LibreOffice Module sd (master) 1
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sd::ShowWindow Class Reference

#include <showwindow.hxx>

Inheritance diagram for sd::ShowWindow:
Collaboration diagram for sd::ShowWindow:

Public Member Functions

 ShowWindow (::rtl::Reference< ::sd::SlideshowImpl > xController, vcl::Window *pParent)
virtual ~ShowWindow () override
virtual void dispose () override
void SetEndMode ()
bool SetPauseMode (sal_Int32 nTimeoutSec, Graphic const *pLogo=nullptr)
bool SetBlankMode (sal_Int32 nPageIndexToRestart, const Color &rBlankColor)
const ColorGetBlankColor () const
void SetPreviewMode ()
void SetMouseAutoHide (bool bMouseAutoHide)
ShowWindowMode GetShowWindowMode () const
void RestartShow (sal_Int32 nPageIndexToRestart)
virtual void LoseFocus () override
 Deactivate window. More...
virtual void KeyInput (const KeyEvent &rKEvt) override
virtual void MouseMove (const MouseEvent &rMEvt) override
virtual void MouseButtonUp (const MouseEvent &rMEvt) override
virtual void MouseButtonDown (const MouseEvent &rMEvt) override
virtual void Paint (vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, const ::tools::Rectangle &rRect) override
 if FuSlideShow is still available, forward it More...
virtual css::uno::Reference< css::accessibility::XAccessible > CreateAccessible () override
 Override the sd::Window's CreateAccessible to create a different accessible object. More...
void TerminateShow ()
void RestartShow ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from sd::Window
 Window (vcl::Window *pParent)
virtual ~Window () override
virtual void dispose () override
void SetViewShell (ViewShell *pViewSh)
ViewShellGetViewShell ()
void SetZoomIntegral (::tools::Long nZoom)
 Set the zoom factor to the specified value and center the display area around the zoom center. More...
::tools::Long SetZoomFactor (::tools::Long nZoom)
 This internally used method performs the actual adaptation of the window's map mode to the specified zoom factor. More...
::tools::Long SetZoomRect (const ::tools::Rectangle &rZoomRect)
 This method is called when the whole page shall be displayed in the window. More...
::tools::Long GetZoomForRect (const ::tools::Rectangle &rZoomRect)
void SetMinZoomAutoCalc (bool bAuto)
void CalcMinZoom ()
 Calculate the minimal zoom factor as the value at which the application area would completely fill the window. More...
void SetMinZoom (::tools::Long nMin)
::tools::Long GetMinZoom () const
void SetMaxZoom (::tools::Long nMax)
::tools::Long GetMaxZoom () const
::tools::Long GetZoom () const
const PointGetWinViewPos () const
const PointGetViewOrigin () const
const SizeGetViewSize () const
void SetWinViewPos (const Point &rPnt)
 Set the position of the upper left corner from the visible area of the window. More...
void SetViewOrigin (const Point &rPnt)
 Set origin of the representation in respect to the whole working area. More...
void SetViewSize (const Size &rSize)
 Set size of the whole working area which can be seen with the window. More...
void SetCenterAllowed (bool bIsAllowed)
void UpdateMapOrigin (bool bInvalidate=true)
 Calculate origin of the map mode according to the size of the view and window (its size in model coordinates; that takes the zoom factor into account), and the bCenterAllowed flag. More...
void UpdateMapMode ()
double GetVisibleX () const
double GetVisibleY () const
void SetVisibleXY (double fX, double fY)
 Set x and y position of the visible area as fraction (< 1) of the whole working area. More...
double GetVisibleWidth () const
double GetVisibleHeight () const
Point GetVisibleCenter ()
double GetScrlLineWidth () const
double GetScrlLineHeight () const
double GetScrlPageWidth () const
double GetScrlPageHeight () const
void GrabFocus ()
 Activate window. More...
virtual void DataChanged (const DataChangedEvent &rDCEvt) override
virtual sal_Int8 AcceptDrop (const AcceptDropEvent &rEvt) override
virtual sal_Int8 ExecuteDrop (const ExecuteDropEvent &rEvt) override
void SetUseDropScroll (bool bUseDropScroll)
 The DropScroll() method is used by AcceptDrop() to scroll the content of the window while dragging and dropping. More...
void DropScroll (const Point &rMousePos)
virtual void KeyInput (const KeyEvent &rKEvt) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from vcl::DocWindow
virtual void SetPointer (PointerStyle) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from vcl::Window
 DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK (ImplHandlePaintHdl, Timer *, void)
 DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK (ImplGenerateMouseMoveHdl, void *, void)
 DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK (ImplTrackTimerHdl, Timer *, void)
 DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK (ImplAsyncFocusHdl, void *, void)
 DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK (ImplHandleResizeTimerHdl, Timer *, void)
SAL_DLLPRIVATE vcl::WindowImplGetFrameWindow () const
weld::WindowGetFrameWeld () const
vcl::WindowGetFrameWindow () const
SalFrameImplGetFrame () const
SAL_DLLPRIVATE ImplFrameDataImplGetFrameData ()
vcl::WindowImplGetWindow () const
SAL_DLLPRIVATE ImplWinDataImplGetWinData () const
SAL_DLLPRIVATE vcl::WindowImplGetClientWindow () const
SAL_DLLPRIVATE vcl::WindowImplGetDlgWindow (sal_uInt16 n, GetDlgWindowType nType, sal_uInt16 nStart=0, sal_uInt16 nEnd=0xFFFF, sal_uInt16 *pIndex=nullptr)
SAL_DLLPRIVATE vcl::WindowImplGetParent () const
SAL_DLLPRIVATE vcl::WindowImplFindWindow (const Point &rFramePos)
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ImplInvalidateFrameRegion (const vcl::Region *pRegion, InvalidateFlags nFlags)
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ImplInvalidateOverlapFrameRegion (const vcl::Region &rRegion)
SAL_DLLPRIVATE bool ImplSetClipFlag (bool bSysObjOnlySmaller=false)
SAL_DLLPRIVATE bool ImplIsWindowOrChild (const vcl::Window *pWindow, bool bSystemWindow=false) const
SAL_DLLPRIVATE bool ImplIsChild (const vcl::Window *pWindow, bool bSystemWindow=false) const
SAL_DLLPRIVATE bool ImplIsFloatingWindow () const
SAL_DLLPRIVATE bool ImplIsPushButton () const
SAL_DLLPRIVATE bool ImplIsSplitter () const
SAL_DLLPRIVATE bool ImplIsOverlapWindow () const
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ImplIsInTaskPaneList (bool mbIsInTaskList)
SAL_DLLPRIVATE WindowImplImplGetWindowImpl () const
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ImplGrabFocus (GetFocusFlags nFlags)
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ImplGrabFocusToDocument (GetFocusFlags nFlags)
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ImplInvertFocus (const tools::Rectangle &rRect)
SAL_DLLPRIVATE PointerStyle ImplGetMousePointer () const
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ImplCallMouseMove (sal_uInt16 nMouseCode, bool bModChanged=false)
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ImplGenerateMouseMove ()
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ImplNotifyKeyMouseCommandEventListeners (NotifyEvent &rNEvt)
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ImplNotifyIconifiedState (bool bIconified)
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ImplUpdateAll ()
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ImplControlFocus (GetFocusFlags nFlags=GetFocusFlags::NONE)
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ImplMirrorFramePos (Point &pt) const
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ImplPosSizeWindow (tools::Long nX, tools::Long nY, tools::Long nWidth, tools::Long nHeight, PosSizeFlags nFlags)
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ImplCallResize ()
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ImplCallMove ()
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void CompatGetFocus ()
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void CompatLoseFocus ()
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void CompatStateChanged (StateChangedType nStateChange)
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void CompatDataChanged (const DataChangedEvent &rDCEvt)
SAL_DLLPRIVATE bool CompatPreNotify (NotifyEvent &rNEvt)
SAL_DLLPRIVATE bool CompatNotify (NotifyEvent &rNEvt)
void IncModalCount ()
void DecModalCount ()
 Window (vcl::Window *pParent, WinBits nStyle=0)
virtual ~Window () override
::OutputDevice const * GetOutDev () const
::OutputDeviceGetOutDev ()
Color GetBackgroundColor () const
const WallpaperGetBackground () const
bool IsBackground () const
const MapModeGetMapMode () const
void SetBackground ()
void SetBackground (const Wallpaper &rBackground)
virtual void MouseMove (const MouseEvent &rMEvt)
virtual void MouseButtonDown (const MouseEvent &rMEvt)
virtual void MouseButtonUp (const MouseEvent &rMEvt)
virtual void KeyInput (const KeyEvent &rKEvt)
virtual void KeyUp (const KeyEvent &rKEvt)
virtual void PrePaint (vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext)
virtual void Paint (vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, const tools::Rectangle &rRect)
virtual void PostPaint (vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext)
void Erase (vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext)
virtual void Draw (::OutputDevice *pDev, const Point &rPos, SystemTextColorFlags nFlags)
virtual void Move ()
virtual void Resize ()
virtual void Activate ()
virtual void Deactivate ()
virtual void GetFocus ()
virtual void LoseFocus ()
virtual void RequestHelp (const HelpEvent &rHEvt)
virtual void Command (const CommandEvent &rCEvt)
virtual void Tracking (const TrackingEvent &rTEvt)
virtual void StateChanged (StateChangedType nStateChange)
virtual void DataChanged (const DataChangedEvent &rDCEvt)
virtual bool PreNotify (NotifyEvent &rNEvt)
virtual bool EventNotify (NotifyEvent &rNEvt)
void AddEventListener (const Link< VclWindowEvent &, void > &rEventListener)
void RemoveEventListener (const Link< VclWindowEvent &, void > &rEventListener)
void AddChildEventListener (const Link< VclWindowEvent &, void > &rEventListener)
void RemoveChildEventListener (const Link< VclWindowEvent &, void > &rEventListener)
ImplSVEventPostUserEvent (const Link< void *, void > &rLink, void *pCaller=nullptr, bool bReferenceLink=false)
void RemoveUserEvent (ImplSVEvent *nUserEvent)
LanguageType GetInputLanguage () const
void SetStyle (WinBits nStyle)
WinBits GetStyle () const
WinBits GetPrevStyle () const
void SetExtendedStyle (WindowExtendedStyle nExtendedStyle)
WindowExtendedStyle GetExtendedStyle () const
void SetType (WindowType nType)
WindowType GetType () const
bool IsSystemWindow () const
bool IsDockingWindow () const
bool IsDialog () const
bool IsMenuFloatingWindow () const
bool IsToolbarFloatingWindow () const
bool IsTopWindow () const
SystemWindowGetSystemWindow () const
bool SupportsDoubleBuffering () const
void RequestDoubleBuffering (bool bRequest)
void EnableAllResize ()
void SetBorderStyle (WindowBorderStyle nBorderStyle)
WindowBorderStyle GetBorderStyle () const
void GetBorder (sal_Int32 &rLeftBorder, sal_Int32 &rTopBorder, sal_Int32 &rRightBorder, sal_Int32 &rBottomBorder) const
Size CalcWindowSize (const Size &rOutSz) const
Size CalcOutputSize (const Size &rWinSz) const
tools::Long CalcTitleWidth () const
void EnableClipSiblings (bool bClipSiblings=true)
void EnableChildTransparentMode (bool bEnable=true)
bool IsChildTransparentModeEnabled () const
void SetMouseTransparent (bool bTransparent)
bool IsMouseTransparent () const
void SetPaintTransparent (bool bTransparent)
bool IsPaintTransparent () const
void SetDialogControlStart (bool bStart)
bool IsDialogControlStart () const
void SetDialogControlFlags (DialogControlFlags nFlags)
DialogControlFlags GetDialogControlFlags () const
PointerState GetPointerState ()
bool IsMouseOver () const
void SetInputContext (const InputContext &rInputContext)
const InputContextGetInputContext () const
void PostExtTextInputEvent (VclEventId nType, const OUString &rText)
void EndExtTextInput ()
void SetCursorRect (const tools::Rectangle *pRect=nullptr, tools::Long nExtTextInputWidth=0)
const tools::RectangleGetCursorRect () const
tools::Long GetCursorExtTextInputWidth () const
void SetCompositionCharRect (const tools::Rectangle *pRect, tools::Long nCompositionLength, bool bVertical=false)
void UpdateSettings (const AllSettings &rSettings, bool bChild=false)
void NotifyAllChildren (DataChangedEvent &rDCEvt)
void SetPointFont (vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, const vcl::Font &rFont)
vcl::Font GetPointFont (vcl::RenderContext const &rRenderContext) const
void SetZoomedPointFont (vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, const vcl::Font &rFont)
tools::Long GetDrawPixel (::OutputDevice const *pDev, tools::Long nPixels) const
vcl::Font GetDrawPixelFont (::OutputDevice const *pDev) const
void SetControlFont ()
void SetControlFont (const vcl::Font &rFont)
vcl::Font GetControlFont () const
bool IsControlFont () const
void ApplyControlFont (vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, const vcl::Font &rDefaultFont)
void SetControlForeground ()
void SetControlForeground (const Color &rColor)
const ColorGetControlForeground () const
bool IsControlForeground () const
void ApplyControlForeground (vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, const Color &rDefaultColor)
void SetControlBackground ()
void SetControlBackground (const Color &rColor)
const ColorGetControlBackground () const
bool IsControlBackground () const
void ApplyControlBackground (vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, const Color &rDefaultColor)
void SetParentClipMode (ParentClipMode nMode=ParentClipMode::NONE)
ParentClipMode GetParentClipMode () const
void SetWindowRegionPixel ()
void SetWindowRegionPixel (const vcl::Region &rRegion)
vcl::Region GetWindowClipRegionPixel () const
vcl::Region GetPaintRegion () const
bool IsInPaint () const
void ExpandPaintClipRegion (const vcl::Region &rRegion)
void SetParent (vcl::Window *pNewParent)
vcl::WindowGetParent () const
DialogGetParentDialog () const
bool IsAncestorOf (const vcl::Window &rWindow) const
void Show (bool bVisible=true, ShowFlags nFlags=ShowFlags::NONE)
void Hide ()
bool IsVisible () const
bool IsReallyVisible () const
bool IsReallyShown () const
bool IsInInitShow () const
void Enable (bool bEnable=true, bool bChild=true)
void Disable (bool bChild=true)
bool IsEnabled () const
void EnableInput (bool bEnable=true, bool bChild=true)
void EnableInput (bool bEnable, const vcl::Window *pExcludeWindow)
bool IsInputEnabled () const
void AlwaysEnableInput (bool bAlways, bool bChild=true)
bool IsAlwaysEnableInput () const
bool IsInModalMode () const
void SetActivateMode (ActivateModeFlags nMode)
ActivateModeFlags GetActivateMode () const
void ToTop (ToTopFlags nFlags=ToTopFlags::NONE)
void SetZOrder (vcl::Window *pRefWindow, ZOrderFlags nFlags)
void EnableAlwaysOnTop (bool bEnable=true)
bool IsAlwaysOnTopEnabled () const
virtual void setPosSizePixel (tools::Long nX, tools::Long nY, tools::Long nWidth, tools::Long nHeight, PosSizeFlags nFlags=PosSizeFlags::All)
virtual void SetPosPixel (const Point &rNewPos)
virtual Point GetPosPixel () const
virtual void SetSizePixel (const Size &rNewSize)
virtual Size GetSizePixel () const
virtual void SetPosSizePixel (const Point &rNewPos, const Size &rNewSize)
virtual void SetOutputSizePixel (const Size &rNewSize)
bool IsDefaultPos () const
bool IsDefaultSize () const
Point GetOffsetPixelFrom (const vcl::Window &rWindow) const
Point OutputToScreenPixel (const Point &rPos) const
Point ScreenToOutputPixel (const Point &rPos) const
Point OutputToNormalizedScreenPixel (const Point &rPos) const
Point NormalizedScreenToOutputPixel (const Point &rPos) const
Point OutputToAbsoluteScreenPixel (const Point &rPos) const
Point AbsoluteScreenToOutputPixel (const Point &rPos) const
tools::Rectangle GetDesktopRectPixel () const
tools::Rectangle GetWindowExtentsRelative (const vcl::Window &rRelativeWindow) const
tools::Rectangle GetWindowExtentsAbsolute () const
bool IsScrollable () const
virtual void Scroll (tools::Long nHorzScroll, tools::Long nVertScroll, ScrollFlags nFlags=ScrollFlags::NONE)
void Scroll (tools::Long nHorzScroll, tools::Long nVertScroll, const tools::Rectangle &rRect, ScrollFlags nFlags=ScrollFlags::NONE)
void Invalidate (InvalidateFlags nFlags=InvalidateFlags::NONE)
void Invalidate (const tools::Rectangle &rRect, InvalidateFlags nFlags=InvalidateFlags::NONE)
void Invalidate (const vcl::Region &rRegion, InvalidateFlags nFlags=InvalidateFlags::NONE)
virtual void LogicInvalidate (const tools::Rectangle *pRectangle)
virtual void PixelInvalidate (const tools::Rectangle *pRectangle)
void Validate ()
bool HasPaintEvent () const
void PaintImmediately ()
void EnableDocking (bool bEnable=true)
void EnablePaint (bool bEnable)
bool IsPaintEnabled () const
void SetUpdateMode (bool bUpdate)
bool IsUpdateMode () const
void SetParentUpdateMode (bool bUpdate)
void GrabFocus ()
bool HasFocus () const
bool HasChildPathFocus (bool bSystemWindow=false) const
bool IsActive () const
bool HasActiveChildFrame () const
GetFocusFlags GetGetFocusFlags () const
void GrabFocusToDocument ()
VclPtr< vcl::WindowGetFocusedWindow () const
void SetFakeFocus (bool bFocus)
bool IsCompoundControl () const
void LocalStartDrag ()
void CaptureMouse ()
void ReleaseMouse ()
bool IsMouseCaptured () const
virtual void SetPointer (PointerStyle)
PointerStyle GetPointer () const
void EnableChildPointerOverwrite (bool bOverwrite)
void SetPointerPosPixel (const Point &rPos)
Point GetPointerPosPixel ()
Point GetLastPointerPosPixel ()
void SetLastMousePos (const Point &rPos)
void ShowPointer (bool bVisible)
void EnterWait ()
void LeaveWait ()
bool IsWait () const
void SetCursor (vcl::Cursor *pCursor)
vcl::CursorGetCursor () const
void SetZoom (const Fraction &rZoom)
const FractionGetZoom () const
bool IsZoom () const
tools::Long CalcZoom (tools::Long n) const
virtual void SetText (const OUString &rStr)
virtual OUString GetText () const
virtual OUString GetDisplayText () const
virtual const WallpaperGetDisplayBackground () const
void SetHelpText (const OUString &rHelpText)
const OUString & GetHelpText () const
void SetQuickHelpText (const OUString &rHelpText)
const OUString & GetQuickHelpText () const
void SetHelpId (const OUString &)
const OUString & GetHelpId () const
sal_uInt16 GetChildCount () const
vcl::WindowGetChild (sal_uInt16 nChild) const
vcl::WindowGetWindow (GetWindowType nType) const
bool IsChild (const vcl::Window *pWindow) const
bool IsWindowOrChild (const vcl::Window *pWindow, bool bSystemWindow=false) const
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void CollectChildren (::std::vector< vcl::Window * > &rAllChildren)
virtual void ShowFocus (const tools::Rectangle &rRect)
void HideFocus ()
void DrawSelectionBackground (const tools::Rectangle &rRect, sal_uInt16 highlight, bool bChecked, bool bDrawBorder)
void ShowTracking (const tools::Rectangle &rRect, ShowTrackFlags nFlags=ShowTrackFlags::Small)
void HideTracking ()
void InvertTracking (const tools::Rectangle &rRect, ShowTrackFlags nFlags)
void StartTracking (StartTrackingFlags nFlags=StartTrackingFlags::NONE)
void EndTracking (TrackingEventFlags nFlags=TrackingEventFlags::NONE)
bool IsTracking () const
void StartAutoScroll (StartAutoScrollFlags nFlags)
void EndAutoScroll ()
bool HandleScrollCommand (const CommandEvent &rCmd, Scrollable *pHScrl, Scrollable *pVScrl)
virtual const SystemEnvDataGetSystemData () const
virtual css::uno::Reference< css::awt::XVclWindowPeer > GetComponentInterface (bool bCreate=true)
void SetComponentInterface (css::uno::Reference< css::awt::XVclWindowPeer > const &xIFace)
void SetUseFrameData (bool bUseFrameData)
void SetLOKNotifier (const vcl::ILibreOfficeKitNotifier *pNotifier, bool bParent=false)
const vcl::ILibreOfficeKitNotifierGetLOKNotifier () const
vcl::LOKWindowId GetLOKWindowId () const
VclPtr< vcl::WindowGetParentWithLOKNotifier ()
void ReleaseLOKNotifier ()
virtual void DumpAsPropertyTree (tools::JsonWriter &)
void RecordLayoutData (vcl::ControlLayoutData *pLayout, const tools::Rectangle &rRect)
VCLXWindowGetWindowPeer () const
void SetWindowPeer (css::uno::Reference< css::awt::XVclWindowPeer > const &xPeer, VCLXWindow *pVCLXWindow)
bool IsCreatedWithToolkit () const
void SetCreatedWithToolkit (bool b)
css::uno::Reference< css::datatransfer::dnd::XDropTarget > GetDropTarget ()
css::uno::Reference< css::datatransfer::dnd::XDragSource > GetDragSource ()
css::uno::Reference< css::datatransfer::dnd::XDragGestureRecognizer > GetDragGestureRecognizer ()
css::uno::Reference< css::datatransfer::clipboard::XClipboard > GetClipboard ()
void SetClipboard (css::uno::Reference< css::datatransfer::clipboard::XClipboard > const &xClipboard)
virtual void queue_resize (StateChangedType eReason=StateChangedType::Layout)
void set_height_request (sal_Int32 nHeightRequest)
sal_Int32 get_height_request () const
void set_width_request (sal_Int32 nWidthRequest)
sal_Int32 get_width_request () const
Size get_preferred_size () const
VclAlign get_halign () const
void set_halign (VclAlign eAlign)
VclAlign get_valign () const
void set_valign (VclAlign eAlign)
bool get_hexpand () const
void set_hexpand (bool bExpand)
bool get_vexpand () const
void set_vexpand (bool bExpand)
bool get_expand () const
void set_expand (bool bExpand)
bool get_fill () const
void set_fill (bool bFill)
void set_border_width (sal_Int32 nBorderWidth)
sal_Int32 get_border_width () const
void set_margin_start (sal_Int32 nWidth)
sal_Int32 get_margin_start () const
void set_margin_end (sal_Int32 nWidth)
sal_Int32 get_margin_end () const
void set_margin_top (sal_Int32 nWidth)
sal_Int32 get_margin_top () const
void set_margin_bottom (sal_Int32 nWidth)
sal_Int32 get_margin_bottom () const
VclPackType get_pack_type () const
void set_pack_type (VclPackType ePackType)
sal_Int32 get_padding () const
void set_padding (sal_Int32 nPadding)
sal_Int32 get_grid_width () const
void set_grid_width (sal_Int32 nCols)
sal_Int32 get_grid_left_attach () const
void set_grid_left_attach (sal_Int32 nAttach)
sal_Int32 get_grid_height () const
void set_grid_height (sal_Int32 nRows)
sal_Int32 get_grid_top_attach () const
void set_grid_top_attach (sal_Int32 nAttach)
bool get_secondary () const
void set_secondary (bool bSecondary)
bool get_non_homogeneous () const
void set_non_homogeneous (bool bNonHomogeneous)
virtual bool set_property (const OUString &rKey, const OUString &rValue)
bool set_font_attribute (const OUString &rKey, std::u16string_view rValue)
void add_to_size_group (const std::shared_ptr< VclSizeGroup > &xGroup)
void remove_from_all_size_groups ()
void add_mnemonic_label (FixedText *pLabel)
void remove_mnemonic_label (FixedText *pLabel)
const std::vector< VclPtr< FixedText > > & list_mnemonic_labels () const
void reorderWithinParent (sal_uInt16 nNewPosition)
void set_id (const OUString &rID)
const OUString & get_id () const
void EnableNativeWidget (bool bEnable=true)
bool IsNativeWidgetEnabled () const
void PaintToDevice (::OutputDevice *pDevice, const Point &rPos)
KeyIndicatorState GetIndicatorState () const
void SimulateKeyPress (sal_uInt16 nKeyCode) const
virtual OUString GetSurroundingText () const
virtual Selection GetSurroundingTextSelection () const
virtual bool DeleteSurroundingText (const Selection &rSelection)
virtual FactoryFunction GetUITestFactory () const
virtual bool IsChart () const
virtual bool IsStarMath () const
void SetHelpHdl (const Link< vcl::Window &, bool > &rLink)
void SetMnemonicActivateHdl (const Link< vcl::Window &, bool > &rLink)
void SetModalHierarchyHdl (const Link< bool, void > &rLink)
void SetDumpAsPropertyTreeHdl (const Link< tools::JsonWriter &, void > &rLink)
Size GetOutputSizePixel () const
tools::Rectangle GetOutputRectPixel () const
Point LogicToPixel (const Point &rLogicPt) const
Size LogicToPixel (const Size &rLogicSize) const
tools::Rectangle LogicToPixel (const tools::Rectangle &rLogicRect) const
vcl::Region LogicToPixel (const vcl::Region &rLogicRegion) const
Point LogicToPixel (const Point &rLogicPt, const MapMode &rMapMode) const
Size LogicToPixel (const Size &rLogicSize, const MapMode &rMapMode) const
tools::Rectangle LogicToPixel (const tools::Rectangle &rLogicRect, const MapMode &rMapMode) const
Point PixelToLogic (const Point &rDevicePt) const
Size PixelToLogic (const Size &rDeviceSize) const
tools::Rectangle PixelToLogic (const tools::Rectangle &rDeviceRect) const
tools::PolyPolygon PixelToLogic (const tools::PolyPolygon &rDevicePolyPoly) const
vcl::Region PixelToLogic (const vcl::Region &rDeviceRegion) const
Point PixelToLogic (const Point &rDevicePt, const MapMode &rMapMode) const
Size PixelToLogic (const Size &rDeviceSize, const MapMode &rMapMode) const
tools::Rectangle PixelToLogic (const tools::Rectangle &rDeviceRect, const MapMode &rMapMode) const
Size LogicToLogic (const Size &rSzSource, const MapMode *pMapModeSource, const MapMode *pMapModeDest) const
const AllSettingsGetSettings () const
void SetSettings (const AllSettings &rSettings)
void SetSettings (const AllSettings &rSettings, bool bChild)
tools::Rectangle GetTextRect (const tools::Rectangle &rRect, const OUString &rStr, DrawTextFlags nStyle=DrawTextFlags::WordBreak, TextRectInfo *pInfo=nullptr, const vcl::ITextLayout *_pTextLayout=nullptr) const
float GetDPIScaleFactor () const
tools::Long GetOutOffXPixel () const
tools::Long GetOutOffYPixel () const
void EnableMapMode (bool bEnable=true)
bool IsMapModeEnabled () const
void SetMapMode ()
void SetMapMode (const MapMode &rNewMapMode)
virtual void EnableRTL (bool bEnable=true)
bool IsRTLEnabled () const
void SetFont (const vcl::Font &rNewFont)
const vcl::FontGetFont () const
tools::Long GetTextWidth (const OUString &rStr, sal_Int32 nIndex=0, sal_Int32 nLen=-1, vcl::text::TextLayoutCache const *=nullptr, SalLayoutGlyphs const *const pLayoutCache=nullptr) const
tools::Long GetTextHeight () const
float approximate_digit_width () const
void SetTextColor (const Color &rColor)
const ColorGetTextColor () const
void SetTextFillColor ()
void SetTextFillColor (const Color &rColor)
Color GetTextFillColor () const
bool IsTextFillColor () const
void SetTextLineColor ()
void SetTextLineColor (const Color &rColor)
const ColorGetTextLineColor () const
bool IsTextLineColor () const
void SetOverlineColor ()
void SetOverlineColor (const Color &rColor)
const ColorGetOverlineColor () const
bool IsOverlineColor () const
void SetTextAlign (TextAlign eAlign)
TextAlign GetTextAlign () const
bool IsNativeControlSupported (ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart) const
bool GetNativeControlRegion (ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart, const tools::Rectangle &rControlRegion, ControlState nState, const ImplControlValue &aValue, tools::Rectangle &rNativeBoundingRegion, tools::Rectangle &rNativeContentRegion) const
css::uno::Reference< css::accessibility::XAccessible > GetAccessible (bool bCreate=true)
virtual css::uno::Reference< css::accessibility::XAccessible > CreateAccessible ()
void SetAccessible (const css::uno::Reference< css::accessibility::XAccessible > &)
vcl::WindowGetAccessibleParentWindow () const
sal_uInt16 GetAccessibleChildWindowCount ()
vcl::WindowGetAccessibleChildWindow (sal_uInt16 n)
void SetAccessibleRole (sal_uInt16 nRole)
sal_uInt16 GetAccessibleRole () const
void SetAccessibleName (const OUString &rName)
OUString GetAccessibleName () const
void SetAccessibleDescription (const OUString &rDescr)
OUString GetAccessibleDescription () const
void SetAccessibleRelationLabeledBy (vcl::Window *pLabeledBy)
vcl::WindowGetAccessibleRelationLabeledBy () const
void SetAccessibleRelationLabelFor (vcl::Window *pLabelFor)
vcl::WindowGetAccessibleRelationLabelFor () const
vcl::WindowGetAccessibleRelationMemberOf () const
bool IsAccessibilityEventsSuppressed (bool bTraverseParentPath=true)
void SetAccessibilityEventsSuppressed (bool bSuppressed)
KeyEvent GetActivationKey () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from VclReferenceBase
void acquire () const
void release () const
sal_Int32 getRefCount () const
void disposeOnce ()
bool isDisposed () const

Private Member Functions

void DrawPauseScene (bool bTimeoutOnly)
void DrawEndScene ()
void DeleteWindowFromPaintView ()
void AddWindowToPaintView ()
 DECL_LINK (PauseTimeoutHdl, Timer *, void)
 DECL_LINK (MouseTimeoutHdl, Timer *, void)
 DECL_LINK (EventHdl, VclWindowEvent &, void)

Private Attributes

Timer maPauseTimer
Timer maMouseTimer
Wallpaper maShowBackground
Graphic maLogo
sal_uLong mnPauseTimeout
sal_Int32 mnRestartPageIndex
ShowWindowMode meShowWindowMode
bool mbShowNavigatorAfterSpecialMode
bool mbMouseAutoHide
bool mbMouseCursorHidden
sal_uInt64 mnFirstMouseMove
::rtl::Reference< SlideshowImplmxController

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vcl::Window
static SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ImplInitAppFontData (vcl::Window const *pWindow)
static SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ImplCalcSymbolRect (tools::Rectangle &rRect)
static DockingManagerGetDockingManager ()
static VclPtr< vcl::WindowSaveFocus ()
static void EndSaveFocus (const VclPtr< vcl::Window > &xFocusWin)
static VclPtr< vcl::WindowFindLOKWindow (vcl::LOKWindowId nWindowId)
static bool IsLOKWindowsEmpty ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from sd::Window
virtual void Resize () override
virtual void PrePaint (vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext) override
virtual void Paint (vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, const ::tools::Rectangle &rRect) override
virtual void MouseMove (const MouseEvent &rMEvt) override
virtual void MouseButtonUp (const MouseEvent &rMEvt) override
virtual void MouseButtonDown (const MouseEvent &rMEvt) override
virtual void Command (const CommandEvent &rCEvt) override
virtual void RequestHelp (const HelpEvent &rEvt) override
virtual void LoseFocus () override
 Deactivate window. More...
virtual bool EventNotify (NotifyEvent &rNEvt) override
virtual css::uno::Reference< css::accessibility::XAccessible > CreateAccessible () override
 Create an accessibility object that makes this window accessible. More...
OUString GetSurroundingText () const override
Selection GetSurroundingTextSelection () const override
bool DeleteSurroundingText (const Selection &rSelection) override
void LogicInvalidate (const ::tools::Rectangle *pRectangle) override
FactoryFunction GetUITestFactory () const override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vcl::Window
virtual void dispose () override
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ImplInit (vcl::Window *pParent, WinBits nStyle, SystemParentData *pSystemParentData)
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ImplInvalidateParentFrameRegion (const vcl::Region &rRegion)
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ImplValidateFrameRegion (const vcl::Region *rRegion, ValidateFlags nFlags)
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ImplValidate ()
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ImplMoveInvalidateRegion (const tools::Rectangle &rRect, tools::Long nHorzScroll, tools::Long nVertScroll, bool bChildren)
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ImplMoveAllInvalidateRegions (const tools::Rectangle &rRect, tools::Long nHorzScroll, tools::Long nVertScroll, bool bChildren)
SAL_DLLPRIVATE vcl::WindowImplGetBorderWindow () const
virtual void ImplInvalidate (const vcl::Region *pRegion, InvalidateFlags nFlags)
virtual WindowHitTest ImplHitTest (const Point &rFramePos)
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ImplSetMouseTransparent (bool bTransparent)
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ImplScroll (const tools::Rectangle &rRect, tools::Long nHorzScroll, tools::Long nVertScroll, ScrollFlags nFlags)
SAL_DLLPRIVATE bool ImplSetClipFlagChildren (bool bSysObjOnlySmaller)
SAL_DLLPRIVATE bool ImplSetClipFlagOverlapWindows (bool bSysObjOnlySmaller=false)
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void PushPaintHelper (PaintHelper *pHelper, vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext)
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void PopPaintHelper (PaintHelper const *pHelper)
 Window (WindowType nType)
void SetCompoundControl (bool bCompound)
void CallEventListeners (VclEventId nEvent, void *pData=nullptr)
virtual void ImplAdjustNWFSizes ()
virtual void ApplySettings (vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext)
SAL_DLLPRIVATE float approximate_char_width () const
SAL_DLLPRIVATE vcl::WindowgetLegacyNonLayoutAccessibleRelationMemberOf () const
SAL_DLLPRIVATE vcl::WindowgetLegacyNonLayoutAccessibleRelationLabeledBy () const
SAL_DLLPRIVATE vcl::WindowgetLegacyNonLayoutAccessibleRelationLabelFor () const
virtual vcl::WindowgetAccessibleRelationLabelFor () const
virtual sal_uInt16 getDefaultAccessibleRole () const
virtual OUString getDefaultAccessibleName () const
virtual Size GetOptimalSize () const
void InvalidateSizeCache ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from VclReferenceBase
 VclReferenceBase ()
virtual ~VclReferenceBase ()
virtual void dispose ()
- Protected Attributes inherited from sd::Window
Point maWinPos
Point maViewOrigin
Size maViewSize
Size maPrevSize
sal_uInt16 mnMinZoom
sal_uInt16 mnMaxZoom
bool mbMinZoomAutoCalc
 This flag tells whether to re-calculate the minimal zoom factor depending on the current zoom factor. More...
bool mbCenterAllowed
::tools::Long mnTicks
bool mbUseDropScroll

Detailed Description

Definition at line 44 of file showwindow.hxx.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ShowWindow()

sd::ShowWindow::ShowWindow ( ::rtl::Reference< ::sd::SlideshowImpl xController,
vcl::Window pParent 

◆ ~ShowWindow()

sd::ShowWindow::~ShowWindow ( )

Definition at line 87 of file showwin.cxx.

References VclReferenceBase::disposeOnce().

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddWindowToPaintView()

void sd::ShowWindow::AddWindowToPaintView ( )

◆ CreateAccessible()

css::uno::Reference< css::accessibility::XAccessible > sd::ShowWindow::CreateAccessible ( )

Override the sd::Window's CreateAccessible to create a different accessible object.

Reimplemented from sd::Window.

Definition at line 610 of file showwin.cxx.

References vcl::Window::CreateAccessible(), sd::ViewShell::CreateAccessibleDocumentView(), vcl::Window::GetAccessible(), sd::Window::mpViewShell, SAL_WARN, and vcl::Window::SetAccessible().

◆ DECL_LINK() [1/3]

sd::ShowWindow::DECL_LINK ( EventHdl  ,
VclWindowEvent ,

◆ DECL_LINK() [2/3]

sd::ShowWindow::DECL_LINK ( MouseTimeoutHdl  ,
Timer ,

◆ DECL_LINK() [3/3]

sd::ShowWindow::DECL_LINK ( PauseTimeoutHdl  ,
Timer ,

◆ DeleteWindowFromPaintView()

void sd::ShowWindow::DeleteWindowFromPaintView ( )

◆ dispose()

void sd::ShowWindow::dispose ( void  )

Reimplemented from sd::Window.

Definition at line 92 of file showwin.cxx.

References sd::Window::dispose(), maMouseTimer, maPauseTimer, and Task::Stop().

◆ DrawEndScene()

void sd::ShowWindow::DrawEndScene ( )

◆ DrawPauseScene()

void sd::ShowWindow::DrawPauseScene ( bool  bTimeoutOnly)

◆ GetBlankColor()

const Color & sd::ShowWindow::GetBlankColor ( ) const

Definition at line 57 of file showwindow.hxx.

References Wallpaper::GetColor(), and maShowBackground.

◆ GetShowWindowMode()

ShowWindowMode sd::ShowWindow::GetShowWindowMode ( ) const

Definition at line 63 of file showwindow.hxx.

References meShowWindowMode.

◆ KeyInput()

void sd::ShowWindow::KeyInput ( const KeyEvent rKEvt)

◆ LoseFocus()

void sd::ShowWindow::LoseFocus ( )

Deactivate window.

Reimplemented from sd::Window.

Definition at line 295 of file showwin.cxx.

References sd::Window::LoseFocus(), meShowWindowMode, sd::SHOWWINDOWMODE_PREVIEW, and TerminateShow().

◆ MouseButtonDown()

void sd::ShowWindow::MouseButtonDown ( const MouseEvent rMEvt)

◆ MouseButtonUp()

void sd::ShowWindow::MouseButtonUp ( const MouseEvent rMEvt)

◆ MouseMove()

void sd::ShowWindow::MouseMove ( const MouseEvent rMEvt)

◆ Paint()

void sd::ShowWindow::Paint ( vcl::RenderContext rRenderContext,
const ::tools::Rectangle rRect 

◆ RestartShow() [1/2]

void sd::ShowWindow::RestartShow ( )

Definition at line 413 of file showwin.cxx.

References mnRestartPageIndex, and RestartShow().

Referenced by KeyInput(), MouseButtonUp(), and RestartShow().

◆ RestartShow() [2/2]

void sd::ShowWindow::RestartShow ( sal_Int32  nPageIndexToRestart)

◆ SetBlankMode()

bool sd::ShowWindow::SetBlankMode ( sal_Int32  nPageIndexToRestart,
const Color rBlankColor 

◆ SetEndMode()

void sd::ShowWindow::SetEndMode ( )

◆ SetMouseAutoHide()

void sd::ShowWindow::SetMouseAutoHide ( bool  bMouseAutoHide)

Definition at line 61 of file showwindow.hxx.

References mbMouseAutoHide.

◆ SetPauseMode()

bool sd::ShowWindow::SetPauseMode ( sal_Int32  nTimeoutSec,
Graphic const *  pLogo = nullptr 

◆ SetPreviewMode()

void sd::ShowWindow::SetPreviewMode ( )

Definition at line 382 of file showwin.cxx.

References meShowWindowMode, and sd::SHOWWINDOWMODE_PREVIEW.

◆ TerminateShow()

void sd::ShowWindow::TerminateShow ( )

Member Data Documentation

◆ maLogo

Graphic sd::ShowWindow::maLogo

Definition at line 92 of file showwindow.hxx.

Referenced by DrawPauseScene(), RestartShow(), SetPauseMode(), and TerminateShow().

◆ maMouseTimer

Timer sd::ShowWindow::maMouseTimer

Definition at line 90 of file showwindow.hxx.

Referenced by dispose(), MouseMove(), ShowWindow(), and TerminateShow().

◆ maPauseTimer

Timer sd::ShowWindow::maPauseTimer

Definition at line 89 of file showwindow.hxx.

Referenced by dispose(), RestartShow(), SetPauseMode(), ShowWindow(), and TerminateShow().

◆ maShowBackground

Wallpaper sd::ShowWindow::maShowBackground

◆ mbMouseAutoHide

bool sd::ShowWindow::mbMouseAutoHide

Definition at line 97 of file showwindow.hxx.

Referenced by MouseMove(), and SetMouseAutoHide().

◆ mbMouseCursorHidden

bool sd::ShowWindow::mbMouseCursorHidden

Definition at line 98 of file showwindow.hxx.

Referenced by MouseMove().

◆ mbShowNavigatorAfterSpecialMode

bool sd::ShowWindow::mbShowNavigatorAfterSpecialMode

Definition at line 96 of file showwindow.hxx.

Referenced by RestartShow(), SetBlankMode(), SetEndMode(), SetPauseMode(), and TerminateShow().

◆ meShowWindowMode

ShowWindowMode sd::ShowWindow::meShowWindowMode

◆ mnFirstMouseMove

sal_uInt64 sd::ShowWindow::mnFirstMouseMove

Definition at line 99 of file showwindow.hxx.

Referenced by MouseMove().

◆ mnPauseTimeout

sal_uLong sd::ShowWindow::mnPauseTimeout

Definition at line 93 of file showwindow.hxx.

Referenced by DrawPauseScene(), RestartShow(), SetPauseMode(), and TerminateShow().

◆ mnRestartPageIndex

sal_Int32 sd::ShowWindow::mnRestartPageIndex

Definition at line 94 of file showwindow.hxx.

Referenced by RestartShow(), SetBlankMode(), SetPauseMode(), and TerminateShow().

◆ mxController

::rtl::Reference< SlideshowImpl > sd::ShowWindow::mxController

Definition at line 105 of file showwindow.hxx.

Referenced by KeyInput(), MouseButtonUp(), Paint(), and TerminateShow().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: