LibreOffice Module sfx2 (master) 1
LokControlHandler Member List

This is the complete list of members for LokControlHandler, including all inherited members.

drawUnoControl(const SdrView *pDrawView, const SdrUnoObj *pUnoObect, vcl::Window const &rMainWindow, VirtualDevice &rDevice, tools::Rectangle const &rTileRectHMM, double scaleX, double scaleY)LokControlHandlerinlinestatic
paintControlTile(const SdrPage *pPage, const SdrView *pDrawView, vcl::Window const &rMainWindow, VirtualDevice &rDevice, Size aOutputSize, tools::Rectangle const &rTileRect)LokControlHandlerinlinestatic
postMouseEvent(const SdrPage *pPage, const SdrView *pDrawView, vcl::DocWindow &rMainWindow, int nType, Point aPointHmm, int nCount, int nButtons, int nModifier)LokControlHandlerinlinestatic