LibreOffice Module android (master) 1
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Corg.mozilla.gecko.gfx.CairoGLInfoInformation needed to render Cairo bitmaps using OpenGL ES
 Corg.mozilla.gecko.gfx.CairoUtilsUtility methods useful when displaying Cairo bitmaps using OpenGL ES
 Corg.libreoffice.canvas.CanvasElementCanvas element is an element (or part) that is drawn canvas and can potentially be interacted with
 Corg.libreoffice.overlay.DocumentOverlayThe DocumentOverlay is an overlay over the document
 Corg.libreoffice.canvas.GraphicSelection.DragTypeType of the selection dragging
 Corg.libreoffice.canvas.GraphicSelectionHandle.HandlePositionAll possible handle positions
 Corg.mozilla.gecko.gfx.ImmutableViewportMetricsImmutableViewportMetrics are used to store the viewport metrics in way that we can access a version of them from multiple threads without having to take a lock
 Corg.libreoffice.LOKitShellCommon static LOKit functions, functions to send events
 Corg.libreoffice.InvalidationHandler.OverlayStateThe states the overlay
 Corg.libreoffice.ui.RecentFileAn entry for a recently used file in the RecentFilesAdapter
 CRuntimeException [external]
 Corg.mozilla.gecko.gfx.SimpleScaleGestureDetectorA less buggy, and smoother, replacement for the built-in Android ScaleGestureDetector
 Corg.mozilla.gecko.gfx.TextureReaperManages a list of dead tiles, so we don't leak resources
 Corg.libreoffice.ThumbnailCreatorCreate thumbnails for the parts of the document
 Corg.libreoffice.TileIdentifierIdentifies the tile by its position (x and y coordinate on the document), zoom and tile size (currently static)
 Corg.libreoffice.TileProviderProvides the tiles and other document information
 Corg.libreoffice.TileProviderFactoryCreate a desired instance of TileProvider
 Corg.mozilla.gecko.gfx.TouchEventHandlerThis class handles incoming touch events from the user and sends them to listeners in Gecko and/or performs the "default action" (asynchronous pan/zoom behaviour
 Corg.mozilla.gecko.gfx.ViewportMetricsViewportMetrics manages state and contains some utility functions related to the page viewport for the Gecko layer client to use