N__cxxabiv1 | |
Nabi_aarch64 | |
Nabi_riscv64 | |
Nabp | |
Naccess2base | |
Naccessibility | |
Nanim | |
Nanimcore | |
Napitest | |
Narm | |
NAttrSetHandleHelper | |
Navmedia | |
Naxp | |
Nbasctl | |
Nbasegfx | |
Nbasic | |
NBasicCharClass | |
Nbasprov | |
Nbenchmark_object | |
Nbenchmark_test | |
Nbib | |
Nbinaryurp | |
Nbridge_object | |
Nbridge_test | |
Nbrowsenodefactory | |
NBuilderUtils | |
Ncairo | |
Ncairocanvas | |
►Ncalc | |
COCellListSource | |
COCellValueBinding | |
Ncanvas | |
NCharFormat | |
Nchart | |
Nchelp | |
Ncli_uno | |
Nclimaker | |
Ncmis | |
Ncodemaker | |
Ncolor | |
►Ncom | |
►Nsun | |
►Nstar | |
Naccessibility | |
Nawt | |
Nbeans | |
Nchart | |
►Nchart2 | |
Ndata | |
Ncontainer | |
Ndatatransfer | |
Ndocument | |
Ndrawing | |
Nembed | |
Nform | |
Nframe | |
Ni18n | |
Nio | |
Nlang | |
Nreflection | |
►Nscript | |
Nvba | |
Nsdbc | |
►Nsheet | |
Nopencl | |
Nstyle | |
Ntable | |
Ntask | |
Ntext | |
Nucb | |
Nui | |
Nuno | |
Nutil | |
Nview | |
►Nxml | |
Nsax | |
Ncommon | |
Ncomp_EventAttacher | |
Ncomphelper | |
Ncompmodule | |
►Ncondformat | |
Ndialog | |
Nentry | |
Nconfigmgr | |
Nconnectivity | |
Ncore | |
Ncppcanvas | |
Ncppu | |
Ncppu_threadpool | |
Ncppuhelper | |
Ncpuid | |
Ncrashreport | |
NCResourceProvider | |
NCResourceProvider_Impl | |
Ncui | |
Ndatabar | |
Ndbaccess | |
Ndbahsql | |
Ndbaui | |
Ndbaxml | |
Ndbp | |
Ndbtools | |
Ndesktop | |
►Ndetail | |
CScVbaHlinkContainer | |
CScVbaHlinkContainerMember | Base class for ScVbaHyperlinks to get an initialized ScVbaHlinkContainer class member before the ScVbaHyperlinks_BASE base class will be constructed |
Ndlgprov | |
Ndocfunc | |
NDocumentSignatureHelper | |
NDocumentSignatures | |
Ndocx | |
NDOM | |
Ndp_gui | |
Ndp_log | |
Ndp_manager | |
Ndp_misc | |
Ndp_registry | |
►Ndrawinglayer | |
Nattribute | |
Ndetail | |
Ngeometry | |
Nprimitive2d | |
Nprimitive3d | |
Nprocessor2d | |
NDriverBlocklist | |
Ndrivermanager | |
Ndxcanvas | |
Nediteng | |
NEEngineData | |
Nemfio | |
Nemfplushelper | |
NEnhancedCustomShape | |
NEnhancedCustomShapeTypeNames | |
Nexif | |
Nfactory_ns | |
Nfactoryimpl | |
Nfactoryimpl_ns | |
Nfactoryinc | |
Nfileaccess | |
Nflatpak | |
NFontworkHelpers | |
Nfoo | |
Nformula | |
Nframework | |
Nfrm | |
Nfs | |
NFStatHelper | |
Nftp | |
Nfunc_provider | |
Ngen_cert_header | |
Ngentoken | |
Ngfx | |
Ngio | |
Nhelpdatafileproxy | |
Nhelper | |
NHelperNotifyChanges | |
Nhierarchy_ucp | |
Nhppa | |
Nhttp_dav_ucp | |
Ni18npool | |
Ni18nutil | |
Nia64 | |
NIAccessible2Lib | |
Nimpl | |
NImplVectorizer | |
Nimporter | |
Ninprocserv | |
Ninternal | |
Nio_acceptor | |
Nio_stm | |
Njavaunohelper | |
Njfw | |
Njni_uno | |
Njs2hxx | |
Njsdialog | |
Nkf5access | |
NLibreLogo | |
Nlinguistic | |
Nlogging | |
Nloongarch64 | |
Nmailmerge | |
Nmain | |
Nmathml | |
Nmatop | |
Nmigration | |
NMinimumRaggednessWrap | |
Nmodel | |
Nmodelpreprocess | |
Nmozilla | |
Nmsfilter | |
Nmsgbox | |
NMSOPBString | |
Nmsword | |
NMSWorksCalcImportFilterInternal | |
Nmy_sc_impl | |
NmyImplHelpers | |
Nmysqlc_sdbc_driver | |
Nnamespaces | |
Nnaturalsort | |
NNotebookBarAddonsMerger | |
NNS_sprm | |
NnsHdFtFlags | |
NnsSwDocInfoSubType | |
NnsSwExtendedSubType | |
NnsSwGetSetExpType | |
Nnumfunc | |
►No3tl | |
Ndetail | |
Ninternal | |
Ctyped_flags< CellShiftDisabledFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< CreateNameFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< CRFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< ExcColRowFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< ExcTabBufFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< FuncFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< HasAttrFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< ImportFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< InsertContentsFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< InsertDeleteFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< PaintPartFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< PivotFunc > | |
Ctyped_flags< sc::MatrixEdge > | |
Ctyped_flags< ScBreakType > | |
Ctyped_flags< ScCharFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< ScClipMark > | |
Ctyped_flags< ScCloneFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< ScCsvDiff > | |
Ctyped_flags< ScDragSrc > | |
Ctyped_flags< ScMatValType > | |
Ctyped_flags< ScMF > | |
Ctyped_flags< ScPasteFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< ScRangeData::Type > | |
Ctyped_flags< ScRefFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< ScScenarioFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< SubtotalFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< XclStrFlags > | |
Nobjectpositioning | |
Noffapp | |
Nofficehelper | |
Noglcanvas | |
►Nooo | |
►Nvba | |
►Nexcel | |
CScVbaCellRangeAccess | |
Nword | |
►Noox | |
Ncore | |
Ncrypto | |
Ndetail | |
►Ndrawingml | |
Nchart | |
Ntable | |
Ndump | |
Nformulaimport | |
Nole | |
Nppt | |
Nvml | |
►Nxls | |
CAddressConverter | Converter for cell addresses and cell ranges for OOXML and BIFF filters |
CAlignment | |
CAlignmentModel | Contains all XML cell alignment attributes, e.g |
CAnchorClientDataModel | Application-specific client data of a shape |
CAnchorPointModel | Absolute position in a spreadsheet (in EMUs) independent from cells |
CAnchorSizeModel | Absolute size in a spreadsheet (in EMUs) |
CApiAlignmentData | Contains all API cell alignment attributes |
CApiBorderData | Contains API attributes of a complete cell border |
CApiFilterSettings | Contains UNO API filter settings for a column in a filtered range |
CApiFontData | Contains all API font attributes |
CApiFontUsedFlags | Contains used flags for all API font attributes |
CApiNumFmtData | Contains all API number format attributes |
CApiOpCodes | Contains all API op-codes needed to build formulas with tokens |
CApiParserWrapper | A wrapper around the FormulaParser service provided by the Calc document |
CApiProtectionData | Contains all API cell protection attributes |
CApiScriptFontName | Contains API font name, family, and charset for a script type |
CApiSolidFillData | Contains API fill attributes |
CApiTokenIterator | Token sequence iterator that is able to skip space tokens |
CApiTokenVector | A vector of formula tokens with additional convenience functions |
CAutoFilter | |
CAutoFilterBuffer | |
CAutoFilterContext | |
CAutoFormatModel | |
CBiffHelper | Static helper functions for BIFF filters |
CBinAddress | A 2D cell address struct for binary filters |
CBinComplexRef2d | A 2D formula cell range reference struct with relative flags |
CBinRange | A 2D cell range address struct for binary filters |
CBinRangeList | A 2D cell range address list for binary filters |
CBinSingleRef2d | A 2D formula cell reference struct with relative flags |
CBorder | |
CBorderContext | |
CBorderLineModel | Contains XML attributes of a single border line |
CBorderModel | Contains XML attributes of a complete cell border |
CCalcSettingsModel | Workbook calculation settings |
CCellAnchorModel | Position in spreadsheet (cell position and offset inside cell) |
CCellFormulaModel | Stores data about cell formulas |
CCellModel | Stores basic data about cell values and formatting |
CCellStyle | |
CCellStyleBuffer | |
CCellStyleModel | Contains attributes of a cell style, e.g |
CChartsheetFragment | |
CColor | |
CColorFilter | Settings for a color filter |
CColorPalette | Stores all colors of the color palette |
CColorScaleContext | |
CColorScaleRule | |
CColorScaleRuleModelEntry | |
CColumnModel | Stores settings and formatting data about a range of sheet columns |
CComment | |
CCommentModel | |
CCommentsBuffer | |
CCommentsFragment | |
CCondFormat | Represents a conditional formatting object with a list of affected cell ranges |
CCondFormatBuffer | |
CCondFormatContext | |
CCondFormatModel | Model for a conditional formatting object |
CCondFormatRule | Represents a single rule in a conditional formatting |
CCondFormatRuleModel | Model for a single rule in a conditional formatting |
CConnection | An external data connection (database, web query, etc.) |
CConnectionContext | |
CConnectionModel | Common properties of an external data connection |
CConnectionsBuffer | |
CConnectionsFragment | |
CCustomFilter | Settings for a custom filter, specifying one or two comparison operators associated with some values |
CDataBarContext | |
CDataBarRule | |
CDataTableModel | Stores data about table operations |
CDataValidationsContext | |
CDataValidationsContextBase | |
CDefinedName | |
CDefinedNameBase | Base class for defined names and external names |
CDefinedNameModel | |
CDefinedNamesBuffer | |
CDiscreteFilter | Settings for a discrete filter, specifying a list of values to be shown in the filtered range |
CDrawingFragment | Fragment handler for a complete sheet drawing |
CDxf | |
CDxfContext | |
CExcelChartConverter | |
CExcelFilter | |
CExcelGraphicHelper | Relative character height if escaped |
CExcelVbaProject | Special implementation of the VBA project for the Excel filters |
CExCfRuleModel | |
CExtCfCondFormat | |
CExtCfDataBarRule | |
CExtCfRuleContext | |
CExtCondFormatRuleModel | |
CExtConditionalFormattingContext | |
CExtDataValidationsContext | |
CExternalLink | |
CExternalLinkBuffer | |
CExternalLinkFragment | |
CExternalName | |
CExternalNameModel | |
CExternalSheetDataContext | This class implements importing the sheetData element in external sheets |
CExtGlobalContext | A single ext entry |
CExtGlobalWorkbookContext | |
CExtLstGlobalContext | Used for the actual ExtLst containing the new extended definition |
CExtLstGlobalWorkbookContext | |
CExtLstLocalContext | Handle ExtLst entries in xlsx |
CFileSharingModel | Settings for workbook write protection |
CFill | Contains cell fill attributes, either a pattern fill or a gradient fill |
CFillContext | |
CFilterColumn | A column in a filtered range |
CFilterColumnContext | |
CFilterCriterionModel | A filter criterion for a custom filter |
CFilterSettingsBase | Base class for specific filter settings for a column in a filtered range |
CFilterSettingsContext | |
CFont | |
CFontContext | |
CFontModel | Contains all XML font attributes, e.g |
CFontPortionModel | Represents a position in a rich-string containing current font identifier |
CFontPortionModelList | A vector with all font portions in a rich-string |
►CFormulaBuffer | |
CFormulaValue | |
CSharedFormulaDesc | Represents a formula cell that uses shared formula |
CSharedFormulaEntry | Represents a shared formula definition |
CSheetItem | |
CTokenAddressItem | |
CTokenRangeAddressItem | |
CFormulaFinalizer | A generic formula token array finalizer |
CFormulaParser | Import formula parser for OOXML and BIFF filters |
CFormulaParserImpl | |
CFormulaProcessorBase | Base class for import formula parsers and export formula compilers |
CFunctionInfo | Represents information for a spreadsheet function |
CFunctionParamInfo | Structure that contains all needed information for a parameter in a function |
CFunctionParamInfoIterator | Iterator working on the mpParamInfos member of the FunctionInfo struct |
CFunctionProvider | Provides access to function info structs for all available sheet functions |
CFunctionProviderImpl | |
CGradientFillModel | Contains XML gradient fill attributes from the gradientFill element |
CGroupShapeContext | Context handler for creation of shapes embedded in group shapes |
CHeaderFooterParser | |
CHyperlinkModel | Stores data about a hyperlink range |
CIconSetContext | |
CIconSetRule | |
CIgnoreCaseCompare | Functor for case-insensitive string comparison, usable in maps etc |
CIndexedColorsContext | |
CIWorksheetProgress | |
CLinkSheetRange | Contains indexes for a range of sheets in the spreadsheet document |
CNumberFormat | Contains all data for a number format code |
CNumberFormatsBuffer | |
CNumFmtModel | |
COOXMLFormulaParser | OOXML formula parser/compiler service for usage in ODF filters |
COOXMLFormulaParserImpl | |
COpCodeProvider | Provides access to API op-codes for all available formula tokens and to function info structs for all available sheet functions |
COpCodeProviderImpl | |
CPageBreakModel | Stores formatting data about a page break |
CPageSettings | |
►CPageSettingsConverter | |
CHFHelperData | |
CPageSettingsModel | Holds page style data for a single sheet |
CPaneSelectionModel | Contains all settings for a selection in a single pane of a sheet |
CPatternFillModel | Contains XML pattern fill attributes from the patternFill element |
CPCDefinitionModel | |
CPCFieldGroupModel | |
CPCFieldModel | |
CPCSharedItemsModel | |
CPCSourceModel | |
CPCWorksheetSourceModel | |
CPhoneticDataModel | |
CPhoneticPortionModel | Represents a phonetic text portion in a rich-string with phonetic text |
CPhoneticPortionModelList | A vector with all phonetic portions in a rich-string |
CPhoneticSettings | |
CPivotCache | |
CPivotCacheBuffer | |
CPivotCacheDefinitionFragment | |
CPivotCacheField | |
CPivotCacheFieldContext | |
CPivotCacheGroupItem | Helper struct for mapping original item names from/to group item names |
CPivotCacheItem | |
CPivotCacheItemList | |
CPivotCacheRecordsFragment | |
CPivotTable | |
CPivotTableBuffer | |
CPivotTableField | |
CPivotTableFieldContext | |
CPivotTableFilter | |
CPivotTableFilterContext | |
CPivotTableFragment | |
CProtection | |
CProtectionModel | Contains all XML cell protection attributes, e.g |
CPTDataFieldModel | |
CPTDefinitionModel | |
CPTFieldItemModel | |
CPTFieldModel | |
CPTFilterModel | |
CPTLocationModel | |
CPTPageFieldModel | |
CQueryTable | |
CQueryTableBuffer | |
CQueryTableFragment | |
CQueryTableModel | |
CRefSheetsModel | Represents a REF entry in the BIFF12 EXTERNALSHEETS or in the BIFF8 EXTERNSHEET record |
►CRevisionHeadersFragment | |
CImpl | |
►CRevisionLogFragment | |
CImpl | |
CRichString | Contains string data and a list of formatting runs for a rich formatted string |
CRichStringContext | |
CRichStringPhonetic | Contains text data and positioning information for a phonetic text portion |
CRichStringPortion | Contains text data and font attributes for a part of a rich formatted string |
CRowModel | Stores settings and formatting data about a sheet row |
CScenario | |
CScenarioBuffer | |
CScenarioCellModel | |
CScenarioContext | |
CScenarioModel | |
CScenariosContext | |
CShape | |
CShapeAnchor | Contains the position of a shape in the spreadsheet |
CShapeMacroAttacher | |
CSharedStringsBuffer | Collects all strings from the shared strings substream |
CSharedStringsFragment | |
►CSheetDataBuffer | Manages the cell contents and cell formatting of a sheet |
CMergedRange | Stores information about a merged cell range |
CRowRangeStyle | |
CStyleRowRangeComp | |
CXfIdRowRange | Stores information about a range of rows with equal cell formatting |
CSheetDataContext | This class implements importing the sheetData element |
CSheetInfoModel | Contains data from the 'sheet' element describing a sheet in the workbook |
CSheetProtectionModel | Sheet protection settings |
CSheetScenarios | |
CSheetScenariosModel | |
CSheetSettingsModel | Sheet and outline settings |
CSheetViewModel | Contains all view settings for a single sheet |
CSheetViewSettings | |
CSortCondition | |
CSortConditionContext | |
CSortStateContext | |
CSparkline | Transitional sparkline data |
CSparklineGroup | Transitional sparkline group data |
CSparklineGroupsContext | Handle import of the sparkline, sparkline group and attributes |
CStylesBuffer | |
CStylesFragment | |
CTable | |
CTableBuffer | |
CTableColumn | A column in a table (database range) |
CTableColumnContext | |
CTableColumns | |
CTableColumnsBuffer | |
CTableColumnsContext | |
CTableFragment | |
CTableModel | |
CThemeBuffer | |
CTop10Filter | Settings for a top-10 filter |
CUnitConverter | Helper class that provides functions to convert values from and to different units |
CValidationModel | Stores data about ranges with data validation settings |
CViewSettings | |
CVmlControlMacroAttacher | |
CVmlDrawing | |
CVmlDrawingFragment | |
CWebPrModel | Special properties for data connections representing web queries |
CWorkbookContextBase | Context handler derived from the WorkbookHelper helper class |
CWorkbookFragment | |
CWorkbookFragmentBase | Fragment handler derived from the WorkbookHelper helper class |
CWorkbookGlobals | |
CWorkbookHelper | Helper class to provide access to global workbook data |
CWorkbookSettings | |
CWorkbookSettingsModel | Global workbook settings |
CWorkbookViewModel | Contains all view settings for the entire document |
►CWorksheetBuffer | Stores information about all sheets in a spreadsheet document |
CSheetInfo | |
CWorksheetContextBase | Context handler derived from the WorksheetHelper helper class |
CWorksheetFragment | |
CWorksheetFragmentBase | Fragment handler derived from the WorksheetHelper helper class |
CWorksheetGlobals | |
CWorksheetHelper | |
CWorksheetSettings | |
►CXf | Represents a cell format or a cell style (called XF, extended format) |
CAttrList | |
CXfContext | |
CXfModel | Contains all data for a cell format or cell style |
Nopenclwrapper | |
NOpenStormBento | |
Nosl | |
Npackage | |
Npcr | |
Npdfi | |
NPictReaderShape | |
NPictReaderShapePrivate | |
Nppc64 | |
Nppt | |
Npq_sdbc_driver | |
NPresetGeometryTypeNames | |
NPresetOOXHandleAdj | |
Nproperties | |
Npseudo_uno | |
Npsp | |
Npythonloader | |
Npythonscript | |
Npyuno | |
Npyuno_loader | |
Nqnametostr | |
NRegressionCalculationHelper | |
Nreportdesign | |
Nresourceids | |
Nrptui | |
Nrptxml | |
NRTFOutFuncs | |
Nrtl | |
Ns390x | |
Nsalhelper | |
NSameContentListBox | |
Nsamplecomponent | |
Nsax | |
Nsax_fastparser | |
►Nsc | CAUTION! The following defines must be in the same namespace as the respective type |
►Ndatastreams | |
CReaderThread | |
►Nop | |
COp_ | |
CProduct | |
CSum | |
CSumSquare | |
►Nopencl | |
CCheckVariables | |
CCumipmt | |
CDynamicKernelArgument | (Partially) abstract base class for an operand |
CDynamicKernelConstantArgument | Arguments that are actually compile-time constants |
CDynamicKernelSlidingArgument | Handling a Double Vector that is used as a sliding window input to either a sliding window average or sum-of-products Generate a sequential loop for reductions |
CDynamicKernelStringArgument | A vector of strings |
CDynamicKernelStringToZeroArgument | |
CFormulaGroupInterpreterOpenCL | |
CFormulaTreeNode | |
CFvschedule | |
CInvalidParameterCount | |
CNormal | |
COpAbs | |
COpAccrint | |
COpAccrintm | |
COpAmordegrc | |
COpAmorlinc | |
COpAnd | |
COpArcCos | |
COpArcCosHyp | |
COpArcCot | |
COpArcCotHyp | |
COpArcSin | |
COpArcSinHyp | |
COpArcTan | |
COpArcTan2 | |
COpArcTanH | |
COpAveDev | |
COpAverage | |
COpAverageA | |
COpAverageIf | |
COpAverageIfs | |
COpB | |
COpBase | Abstract class for code generation |
COpBesselj | |
COpBetaDist | |
COpBetainv | |
COpBinomdist | |
COpBitAnd | |
COpBitLshift | |
COpBitOr | |
COpBitRshift | |
COpBitXor | |
COpCeil | |
COpChiDist | |
COpChiInv | |
COpChiSqDist | |
COpChiSqInv | |
COpCombin | |
COpCombinA | |
COpConfidence | |
COpCorrel | |
COpCos | |
COpCosh | |
COpCot | |
COpCoth | |
COpCount | |
COpCountA | |
COpCountIf | |
COpCountIfs | |
COpCoupdaybs | |
COpCoupdays | |
COpCoupdaysnc | |
COpCoupncd | |
COpCoupnum | |
COpCouppcd | |
COpCovar | |
COpCritBinom | |
COpCsc | |
COpCscH | |
COpCumipmt | |
COpCumprinc | |
COpDB | |
COpDDB | |
COpDeg | |
COpDevSq | |
COpDiv | Technically not a reduction, but fits the framework |
COpDollarde | |
COpDollarfr | |
COpDuration_ADD | |
COpEffective | |
COpenCLError | Failed in marshaling |
COpEqual | |
COpEven | |
COpExp | |
COpExponDist | |
COpFact | |
COpFdist | |
COpFInv | |
COpFisher | |
COpFisherInv | |
COpFloor | |
COpForecast | |
COpFTest | |
COpFV | |
COpFvschedule | |
COpGamma | |
COpGammaDist | |
COpGammaInv | |
COpGammaLn | |
COpGauss | |
COpGeoMean | |
COpGestep | |
COpGreater | |
COpGreaterEqual | |
COpHarMean | |
COpHypGeomDist | |
COpIf | |
COpInt | |
COpIntercept | |
COpInterceptSlopeBase | |
COpIRR | |
COpIsEven | |
COpIsOdd | |
COpKurt | |
COpLess | |
COpLessEqual | |
COpLn | |
COpLog | |
COpLog10 | |
COpLogicalBinaryOperator | Implements OpAnd, OpOr, OpXor |
COpLogInv | |
COpLogNormDist | |
COpMathOneArgument | Implements functions in the form of FUNC(x), e.g |
COpMathTwoArguments | Implements functions in the form of FUNC(x1, x2), e.g |
COpMax | |
COpMaxA | |
COpMDuration | |
COpMin | |
COpMinA | |
COpMod | |
COpMul | |
COpNegbinomdist | |
COpNegSub | |
COpNominal | |
COpNop | Operator traits |
COpNormdist | |
COpNorminv | |
COpNormsdist | |
COpNormsinv | |
COpNot | |
COpNotEqual | |
COpNper | |
COpNPV | |
COpOdd | |
COpOddlprice | |
COpOddlyield | |
COpOr | |
COpPDuration | |
COpPearson | |
COpPearsonCovarBase | |
COpPermut | |
COpPermutationA | |
COpPhi | |
COpPMT | |
COpPoisson | |
COpPower | |
COpPrice | |
COpPriceDisc | |
COpPriceMat | |
COpProduct | |
COpPV | |
COpQuotient | |
COpRadians | |
COpRate | |
COpReceived | |
COpRound | |
COpRoundDown | |
COpRoundUp | |
COpRRI | |
COpRsq | |
COpSec | |
COpSecH | |
COpSeriesSum | |
COpSin | |
COpSinh | |
COpSkew | |
COpSkewp | |
COpSLN | |
COpSlope | |
COpSqrt | |
COpSqrtPi | |
COpStandard | |
COpStDev | |
COpStDevA | |
COpStDevP | |
COpStDevPA | |
COpSub | |
COpSum | |
COpSumIf | |
COpSumIfs | |
COpSumProduct | |
COpSumSQ | |
COpSumX2MY2 | |
COpSumX2PY2 | |
COpSumXMY2 | |
COpSYD | |
COpTan | |
COpTanH | |
COpTbilleq | |
COpTbillprice | |
COpTbillyield | |
COpTDist | |
COpTInv | |
COpTrunc | |
COpTTest | |
COpVar | |
COpVarA | |
COpVarP | |
COpVarPA | |
COpVarStDevBase | |
COpVDB | |
COpVLookup | |
COpWeibull | |
COpXirr | |
COpXor | |
COpYield | |
COpYielddisc | |
COpYieldmat | |
COpZTest | |
Coutputstream | |
CParallelReductionVectorRef | Handling a Double Vector that is used as a sliding window input Performs parallel reduction based on given operator |
CPriceMat | |
CReduction | |
CSlidingFunctionBase | |
CSumOfProduct | |
CUnhandled | Inconsistent state |
CUnhandledToken | Exceptions |
CVectorRef | Holds an input (read-only) argument reference to a SingleVectorRef |
CVectorRefStringsToZero | |
►Nsidebar | |
CAlignmentPropertyPanel | |
CCellAppearancePropertyPanel | |
CCellBorderStylePopup | |
CCellLineStylePopup | |
CCellLineStyleValueSet | |
CNumberFormatPropertyPanel | |
CScPanelFactory | |
►Ntools | |
CChartIterator | |
CAggregateFunction | |
►CAlignedAllocator | Custom allocator for STL container to ensure that the base address of allocated storage is aligned to a specified boundary |
Crebind | |
CAreaListener | |
CAutoCalcSwitch | Temporarily switch on/off auto calculation mode |
►CBroadcasterState | |
CAreaListener | |
CCellListener | |
CBroadcasterTraits | |
CBulkDataHint | |
CCellNodeTraits | |
CCellStoreEvent | |
CCellStoreTraits | |
CCellTextAttr | |
CCellTextAttrTraits | |
CCellValues | Think of this as a mini-ScColumn like storage that only stores cell values in a column |
CCellValuesImpl | |
CCellValueSpan | |
CClipContextBase | |
CColRowReorderMapType | |
CColRowSpan | |
CColumnBlockConstPosition | |
CColumnBlockPosition | Store position data for column array storage |
CColumnBlockPositionSet | |
CColumnIterator | This iterator lets you iterate over cells over specified range in a single column |
CColumnRemoveTransformation | |
CColumnSet | Simple container to keep track of sheet - column pair |
►CColumnSpanSet | Structure that stores segments of boolean flags per column, and perform custom action on those segments |
CAction | |
CColumnAction | |
CColumnType | |
►CCompare | |
CCell | |
CCompareOptions | |
CCompiledFormula | Abstract base class for a "compiled" formula |
CCompileFormulaContext | |
►CCopyFromClipContext | |
CRange | |
CCopyToClipContext | |
CCopyToDocContext | |
CCSVDataProvider | |
CCSVFetchThread | |
CDataProvider | Abstract class for all data provider |
CDataProviderFactory | |
►CDataStream | |
►CCell | |
CStr | |
CLine | |
CDataStreamDlg | |
CDataTransformation | |
CDateTimeTransformation | |
CDelayDeletingBroadcasters | Wrapper for ScDocument::EnableDelayDeletingBroadcasters() |
CDelayFormulaGroupingSwitch | Wrapper for ScDocument::DelayFormulaGrouping() |
CDelayStartListeningFormulaCells | Wrapper for ScDocument::EnableDelayStartListeningFormulaCells() |
CDeleteRowTransformation | |
CDocFuncUtil | |
CDocumentLinkManager | |
CDocumentLinkManagerImpl | |
CDocumentStreamAccess | Provides methods to allow direct shifting of document content without broadcasting or shifting of broadcaster positions |
CDocumentStreamAccessImpl | |
CEditTextIterator | Iterate through all edit text cells in a given sheet |
CEndListeningContext | |
CExpandRefsSwitch | |
CExternalDataMapper | |
CExternalDataSource | |
CFindReplaceTransformation | |
CFormulaGroupAreaListener | |
►CFormulaGroupContext | |
CColArray | |
►CColKey | |
CHash | |
CFormulaGroupEntry | |
CFormulaGroupInterpreter | Abstract base class for vectorised formula group interpreters, plus a global instance factory |
►CFormulaLogger | Dummy class with all empty inline methods |
►CGroupScope | |
CImpl | |
CFormulaResultValue | |
CFuncElseNoOp | |
CFuncNotElem | |
CHTMLDataProvider | |
CHTMLFetchThread | |
CIdleSwitch | |
►CImportPostProcessData | Stores data imported from the file that need to be processed at the end of the import process |
CDataStream | Data stream data needs to be post-processed because it requires ScDocShell instance which is not available in the filter code |
CMergeColumnTransformation | |
CMixDocContext | |
CModelConstraint | |
CMultiDataCellState | |
CNoteEntry | |
CNumberTransformation | |
CNumFmtUtil | |
CParamIfsResult | |
CPivotTableDataProvider | |
CPivotTableDataSequence | |
CPivotTableDataSource | |
►CPivotTableSources | Store pivot table data that need to be post-processed at the end of the import |
CDBSource | |
CSelectedPages | |
CServiceSource | |
CSheetSource | |
CPrintPageRanges | |
CPrintPageRangesInput | |
CPurgeListenerAction | |
CQueryRange | |
CRangeColumnSpanSet | Optimized ColumnSpanSet version that operates on a single ScRange |
CRangeMatrix | |
CRangeTraverser | Iterator to traverse the addresses in a range if the range is one dimensional |
CRefColReorderHint | |
CRefHint | |
CRefQueryFormulaGroup | Used to collect positions of formula cells that belong to a formula group |
CRefRowReorderHint | |
CRefStartListeningHint | |
CRefStopListeningHint | |
CRefUpdateContext | Context for reference update during shifting, moving or copying of cell ranges |
CRefUpdateDeleteTabContext | |
CRefUpdateInsertTabContext | |
CRefUpdateMoveTabContext | |
CRefUpdateResult | |
CReorderParam | |
CReplaceNullTransformation | |
CRowHeightContext | |
CRowSpan | |
CScDBDataManager | This class handles the copying of the data from the imported temporary document to the actual document |
CScNumberFormatControl | |
CSearchResultsDlg | |
CSearchResultsDlgWrapper | |
CSetFormulaDirtyContext | |
CSharedFormulaGroupEntry | |
CSharedFormulaGroups | |
CSharedFormulaUtil | |
CSharedStringPoolPurge | |
CSingleColumnSpanSet | Keep track of spans in a single column only |
CSolverSettings | |
CSortTransformation | |
CSparkline | Sparkline data, used for rendering the content of a cell |
►CSparklineAttributes | Common properties for a group of sparklines |
CImplementation | Holder of sparkline attributes |
CSparklineCell | Holder of a sparkline, that is connected to a cell specific |
CSparklineData | Data defining a sparkline - input data and output position |
CSparklineDataRangeDialog | Dialog to change input data range for a sparkline
CSparklineDataRangeDialogWrapper | Wrapper for the sparkline data range dialog |
CSparklineDialog | Dialog to create or edit sparkline group attributes |
CSparklineDialogWrapper | Wrapper for the sparkline properties dialog |
CSparklineGroup | Common properties for a group of sparklines |
CSparklineGroupsExport | Handle the export of sparkline groups and sparklines |
CSparklineGroupsImportContext | Handle the import of sparkline groups and sparklines |
CSparklineImportData | Transitional import data of a sparkline |
CSparklineList | Tracks and gathers all created sparklines and sparkline groups |
CSparklineMarker | Contains the marker polygon and the color of a marker |
CSparklineRenderer | Render a provided sparkline into the input rectangle |
CSparklineShell | Shell to handle the sparkline context |
CSparklineTraits | |
CSparklineUndoData | Previous sparkline group data, which is restored at undo ungroupping |
CSparklineValue | Sparkline value and action that needs to me performed on the value |
CSparklineValues | Contains and manages the values of the sparkline |
►CSpellCheckContext | Class shared between grid windows to cache spelling results |
►CSpellCheckCache | |
►CCellPos | |
CHash | |
CSpellCheckResult | |
CSpellCheckStatus | |
CSplitColumnTransformation | |
CSQLDataProvider | |
CSQLFetchThread | |
CStartListeningContext | |
CSwapRowsTransformation | |
►CTableColumnBlockPositionSet | Set of column block positions only for one table |
CImpl | |
CTablePivotChart | |
CTablePivotCharts | |
►CTableValues | Stores cell values for multiple tables |
CImpl | |
CTextTransformation | |
CThemeColorChanger | |
CTokenStringContext | Context for creating string from an array of formula tokens, used in ScTokenArray::CreateString() |
CUndoDeleteSparkline | Undo action for deleting a Sparkline |
CUndoDeleteSparklineGroup | Undo action for deleting a sparkline group and all associated sparklines |
CUndoEditSparkline | Undo action for editing a Sparkline |
CUndoEditSparklneGroup | Undo action for editing a Sparkline |
CUndoFormulaToValue | |
CUndoGroupSparklines | Undo action for grouping sparklines |
CUndoGroupSparklinesData | Previous sparkline group data, which is restored at Undo grouping |
CUndoInsertSparkline | Undo action for inserting a Sparkline |
CUndoSetCells | |
CUndoSort | |
CUndoSwitch | |
CUndoThemeChange | |
CUndoUngroupSparklines | Undo action for ungrouping sparklines |
CUpdatedRangeNames | Keep track of all named expressions that have been updated during reference update |
CValueAndFormat | |
CXMLDataProvider | |
CXMLFetchThread | |
NScClipUtil | |
NSchXMLTools | |
NScPassHashHelper | |
NScRefTokenHelper | |
Nscriptforge | |
NScriptForgeHelper | |
Nscripting_protocolhandler | |
NScVbaControlFactory | |
NScXMLConditionHelper | |
Nsd | |
Nsdbtools | |
►Nsdr | |
Ncontact | |
Noverlay | |
Nproperties | |
Ntable | |
NSdrEngineDefaults | |
NSdrViewIter | |
Nsfx | |
Nsfx2 | |
NSfxFrameHTMLParser | |
NSfxTemplate | |
Nsimd | |
Nskeletonmaker | |
NSkiaHelper | |
NSkiaTests | |
NSL | |
Nslideshow | |
NSmGlobals | |
NSmLocalizedSymbolData | |
Nsot | |
NSpacingListBox | |
►NSpellCheckContext | |
►CSpellCheckCache | |
►CCellPos | |
CHash | |
Nspsupp | |
Nstarmathdatabase | |
Nstoc_connector | |
Nstoc_corefl | |
Nstoc_impreg | |
Nstoc_inv | |
Nstoc_invadp | |
Nstoc_javaloader | |
Nstoc_namingservice | |
Nstoc_sec | |
Nstoc_tcv | |
Nstore | |
Nstringresource | |
Nsvgi | |
Nsvl | These need to be in global namespace just like their respective types are |
Nsvt | |
NSvtCJKOptions | |
NSvtDefaultOptions | |
NSvtDocInfoTable_Impl | |
NSvtDynamicMenuOptions | |
NSvtExtendedSecurityOptions | |
NSvtHistoryOptions | |
NSvtLanguageOptions | |
Nsvtools | |
NSvtOptionsDrawinglayer | |
NSvtSaveOptions | |
NSvtSecurityOptions | |
NSvtSystemLanguageOptions | |
NSvtTabAppearanceCfg | |
►Nsvx | |
Nclassification | |
Ndiagram | |
NDocRecovery | |
Nframe | |
NMediaShellHelpers | |
Nsidebar | |
NSignatureLineHelper | |
Ntheme | |
NSvxChartOptions | |
NSvxFillAttrBox | |
NSvxFillTypeBox | |
Nsvxform | |
NSvxHtmlOptions | |
NSvxPropertySetInfoPool | |
Nsw | |
NSwGlobals | |
NSwLangHelper | |
NSwMailMergeHelper | |
NSwNumberTree | |
NSwPostItHelper | |
NSwReaderWriter | |
NSwReqIfReader | |
NSwThreadJoiner | |
NSwTranslateHelper | |
Nswui | |
NSwUnoCursorHelper | |
NSWUnoHelper | |
NSystemPath | |
NT602ImportFilter | |
Ntdoc_ucp | |
Ntest | |
Ntestcomp | |
Ntextconversiondlgs | |
NTextFormatCollFunc | |
NTkResMgr | |
Ntoolkit | |
Ntoolkitform | |
Ntools | |
NTransfrmHelper | |
NTranslate | |
Ntreeview | |
Nucb_cmdenv | |
Nucbhelper | |
Nucbhelper_impl | |
NUITest | |
Nuno | |
Nunocontrols | |
Nunodevtools | |
Nunoexe | |
Nunogallery | |
Nunohelper | |
Nunoidl | |
Nunopkg | |
Nunourl_resolver | |
NURIHelper | |
NURLEncoder | |
Nutl | |
Nuui | |
Nvalidation | |
Nvcl | |
Nvcl_sal | |
Nvclcanvas | |
Nvclmain | |
Nweld | |
Nwinwrap | |
Nwmfemfhelper | |
Nwriterfilter | |
Nwriterperfect | |
Nww | |
Nww8 | |
NwwUtility | |
Nx86 | |
Nx86_64 | |
►Nxcl | |
►Nexp | |
CSparklineBuffer | Determines if sparklines needs to be exported and initiates the export |
CSparklineExt | Export for sparkline type of <ext> element - top sparkline element |
NXclExpFontHelper | Helper functions for font export |
Nxforms | |
NXMLImageStyle | |
Nxmloff | |
NXMLRangeHelper | |
Nxmlscript | |
Nxmlsecurity | |
NXPath | |
NZipUtils | |