LibreOffice Module filter (master) 1
Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Cmsfilter::util::ApiPaperSizePaper size in 1/100 millimeters
 Ccppu::BaseMutex [external]
 Cweld::DialogController [external]
 CEscherExClientAnchor_BaseAbstract base class for ESCHER_ClientAnchor
 CEscherExClientRecord_BaseAbstract base class for ESCHER_ClientTextbox, ESCHER_ClientData
 Cfilter::config::FilterCacheImplements a cache, which contains all elements of our filter and type detection configuration
 Cfilter::config::FlatDetectionInfoUsed to collect all matching types of a URL during type detection
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< EscherGraphicProviderFlags, 0x01 > [external]
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< ShapeFlag, 0x00000FFF > [external]
 Cmsfilter::MSCodec_Xor95Encodes and decodes data from protected MSO 95- documents
 CMSDffTxIdProvided by SvxMSDffManager for each shape in a group
 Ccomphelper::OPropertyArrayUsageHelper< PDFDialog > [external]
 Ccomphelper::SequenceAsHashMap [external]
 CSfxDialogController [external]
 CSfxTabPage [external]
 Csalhelper::SimpleReferenceObject [external]
 CSvXMLExport [external]
 Ccomphelper::UnoImplBase [external]