LibreOffice Module editeng (master) 1
This is the complete list of members for SvxFont, including all inherited members.
CalcCaseMap(const OUString &rTxt) const | SvxFont | |
ChgPhysFont(OutputDevice &rOut) const | SvxFont | |
DecreaseQualityBy(int) | vcl::Font | |
DoOnCapitals(SvxDoCapitals &rDo) const | SvxFont | |
DrawArrow(OutputDevice &rOut, const tools::Rectangle &rRect, const Size &rSize, const Color &rCol, bool bLeftOrTop, bool bVertical) | SvxFont | static |
DrawCapital(OutputDevice *pOut, const Point &rPos, const OUString &rTxt, const sal_Int32 nIdx, const sal_Int32 nLen) const | SvxFont | |
DrawPrev(OutputDevice *pOut, Printer *pPrinter, const Point &rPos, const OUString &rTxt, const sal_Int32 nIdx=0, const sal_Int32 nLen=SAL_MAX_INT32) const | SvxFont | |
eCaseMap | SvxFont | private |
EqualIgnoreColor(const Font &) const | vcl::Font | |
Font() | vcl::Font | |
Font(const Font &) | vcl::Font | |
Font(Font &&) noexcept | vcl::Font | |
Font(const OUString &rFamilyName, const Size &) | vcl::Font | |
Font(const OUString &rFamilyName, const OUString &rStyleName, const Size &) | vcl::Font | |
Font(FontFamily eFamily, const Size &) | vcl::Font | |
GetAlignment() const | vcl::Font | |
GetAverageFontWidth() const | vcl::Font | |
GetCapitalSize(const OutputDevice *pOut, const OUString &rTxt, const sal_Int32 nIdx, const sal_Int32 nLen) const | SvxFont | |
GetCaseMap() const | SvxFont | inline |
GetCharSet() const | vcl::Font | |
GetCJKContextLanguage() const | vcl::Font | |
GetCJKContextLanguageTag() const | vcl::Font | |
GetColor() const | vcl::Font | |
GetEmphasisMark() const | vcl::Font | |
GetEmphasisMarkStyle() const | vcl::Font | |
GetEscapement() const | SvxFont | inline |
GetFamilyName() const | vcl::Font | |
GetFamilyType() | vcl::Font | |
GetFamilyType() const | vcl::Font | |
GetFillColor() const | vcl::Font | |
GetFixKerning() const | vcl::Font | |
GetFontAttributes(FontAttributes &rAttrs) const | vcl::Font | |
GetFontHeight() const | vcl::Font | |
GetFontSize() const | vcl::Font | |
GetHashValueIgnoreColor() const | vcl::Font | |
GetItalic() | vcl::Font | |
GetItalic() const | vcl::Font | |
GetKerning() const | vcl::Font | |
GetLanguage() const | vcl::Font | |
GetLanguageTag() const | vcl::Font | |
GetOrCalculateAverageFontWidth() const | vcl::Font | |
GetOrientation() const | vcl::Font | |
GetOverline() const | vcl::Font | |
GetPhysTxtSize(const OutputDevice *pOut, const OUString &rTxt, const sal_Int32 nIdx, const sal_Int32 nLen) const | SvxFont | |
GetPhysTxtSize(const OutputDevice *pOut) | SvxFont | |
GetPitch() | vcl::Font | |
GetPitch() const | vcl::Font | |
GetPropr() const | SvxFont | inline |
GetQuality() const | vcl::Font | |
GetRelief() const | vcl::Font | |
GetStrikeout() const | vcl::Font | |
GetStyleName() const | vcl::Font | |
GetTextSize(const OutputDevice &rOut, const OUString &rTxt, const sal_Int32 nIdx=0, const sal_Int32 nLen=SAL_MAX_INT32) const | SvxFont | |
GetUnderline() const | vcl::Font | |
GetWeight() | vcl::Font | |
GetWeight() const | vcl::Font | |
GetWidthType() | vcl::Font | |
GetWidthType() const | vcl::Font | |
identifyFont(const void *pBuffer, sal_uInt32 nLen) | vcl::Font | static |
ImplType typedef | vcl::Font | |
IncreaseQualityBy(int) | vcl::Font | |
IsCapital() const | SvxFont | inline |
IsCaseMap() const | SvxFont | inline |
IsEsc() const | SvxFont | inline |
IsFixKerning() const | vcl::Font | |
IsKerning() const | vcl::Font | |
IsOutline() const | vcl::Font | |
IsSameInstance(const Font &) const | vcl::Font | |
IsShadow() const | vcl::Font | |
IsTransparent() const | vcl::Font | |
IsUnderlineAbove() const | vcl::Font | |
IsVertical() const | vcl::Font | |
IsWordLineMode() const | vcl::Font | |
Merge(const Font &rFont) | vcl::Font | |
mpImplFont | vcl::Font | private |
nEsc | SvxFont | private |
nPropr | SvxFont | private |
operator!=(const Font &rFont) const | vcl::Font | |
operator=(const SvxFont &rFont) | SvxFont | |
operator=(const Font &rFont) | SvxFont | |
vcl::Font::operator=(const Font &) | vcl::Font | |
vcl::Font::operator=(Font &&) noexcept | vcl::Font | |
operator==(const Font &) const | vcl::Font | |
QuickDrawText(OutputDevice *pOut, const Point &rPos, const OUString &rTxt, const sal_Int32 nIdx=0, const sal_Int32 nLen=SAL_MAX_INT32, o3tl::span< const sal_Int32 > pDXArray={}, o3tl::span< const sal_Bool > pKashidaArray={}) const | SvxFont | |
QuickGetTextSize(const OutputDevice *pOut, const OUString &rTxt, const sal_Int32 nIdx, const sal_Int32 nLen, KernArray *pDXArray=nullptr) const | SvxFont | |
SetAlignment(TextAlign) | vcl::Font | |
SetAverageFontWidth(tools::Long nWidth) | vcl::Font | |
SetCaseMap(const SvxCaseMap eNew) | SvxFont | inline |
SetCharSet(rtl_TextEncoding) | vcl::Font | |
SetCJKContextLanguage(LanguageType) | vcl::Font | |
SetCJKContextLanguageTag(const LanguageTag &) | vcl::Font | |
SetColor(const Color &) | vcl::Font | |
SetEmphasisMark(FontEmphasisMark) | vcl::Font | |
SetEscapement(const short nNewEsc) | SvxFont | inline |
SetFamily(FontFamily) | vcl::Font | |
SetFamilyName(const OUString &rFamilyName) | vcl::Font | |
SetFillColor(const Color &) | vcl::Font | |
SetFixKerning(const short nSpacing) | vcl::Font | |
SetFontHeight(tools::Long nHeight) | vcl::Font | |
SetFontSize(const Size &) | vcl::Font | |
SetItalic(FontItalic) | vcl::Font | |
SetKerning(FontKerning nKerning) | vcl::Font | |
SetLanguage(LanguageType) | vcl::Font | |
SetLanguageTag(const LanguageTag &) | vcl::Font | |
SetNonAutoEscapement(short nNewEsc, const OutputDevice *pOutDev=nullptr) | SvxFont | |
SetOrientation(Degree10 nLineOrientation) | vcl::Font | |
SetOutline(bool bOutline) | vcl::Font | |
SetOverline(FontLineStyle) | vcl::Font | |
SetPhysFont(OutputDevice &rOut) const | SvxFont | |
SetPitch(FontPitch ePitch) | vcl::Font | |
SetPropr(const sal_uInt8 nNewPropr) | SvxFont | inline |
SetProprRel(const sal_uInt8 nNewPropr) | SvxFont | inline |
SetQuality(int) | vcl::Font | |
SetRelief(FontRelief) | vcl::Font | |
SetShadow(bool bShadow) | vcl::Font | |
SetStrikeout(FontStrikeout) | vcl::Font | |
SetStyleName(const OUString &rStyleName) | vcl::Font | |
SetTransparent(bool bTransparent) | vcl::Font | |
SetUnderline(FontLineStyle) | vcl::Font | |
SetVertical(bool bVertical) | vcl::Font | |
SetWeight(FontWeight) | vcl::Font | |
SetWidthType(FontWidth) | vcl::Font | |
SetWordLineMode(bool bWordLine) | vcl::Font | |
SvxFont() | SvxFont | |
SvxFont(const vcl::Font &rFont) | SvxFont | |
SvxFont(const SvxFont &rFont) | SvxFont | |
~Font() | vcl::Font | virtual |