LibreOffice Module editeng (master) 1
This is the complete list of members for OutlinerView, including all inherited members.
AdjustDepth(short nDX) | OutlinerView | |
AdjustHeight(tools::Long nDY) | OutlinerView | |
aEndCutPasteLink | OutlinerView | private |
ApplyBulletsNumbering(const bool bHandleBullets, const SvxNumRule *pNewNumRule, const bool bCheckCurrentNumRuleBeforeApplyingNewNumRule, const bool bAtSelection=false) | OutlinerView | |
Collapse() | OutlinerView | |
CollapseAll() | OutlinerView | |
Command(const CommandEvent &rCEvt) | OutlinerView | |
Copy() | OutlinerView | |
CreateSelectionList(std::vector< Paragraph * > &aSelList) | OutlinerView | |
Cut() | OutlinerView | |
DeleteSurroundingText(const Selection &rRange) | OutlinerView | |
EnsureNumberingIsOn() | OutlinerView | |
ExecuteSpellPopup(const Point &rPosPixel, const Link< SpellCallbackInfo &, void > &rCallBack) | OutlinerView | |
Expand() | OutlinerView | |
ExpandAll() | OutlinerView | |
GetAnchorMode() const | OutlinerView | |
GetAttribs() | OutlinerView | |
GetBackgroundColor() const | OutlinerView | |
GetControlWord() const | OutlinerView | |
GetEditView() const | OutlinerView | inline |
GetFieldAtCursor() const | OutlinerView | |
GetFieldAtSelection() const | OutlinerView | |
GetFieldUnderMousePointer() const | OutlinerView | |
GetInvalidateMore() const | OutlinerView | |
GetOutliner() const | OutlinerView | inline |
GetOutputArea() const | OutlinerView | |
GetPointer(const Point &rPosPixel) | OutlinerView | |
GetSelected() const | OutlinerView | |
GetSelectedScriptType() const | OutlinerView | |
GetSelection() const | OutlinerView | |
GetSelectionRectangles(std::vector< tools::Rectangle > &rLogicRects) const | OutlinerView | |
GetStyleSheet() const | OutlinerView | |
GetStyleSheet() | OutlinerView | |
GetSurroundingText() const | OutlinerView | |
GetSurroundingTextSelection() const | OutlinerView | |
GetVisArea() const | OutlinerView | |
GetWindow() const | OutlinerView | |
HasSelection() const | OutlinerView | |
HideCursor(bool bDeactivate=false) | OutlinerView | |
ImpCalcSelectedPages(bool bIncludeFirstSelected) | OutlinerView | private |
ImpCheckMousePos(const Point &rPosPixel, MouseTarget &reTarget) | OutlinerView | private |
ImpGetSelectedParagraphs(bool bIncludeHiddenChildren) | OutlinerView | private |
ImpInitPaste(sal_Int32 &rStart) | OutlinerView | private |
ImplExpandOrCollaps(sal_Int32 nStartPara, sal_Int32 nEndPara, bool bExpand) | OutlinerView | private |
ImpPasted(sal_Int32 nStart, sal_Int32 nPrevParaCount, sal_Int32 nSize) | OutlinerView | private |
ImpToggleExpand(Paragraph const *pParentPara) | OutlinerView | private |
Indent(short nDiff) | OutlinerView | |
InsertField(const SvxFieldItem &rFld) | OutlinerView | |
InsertText(const OUString &rNew, bool bSelect=false) | OutlinerView | |
InsertText(const OutlinerParaObject &rParaObj) | OutlinerView | |
IsCursorAtWrongSpelledWord() | OutlinerView | |
IsReadOnly() const | OutlinerView | |
IsWrongSpelledWordAtPos(const Point &rPosPixel) | OutlinerView | |
MouseButtonDown(const MouseEvent &) | OutlinerView | |
MouseButtonUp(const MouseEvent &) | OutlinerView | |
MouseMove(const MouseEvent &) | OutlinerView | |
MouseTarget enum name | OutlinerView | private |
Outliner | OutlinerView | friend |
OutlinerView(Outliner *pOut, vcl::Window *pWindow) | OutlinerView | |
Paint(const tools::Rectangle &rRect, OutputDevice *pTargetDevice=nullptr) | OutlinerView | |
Paste(bool bUseSpecial=false) | OutlinerView | |
PasteSpecial() | OutlinerView | |
pEditView | OutlinerView | private |
PostKeyEvent(const KeyEvent &rKEvt, vcl::Window const *pFrameWin=nullptr) | OutlinerView | |
pOwner | OutlinerView | private |
Read(SvStream &rInput, EETextFormat eFormat, SvKeyValueIterator *pHTTPHeaderAttrs) | OutlinerView | |
RegisterViewShell(OutlinerViewShell *pViewShell) | OutlinerView | |
ReleaseMouse() | OutlinerView | |
RemoveAttribs(bool bRemoveParaAttribs, bool bKeepLanguages=false) | OutlinerView | |
RemoveAttribsKeepLanguages(bool bRemoveParaAttribs) | OutlinerView | |
Scroll(tools::Long nHorzScroll, tools::Long nVertScroll) | OutlinerView | |
Select(Paragraph const *pParagraph, bool bSelect=true) | OutlinerView | |
SelectFieldAtCursor() | OutlinerView | |
SelectRange(sal_Int32 nFirst, sal_Int32 nCount) | OutlinerView | |
SetAnchorMode(EEAnchorMode eMode) | OutlinerView | |
SetAttribs(const SfxItemSet &) | OutlinerView | |
SetBackgroundColor(const Color &rColor) | OutlinerView | |
SetControlWord(EVControlBits nWord) | OutlinerView | |
SetEndCutPasteLinkHdl(const Link< LinkParamNone *, void > &rLink) | OutlinerView | inline |
SetInvalidateMore(sal_uInt16 nPixel) | OutlinerView | |
SetOutputArea(const tools::Rectangle &rRect) | OutlinerView | |
SetReadOnly(bool bReadOnly) | OutlinerView | |
SetSelection(const ESelection &) | OutlinerView | |
SetStyleSheet(const OUString &rStyleName) | OutlinerView | |
SetVisArea(const tools::Rectangle &rRect) | OutlinerView | |
SetWindow(vcl::Window *pWindow) | OutlinerView | |
ShowCursor(bool bGotoCursor=true, bool bActivate=false) | OutlinerView | |
StartSearchAndReplace(const SvxSearchItem &rSearchItem) | OutlinerView | |
StartSpeller(weld::Widget *pDialogParent) | OutlinerView | |
StartTextConversion(weld::Widget *pDialogParent, LanguageType nSrcLang, LanguageType nDestLang, const vcl::Font *pDestFont, sal_Int32 nOptions, bool bIsInteractive, bool bMultipleDoc) | OutlinerView | |
StartThesaurus(weld::Widget *pDialogParent) | OutlinerView | |
SwitchOffBulletsNumbering(const bool bAtSelection=false) | OutlinerView | |
ToggleBullets() | OutlinerView | |
ToggleBulletsNumbering(const bool bToggle, const bool bHandleBullets, const SvxNumRule *pNumRule) | OutlinerView | |
TransliterateText(TransliterationFlags nTransliterationMode) | OutlinerView | |
~OutlinerView() | OutlinerView |