaToken::PrivateAccessThis is dirty and only the compiler should use it!
 CSfxDialogController [external]
 CSfxModelessDialogController [external]
 Cformula::VectorRefArraySingle unit of vector reference consists of two physical arrays